KOAHni boshqarish
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Flo compact aerozol-nafas olish vositalari
FLO COMPACT aerozolli inhaler - bu samarali va qulay nafas olish terapiyasini ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan zamonaviy qurilma. Ushbu portativ inhaler astma, KOAH va bronxit kabi nafas olish kasalliklarini maqsadli davolash uchun ultra nozik zarrachalar aerozolini etkazib berishni taklif qiladi. O'zining ixcham va foydalanuvchilarga qulay dizayni bilan FLO COMPACT yo'l-yo'lakay qulay va ehtiyotkor foydalanish imkonini beradi. Inhalerning ovozsiz ishlashi va tez davolash vaqti bor, bu uni kattalar va bolalar uchun ideal qiladi. Ushbu innovatsion qurilma dori-darmonlarni optimal etkazib berishni ta'minlaydi, odamlarga nafas olish sog'lig'ini oson va samarali boshqarishga yordam beradi. FLO COMPACT aerozolli inhaler yordamida ingalyatsion terapiya tajribangizni oshiring...
198.42 USD
Klement klark mini rayt peak flow meter kattalar uchun standart 80-800
Clement Clarke Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter standard for adults 80-800 The Clement Clarke Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter is a reliable and accurate device used to measure the maximum airflow of an individual's lungs. It is designed to help adults monitor their breathing and track any changes in their lung function. This standard version is intended for adults with peak flow readings between 80-800 liters per minute. The Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter is compact and portable, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go. It is ideal for people with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other respiratory conditions. The device is easy to use, with a simple design that allows you to quickly and accurately measure your peak flow. The Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter comes with a clear plastic mouthpiece that is easy to clean and can be used by multiple users. The device also features color-coded zones that help you easily interpret your results and determine if your breathing is within an acceptable range or if you need to take action. The green zone represents good lung function, while the yellow and red zones indicate that your breathing is getting worse and you may need to adjust your treatment plan or seek medical attention. Overall, the Clement Clarke Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter is an essential tool for anyone with respiratory conditions who wants to track their lung function and manage their symptoms more effectively. With its accuracy and ease of use, this device can give you peace of mind and help you take control of your breathing. ..
60.42 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)