Osteoporosis treatment
(1 Pages)
Calcium d3 sandoz 500/440 orange (neu)
Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist Calcium D3 Sandoz und wann wird es angewendet? Was sollte dazu beachtet werden? Wann darf Calcium D3 Sandoz nicht eingenommen / angewendet werden? Wann ist bei der Einnahme / Anwendung von Calcium D3 Sandoz Vorsicht geboten? Darf Calcium D3 Sandoz während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen / angewendet werden? Wie verwenden Sie Calcium D3 Sandoz? Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Calcium D3 Sandoz haben? Was ist ferner zu beachten? Was ist in Calcium D3 Sandoz enthalten? Zulassungsnummer Wo erhalten Sie Calcium D3 Sandoz? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? Zulassungsinhaberin COMPENDIUM Swissmedic-genehmigte Patienteninformation Calcium D3 Sandoz® Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AG Was ist Calcium D3 Sandoz und wann wird es angewendet? Calcium D3 Sandoz ist eine Kombination von Calcium (in Form von Calciumcarbonat) und Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) erhältlich als Instant-Pulver und Kautabletten. Calcium D3 Sandoz ist angezeigt als Calcium- und Vitamin-D-Ergänzung bei älteren Personen mit Calcium- und Vitamin-D-Mangel oder bei hohem Risiko für einen Mangelzustand (z.B. bei ungenügender Konsumation von Milchprodukten, bei ungenügender Sonnenexposition) sowie zur Unterstützung einer gezielten Osteoporosebehandlung bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit nachgewiesenem oder hohem Risiko eines gleichzeitigen Calcium- und Vitamin-D-Mangels. Was sollte dazu beachtet werden? Calcium D3 Sandoz ist für Diabetikerinnen und Diabetiker geeignet.Eine Kautablette enthält 0,4 g verwertbare Kohlenhydrate.Die Pulverbeutel enthalten je nach Dosierungsstärke 0,36 g (500/440) bzw. 0,72 g (1000/880) verwertbare Kohlenhydrate. Wann darf Calcium D3 Sandoz nicht eingenommen / angewendet werden? Calcium D3 Sandoz darf nicht eingenommen werden beiÜberempfindlichkeit auf einen der Wirkstoffe oder auf einen der Bestandteile gemäss Zusammensetzung,abnorm erhöhter Menge von Calcium im Blut (Hypercalcämie),erhöhter Ausscheidung von Calcium im Urin (Hypercalciurie),schwerer Nierenerkrankung, Harn- oder Nierensteinen,bereits bestehender Vitamin-D-Behandlung.Die Kautabletten dürfen von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Phenylketonurie wegen des Bestandteiles Aspartam nicht angewendet werden. Wann ist bei der Einnahme / Anwendung von Calcium D3 Sandoz Vorsicht geboten? Da Calcium D3 Sandoz bereits Vitamin D enthält, soll jede weitere Vitamin-D-Verabreichung nur unter ärztlicher Aufsicht erfolgen, um eine Überdosierung zu vermeiden. Bei länger dauernder Behandlung und/oder bei leichter Niereninsuffizienz wird empfohlen, die mit dem Urin ausgeschiedene Calcium-Menge (Calciurie) regelmässig kontrollieren zu lassen. Je nach dem Ergebnis wird Ihr Arzt oder Ihre Ärztin die Behandlung eventuell reduzieren oder sogar unterbrechen.Bei Behandlung mit Digitalispräparaten oder Thiaziddiuretika erfordert eine Verabreichung von Calcium in Kombination mit Vitamin D eine regelmässige Überwachung. Sie müssen unbedingt Ihren Arzt oder Ihren Kardiologen konsultieren. Bei Behandlung mit einem Bisphosphonat, Natriumfluorid, Chinolonen, L-Thyroxin, Estramustin, Orlistat, Cholestyramin, Eisenpräparaten, zink- oder strontiumhaltigen Präparaten oder Paraffin sollte vor der Einnahme von Calcium D3 Sandoz ein zeitlicher Abstand von mindestens 2 Stunden eingehalten werden. Bei oraler Behandlung mit Tetrazyklinen (bestimmten Antibiotika) sollte vor der Einnahme von Calcium D3 Sandoz ein zeitlicher Abstand von mindestens 3 Stunden eingehalten werden.Calcium D3 Sandoz soll nicht gleichzeitig mit Nahrungsmitteln eingenommen werden, welche Oxalsäure, Phosphat oder Phytin enthalten, z.B. Spinat, Rhabarber, kleiehaltige- oder Sojaprodukte. Sie können die Aufnahme von Calcium behindern.Wenn Sie an einer bestimmten Lungenkrankheit (Sarkoidose) leiden, dürfen Sie Calcium D3 Sandoz nur nach Absprache mit Ihrem Arzt/Ihrer Ärztin einnehmen. Ihr Arzt/ Ihre Ärztin wird den Calciumspiegel im Blut und Urin überwachen.Wenn Sie an einer Immobilisationsosteoporose leiden, besteht ein erhöhtes Risiko für das Auftreten einer Hypercalcämie (zu hohe Calciumkonzentrationen im Blut).Bei längerfristiger Einnahme von grossen Calciummengen oder hohen Vitamin D-Dosen aus Nahrung oder Arzneimitteln und gleichzeitig leicht aufzunehmenden basischen Substanzen (Alkalien z.B. Bicarbonate, die in Arzneimitteln zur Bindung der Magensäure enthalten sind) kann es zu einem Milch-Alkali-Syndrom (Kalkstoffwechselstörung) kommen mit dem Risiko von Nierenschäden. Die gleichzeitige Einnahme sollte unbedingt vermieden werden.Für Patientinnen und Patienten mit natriumarmer Diät gilt zu beachten, dass Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 und Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 Instant-Pulver 5 mg bzw. 10 mg Natrium enthalten.Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 Kautabletten mit Aprikosen-Aroma:Calcium D3 Sandoz Kautabletten mit Aprikosen-Aroma enthalten 0,5 mg Aspartam pro Kautablette.Aspartam ist eine Quelle für Phenylalanin. Es kann schädlich sein, wenn Sie eine Phenylketonurie (PKU) haben, eine seltene angeborene Erkrankung, bei der sich Phenylalanin anreichert, weil der Körper es nicht ausreichend abbauen kann.Calcium D3 Sandoz Kautabletten mit Aprikosen-Aroma enthalten 57,7 mg Sorbitol pro Kautablette.Dieses Arzneimittel enthält weniger als 1 mmol Natrium (23 mg) pro Kautablette, d.h. es ist nahezu «natriumfrei».Bitte nehmen Sie Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 Kautabletten mit Aprikosen-Aroma erst nach Rücksprache mit Ihrem Arzt bzw. Ihrer Ärztin ein, wenn Ihnen bekannt ist, dass Sie unter einer Zuckerunverträglichkeit leidenCalcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 Kautabletten mit Orangen-Aroma:Calcium D3 Sandoz Kautabletten mit Orangen-Aroma enthalten 0,5 mg Aspartam pro Kautablette. Aspartam ist eine Quelle für Phenylalanin. Es kann schädlich sein, wenn Sie eine Phenylketonurie (PKU) haben, eine seltene angeborene Erkrankung, bei der sich Phenylalanin anreichert, weil der Körper es nicht ausreichend abbauen kann.Calcium D3 Sandoz Kautabletten mit Orangen-Aroma enthalten 51,7 mg Sorbitol pro Kautablette.Calcium D3 Sandoz Kautabletten mit Orangen-Aroma enthalten 0,01 mg Benzylalkohol pro Kautablette. Benzylalkohol kann allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen. Wenn Sie schwanger sind oder stillen, fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker bzw. Ihre Ärztin oder Apothekerin um Rat, da sich in Ihrem Körper grosse Mengen Benzylalkohol anreichern und Nebenwirkungen verursachen können (sogenannte «metabolische Azidose»). Wenn Sie an einer Leber- oder Nierenerkrankung leiden, fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker bzw. Ihre Ärztin oder Apothekerin um Rat, da grosse Mengen Benzylalkohol sich in Ihrem Körper anreichern und Nebenwirkungen verursachen können (sogenannte «metabolische Azidose»).Dieses Arzneimittel enthält weniger als 1 mmol Natrium (23 mg) pro Kautablette, d.h. es ist nahezu «natriumfrei».Bitte nehmen Sie Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 Kautabletten mit Orangen-Aroma erst nach Rücksprache mit Ihrem Arzt bzw. Ihrer Ärztin ein, wenn Ihnen bekannt ist, dass Sie unter einer Zuckerunverträglichkeit leiden.Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Sie an anderen Krankheiten leiden, Allergien haben oder andere Arzneimittel (auch selbst gekaufte!) einnehmen oder äusserlich anwenden. Darf Calcium D3 Sandoz während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen / angewendet werden? Calcium D3 Sandoz darf während der Schwangerschaft und/oder in der Stillzeit nur auf ärztliche Anordnung eingenommen werden. Die Dosierung muss vom Arzt oder der Ärztin festgelegt werden. Wie verwenden Sie Calcium D3 Sandoz? Beutelinhalt in einem Glas Wasser auflösen, anschliessend die Lösung sofort trinken. Die Kautabletten lutschen oder kauen.DosierungErwachseneCalcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 Instant-Pulver/Kautabletten: 1–2x täglich 1 Beutel oder 1 Kautablette.Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 Instant-Pulver: 1x täglich 1 Beutel.Die Behandlungsdauer und die Dosierung richten sich nach der Schwere und der Art der zu behandelnden Erkrankung, sie werden deshalb vom Arzt oder der Ärztin bestimmt.Calcium D3 Sandoz ist nicht zur Anwendung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren bestimmt.Falls Sie eine oder mehrere Einnahmen von Calcium D3 Sandoz vergessen haben, verdoppeln Sie die folgenden Einnahmen nicht. Bei Einnahme einer Überdosis von Calcium D3 Sandoz können folgende Symptome auftreten: Übelkeit, Erbrechen, starkes Durstgefühl, Verstopfung, Bauchschmerzen, Muskelschwäche und Müdigkeit. Falls solche Symptome bei Ihnen auftreten, informieren Sie sofort Ihren Arzt oder Ihre