
tozalash samaradorligi

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Veb-saytimizda "Tozalash samaradorligi" yorlig'i ajoyib tozalash samaradorligi va foydalanish qulayligini ta'minlaydigan mahsulotlarni ta'kidlaydi. Curaprox LS 635 o'rta tishlararo cho'tkalari va paro Flexi Grip 8 mm stomatologik asboblar kabi taniqli mahsulotlar og'iz bo'shlig'i gigienasi bo'yicha yuqori darajadagi ishlashga misoldir. Optimal blyashka va qoldiqlarni olib tashlash uchun mo'ljallangan, bu interdental cho'tkalar tishlar orasidagi va milk chizig'i bo'ylab yaxshilab tozalashni ta'minlaydi. Ularning innovatsion dizayni va yuqori sifatli tuklari qulaylik va aniqlikni ta'minlab, ularni og'iz bo'shlig'i salomatligi va gigienasini saqlash uchun zarur bo'lgan narsalarga aylantiradi. Ham professional, ham shaxsiy foydalanish uchun ideal bo'lgan ushbu mahsulotlar yuqori tozalash natijalari va og'iz bo'shlig'ini parvarish qilish tartiblarini yaxshilashga intilayotgan foydalanuvchilarga xizmat qiladi. Samaradorligi va ishonchliligi bilan mashhur Shveytsariyada ishlab chiqarilgan stomatologiya yechimlarini topish uchun ushbu teg ostida bizning tanlovimizni o'rganing.
Curaprox ls 635 cho'tkasi o'rta tishlararo cho'tkalar 8 dona

Curaprox ls 635 cho'tkasi o'rta tishlararo cho'tkalar 8 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 1890295

Curaprox LS 635 cho'tkasi o'rta tishlararo cho'tkalar 8 dona CURAPROX LS imkon qadar sodda va toza bo'lib, juda yaxshi tozalash ko'rsatkichlarini taklif etadi. Ko'pgina stomatologlar va ko'plab foydalanuvchilar ushlagichsiz foydalanish uchun uzun stendli tizimimizni qadrlashadi. Ayniqsa uzun sim tozalashni osonlashtiradi. 8 dona..

20.77 USD

Paro flexi grip 8 mm mittel-grob violett zylindrisch 4 stk

Paro flexi grip 8 mm mittel-grob violett zylindrisch 4 stk

Mahsulot kodi: 3489674

paro Flexi Grip 8mm mittel-grob violett zylindrisch 4 Stk The paro Flexi Grip 8mm mittel-grob violett zylindrisch 4 Stk is the perfect solution for anyone who needs a high-quality dental instrument for home or office use. This innovative dental tool features a unique 8mm cylindrical design that offers optimal cleaning performance and maximum comfort during use. The mittel-grob bristles of the paro Flexi Grip 8mm mittel-grob violett zylindrisch 4 Stk are designed to effectively remove plaque and debris from teeth and gums, while also massaging and stimulating the gums for improved oral health. The distinctive violett color makes it easy to identify the mittel-grob bristles and ensure that you're using the correct dental instrument for your specific needs. The paro Flexi Grip 8mm mittel-grob violett zylindrisch 4 Stk features a durable, yet flexible grip that offers better control and precision during use. With its ergonomic design and easy-to-grip texture, this dental instrument is comfortable to use even for extended periods of time. Plus, it's available in a convenient four pack, so you can always have a fresh dental instrument on hand when you need it most. Overall, the paro Flexi Grip 8mm mittel-grob violett zylindrisch 4 Stk is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to achieve better oral health and hygiene. With its high-quality bristles, durable grip, and easy-to-use design, this dental instrument is sure to become a staple in your oral care routine. ..

6.88 USD

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(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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