elastik yopishqoq bandaj
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Elastik yopishqoq bandajlar yarani samarali parvarish qilish va bog'ichni mahkamlash uchun zarurdir. Dermaplast Cofix kabi bu bandajlar osongina cho'ziladi va faqat o'ziga yopishadi, teriga yoki sochga yopishmasdan og'riqsiz qo'llanilishi va olib tashlanishini ta'minlaydi. Ularning havo o'tkazuvchanligi, suv o'tkazmaydigan va sirpanmaslik xususiyatlari ularni amaliy va qulay qiladi. Turli o'lchamlarda mavjud bo'lgan bu ko'p qirrali bandajlar qo'shimcha mahkamlashni talab qilmaydi. Yara bandajlarini samarali ta'minlash uchun ideal, ular salomatlik va go'zallik mahsulotlarida, xususan, Shveytsariya bozorida asosiy hisoblanadi.
Dermaplast cofix 6cmx20m weiss
Dermaplast Cofix in white is a gauze bandage that can be stretched.It does not stick to the skin or hair, only to itself, making it ideal for the practical fixation of wound dressings. No further fixation (such as fixing clamps or plasters) is necessary. This makes it very easy to use.The material is air-permeable, water-repellent and non-slip.The package contains a roll with the dimensions 6cm x 20m. ..
23.80 USD
Dermaplast cofix 8cmx4m weiss
Dermaplast Cofix in white is a gauze bandage that can be stretched.It does not stick to the skin or hair, only to itself, making it ideal for the practical fixation of wound dressings. No further fixation (such as fixing clamps or plasters) is necessary. This makes it very easy to use.The material is air-permeable, water-repellent and non-slip.The package contains a roll with the dimensions 8cm x 4m. ..
8.07 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)