curaprox tish cho'tkasi
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Curaprox ata tish cho'tkasi
Curaprox ATA tish cho'tkasining xususiyatlariO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 22 g Uzunligi: 19 mm Kenig'i: 42 mm Balandligi: 223 mm Curaprox ATA tish cho‘tkasini Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
8.72 USD
Curaprox black - oq tish cho'tkalari qora / qora 2 dona
Curaprox Black is White tish cho'tkalarining xususiyatlari qora / qora 2 donaSaqlash harorati min/maks 15/25 daraja SelsiyO'ramdagi miqdori: 2 donaOg'irligi: 56g Uzunligi: 32mm Eni: 46mm Balandligi: 201mm Curaprox Black is White tish cho'tkalarini sotib oling qora / qora 2 dona onlayn Shveytsariyadan..
18.38 USD
Curaprox cs 1006 cho'tkasi 6 mm yagona
For fans and lovers of perfect toothbrushing technique Adapts perfectly to the anatomy of the gum line: There is no better way to brush your teeth. The perfect brush for virtuoso tooth brushers. Trimming length 6 mm. CUREN® filaments, 0.1 mm diameter. Is that even a toothbrush? Yes, and how! There is no better way to brush your teeth: tooth by tooth, and the gum line is perfectly clean and the gums are protected. Jiri Sedelmayer developed the cleaning technique, this is the so-called solo technique, and CURAPROX designed the single-tuft brush for it, which is really good: not only with CUREN® filaments, but also with beautifully rounded tufts of bristles. How come? Well, this is how the filaments adapt wonderfully to the anatomy of the gum line. Also recommended for braces and implants or simply for the joy of brushing your teeth perfectly.? Flatters the gum line? CUREN® filaments with a perfect round cut? For braces and implants...? ...or simply for the joy of brushing your teeth perfectly ..
9.76 USD
Curaprox cs 5460 triopack
Curaprox CS 5460 Triopack xususiyatlariO'ramdagi miqdori: 1 donaOg'irligi: 0,00000000g Uzunligi: 0mm Kengligi: 0mm Balandligi: 0mm Curaprox CS 5460 Triopackni Shveytsariyadan onlayn xarid qiling..
21.09 USD
Curaprox sensitive tish cho'tkasi compact soft super 3960
This toothbrush provides a CURAPROX cleaning experience: 3960 CUREN® filaments are gentle on the gums - and offer excellent cleaning performance. 3960 CUREN® filaments, 0.12 mm diameter. Important: Colors vary CURAPROX toothbrushes not only prevent cleaning damage , but disorganize and remove plaque optimally. CUREN® bristles are stiffer than nylon and remain as stable in the mouth as they are when dry. These properties make it possible to produce toothbrushes with a large number of very fine bristles.CURAPROX CS toothbrushes remove and disorganize plaque much more thoroughly - thanks to the extremely dense bristle field. ..
8.72 USD
Curaprox sensitive tish cho'tkasi compact ultra soft cs 5460
Curaprox Sensitive Tish cho'tkasi Compact ultrasoft CS 5460 Yumshoq va nihoyatda samarali. Ushbu tish cho'tkasi Gumsga oshiq bo'lasiz: 5460 CUREN® filamentlari tufayli CS 5460 ultra yumshoq yumshoqlik va samaradorlik jihatidan tengsiz va butun dunyoda seviladi. 5460 CUREN® filamentlari Blyashkaning eng qiyin raqibi: CUREN® tuklarining yumshoqligi: CS tish cho'tkalari haqiqatan ham nihoyatda yumshoq. CS 5460 ultra yumshoqning 5460 CUREN® filamentlari nihoyatda zich va samarali tozalovchi sirt hosil qiladi. Tish go'shti va tishlarga yumshoq; CUREN® filamentlari blyashka ustida juda qattiq. CS tish cho'tkalaridan birini sinab ko'rgan har bir kishi bu tish cho'tkasi tajribasini boshqa hech qachon o'tkazib yuborishni xohlamaydi. Curaprox tish cho'tkalari nafaqat cho'tkaning shikastlanishini oldini oladi; ammo tartibsizlik va blyashka optimal tarzda olib tashlash. CUREN® tuklari neylonga qaraganda qattiqroq va quruq bo'lgani kabi og'izda ham barqaror bo'lib qoladi. Bu xususiyatlar ko'p sonli juda nozik cho'tkalarga ega bo'lgan tish cho'tkalarini ishlab chiqarish imkonini beradi. CUREN® filamentlari tufayli yumshoq, bir-biriga yaqin joylashgan CUREN® filamentlari tufayli samarali tozalash yuzasi Hamma joylarga etib boradi: ixcham bosh, bir oz burchakli Sakkiz burchakli tutqich to'g'ri burchak ostida tozalash uchun ..
8.72 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)