elastik sport bandaji
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Dermaplast active sport bandaji 4cmx5m
DermaPlast Active sport bandaji 4cmx5m Fikslash, bosim va tayanch bandajlar uchun elastik bandaj. Oʻz-oʻzidan yopishqoq, nafas oladigan va qoʻlda yirtib tashlash mumkin. 97% paxta, 2% poliamid va 1% poliuretandan tayyorlangan mustahkam, yopishqoq bandaj. Material juda elastik, gözenekli va nafas oladigan. Qisqa cho'zilgan bandaj, ayniqsa, sport va ko'p jismoniy mashqlar uchun javob beradi. Fiksatsiyalar, bosim va qo'llab-quvvatlovchi bandajlar uchun javob beradi. Bandaj teri rangi va ko'k rangda mavjud. - Elastik - Havo o'tkazuvchan - O'z-o'zidan yopishtiruvchi - Teri uchun qulay...
10.60 USD
Dermaplast active sportbandaj 8cmx5m
The Dermaplast Active sports bandage is particularly suitable for fixations, pressure and support bandages, for example during sports or for a lot of exercise in general. The sports bandage consists of a robust, cohesive bandage. The material of the bandage is 97% cotton, 2% polyamide and 1% polyurethane. This mixture makes the bandage tearable by hand, very elastic, porous and permeable to air. Can help prevent or acutely with sprains, sprains and strains Short-stretch bandageTearable by handSelf-adhesivePermeable to airSkin-friendlyElastic ..
13.91 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)