(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Dermaplast aqua finger mix 16 stk
Wound cover to protect the wound from water and moisture. The DermaPlast® Aqua is a wound cover to protect the wound from water and moisture. It is a transparent, waterproof, breathable film plaster with a non-stick dressing. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
12.14 USD
Dermaplast kompress plus 7,5x10 sm
DermaPlast kompress Plus 7,5x10 sm 25 dona Dermaplast Compress Plus butunlay changni yutish paxtadan qilingan. Yara kompresslari aşınmalar, kesishlar va yaralar uchun javob beradi. Ular bir tomondan teshilgan plyonka bilan qoplangan. DermaPlast® Compress Plus yumshoq jun matodan qilingan changni yutish kompress bo'lib, ishqalanish, kesish yoki yorilishlarni yopish uchun ideal. Qoplama yaraga yopishishni kamaytiradi...
24.74 USD
Dosett mini dozalash
The dosing box is the medicine dispenser for small medicines. This makes taking medication clear and no longer forgotten. Properties For 1 week. 3 compartments per day.This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
20.48 USD
Illa dush uchun himoya plyonka 40 x 25 sm qo'l to'plami 5 dona
Oyoq/PE plyonkasi uchun ILLA dushdan himoya plyonkasi; suv o'tkazmaydigan, yopishtiruvchi chiziqlar bilan, teriga mos, allergiyaga qarshi sinovdan o'tgan. Ushbu mahsulot CE belgisiga ega. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi. ..
31.02 USD
Illa dush uchun himoya plyonka 80 x 25 sm qo'l sumkasi 5 dona
PE plyonka, suv o'tkazmaydigan, yopishtiruvchi chiziqlar bilan, teriga mos, allergiya sinovidan o'tgan. Ushbu mahsulot CE belgisiga ega. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi. ..
32.05 USD
Illa dush uchun himoya plyonka 80 x 40 sm oyoq tizza sumkasi 5 dona
PE plyonka, suv o'tkazmaydigan, yopishtiruvchi chiziqlar bilan, teriga mos, allergiya sinovidan o'tgan. Ushbu mahsulot CE belgisiga ega. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi. ..
32.05 USD
Kawe ticks fix shomil forseps zanglamaydigan po'latdan
Xususiyatlar Xususiyatlar: sterilizatsiya qilinadi; XususiyatlarXususiyatlar: sterilizatsiya qilish mumkin; Ushbu mahsulot CE belgisiga ega. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini kafolatlaydi...
20.44 USD
Ko'p quloq tiqinlari eshitish tiqinlari 1 juft
The anatomically shaped plug is made of pleasantly soft plastic with air-cushioned fins. Properties With strap.This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
15.58 USD
Medi-7 medikamentendosierer 7 tage d/f/i rang
Features 4 compartments per day. Medi-7 medication dispenser 7 days D/F/I colore: 1 different color for each tag. Properties 4 compartments per day.Medi-7 medication dispenser 7 days D/F/I colore: 1 different color for each day. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
33.45 USD
Scholl kurotex bosim nuqtasi gips 75x100mm 5 dona
Scholl pressure points plaster Kurotex protects against friction and relieves pressure pain immediately. Properties Features: hypoallergenic adhesive; extra thin; This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
15.65 USD
Vliwasoft slit y-cut 7.5x7.5cm sterile 50 x 2 pcs
The lint-free fleece is very absorbent and convinces with its low tendency to stick Properties Sterile, with Y-incision. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
29.90 USD
(hammasi 1 sahifa)