
nafas oladigan yaralarni parvarish qilish

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3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster yugini o'z ichiga olgan nafas oladigan yaralarni parvarish qilish mahsulotlarimiz qatorini kashf eting. Ushbu innovatsion bandajlar nafas oladigan, bardoshli va suvga chidamli himoyani ta'minlab, qon ketishini darhol to'xtatish uchun mo'ljallangan. Kichkina jarohatlar va jarohatlar uchun ideal bo'lgan bu dumaloq bintlar ko'p qirrali va tananing har qanday qismida foydalanish uchun mos keladi. Birinchi tibbiy yordam to'plami uchun juda mos bo'lgan bizning yaralarni parvarish qilish bo'yicha yechimlarimiz favqulodda vaziyatlarda ham, kundalik foydalanishda ham qulaylik va ishonchlilikni ta'minlaydi. Salomatlik va go‘zallik sifat va samaraga to‘g‘ri keladigan “Bundaj, Qon to‘kuvchi paxta va yulka, Paxta va paxta tayoqchalari” toifalarida bizning kollektsiyamiz bilan tanishing.
3m nexcare blood-stop pflaster rund

3m nexcare blood-stop pflaster rund

Mahsulot kodi: 7840978

3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund The 3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund is the perfect bandage for minor cuts and injuries. With its innovative design, this bandage is able to stop bleeding instantly, making it ideal for emergency situations. It's made from a unique, high-quality material that's breathable, durable and water-resistant. The circular shape of the bandage makes it suitable for use on any part of the body. Features: Instantly stops bleeding High-quality material Breathable, durable and water-resistant Circular shape suitable for use on any part of the body Easy to apply and remove Benefits: Whether you're at home or out and about, the 3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund is an essential addition to your first aid kit. You never know when you might need to stop bleeding quickly, and this bandage is designed to do just that. Its breathable, durable and water-resistant properties make it comfortable to wear and perfect for use in any environment. It's also easy to apply and remove, with a non-stick pad that won't damage the wound or leave any residue behind. Usage: The 3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund is ideal for use on minor cuts and injuries. Simply clean the wound, apply the bandage, and it will instantly stop bleeding. The circular shape of the bandage makes it suitable for use on any part of the body, and its breathable and water-resistant properties provide long-lasting protection. It's also easy to remove when it's time for a change. Conclusion: The 3M NEXCARE Blood-Stop Pflaster rund is a must-have for anyone who wants to be prepared for minor injuries and emergency situations. Its innovative design and high-quality material make it the perfect bandage for stopping bleeding quickly and comfortably. From cuts and scratches to small wounds, this circular bandage is a versatile and effective solution that you can rely on...

9.00 USD

Dermaplast sezgir schnellverb hf 4x10cm 10 dona

Dermaplast sezgir schnellverb hf 4x10cm 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2207811

DERMAPLAST SENSITIVE Schnellverb hf 4x10cm 10 dona Moslashuvchan, yumshoq material hipoalerjenik, teriga mos va nafas oladigan. Yumshoq jun matodan tayyorlangan teriga qulay yara gipsi, nafas oladigan, yumshoq va yumshoq, yopishqoq bo'lmagan yara bandaji..

8.42 USD

Dermaplast sezgir schnellverb oq 8x10cm 10 dona

Dermaplast sezgir schnellverb oq 8x10cm 10 dona

Mahsulot kodi: 2182838

DERMAPLAST SENSITIVE tez tuzatish oq 8x10cm 10 dona Yumshoq jun matodan tayyorlangan sezgir tez yarani bog'lash nafas oladigan, yumshoq va yoqimli. O'zingizni kesishingiz uchun. Kichik va kattaroq yuzaki yaralar uchun javob beradi. Yumshoq jun matodan tayyorlangan teriga qulay yara gipsi, nafas oladigan, yumshoq va yumshoq, yopishqoq bo'lmagan yara bandaji..

13.91 USD

Ko'rsatildi 1 dan 3 gacha 3
(hammasi 1 sahifa)
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