
mos keladigan elastik doka

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Mos keladigan elastik doka bandajlari yarani bog'lash uchun moslashuvchan va xavfsiz eritmalar bilan ta'minlash uchun zarurdir. Ushbu bandajlar cho'zish va tananing konturlariga moslashish uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, kichik jarohatlar, kesishlar va aşınmalar uchun qulay va samarali yordamni ta'minlaydi. Tibbiyot mutaxassislari va uyda foydalanish uchun ideal bo'lgan bu elastik doka bandajlari ishonchli himoyani ta'minlaydi va har qanday birinchi yordam to'plamining muhim tarkibiy qismidir. Turli xil sog'liqni saqlash sharoitlarida foydalanish uchun mos, ular qo'llash qulayligini ta'minlaydi va jismoniy mashqlar paytida mushaklar va bo'g'inlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun juda ko'p qirrali. Yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan, ular xavfsizlik va barqaror ishlashni ta'minlaydi.
Flawa ruxsat etilgan yuklangan doka bandaji 4mx10cm oq cellux

Flawa ruxsat etilgan yuklangan doka bandaji 4mx10cm oq cellux

Mahsulot kodi: 7527710

Flawa Fixed Load Gauze Bandage 4mx10cm White CELLUX Flawa Fixed Load Gauze Bandage 4mx10cm White CELLUX is a medical bandage made from high-quality gauze that serves as a wound dressing. This product is designed to provide a supportive and protective dressing for minor injuries, cuts, and abrasions. The bandage is elasticated and stretchable, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods. This bandage is an essential item to have in any first aid kit or medical facility. The Flawa Fixed Load Gauze Bandage 4mx10cm White CELLUX is suitable for use by healthcare professionals and patients at home. The bandage is white in color and has a length of four metres and a width of ten centimetres, making it suitable for wrapping around various parts of the body comfortably. The Flawa Fixed Load Gauze Bandage is made from high-quality materials that are safe and reliable, ensuring consistent performance every time. The bandage is easy to use, making it ideal for emergency situations. Simply wrap the bandage around the affected area, and it will provide support and protection from further damage or injury. This product is efficient in preventing bleeding and stabilizing fractures. It is also useful in wound care management as a primary or secondary dressing. This bandage can also be used to support muscles and joints during sports and other physical activities. Overall, the Flawa Fixed Load Gauze Bandage 4mx10cm White CELLUX is an essential item that should be in everyone's first aid kit. It is reliable, versatile, and easy to use, making it suitable for use in various settings. The gauze bandage is a must-have in all medical facilities and homes, ensuring that medical emergencies and injuries are handled adequately...

79.32 USD

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