
keng spektrli himoya

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 6 gacha 6
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
Keng spektrli himoya UVA va UVB nurlariga qarshi keng qamrovli himoyani taklif etadi, bu sizning teringizni quyosh yonishidan, erta qarishdan va terining uzoq muddatli shikastlanishidan himoya qiladi. Quyoshdan himoyalovchi mahsulotlarimiz to'plamimiz barcha yoshdagilar uchun xavfsiz va samarali terini parvarish qilishni ta'minlaydigan tabiiy, organik va innovatsion formulalarni o'z ichiga oladi. Siz bolalarning nozik terisini himoya qilyapsizmi yoki ochiq havoda faollik paytida ishonchli quyoshdan himoyalanishni xohlaysizmi, bu mahsulotlar teringizni har qanday muhitda himoya qilish uchun yuqori SPF ko'rsatkichlari va suvga chidamli imtiyozlarni taqdim etadi. Keng spektrli himoya yechimlarimiz bilan sog'lom, namlangan terini saqlab, xotirjamlikdan rohatlaning.
4protection om24 quyoshdan himoyalovchi spf 30 fl 100ml

4protection om24 quyoshdan himoyalovchi spf 30 fl 100ml

Mahsulot kodi: 5942209

4Protection OM24 Quyoshdan himoyalovchi SPF 30 bilan mukammal quyoshdan himoya qiling. Ushbu ilg'or formula teringizni zararli quyosh nurlaridan himoya qilish uchun keng spektrli UVA va UVB himoyasini taklif etadi. Yengil va yog'siz mustahkamlik oson surtishni ta'minlaydi va teringizni silliq va namlangan his qiladi. Kuchli antioksidant kompleks bo'lgan OM24 bilan boyitilgan bu quyosh ekrani quyosh ta'siridan kelib chiqadigan erkin radikallar va erta qarish bilan kurashishga yordam beradi. Kundalik foydalanish uchun ideal, bu 100 ml shisha yo'lda himoya qilish uchun juda mos keladi. Teringizni quyosh ostida xavfsiz va sog‘lom saqlash uchun 4Protection-ga ishoning...

48,21 USD

Daylong sport active protection spf50+ tube 200 ml

Daylong sport active protection spf50+ tube 200 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7748464

Daylong Sport Faol himoya SPF50+ Tb 200 ml Sport mashg'ulotlari paytida ham ishonchli himoya qiladi. Ter va suvga chidamli. Yuqori teriga chidamlilik. Darhol quyoshdan himoyalanish. Faol odamlar uchun xavfsiz, tezkor quyoshdan himoyalanish - bu Daylong Sport SPF 50+. Innovatsion Fast Absorber texnologiyasi gidrogelning ayniqsa tez so'rilishini ta'minlaydi va darhol himoya qiladi. Keyingi sarguzashtga o'tishni kuta olmaydigan sport ixlosmandlari uchun juda mos keladi. O'zining juda yuqori UVA, UVB va IQ keng spektrli himoyasi bilan Hydrogel quyosh kremi ekstremal quyosh sharoitlariga qarshi turadi. U qo'shimcha suvga chidamli, toza va sho'r suvda sinovdan o'tgan va terga chidamli bo'lib, uni sport mashg'ulotlari uchun ideal echimga aylantiradi. Yog'siz quyosh kremi teriga juda mos keladi va an'anaviy emulsifikatorlardan ham xoli. U teshiklarni yopishmaydi va dermatologik sinovdan o'tgan. Qo'shimcha afzallik: Daylong Sport SPF 50+ ko'zni qichitmaydi. 50 ml hajmdagi paket ham shunchalik ixcham va yengilki, u yo‘lda ham foydalanish uchun juda mos keladi...