Ärztin, welche die notwendigen Massnahmen einleiten werden.Halten Sie sich an die in der Packungsbeilage angegebene oder vom Arzt oder der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung.Wenn Sie glauben, das Arzneimittel wirke zu schwach oder zu stark, so sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. mit Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Calcium D3 Sandoz haben? Verstopfung, Blähungen, Übelkeit, Erbrechen sowie wegen des Sorbitol- und Xylitolgehalts in Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 auch Magenbeschwerden oder Durchfall. Des Weiteren können Hautausschlag, Nesselsucht, Juckreiz, Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen, schwere Überempfindlichkeitsreaktion mit Schwellung im Gesicht, Mund, an den Gliedmassen (bis hin zu Blutdruckabfall und Schock), Schwellungen u.a. an Gesicht, Lippen oder Zunge auftreten. Falls Sie solche Symptome feststellen, informieren Sie Ihren Arzt oder Ihre Ärztin.Bei Überdosierung in Verbindung mit der Einnahme von basischen Substanzen (z.B. Mittel zur Bindung von Magensäure) kann ein Milch-Alkali-Syndrom entstehen (siehe unter «Wann ist bei der Einnahme von Calcium D3 Sandoz Vorsicht geboten?»)Wenn Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Nebenwirkungen, die nicht in dieser Packungsbeilage angegeben sind. Was ist ferner zu beachten? HaltbarkeitDas Arzneimittel darf nur bis zu dem auf der Packung mit «EXP» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden.LagerungshinweisInstant-Pulver: In der Originalverpackung, nicht über 30°C und ausser Reichweite von Kindern lagern.Kautabletten: In der Originalverpackung, bei Raumtemperatur (15–25°C) und ausser Reichweite von Kindern lagern.Weitere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen Ihr Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Diese Personen verfügen über die ausführliche Fachinformation. Was ist in Calcium D3 Sandoz enthalten? Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/4401 Beutel Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 enthält:Wirkstoffe1250 mg Calciumcarbonat (entsprechend 500 mg Calcium), Cholecalciferol 440 I.E. (Vitamin D3).HilfsstoffeSaccharin-Natrium, Natriumcyclamat, Aromastoffe (Zitronenaroma: enthält Vanillin) sowie weitere Hilfsstoffe.1 Kautablette Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 Aprikosenaroma enthält:Wirkstoffe1250 mg Calciumcarbonat (entsprechend 500 mg Calcium), Cholecalciferol 440 I.E. (Vitamin D3).HilfsstoffeAspartam (E951), Sorbitol (E420), Natriumdihydrogencitrat, Carmellose-Natrium, Natriumascorbat, Saccharose, Isomalt (E953), Xylitol (E967), Citronensäure, Magnesiumstearat, Aprikosenaroma, Siliciumdioxid-Hydrat, hochdisperses Siliciumdioxid, Acesulfam-Kalium, alpha-Tocopherol, modifizierte Stärke, mittelkettige Triglyceride.1 Kautablette Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 Orangenaroma enthält:Wirkstoffe1250 mg Calciumcarbonat (entsprechend 500 mg Calcium), Cholecalciferol 440 I.E. (Vitamin D3).HilfsstoffeAspartam (E951), Sorbitol (E420), Natriumdihydrogencitrat, Carmellose-Natrium, Natriumascorbat, Saccharose, Isomalt (E953), Xylitol (E967), Citronensäure, Magnesiumstearat, Orangenaroma (enthält Benzylalklohol), Acesulfam-Kalium, alpha-Tocopherol, modifizierte Stärke, mittelkettige Triglyceride, hochdisperses Siliciumdioxid.Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/8801 Beutel Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 enthält:Wirkstoffe2500 mg Calciumcarbonat (entsprechend 1000 mg Calcium), 880 I.E. Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3).HilfsstoffeSaccharin-Natrium, Natriumcyclamat, einen Aromastoff (Zitronenaroma: enthält Vanillin) sowie weitere Hilfsstoffe. Zulassungsnummer 53628, 55760 (Swissmedic) Wo erhalten Sie Calcium D3 Sandoz? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? In Apotheken und Drogerien, ohne ärztliche Verschreibung.Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440Packungen zu 30 Beuteln. Grosse Packung mit 3 Schachteln zu 30 Beuteln. Zitronenaroma.Packungen zu 20, 60 und 120 Kautabletten in den Aromen Aprikose und Orange.Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880Packungen zu 30 Beuteln. Grosse Packung mit 3 Schachteln zu 30 Beuteln. Zitronenaroma. Zulassungsinhaberin Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AG, Risch; Domizil: Rotkreuz Diese Packungsbeilage wurde im Dezember 2022 letztmals durch die Arzneimittelbehörde (Swissmedic) geprüft. 23142 / 05.04.2024 ..
