(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Champ de fleurs duo cushion turquoise turquoise
Champ de Fleurs Duo Cushion Turkuaz TurkuazChamp de Fleurs Duo yostig'i turkuaz turkuaz rangda taqdim etiladi, bu bizning yuqori sifatli uy bezatish mahsulotlari kollektsiyamizning so'nggi qo'shimchasi. Eng yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan bu yostiq har qanday yashash maydoniga nafislik va uslubni olib kelish uchun juda mos keladi.Champ de Fleurs Duo yostig‘i chiroyli gulli dizaynga ega bo‘lib, ko‘zni o‘ziga rom etadi. har qanday xonada issiq va jozibali muhit yaratish. Turkuaz va oq rang sxemasi ham jonli, ham tinchlantiruvchi bo‘lib, uni har qanday interyer dekorasiga mukammal qo‘shadi.Yumshoq, yuqori sifatli matodan tayyorlangan va qulay tampon bilan to‘ldirilgan bu yostiq nafaqat zamonaviy va nafis, lekin ayni paytda nihoyatda qulay va uzoq ish kunidan keyin dam olish uchun mukammal. Dam olish uchun qulay joy qidiryapsizmi yoki yashash joyingizga o'ziga xoslik qo'shishni xohlaysizmi, bu yostiq mukammal tanlovdir.Champ de Fleurs Duo yostig'iga g'amxo'rlik qilish ham nihoyatda oson. va saqlash, bu har qanday band uy xo'jaligi uchun amaliy tanlov qiladi. U mashinada yuvilishi mumkin va mashinada osongina quritilishi mumkin, bu esa, hatto yillar davomida ishlatilganidan keyin ham har doim eng yaxshi ko‘rinishini va yorqin ranglarini saqlab qolishini ta’minlaydi.Xo‘sh, nima uchun kutish kerak? Bugun uy dekor kolleksiyangizga firuza rangdagi Champ de Fleurs Duo yostig‘ini qo‘shing va yashash joyingizga nafislik va uslubni olib keling!..
222.81 USD
Hartman ro'moli oq
Hartmann Shawl - White The Hartmann Shawl in white is a fashionable accessory that exudes elegance and sophistication. Made of pure wool, this shawl is incredibly soft and comfortable to wear, while also providing warmth and insulation during cold weather. It features a timeless design with a subtle diamond pattern, making it a versatile accessory that can be paired with any outfit, whether dressy or casual. Comfortable and Versatile Crafted using premium materials and exquisite workmanship, the Hartmann Shawl is a must-have accessory for any fashion-savvy individual who values quality and style. Its lightweight and breathable construction makes it perfect for all seasons, while its generous dimensions provide ample coverage, making it easy to drape over your shoulders for an effortlessly stylish look. Perfect for Any Occasion Whether you're dressed up for a night out, or simply running errands in a casual outfit, the Hartmann Shawl is the perfect accessory to complete your look. Its luxurious feel and attractive design will instantly elevate any outfit, adding a touch of sophistication and elegance. Plus, its neutral white color makes it easy to mix and match with other accessories, such as hats, gloves, and scarves. Care Instructions To keep your Hartmann Shawl looking and feeling like new, we recommend following these care instructions: Dry clean only Do not bleach Iron on low heat if necessary Store in a cool, dry place Order Yours Today If you're ready to add a touch of luxury to your wardrobe, the Hartmann Shawl in white is the perfect accessory. Order yours today and experience the comfort, versatility, and style that this shawl has to offer. ..
8.04 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)