58,36 USD

Daylong sport faol himoya spf50+

Daylong sport faol himoya spf50+

Mahsulot kodi: 7748465

Daylong Sport Faol himoya SPF50+ Tb 50 ml Daylong Sport SPF 50+ - teriga chidamliligi yuqori, tez so'riydigan quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi gidrogel. U juda yuqori UVA, UVB va IR keng polosali himoyani taqdim etadi hamda suv va terga chidamli. Faol odamlar uchun xavfsiz, tezkor quyoshdan himoyalanish - bu Daylong Sport SPF 50+. Innovatsion Fast Absorber texnologiyasi gidrogelning ayniqsa tez so'rilishini ta'minlaydi va darhol himoya qiladi. Keyingi sarguzashtga o'tishni kuta olmaydigan sport ixlosmandlari uchun juda mos keladi. O'zining juda yuqori UVA, UVB va IQ keng spektrli himoyasi bilan Hydrogel quyosh kremi ekstremal quyosh sharoitlariga qarshi turadi. U qo'shimcha suvga chidamli, toza va sho'r suvda sinovdan o'tgan va terga chidamli bo'lib, uni sport mashg'ulotlari uchun ideal echimga aylantiradi. Yog'siz quyosh kremi teriga juda mos keladi va an'anaviy emulsifikatorlardan ham xoli. U teshiklarni yopishmaydi va dermatologik sinovdan o'tgan. Qo'shimcha afzallik: Daylong Sport SPF 50+ ko'zni qichitmaydi. 50 ml hajmdagi paket ham shunchalik ixcham va yengilki, u yo‘lda ham foydalanish uchun juda mos keladi...

33,25 USD

Piz buin tan and protect sun oelspray sf30 150 ml

Piz buin tan and protect sun oelspray sf30 150 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7776387

Piz Buin Tan & Protect Sun Oelspray SPF30 150ml Get the ultimate protection against the sun's harmful rays with Piz Buin Tan & Protect Sun Oelspray SPFThis sun oil spray is designed to provide your skin with a long-lasting, high-performance shield against UVA and UVB radiation, while also helping you achieve a glowing, sun-kissed tan. Formulated with advanced UVA and UVB filters, this Piz Buin sun oil spray provides broad-spectrum protection against the sun's harmful rays, helping to prevent sunburn and other forms of skin damage. Its unique blend of nourishing ingredients, including vitamin E, helps to keep your skin moisturized and hydrated even in the hot sun. The lightweight formula of the Piz Buin Tan & Protect Sun Oelspray SPF30 makes it easy to apply and quickly absorbed, without leaving a greasy or sticky residue. The spray function allows you to apply it evenly and reach even the hard-to-reach areas of your skin, ensuring a smooth and even coverage every time. Whether you are lounging on the beach or strolling around town, the Piz Buin Tan & Protect Sun Oelspray SPF30 will help you stay protected and achieve a natural, sun-kissed glow. It's perfect for all skin types and is water-resistant, making it ideal for use during sports and other outdoor activities. With a 150ml spray bottle, you can easily toss it into your beach bag or purse to have it on hand wherever you go. Don't let the sun's harmful rays ruin your fun in the sun ? choose Piz Buin Tan & Protect Sun Oelspray SPF30 for unbeatable sun protection and a beautiful, healthy-looking tan...

34,39 USD

Uvbio quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi sprey spf50 kids bio fl 50 ml

Uvbio quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi sprey spf50 kids bio fl 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7741429

UVBIO Sunscreen Spray SPF50 KIDS Bio Fl 50 ml Protect your little one's delicate skin with this high-quality UVBIO Sunscreen Spray SPF50 KIDS Bio Fl 50 ml. This revolutionary sunscreen formula is specially designed for children under 12 years old and offers a superior level of protection against harmful UV rays. Featuring a proprietary blend of natural, organic, and non-toxic ingredients, this sunscreen offers a safe and effective way to protect your child's skin. The all-natural formula is free from parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, and harmful chemicals, making it safe for even the most sensitive skin. The UVBIO Sunscreen Spray SPF50 KIDS Bio Fl 50 ml provides broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays, which are known to cause skin damage and premature aging. The high SPF50 rating ensures that your child's skin is effectively shielded from the sun's harmful rays, reducing the risk of sunburn and skin cancer. This easy-to-apply spray is formulated to provide long-lasting protection, even in water. It's also sweat-resistant and won't run into your little one's eyes, ensuring comfortable wear all day long. The compact and convenient 50 ml size makes it easy to take on-the-go for beach trips, pool days, or any outdoor adventure. The UVBIO Sunscreen Spray SPF50 KIDS Bio Fl 50 ml is an excellent choice for parents looking for a safe, effective, and convenient way to protect their children's skin from the sun. Order yours today and get peace of mind knowing your little one is safe and protected! ..

32,69 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 6 gacha 6
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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