
Faol ingredientlar (Weisses Vaselin)

Ko'rsatildi 16 dan 30 gacha 30
(hammasi 2 sahifa)
Bepanthen Plus kremi 5% 4 Tb 3,5 g Bepanthen Plus kremi 5% 4 Tb 3,5 g

Bepanthen Plus kremi 5% 4 Tb 3,5 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7811070

Bepanthen Plus Krem 5% 4 Tb 3,5 g Bepanthen Plus kremi ko'p maqsadli krem ​​bo'lib, turli teri ..

29.30 USD

Burun uchun malham Rüedi Spirig HC burun moyi Tb 20 g Burun uchun malham Rüedi Spirig HC burun moyi Tb 20 g

Burun uchun malham Rüedi Spirig HC burun moyi Tb 20 g

Mahsulot kodi: 5575685

Burun uchun malhamning xususiyatlari Rüedi Spirig HC burun moyi Tb 20 gAnatomik Terapevtik Kimyoviy ..

14.62 USD

Dekseril krem ​​Tb 250 g Dekseril krem ​​Tb 250 g

Dekseril krem ​​Tb 250 g

Mahsulot kodi: 4824206

Dexeryl cream Tb 250 g xususiyatlariAnatomik Terapevtik Kimyoviy (ATS): D02ACSaqlash harorati min/ma..

27.60 USD

Dekseril krem ​​Tb 50 g Dekseril krem ​​Tb 50 g

Dekseril krem ​​Tb 50 g

Mahsulot kodi: 4824198

Dexeryl cream Tb 50 g xususiyatlariAnatomik terapevtik kimyoviy (ATS): D02ACFaol modda: D02ACSaqlash..

10.05 USD

Deumavan lavender protection cream Ds 50 ml Deumavan lavender protection cream Ds 50 ml

Deumavan lavender protection cream Ds 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7202646

Compendium-PatienteninformationDeumavan® Schutzsalbe Lavendel/NeutralBiomed AGWas ist Deumavan Schut..

47.04 USD

Deumavan lavender protective ointment Ds 100 ml Deumavan lavender protective ointment Ds 100 ml

Deumavan lavender protective ointment Ds 100 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7142973

Deumavan lavanta himoya malhami Ds 100 ml (100ml) Kun davomida yumshoq intim gigiena. Deumavan himo..

53.91 USD

Deumavan Neutral protective ointment Ds 100 ml

Deumavan Neutral protective ointment Ds 100 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7479448

Foydalar intim zonani har kuni mahalliy himoya qilish terining tirnash xususiyati, shikastla..

47.88 USD

Deumavan Neutral protective ointment Tb 125 ml

Deumavan Neutral protective ointment Tb 125 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7479454

Deumavan Intimate Neytral Himoya Malhami Tb 125 ml Deumavan Intimate Neytral Himoya malhami butun i..

48.50 USD

Deumavan neytral himoya kremi Tb 50 ml

Deumavan neytral himoya kremi Tb 50 ml

Mahsulot kodi: 7479460

Compendium patient information Deumavan® protective ointment lavender/neutral Biomed AGWhat is ..

34.47 USD

HYLO NIGHT eye ointment 5 g HYLO NIGHT eye ointment 5 g

HYLO NIGHT eye ointment 5 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7805166

This eye ointment successfully relieves the feeling of burning or itching eyes. Moisturizes and leav..

20.23 USD

Onister tirnoqli malham 10 g + 21 gips

Onister tirnoqli malham 10 g + 21 gips

Mahsulot kodi: 5603973

Onister tirnoq malhamining xususiyatlari 10 g + 21 gipsAnatomik terapevtik kimyoviy (ATS): D02AE01Fa..

68.71 USD

Virusli krem ​​2 g Virusli krem ​​2 g

Virusli krem ​​2 g

Mahsulot kodi: 5695314

Aviral krem ​​nima va u qachon qo'llaniladi?Aviral krem ​​tarkibida faol modda sifatida asiklovir ma..

28.04 USD

Vit-A-Vision ko'z malhami Tb 5 g

Vit-A-Vision ko'z malhami Tb 5 g

Mahsulot kodi: 6147141

Ushbu mahsulot Idoralar tomonidan belgilangan. Bu Yevropa xavfsizlik standartlariga javob berishini ..

16.04 USD



Mahsulot kodi: 7750201


25.64 USD

Vita-Merfen Salbe Tb 20 g Vita-Merfen Salbe Tb 20 g

Vita-Merfen Salbe Tb 20 g

Mahsulot kodi: 7750200

Vita-Merfen malhami tarkibida ikkita dezinfektsiyalovchi moddalar, xlorheksidin diglyukonat va benzo..

15.40 USD

Ko'rsatildi 16 dan 30 gacha 30
(hammasi 2 sahifa)
Huebacher 36
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