69.89 USD
Calcium d3 sandoz kautabl 500/1000 120 pcs
What is Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 and when is it used?Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 is a combination of calcium (in the form of calcium carbonate) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 is indicated as a calcium and vitamin D supplement in elderly people with calcium and vitamin D deficiency or at high risk of a deficiency (e.g. insufficient consumption of dairy products, insufficient exposure to the sun) and for Support for targeted osteoporosis treatment in patients with proven or high risk of simultaneous calcium and vitamin D deficiency.What precautions should be taken?One chewable tablet contains 0.4 g of usable carbohydrates.When should Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 not be taken/used?Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 must not be used withHypersensitivity to one of the active substances or to one of the components according to the composition,abnormally high levels of calcium or phosphate in the blood (hypercalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia),increased excretion of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria),severe kidney disease, urinary or kidney stones,already existing vitamin D treatment or treatment with preparations similar to vitamin D (e.g. calcitriol), increased vitamin D levels in the blood,Bone marrow cancer (plasmocytoma), bone metastases,Osteoporosis (brittle bones) after long periods of inactivity,prolonged periods of inactivity with high blood calcium levels or high urinary calcium excretion.The chewable tablets must not be used by patients with phenylketonuria because of the component aspartame.When is caution required when taking/using Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000?Since Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 already contains vitamin D, any further vitamin D administration should only take place under medical supervision in order to avoid an overdose. In the case of prolonged treatment and/or mild renal insufficiency, it is recommended to have the amount of calcium excreted in the urine (calciuria) and blood calcium levels checked regularly. Depending on the result, your doctor may reduce or even stop treatment.In the case of concomitant treatment with certain cardiovascular drugs, digitalis preparations (digoxin) or thiazide diuretics, administration of calcium in combination with vitamin D requires regular monitoring: it is essential that you consult your doctor or cardiologist. If you are being treated with a bisphosphonate (anti-osteoporosis medicine), sodium fluoride, estramustine (medicine to treat prostate cancer), orlistat (medicine to treat obesity), cholestyramine (cholesterol-lowering medicine), quinolones (certain antibiotics), thyroxine (thyroid medicine), iron supplements, zinc or strontium-containing preparations or paraffin, a time interval of at least 2 hours should be observed before taking Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000. In the case of oral treatment with tetracyclines (certain antibiotics), an interval of at least 3 hours should be observed before taking Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000. Tell your doctor if you are taking medication for epilepsy (phenytoin, barbiturates) or cortisone-like preparations.Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 should not be taken at the same time as foods containing oxalic acid, phosphate or phytin, eg spinach, rhubarb, bran-containing or soy products. They can hinder the absorption of calcium.If you suffer from a certain lung disease (sarcoidosis), you may only take Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 after consulting your doctor. Your doctor will monitor the levels of calcium in your blood and urine.If you suffer from immobilisation osteoporosis, there is an increased risk of developing hypercalcemia (excessively high calcium concentrations in the blood).Long-term intake of large amounts of calcium or high doses of vitamin D from food or medicines and at the same time easy-to-absorb basic substances (alkalis, e.g. bicarbonates, which are contained in medicines to bind gastric acid) can lead to a milk-alkali syndrome (calcium metabolism disorder). with the risk of kidney damage. Concomitant use should be avoided at all costs.This medicinal product contains 49.5 mg sorbitol per chewable tablet.This medicinal product contains 0.5 mg aspartame per chewable tablet.Aspartame is a source of phenylalanine. It can be harmful if you have phenylketonuria (PKU), a rare inherited disorder in which phenylalanine builds up because the body can't break it down enough.This medicine contains 1.92mg sucrose. Please only take the medicine after consulting your doctor if you know that you suffer from sugar intolerance. If you suffer from rare, inherited fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, you should not take this medicine. Sucrose can be harmful to teeth.This medicinal product contains 185 mg isomalt. Please only take the medicine after consulting your doctor if you know that you suffer from sugar intolerance. If you suffer from the rare, inherited fructose intolerance, you should not take this medicine.This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per chewable tablet, ie essentially «sodium-free». Tell your doctor, pharmacist or pharmacist if you suffer from any other illnesses, have allergies or take other medicines (including those you bought yourself!) or use them externally.Can Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 be taken/used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 may only be taken during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding if prescribed by a doctor. The dosage must be determined by the doctor.How do you use Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000?DosageAdults and the elderly:Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, 1 chewable tablet daily (equivalent to 500 mg calcium and 1000 IU vitamin D3). If indicated, your doctor can prescribe a dosage of 2 tablets.The duration of treatment and the dosage depend on the severity and type of disease to be treated, and are therefore determined by the doctor. The chewable tablets can be taken at any time of the day, regardless of meals. The chewable tablets are chewed and swallowed.Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 is not intended for use in children and adolescents under the age of 18. If you have forgotten one or more doses of Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000, do not double the following doses. If you take an overdose of Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000, the following symptoms may occur: nausea, vomiting, severe thirst, constipation, abdominal pain, muscle weakness and tiredness. If you experience such symptoms, inform your doctor immediately, who will initiate the necessary measures.Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or prescribed by your doctor.If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 have?Constipation, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach or diarrhea. Furthermore, skin rash, hives, itching, hypersensitivity reactions, severe hypersensitivity reactions with swelling of the face, mouth, limbs (up to drop in blood pressure and shock), swelling of the face, lips or tongue, among other things, can occur.If you experience such symptoms, tell your doctor or health care professional.In the case of an overdose in connection with the intake of alkaline substances (e.g. agents for binding gastric acid), a milk-alkaline syndrome can develop (see under “When should caution be exercised?”).If you notice side effects, contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This applies in particular to side effects that are notindicated in this leaflet.What should also be noted?The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked “EXP” on the package.Store in the original packaging, at room temperature (15−25°C) and out of the reach of children.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists.What does Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000 contain?Active Ingredients1 chewable tablet contains 500 mg calcium, equivalent to 1250 mg calcium carbonate, 1000 UI cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).ExcipientsIsomalt (E953), Xylitol (E967), Sorbitol (E420), Anhydrous Citric Acid, Anhydrous Sodium Dihydrogen Citrate, Magnesium Stearate, Carmellose Sodium, Orange Flavor, Silica Hydrate, Aspartame (E951), Acesulfame Potassium, Sodium Ascorbate, Alpha-Tocopherol, Modified Starch, Sucrose, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Anhydrous Silicon Dioxide.Registration Number65824 (Swissmedic)Where can you get Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/1000? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.Packs of 20 and 120 chewable tablets. orange flavor.Marketing Authorization HolderSandoz Pharmaceuticals AG, Risch; Domicile: Red Cross..
