
elastik suv o'tkazmaydigan gips

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Elastik suv o'tkazmaydigan plasterlar yaralarni parvarish qilish uchun yuqori himoya va qulaylikni ta'minlaydi. DermaPlast Comfort texnologiyasiga ega bo'lgan bu plasterlar elastik, suv o'tkazmaydigan, havo o'tkazuvchan va ehtiyotkorlik bilan kiyish uchun teri rangiga ega. Hipoalerjenik yopishtiruvchi ularning teriga yumshoq bo'lishini ta'minlaydi, yopishqoq bo'lmagan yara yostig'i esa kichik va katta yuzaki yaralarni og'riqsiz olib tashlash va samarali davolash imkonini beradi. Yo‘l-yo‘lakay foydalanish uchun ideal bo‘lgan bu plasterlar o‘lchamiga qarab osongina kesilishi mumkin, bu ko‘p qirrali va qulaylikni ta’minlaydi. Dermatologik sinovdan o'tgan, ular Shveytsariyaning Sog'liqni saqlash va go'zallik mahsulotlari doirasidagi "Yaralarni yopish uchun plastmassa" toifasiga kiradi.
Dermaplast comfort schnellverb 6cmx10cm 10 dona

Dermaplast comfort schnellverb 6cmx10cm 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 4006494

DermaPlast Comfort quick bandage is elastic, waterproof, air-permeable and cuddly. The skin-coloured plasters therefore offer a high level of wearing comfort and at the same time effective protection against water and moisture.The plasters have a wound pad that does not stick to the wound and are hypoallergenic thanks to the skin-friendly adhesive.These plasters are skin-coloured quick-cut wound dressings that you can cut yourself. The plasters are suitable for both smaller and larger superficial wounds. Dermatologically tested...

10.82 USD

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