OSA Schorf spreyi
OSA Schorf Spray
39.75 USD
Siz 0 / 0% tejaysiz
2 xarid qiling va 12.66 USD / -17% tejang
- Mavjudligi: Stokda
- Distribyutor VERFORA SA
- Ishlab chiqaruvchi: Osa
- Model: 7802866
- EAN 9021600281362
For yellow or brownish scales (scab), e.g.: scalp, eyebrows and eyelids, behind the ears, nose fold, neck, diaper area, back of the knees, armpits, inner elbow.
Borage seed oil ("cucumber herb") sunflower oil, rosemary extract, provitamin E, squalane.
The skin absorbs the serum and it gently dissolves the sticky layer of dry sebum.
Use daily in the morning and afternoon as needed. Leave the serum on (5 to 15 minutes) until the dry scales are sufficiently moistened and have loosened.
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