102.04 USD
Calcium d3 sandoz plv 1000/880 bag 30 pieces
What is Calcium D3 Sandoz and when is it used? Calcium D3 Sandoz is a combination of calcium (in the form of calcium carbonate and calcium lactate gluconate) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) available as instant powder and chewable tablets . Calcium D3 Sandoz is indicated as a calcium and vitamin D supplement in elderly people with calcium and vitamin D deficiency or at high risk of a deficiency (e.g. insufficient consumption of dairy products, insufficient exposure to the sun) and to support targeted Treatment of osteoporosis in patients with a proven or high risk of simultaneous calcium and vitamin D deficiency.What should be considered?Calcium D3 Sandoz is suitable for diabetics . One chewable tablet contains 0.48 g of usable carbohydrates. The powder bags contain 0.36 g (500/440) or 0.72 g (1000/880 ) usable carbohydrates.When should Calcium D3 Sandoz not be taken / used?Calcium D3 Sandoz should not be taken atHypersensitivity to any of the active substances or to any of the ingredients listed in the summary,abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcaemia),increased excretion of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria ),severe kidney disease, urinary or kidney stones,existing vitamin D treatment.The chewable tablets may be taken by patients should not be used with phenylketonuria because of the component aspartame.When is caution required when taking / using Calcium D3 Sandoz?Since Calcium D3 Sandoz already contains vitamin D, any additional Vitamin D administration should only be done under medical supervision to avoid overdose. In the case of prolonged treatment and/or mild renal insufficiency, it is recommended to have the amount of calcium excreted in the urine (calciuria) checked regularly. Depending on the result, your doctor may reduce or even discontinue treatment.In the case of treatment with digitalis preparations or thiazide diuretics, administration of calcium in combination with vitamin D requires regular monitoring. It is imperative that you consult your doctor or your cardiologist. In the case of treatment with a bisphosphonate, sodium fluoride, quinolones, L-thyroxine, estramustine, orlistat, cholestyramine, iron preparations, preparations containing zinc or strontium or paraffin, an interval of at least 2 hours should be observed before taking Calcium D3 Sandoz. In the case of oral treatment with tetracyclines (certain antibiotics), an interval of at least 3 hours should be observed before taking Calcium D3 Sandoz. Calcium D3 Sandoz should not be taken at the same time as foods containing oxalic acid, phosphate or Contain phytin, e.g. spinach, rhubarb, bran or soy products. They can impede the absorption of calcium.If you suffer from a certain lung disease (sarcoidosis), you may only take Calcium D3 Sandoz after consulting your doctor. Your doctor will monitor the level of calcium in your blood and urine.If you suffer from immobilisation osteoporosis, there is an increased risk of developing hypercalcaemia (high levels of calcium in the blood).Long-term intake of large amounts of calcium or high doses of vitamin D from food or medicines and at the same time easy-to-absorb alkaline substances (alkalis, e.g. bicarbonates, which are contained in medicines to bind gastric acid) can lead to a milk-alkali syndrome (calcium metabolism disorder ) come with the risk of kidney damage. Simultaneous intake should be avoided at all costs.Patients on a low-sodium diet should note that Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 and Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 instant powder contain 5 mg or 10 mg sodium.Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/ 440 chewable tablets contain no sodium. Patients on a sodium-controlled diet should therefore seek medical advice before taking Calcium D3 Sandoz effervescent tablets.Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you are taking any other suffer from illnesses, have allergies or take other medicines (including those you bought yourself!) or use them externally.Can Calcium D3 Sandoz be taken/used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Calcium D3 Sandoz may only be taken during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding if prescribed by a doctor. The dosage must be determined by the doctor.How do you use Calcium D3 Sandoz?Dissolve the contents of the sachet in a glass of water, then drink the solution immediately. Suck or chew the chewable tablets.DosageAdultsCalcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 instant powder/chewable tablets: 1-2x daily 1 sachet or 1 chewable tablet . Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 instant powder: 1 sachet once a day. The duration of treatment and the dosage depend on the severity and the type of disease to be treated, they are therefore determined by the doctor.Calcium D3 Sandoz is not intended for use in children and adolescents under the age of 18.If you have forgotten one or more doses of Calcium D3 Sandoz , do not double the following earnings. If you take an overdose of Calcium D3 Sandoz, the following symptoms may occur: nausea, vomiting, severe thirst, constipation, abdominal pain, muscle weakness and tiredness. If you experience such symptoms, inform your doctor immediately, who will initiate the necessary measures. Observe the dosage given in the package leaflet or prescribed by the doctor.If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can Calcium D3 Sandoz? Constipation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting and, in the case of the chewable tablets, stomach problems or diarrhea due to the mannitol content in Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 or the sorbitol and xylitol content in Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880. Furthermore, skin rash, hives, itching, hypersensitivity reactions, severe hypersensitivity reactions with swelling of the face, mouth, limbs (up to drop in blood pressure and shock), swelling of the face, lips or tongue, among other things, can occur. If you notice such symptoms, inform your doctor.Overdosing in connection with the intake of alkaline substances (e.g. agents for binding gastric acid) can cause a milk-alkaline syndrome (see under «When is caution required when taking it?»)If you notice any side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What else needs to be considered? Store Calcium D3 Sandoz out of the reach of children. Instant powder: Do not store above 30°C in the original packaging.Chewable tablets: Store in the original packaging at room temperature (15–25°C). The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the package.