
dietani boshqarish

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 6 gacha 6
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Muayyan oziqlanish ehtiyojlari va parhez sharoitlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun mo'ljallangan, dietani boshqarish bo'yicha ixtisoslashgan mahsulotlarimiz qatorini o'rganing. Metabolik kasalliklar, oziq-ovqat allergiyalari yoki ozuqa moddalarining etishmasligidan qat'i nazar, bizning diqqat bilan tanlangan tanlovimiz sizning sog'lig'ingiz va farovonligingizni yaxshilash uchun moslashtirilgan echimlarni taklif qiladi. Turli yosh guruhlari va dietaga bo'lgan talablar uchun ideal, dietani samarali boshqarish va optimal ovqatlanish muvozanatiga hissa qo'shadigan mahsulotlarni o'rganing.
Aptamil as syneo powder

Aptamil as syneo powder

Mahsulot kodi: 7787827

Inhaltsverzeichnis Ko'rsatkich Aptamil AS Syneo Ko'rsatkich Zum Diätmanagement bei schwerer Kuhmilchproteinallergie. 768031 / 15.12.2020 ..

88.22 USD

Daosin tablets 60 stk

Daosin tablets 60 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 7804280

On the diet management of food intolerance caused by histamine intolerance. Composition 4.2 mg protein extract from pig kidney, 0.3 mg corresp.: Diaminooxidase, per tablet. Properties Contains the enzyme diaminooxidase, which is contained in a protein extract from pig kidney is. Application DAOSIN® should definitely be taken with a little water before a meal - ideally about 15 minutes before. When the food containing histamine from the meal reaches the intestine, the tablet should already have dissolved and the DAO it contains should be active. The maximum daily intake is 3 tablets (equivalent to 3 meals containing histamine per day). The tablet should not be chewed before swallowing, but swallowed whole so that the contents pass through the stomach to the intestines undamaged. ..

82.58 USD

Fresubin 2 kkal compact drink vanil 4 fl 125 ml

Fresubin 2 kkal compact drink vanil 4 fl 125 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7831434


28.44 USD

Milupa ga 2-topping plv from 1 year can 500 g

Milupa ga 2-topping plv from 1 year can 500 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7531551

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Milupa GA 2-prima Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei Kleinkindern ab 1 Jahr und Schulkindern mit Glutarazidurie Typ I. 765390 / 19.07.2019 ..

651.97 USD

Milupa tyr 3-advanta powder 15 yoshdan boshlab

Milupa tyr 3-advanta powder 15 yoshdan boshlab

Mahsulot kodi: 7531516

Table of Contents Advertisement Milupa TYR 3-advanta Advertisement For diet management in adolescents aged 15 and over and adults with tyrosinemia. 765233 / 07/01/2019 ..

760.64 USD

Qo'shimcha ichimlik apelsin ananas

Qo'shimcha ichimlik apelsin ananas

Mahsulot kodi: 7844819

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation ProvideXtra DRINK Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei Patienten mit bestehender oder drohender Mangelernährung, insbesondere bei erhöhtem Energiebedarf und/oder Malassimilation, inklusive dem präoperativen Diätmanagement bei chirurgischen Patienten. 814527 / 07.12.2022 ..

35.49 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 6 gacha 6
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
expert advice