
kuren filamentlari

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CUREN® filamentlari: CUREN® filamentlarini o'z ichiga olgan ilg'or mahsulotlarimiz bilan tengsiz tish parvarishini kashf eting. Tish cho'tkasi va tish go'shti salomatligi uchun mo'ljallangan bu noyob tuklar tish go'shti chizig'iga muammosiz moslashib, yumshoq, ammo samarali tozalashni ta'minlaydi. Braketlar, implantlar yoki og'iz bo'shlig'i gigienasini qadrlaydiganlar uchun ideal. Stomatologlar bilan hamkorlikda ishlab chiqilgan va Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan innovatsion yechimlarimiz bilan tajribali tozalangan tishlar quvonchini his eting. Ham interdental, ham almashtirish cho'tkalari uchun mos bo'lgan mahsulotlarimiz har foydalanishda yuqori ishlash va maksimal samaradorlikni kafolatlaydi.
Curaprox chs 300 ersatzbursten quvvati 2 dona

Curaprox chs 300 ersatzbursten quvvati 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 5221852

Cleaning in perfection The brush head CHS 300 power brings maximum performance for sonic toothbrush professionals: This power head cleans to perfection and is extremely gentle and gentle. Double pack. Wow: The brush head CHS 300 Power delivers the highest performance for sonic toothbrush professionals. This power brush head cleans to perfection and is extremely soft and gentle. CUREN® filaments with a diameter of 0.152 mm. Thanks to the hydrodynamic effect, it also cleans where the filaments cannot reach. CUREN® filaments with a diameter of 0.152 mmReach all critical pointsExtremely high cleaning performancePleasantly gentle and gentleDeveloped in cooperation with Prof. Dr. medical dent. Ueli P. SaxerTwo Pack ..

24.65 USD

Curaprox cs 1006 cho'tkasi 6 mm yagona

Curaprox cs 1006 cho'tkasi 6 mm yagona

Mahsulot kodi: 1807489

For fans and lovers of perfect toothbrushing technique Adapts perfectly to the anatomy of the gum line: There is no better way to brush your teeth. The perfect brush for virtuoso tooth brushers. Trimming length 6 mm. CUREN® filaments, 0.1 mm diameter. Is that even a toothbrush? Yes, and how! There is no better way to brush your teeth: tooth by tooth, and the gum line is perfectly clean and the gums are protected. Jiri Sedelmayer developed the cleaning technique, this is the so-called solo technique, and CURAPROX designed the single-tuft brush for it, which is really good: not only with CUREN® filaments, but also with beautifully rounded tufts of bristles. How come? Well, this is how the filaments adapt wonderfully to the anatomy of the gum line. Also recommended for braces and implants or simply for the joy of brushing your teeth perfectly.? Flatters the gum line? CUREN® filaments with a perfect round cut? For braces and implants...? ...or simply for the joy of brushing your teeth perfectly ..

9.76 USD

Curaprox cs 5460 tish cho'tkasi ortho west

Curaprox cs 5460 tish cho'tkasi ortho west

Mahsulot kodi: 4578167

Curaprox CS 5460 Ortho West tish cho'tkasi Yumshoq va nihoyatda samarali. Ushbu tish cho'tkasi Gumsga oshiq bo'lasiz: 5460 CUREN® filamentlari tufayli CS 5460 ultra yumshoq yumshoqlik va samaradorlik jihatidan tengsiz va butun dunyoda seviladi. 5460 CUREN® filamentlari Blyashkaning eng qiyin raqibi: CUREN® tuklarining yumshoqligi: CS tish cho'tkalari haqiqatan ham nihoyatda yumshoq. CS 5460 ultra yumshoqning 5460 CUREN® filamentlari nihoyatda zich va samarali tozalovchi sirt hosil qiladi. Tish go'shti va tishlarga yumshoq; CUREN® filamentlari blyashka ustida juda qattiq. CS tish cho'tkalaridan birini sinab ko'rgan har bir kishi bu tish cho'tkasi tajribasini boshqa hech qachon o'tkazib yuborishni xohlamaydi. Curaprox tish cho'tkalari nafaqat cho'tkaning shikastlanishini oldini oladi; ammo tartibsizlik va blyashka optimal tarzda olib tashlash. CUREN® tuklari neylonga qaraganda qattiqroq va quruq bo'lgani kabi og'izda ham barqaror bo'lib qoladi. Bu xususiyatlar ko'p sonli juda nozik cho'tkalarga ega bo'lgan tish cho'tkalarini ishlab chiqarish imkonini beradi. CUREN® filamentlari tufayli yumshoq, bir-biriga yaqin joylashgan CUREN® filamentlari tufayli samarali tozalash yuzasi Hamma joylarga etib boradi: ixcham bosh, bir oz burchakli Sakkiz burchakli tutqich to'g'ri burchak ostida tozalash uchun ..

9.76 USD

Curaprox hydrosonic power pro brush heads duo pack 2 dona

Curaprox hydrosonic power pro brush heads duo pack 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7431370

Toothbrush head Hydrosonic Pro «power», duo pack Properties The powerful one ? a blessing for the gums. The "power" brush head stands for intensive yet caring tooth cleaning: perfect for effective oral hygiene with healthy gums. Powerful and yet soft. With proven soft CUREN® filaments. With normal gums or simply because you like it that way. Drop-shaped head, extra small, for high-precision cleaning, tooth by tooth. Supports the hydrodynamic effect. Developed with Prof. Dr. medical dent. Ueli P. Saxer. Made in Switzerland. Gentle and effective: fine CUREN® bristles with a diameter of 0.15 millimetersReaches every spot very easily: CURACURVE® ergonomics, that's the perfect one KnickDrop shape for high-precision cleaning, tooth by toothExtra comfortable: rubberized backsideSupports the hydrodynamic effectDeveloped with Prof. dr medical dent. Ulrich P. SaxerFits all CURAPROX sonic toothbrushes Recommendation: replace after three months at the latest; for braces and brackets after six to eight weeks. Application For adults. ..

32.61 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 4 gacha 4
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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