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the executiveHonest professional information.What does Calcium D3 Sandoz contain?Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/4401 sachet of Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 contains:Active ingredients: 1250 mg calcium carbonate (equivalent to 500 mg calcium), cholecalciferol 440 IU (vitamin D3)Excipients: saccharin sodium, sodium cyclamate, flavorings (lemon flavoring: contains vanillin) and other excipients. 1 chewable tablet Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 contains:Active ingredients: 1250 mg calcium carbonate (equivalent to 500 mg calcium), cholecalciferol 440 IU (vitamin D3) Excipients: mannitol, aspartame, flavorings (orange aroma: contains vanillin or apricot aroma: contains vanillin and bergamot oil) and other excipients. Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 1 sachet of Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000 /880 contains: Active ingredients: 2500 mg calcium carbonate (equivalent to 1000 mg calcium), 880 IU cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) Excipients: sodium saccharin, sodium cyclamate, a flavoring (lemon flavor: contains vanillin) and other excipients.Approval number53628, 55760 (Swissmedic)Where can you get Calcium D3 Sandoz? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 Packs of 30 sachets. Large pack of 3 boxes of 30 sachets. Lemon flavor. Packs of 20, 60 and 120 chewable tablets in apricot and orange flavors. Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 Packs of 30 sachets. Large pack of 3 boxes of 30 sachets. Lemon flavor.Authorization holderSandoz Pharmaceuticals AG, Risch; Domicile: RotkreuzThis leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in July 2017...
47.18 USD
Calcium d3 sandoz plv 1000/880 bag 90 pieces
Calcium D3 Sandoz is a combination of calcium (in the form of calcium carbonate) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) available as instant powder and chewable tablets. Calcium D3 Sandoz is indicated as a calcium and vitamin D supplement in elderly people with calcium and vitamin D deficiency or at high risk of a deficiency (e.g. insufficient consumption of dairy products, insufficient exposure to the sun) and to support targeted Osteoporosis treatment in patients with proven or high risk of simultaneous calcium and vitamin D deficiency. Swissmedic-approved patient informationCalcium D3 Sandoz®Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AGWhat is Calcium D3 Sandoz and when will it be applied?Calcium D3 Sandoz is a combination of calcium (in the form of calcium carbonate) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) available as instant powder and chewable tablets. Calcium D3 Sandoz is indicated as a calcium and vitamin D supplement in elderly people with calcium and vitamin D deficiency or at high risk of a deficiency (e.g. insufficient consumption of dairy products, insufficient exposure to the sun) and to support targeted Osteoporosis treatment in patients with proven or high risk of simultaneous calcium and vitamin D deficiency. What should be considered?Calcium D3 Sandoz is suitable for diabetics. One chewable tablet contains 0.48 g digestible carbohydrates. Depending on the dosage strength, the powder bags contain 0.36 g (500/440) or 0.72 g (1000/880) usable carbohydrates. When must Calcium D3 Sandoz not be taken / used?Calcium D3 Sandoz must not be taken at Hypersensitivity to any of the active substances or to any of the ingredients listed in the summary,abnormally increased amount of calcium in the blood (hypercalcaemia),increased excretion of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria),severe kidney disease, urinary or kidney stones,existing vitamin D treatment.The chewable tablets may be taken by patients and patients with phenylketonuria should not be used because of the component aspartame. When is caution required when taking / using Calcium D3 Sandoz?Since Calcium D3 Sandoz already contains vitamin D, any additional Vitamin D administration should only be done under medical supervision to avoid overdose. In the case of prolonged treatment and/or mild renal insufficiency, it is recommended to have the amount of calcium excreted in the urine (calciuria) checked regularly. Depending on the result, your doctor may reduce or even stop treatment. In the case of treatment with digitalis preparations or thiazide diuretics, administration of calcium in combination with vitamin D requires regular monitoring. It is imperative that you consult your doctor or your cardiologist. In the case of treatment with a bisphosphonate, sodium fluoride, quinolones, L-thyroxine, estramustine, orlistat, cholestyramine, iron preparations, preparations containing zinc or strontium or paraffin, an interval of at least 2 hours should be observed before taking Calcium D3 Sandoz. In the case of oral treatment with tetracyclines (certain antibiotics), an interval of at least 3 hours should be observed before taking Calcium D3 Sandoz. Calcium D3 Sandoz should not be taken at the same time as foods containing oxalic acid, phosphate or phytin, e.g. spinach, rhubarb, bran or soy products. They can hinder the absorption of calcium. If you suffer from a certain lung disease (sarcoidosis), you may only take Calcium D3 Sandoz after consulting your doctor. Your doctor will monitor the levels of calcium in your blood and urine. If you suffer from immobilisation osteoporosis, there is an increased risk of developing hypercalcaemia (excessively high levels of calcium in the blood). Long-term intake of large amounts of calcium or high doses of vitamin D from food or medicines and at the same time easy-to-absorb basic substances (alkalines, e.g. bicarbonates, which are contained in medicines to bind gastric acid) can lead to milk-alkaline syndrome ( Calcium metabolism disorder) come with the risk of kidney damage. Concomitant use should be avoided at all costs. Patients on a low-sodium diet should note that Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 and Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 instant powder contain 5 mg and 10 mg sodium respectively. Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 chewable tablets do not contain sodium. Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines (even those you bought yourself!) or using them externally. Can Calcium D3 Sandoz be taken/used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Calcium D3 Sandoz may be used during pregnancy and/or should only be taken while breastfeeding if prescribed by a doctor. The dosage must be determined by the doctor. How do you use Calcium D3 Sandoz?Dissolve the contents of the sachet in a glass of water, then drink the solution immediately. Suck or chew the chewable tablets. DosageAdultsCalcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 instant powder/chewable tablets: 1 sachet or 1 chewable tablet once or twice a day. Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 instant powder: 1 sachet once a day. The duration of treatment and the dosage depend on the severity and type of disease to be treated, and are therefore determined by the doctor. Calcium D3 Sandoz is not intended for use in children and adolescents under 18 years of age. If you have forgotten one or more doses of Calcium D3 Sandoz, do not double the following doses. If you take an overdose of Calcium D3 Sandoz, the following symptoms may occur: nausea, vomiting, severe thirst, constipation, abdominal pain, muscle weakness and tiredness. If you experience such symptoms, inform your doctor immediately, who will initiate the necessary measures. Stick to the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Calcium D3 Sandoz have?Constipation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting and with the chewable tablets because of the mannitol content in Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 or the sorbitol and xylitol content in Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 also cause stomach problems or diarrhea. Furthermore, skin rash, hives, itching, hypersensitivity reactions, severe hypersensitivity reactions with swelling of the face, mouth, limbs (up to drop in blood pressure and shock), swelling of the face, lips or tongue, among other things, can occur. If you experience such symptoms, tell your doctor or health care professional. In the case of an overdose in connection with the intake of alkaline substances (e.g. agents to bind gastric acid), a milk-alkaline syndrome can develop (see under "When is caution required when taking it?") If you notice side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered?Store Calcium D3 Sandoz out of the reach of children. Instant powder: Store in the original packaging, below 30°C. Chewable tablets: Store in the original packaging at room temperature (15-25°C). The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the package. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists. What does Calcium D3 Sandoz contain?Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/4401 sachet of Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 contains: Active ingredients: 1250 mg calcium carbonate (equivalent to 500 mg calcium), cholecalciferol 440 IU (vitamin D3) Excipients: Sodium saccharin, sodium cyclamate, flavorings (lemon aroma: contains vanillin) and other excipients. 1 chewable tablet Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 contains: Active ingredients: 1250 mg calcium carbonate (equivalent to 500 mg calcium), cholecalciferol 440 IU (vitamin D3) Excipients: mannitol, aspartame, flavorings (orange aroma: contains vanillin or apricot aroma: contains vanillin and bergamot oil) and other excipients. Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/8801 sachet of Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 contains: Active ingredients: 2500 mg calcium carbonate (equivalent to 1000 mg calcium), 880 IU cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) Excipients: Sodium saccharin, sodium cyclamate, a flavoring (lemon flavor: contains vanillin) and other excipients. Approval number53628, 55760 (Swissmedic) Where can you get Calcium D3 Sandoz? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440Packs of 30 sachets. Large pack of 3 boxes of 30 sachets. lemon flavor. Packs of 20, 60 and 120 chewable tablets in apricot and orange flavors. Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880Packs of 30 sachets. Large pack of 3 boxes of 30 sachets. lemon flavor. Authorization holderSandoz Pharmaceuticals AG, Risch; Domicile: Red Cross This leaflet was last checked by the Medicines Agency (Swissmedic) in July 2017. ..
112.22 USD
Calcium d3 sandoz plv 500/440 bag 30 pieces
Calcium D3 Sandoz is a combination of calcium (in the form of calcium carbonate) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) available as instant powder and chewable tablets. Calcium D3 Sandoz is indicated as a calcium and vitamin D supplement in elderly people with calcium and vitamin D deficiency or at high risk of a deficiency (e.g. insufficient consumption of dairy products, insufficient exposure to the sun) and to support targeted Osteoporosis treatment in patients with proven or high risk of simultaneous calcium and vitamin D deficiency. Swissmedic-approved patient informationCalcium D3 Sandoz®Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AGWhat is Calcium D3 Sandoz and when will it be applied?Calcium D3 Sandoz is a combination of calcium (in the form of calcium carbonate) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) available as instant powder and chewable tablets. Calcium D3 Sandoz is indicated as a calcium and vitamin D supplement in elderly people with calcium and vitamin D deficiency or at high risk of a deficiency (e.g. insufficient consumption of dairy products, insufficient exposure to the sun) and to support targeted Osteoporosis treatment in patients with proven or high risk of simultaneous calcium and vitamin D deficiency. What should be considered?Calcium D3 Sandoz is suitable for diabetics. One chewable tablet contains 0.48 g digestible carbohydrates. Depending on the dosage strength, the powder bags contain 0.36 g (500/440) or 0.72 g (1000/880) usable carbohydrates. When must Calcium D3 Sandoz not be taken / used?Calcium D3 Sandoz must not be taken at Hypersensitivity to any of the active substances or to any of the ingredients listed in the summary,abnormally increased amount of calcium in the blood (hypercalcaemia),increased excretion of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria),severe kidney disease, urinary or kidney stones,existing vitamin D treatment.The chewable tablets may be taken by patients and patients with phenylketonuria should not be used because of the component aspartame. When is caution required when taking / using Calcium D3 Sandoz?Since Calcium D3 Sandoz already contains vitamin D, any additional Vitamin D administration should only be done under medical supervision to avoid