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Xavfsizligingizni ta'minlagan holda eshitish tajribangizni yaxshilash uchun maxsus tayyorlangan konsert mahsulotlarimiz assortimentini kashf eting. Tanlangan quloqchalarimiz shovqindan samarali himoya qiladi, bu ularni kontsertlar, partiyalar va boshqa baland ovozli tadbirlar uchun mukammal qiladi. Teri uchun qulay ko'pikdan tayyorlangan bu quloq tiqinlari yumshoq, anatomik shaklga ega va quloq kanalida muloyimlik bilan kengayadigan qulay joyni ta'minlaydi. SNR: 35 dB ning yuqori ovoz izolyatsiyasi darajasi bilan ular zararli shovqindan himoya qilishga yordam beradi. PUdan tayyorlangan va hayvonlardan olingan ingredientlardan xoli, bu quloq tiqinlari nafaqat amaliy, balki Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga ham javob beradi. Quloqlaringiz uchun hashamatni qabul qiling va eshitish sog'lig'ingizni himoya qilgan holda har bir zarbadan zavqlaning.
Rangli quloqchalar shovqindan himoya qiluvchi 8 dona

Rangli quloqchalar shovqindan himoya qiluvchi 8 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2888219

Property name Earplugs against noise Composition EN. Features Ohropax Color 8PIECE.8 soft foam earplugs.Protection from noise.Ideal for parties, concerts and leisure .OHROPAX Color are soft, anatomically shaped earplugs made of skin-friendly foam. They gently expand in the ear canal and reliably protect against harmful noise and disturbing noises. Practical for parties, concerts and loud sporting events as well as for work, DIY, concentrated reading and sleeping.Please read the leaflet!Sound insulation (EN 24869-1): SNR: 35 dB. Material: PU; free from ingredients of animal origin. Luxury for the ears. Application Roll.Insert. Hold until expansion. Property name Earplugs against noise Composition DE. Properties Ohropax Color 8PIECES. 8 soft foam earplugs.Protection from noise.Ideal for parties, concerts and leisure time.OHROPAX Color are soft, anatomically shaped earplugs made of skin-friendly foam. They gently expand in the ear canal and reliably protect against harmful noise and disturbing noises. Practical for parties, concerts and loud sporting events as well as for work, DIY, concentrated reading and sleeping.Please read the leaflet!Sound insulation (EN 24869-1): SNR: 35 dB. Material: PU; free of ingredients of animal origin.A luxury for the ears. Application Roll.Insert. Hold to the point of expansion.This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

9.41 USD

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