ehtiyotkor inkontinans prokladkalari
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Abena man premium formula 2 15 stk
Abena Man Premium Formula 2 – 15 Stk Abena Man Premium Formula 2 - bu ishonchli himoya va qulaylikka muhtoj bo'lgan erkaklar uchun mo'ljallangan 15 ta o'g'irlab ketmaslik prokladkalaridan iborat. Ular eng yuqori sifatli materiallar bilan yaratilgan bo'lib, ular suv o'tkazmaydigan va kiyish qulayligini ta'minlaydi. Ushbu prokladkalar namlikni tezda so'rib oladigan, terini quruq va toshmalar va tirnash xususiyatisiz saqlaydigan noyob changni yutish yadrosi bilan birga keladi. Ushbu tutqunlik uchun prokladkalar yuqori sifatli yopishtiruvchi tasmaga ega bo‘lib, prokladkani xavfsiz joyida ushlab turishi mumkin, bu sizga ishonch va erkinlik bilan harakatlanish imkonini beradi. Yostiqchalar ham anatomik shaklga ega bo'lib, tanangizga ehtiyotkorlik bilan va qulay tarzda mos keladi, shuning uchun siz ularni kiyganingizni ham sezmaysiz. Abena Man Premium Formula 2 mo''tadil va og'ir siydik o'g'irlab ketishdan aziyat chekadigan erkaklar uchun juda mos keladi. Ular hatto uzoq vaqt foydalanish paytida ham yuqori darajadagi himoyani ta'minlaydi. Ulardan foydalanish oson, orqa qog'ozni yechib, ichki kiyimingizga yopishtiring va siz borishga tayyorsiz. Ushbu 15 ta o'g'it tutmaslik uchun to'plam kundalik foydalanish yoki sayohat qilish uchun juda mos keladi. Ular qulay tarzda qadoqlangan, shuning uchun ularni sumkangizda yoki chamadoningizda osongina saqlashingiz mumkin. Agar siz yuqori darajadagi himoya, qulaylik va ishonchni ta'minlovchi o'g'irlab ketmaslik prokladkasini izlayotgan bo'lsangiz, Abena Man Premium Formula 2 siz uchun ideal tanlovdir. ..
17.95 USD
Always discreet boutique incontinence long 8 pcs
Har doim Discreet Boutique Incontinence Long prokladkalari bilan tanishtiramiz, inkontinansni ishonchli boshqarish uchun oqilona va ishonchli yechim. Har bir paketda o'rtacha va og'ir siydik pufagi oqishi bilan ishlash uchun mo'ljallangan 8 ta uzun yostiq mavjud. Butik dizayni ham ixtiyoriylikni, ham qulaylikni ta'minlaydi, uzoq muddat kiyish uchun xavfsiz va qulay bo'lib qoladigan nozik va moslashuvchan konstruktsiyaga ega. Ushbu prokladkalar oqish va hidlardan ilg'or himoyani ta'minlaydi va kun davomida sizni yangi va quruq his qiladi. Doim Discreet Boutique Incontinence Long prokladkalari yordamida o'zini tuta olmaslikni nazorat qiling, ishonchli va qulay himoyada sizning ehtiyotkor hamkoringiz...
12.97 USD
Tena lady discreet maxi 12 stk
TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk: Product Description TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is a pack of incontinence pads specially designed for women who suffer from moderate to heavy bladder weakness. These pads offer maximum protection against leaks, odors and moisture, allowing you to stay confident, comfortable and dry all day long. Features of TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk Unique LockAway Core Technology: This feature quickly and effectively locks away any moisture, keeping you dry and preventing any leaks. Odour Control: The TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is equipped with odour neutralizers that prevent unpleasant smells and keep you feeling fresh and confident. Comfortable and Discreet Design: These incontinence pads are incredibly thin, soft and discreet, ensuring maximum comfort and discretion, regardless of what you are wearing. Dermatologically Tested: The TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk have been dermatologically tested and are gentle on even the most sensitive skin. Who is it designed for? The TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is specifically designed for women who suffer from moderate to heavy incontinence. Whether you have occasional leaks or a more severe form of bladder weakness, these pads provide maximum protection and superior comfort, allowing you to continue with your daily routine without any inconvenience or embarrassment. Product Advantages Provides maximum protection against leaks and moisture, ensuring you stay confident, comfortable and dry all day long Unique LockAway Core Technology and Odour Control Comfortable and Discreet Design that is incredibly thin, soft and gentle on the skin Dermatologically Tested and safe for even the most sensitive skin Improves quality of life for women who suffer from incontinence Conclusion TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is the perfect solution for women who suffer from incontinence. These pads provide maximum protection against leaks and moisture, while also being incredibly comfortable and discreet. The LockAway Core Technology, Odour Control and dermatological testing make them an excellent choice for women who demand superior quality and performance from their incontinence products. Try them today and discover the difference they can make in your quality of life!..
21.98 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)