overdose. In the case of prolonged treatment and/or mild renal insufficiency, it is recommended to have the amount of calcium excreted in the urine (calciuria) checked regularly. Depending on the result, your doctor may reduce or even stop treatment. In the case of treatment with digitalis preparations or thiazide diuretics, administration of calcium in combination with vitamin D requires regular monitoring. It is imperative that you consult your doctor or your cardiologist. In the case of treatment with a bisphosphonate, sodium fluoride, quinolones, L-thyroxine, estramustine, orlistat, cholestyramine, iron preparations, preparations containing zinc or strontium or paraffin, an interval of at least 2 hours should be observed before taking Calcium D3 Sandoz. In the case of oral treatment with tetracyclines (certain antibiotics), an interval of at least 3 hours should be observed before taking Calcium D3 Sandoz. Calcium D3 Sandoz should not be taken at the same time as foods containing oxalic acid, phosphate or phytin, e.g. spinach, rhubarb, bran or soy products. They can hinder the absorption of calcium. If you suffer from a certain lung disease (sarcoidosis), you may only take Calcium D3 Sandoz after consulting your doctor. Your doctor will monitor the levels of calcium in your blood and urine. If you suffer from immobilisation osteoporosis, there is an increased risk of developing hypercalcaemia (excessively high levels of calcium in the blood). Long-term intake of large amounts of calcium or high doses of vitamin D from food or medicines and at the same time easy-to-absorb basic substances (alkalines, e.g. bicarbonates, which are contained in medicines to bind gastric acid) can lead to milk-alkaline syndrome ( Calcium metabolism disorder) come with the risk of kidney damage. Concomitant use should be avoided at all costs. Patients on a low-sodium diet should note that Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 and Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 instant powder contain 5 mg and 10 mg sodium respectively. Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 chewable tablets do not contain sodium. Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines (even those you bought yourself!) or using them externally. Can Calcium D3 Sandoz be taken/used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Calcium D3 Sandoz may be used during pregnancy and/or should only be taken while breastfeeding if prescribed by a doctor. The dosage must be determined by the doctor. How do you use Calcium D3 Sandoz?Dissolve the contents of the sachet in a glass of water, then drink the solution immediately. Suck or chew the chewable tablets. DosageAdultsCalcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 instant powder/chewable tablets: 1 sachet or 1 chewable tablet once or twice a day. Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 instant powder: 1 sachet once a day. The duration of treatment and the dosage depend on the severity and type of disease to be treated, and are therefore determined by the doctor. Calcium D3 Sandoz is not intended for use in children and adolescents under 18 years of age. If you have forgotten one or more doses of Calcium D3 Sandoz, do not double the following doses. If you take an overdose of Calcium D3 Sandoz, the following symptoms may occur: nausea, vomiting, severe thirst, constipation, abdominal pain, muscle weakness and tiredness. If you experience such symptoms, inform your doctor immediately, who will initiate the necessary measures. Stick to the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Calcium D3 Sandoz have?Constipation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting and with the chewable tablets because of the mannitol content in Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 or the sorbitol and xylitol content in Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 also cause stomach problems or diarrhea. Furthermore, skin rash, hives, itching, hypersensitivity reactions, severe hypersensitivity reactions with swelling of the face, mouth, limbs (up to drop in blood pressure and shock), swelling of the face, lips or tongue, among other things, can occur. If you experience such symptoms, tell your doctor or health care professional. In the case of an overdose in connection with the intake of alkaline substances (e.g. agents to bind gastric acid), a milk-alkaline syndrome can develop (see under "When is caution required when taking it?") If you notice side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered?Store Calcium D3 Sandoz out of the reach of children. Instant powder: Store in the original packaging, below 30°C. Chewable tablets: Store in the original packaging at room temperature (15-25°C). The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the package. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists. What does Calcium D3 Sandoz contain?Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/4401 sachet of Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 contains: Active ingredients: 1250 mg calcium carbonate (equivalent to 500 mg calcium), cholecalciferol 440 IU (vitamin D3) Excipients: Sodium saccharin, sodium cyclamate, flavorings (lemon aroma: contains vanillin) and other excipients. 1 chewable tablet Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 contains: Active ingredients: 1250 mg calcium carbonate (equivalent to 500 mg calcium), cholecalciferol 440 IU (vitamin D3) Excipients: mannitol, aspartame, flavorings (orange aroma: contains vanillin or apricot aroma: contains vanillin and bergamot oil) and other excipients. Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/8801 sachet of Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 contains: Active ingredients: 2500 mg calcium carbonate (equivalent to 1000 mg calcium), 880 IU cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) Excipients: Sodium saccharin, sodium cyclamate, a flavoring (lemon flavor: contains vanillin) and other excipients. Approval number53628, 55760 (Swissmedic) Where can you get Calcium D3 Sandoz? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440Packs of 30 sachets. Large pack of 3 boxes of 30 sachets. lemon flavor. Packs of 20, 60 and 120 chewable tablets in apricot and orange flavors. Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880Packs of 30 sachets. Large pack of 3 boxes of 30 sachets. lemon flavor. Authorization holderSandoz Pharmaceuticals AG, Risch; Domicile: Red Cross This leaflet was last checked by the Medicines Agency (Swissmedic) in July 2017. ..
27.93 USD
(1 Pages)