
curaprox-gidrosonik-sezgir-cho'tkasi boshlari

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Curaprox Hydrosonic Sensitive Brush Heads bilan yuqori darajadagi og'iz bo'shlig'i parvarishini kashf eting. Tish tishlari sezgir bo'lganlar uchun mo'ljallangan bu cho'tka boshlari tish go'shti sog'lig'iga g'amxo'rlik qilish bilan birga yumshoq, ammo samarali tozalash, bakteriyalar va blyashka olib tashlash uchun ultra yumshoq CUREN® filamentlariga ega. Ko'z yoshi shaklidagi bosh tish-tishni aniq tozalash imkonini beradi, gidrodinamik effektni kuchaytiradi. Stomatologiya mutaxassisi professor, doktor Ulrich P. Saxer bilan hamkorlikda ishlab chiqilgan va Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan ushbu cho'tka boshlari yuqori sifatli ishlashni ta'minlaydi. Barcha CURAPROX sonik tish cho'tkalari uchun mos keladi, ularni har uch oyda yoki braketlar bilan ishlatilsa, har olti-sakkiz haftada bir marta almashtirish tavsiya etiladi. Og'iz bo'shlig'i gigienasi tartibida qulaylik va samaradorlikni qadrlaydigan foydalanuvchilar uchun juda mos keladi.
Curaprox hydrosonic sezgir pro brush heads duo to'plami 2 dona

Curaprox hydrosonic sezgir pro brush heads duo to'plami 2 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 7431387

Hydrosonic Pro «sensitive» toothbrush head, duo pack Properties The gentle one - good for sensitive gums.Yes, it's gentle. And it protects and cares for the gums. However, it is extremely effective for gum problems. He just knows what is important, our «sensitive» brush head has some objections to bacteria and plaque. And sometimes, with inflammation or even periodontitis, gentleness is simply pleasant. Especially when it works.Particularly gentle and yet highly efficient. With extra soft CUREN® filaments. For sensitive gums, periodontitis - or simply because you like it that way. Extra small teardrop-shaped head for high-precision cleaning, tooth by tooth. Supports the hydrodynamic effect. Developed with Prof. Dr. medical dent. Ueli P. Saxer. Made in Switzerland. Gentle and effective: the finest CUREN® bristles with a diameter of 0.12 millimetersReaches every spot very easily: CURACURVE® ergonomics, that's the perfect one KnickDrop shape for high-precision cleaning, tooth by toothExtra comfortable: rubberized backsideSupports the hydrodynamic effectDeveloped with Prof. dr medical dent. Ulrich P. SaxerFits all CURAPROX sonic toothbrushes Recommendation: replace after three months at the latest; for braces and brackets after six to eight weeks. Application For adults. ..

32.61 USD

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