(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Champ de fleurs cushion 45x34cm turquoise turquoise
Champ de Fleurs cushion 45x34cm - Turquoise Add a touch of elegance and comfort to your home decor with this beautiful Champ de Fleurs cushion. Measuring 45x34cm, this cushion comes in a stunning shade of turquoise, making it the perfect accessory to brighten up any room in your house. High-Quality Materials Made from premium-quality materials, this cushion is designed to offer long-lasting comfort and durability. The cover is made from soft and velvety fabric that is gentle on your skin and provides a comfortable feel. The cushion also features a luxurious filling that provides the right amount of support for your back, neck, and shoulders. Stylish Design The design of this cushion is inspired by the beauty of nature, with an intricate floral pattern that adds a touch of sophistication to any decor style. The cushion is perfect for adding a pop of color to your living room, bedroom, or even your office space. Easy to Clean The cover of this cushion is removable and machine-washable, making it easy to keep clean and fresh. Simply remove the cover and toss it in your washing machine for a quick and easy clean. You can also spot clean the cushion in case of minor spills or stains. Shop with Confidence At our store, we are committed to providing high-quality products that are both stylish and functional. All our products come with a satisfaction guarantee, and we are always here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Order your Champ de Fleurs cushion today and add a touch of elegance to your home decor!..
157.24 USD
Champ de fleurs duo cushion turquoise turquoise
Champ de Fleurs Duo Cushion Turkuaz TurkuazChamp de Fleurs Duo yostig'i turkuaz turkuaz rangda taqdim etiladi, bu bizning yuqori sifatli uy bezatish mahsulotlari kollektsiyamizning so'nggi qo'shimchasi. Eng yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan bu yostiq har qanday yashash maydoniga nafislik va uslubni olib kelish uchun juda mos keladi.Champ de Fleurs Duo yostig‘i chiroyli gulli dizaynga ega bo‘lib, ko‘zni o‘ziga rom etadi. har qanday xonada issiq va jozibali muhit yaratish. Turkuaz va oq rang sxemasi ham jonli, ham tinchlantiruvchi bo‘lib, uni har qanday interyer dekorasiga mukammal qo‘shadi.Yumshoq, yuqori sifatli matodan tayyorlangan va qulay tampon bilan to‘ldirilgan bu yostiq nafaqat zamonaviy va nafis, lekin ayni paytda nihoyatda qulay va uzoq ish kunidan keyin dam olish uchun mukammal. Dam olish uchun qulay joy qidiryapsizmi yoki yashash joyingizga o'ziga xoslik qo'shishni xohlaysizmi, bu yostiq mukammal tanlovdir.Champ de Fleurs Duo yostig'iga g'amxo'rlik qilish ham nihoyatda oson. va saqlash, bu har qanday band uy xo'jaligi uchun amaliy tanlov qiladi. U mashinada yuvilishi mumkin va mashinada osongina quritilishi mumkin, bu esa, hatto yillar davomida ishlatilganidan keyin ham har doim eng yaxshi ko‘rinishini va yorqin ranglarini saqlab qolishini ta’minlaydi.Xo‘sh, nima uchun kutish kerak? Bugun uy dekor kolleksiyangizga firuza rangdagi Champ de Fleurs Duo yostig‘ini qo‘shing va yashash joyingizga nafislik va uslubni olib keling!..
222.81 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)