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Blue Plaster yorlig'ida barmoqlar, qo'llar va oyoqlardagi yaralarni tez va oson parvarish qilish uchun ideal bo'lgan Quick Aid o'z-o'zidan yopishtiruvchi plasterlar mavjud. Teri uchun qulay materialdan tayyorlangan bu latekssiz va suv o'tkazmaydigan plasterlar elimsiz yaxshi yopishadi, bu esa og'riqsiz va qoldiqlarni olib tashlash imkonini beradi. Moslashuvchanlik va maksimal qulaylik uchun mo'ljallangan, ular qonni samarali o'zlashtiradi va suv bilan shug'ullanish va oshxonadan foydalanish paytida xavfsiz qoladi. Og'ir qon ketish holatlarida bosim bandajlarini shakllantirish uchun juda mos keladi, ular osongina kesilishi yoki kerakli uzunlikka yirtilishi mumkin.
Tez yordam plasterlari 6x460 sm latekssiz ko'k rol

Tez yordam plasterlari 6x460 sm latekssiz ko'k rol

Mahsulot kodi: 7257854

The Quick Aid plaster is a wound care plaster that is suitable for quick and easy treatment of wounds on fingers, arms and legs. The material of the product is very skin-friendly because no glue needs to be used due to its self-adhesive property. Nevertheless, the plaster holds very well and can also be removed easily, painlessly and without leaving any residue after application. Since the plaster is waterproof, it can also be used for water sports and in the kitchen without any problems. In addition, the plaster absorbs the blood and is highly flexible. BlueWithout latexWaterproof Self-adhesive, does not stick to skin, hair or woundsHighly flexible materialAbsorbs blood Application Cut the appropriate length from the roll or tear by hand. Place the patch once around the injured part of the body. Tighten the plaster while wrapping the body part.If the wound is bleeding profusely, the plaster can be formed into a pad and used as a pressure bandage. Several layers should also be used in the event of heavy bleeding...

26.14 USD

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