Natural medicine
(1 Pages)
Angocin film tablets
Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist Angocin und wann wird es angewendet? Was sollte dazu beachtet werden? Wann darf Angocin nicht oder nur mit Vorsicht eingenommen werden? Darf Angocin während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen werden? Wie verwenden Sie Angocin? Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Angocin haben? Was ist ferner zu beachten? Was ist in Angocin enthalten? Zulassungsnummer Wo erhalten Sie Angocin? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? Zulassungsinhaberin COMPENDIUM Swissmedic-genehmigte Patienteninformation Angocin®, Filmtabletten Max Zeller Söhne AG Pflanzliches Arzneimittel Was ist Angocin und wann wird es angewendet? Angocin ist ein Arzneimittel mit Kapuzinerkressenkrautpulver und Meerrettichwurzelpulver. Angocin wird angewendet:traditionsgemäss zur Besserung von Beschwerden bei akuten Entzündungen der Bronchien und Nasennebenhöhlen;traditionsgemäss bei weiblichen Erwachsenen mit Beschwerden bei Harnwegsinfekten. Was sollte dazu beachtet werden? Zur Anwendung bei Beschwerden bei akuten Entzündungen der Atemwege: Bei Beschwerden, die länger als eine Woche anhalten oder beim Auftreten von Atemnot, Fieber wie auch bei eitrigem oder blutigem Auswurf sollte ein Arzt bzw. eine Ärztin aufgesucht werden.Zur Anwendung bei Beschwerden bei Harnwegsinfekten: Bei Blut im Urin, bei Fieber oder bei Anhalten der Beschwerden über 5 Tage sollte ein Arzt bzw. eine Ärztin aufgesucht werden.Harnwegsbeschwerden von Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren sowie männlichen Erwachsenen und Schwangeren gelten grundsätzlich als kompliziert, bedürfen einer ärztlichen Abklärung und dürfen nicht mit Angocin behandelt werden (siehe auch unter «Wann darf Angocin nicht oder nur mit Vorsicht eingenommen werden?»)Der Wirkstoff Kapuzinerkressenkrautpulver enthält Vitamin K. Bei gleichzeitiger Einnahme von Angocin mit gerinnungshemmenden Arzneimitteln (sogenannter Vitamin K-Antagonisten) kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass die Wirkung dieser gerinnungshemmenden Arzneimittel beeinträchtigt wird. Bei Einnahme der genannten gerinnungshemmenden Arzneimittel (z.B. Marcoumar oder Sintrom oder andere Produkte mit diesen Wirkstoffen) wird daher empfohlen, den Quickwert bzw. INR-Wert engmaschig zu kontrollieren bzw. kontrollieren zu lassen und mit dem behandelnden Arzt resp. der behandelnden Ärztin Rücksprache zu nehmen.Bei Kindern von 6 bis 12 Jahren mit Beschwerden bei akuten Entzündungen der Atemwege soll Angocin nur nach Rücksprache mit einem Arzt bzw. einer Ärztin angewendet werden.Die Anwendung von Angocin bei Kindern unter 6 Jahren wurde nicht ausreichend untersucht. Es soll deshalb bei dieser Altersgruppe nicht angewendet werden. Wann darf Angocin nicht oder nur mit Vorsicht eingenommen werden? Angocin darf nicht eingenommen werden,bei Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber Kapuzinerkressenkraut, Meerrettichwurzel oder einem der Hilfsstoffe dieses Arzneimittels (s. «Was ist in Angocin enthalten?»),wenn Sie unter akuten Magen- und Darmgeschwüren leiden,wenn Sie unter akuten Nierenentzündungen leiden,wenn Sie schwanger sind.Harnwegsbeschwerden von Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren sowie männlichen Erwachsenen und Schwangeren gelten grundsätzlich als kompliziert, bedürfen einer ärztlichen Abklärung und dürfen nicht mit Angocin behandelt werden (siehe unter «Was sollte dazu beachtet werden?»)Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Siean anderen Krankheiten leiden,Allergien haben oderandere Arzneimittel (auch selbstgekaufte!) einnehmen! Darf Angocin während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen werden? Wenn Sie schwanger sind oder stillen, oder wenn Sie vermuten, schwanger zu sein oder beabsichtigen, schwanger zu werden, fragen Sie vor der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin um Rat.Aus grundsätzlichen medizinischen Erwägungen darf keine Behandlung in der Schwangerschaft erfolgen (siehe unter «Was sollte dazu beachtet werden?» und «Wann darf Angocin nicht oder nur mit Vorsicht eingenommen werden?»).Für Angocin gibt es noch keine ausreichenden Daten über eine Verwendung während der Schwangerschaft. Es ist nicht bekannt, ob die Wirkstoffe von Angocin in die Muttermilch übergehen. Das Arzneimittel soll daher während der Schwangerschaft und während der Stillzeit nicht angewendet werden. Wie verwenden Sie Angocin? Beschwerden bei akuten Entzündungen der AtemwegeFalls vom Arzt bzw. von der Ärztin nicht anders verordnet:Erwachsene und Jugendliche über 12 Jahre3-5 mal täglich 4-5 Filmtabletten (Standarddosis: 3 mal täglich 4 Filmtabletten)Kinder von 6 bis 12 Jahren nur auf Anweisung des Arztes bzw. der Ärztin3-4 mal täglich 2-4 Filmtabletten (Standarddosis: 3 mal täglich 3 Filmtabletten)Beschwerden bei HarnwegsinfektenWeibliche Erwachsene ab 18 Jahre (eine Schwangerschaft muss ausgeschlossen sein)3-5 mal täglich 4-5 Filmtabletten (Standarddosis: 3 mal täglich 4 Filmtabletten).Nehmen Sie die Filmtabletten bitte unzerkaut mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit nach den Mahlzeiten ein.Angocin sollte nicht länger als zwei Wochen eingenommen werden.Halten Sie sich an die in der Packungsbeilage angegebene oder vom Arzt bzw. von der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung. Wenn Sie glauben, das Arzneimittel wirke zu schwach oder zu stark, so sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. mit Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Angocin haben? Wie alle Arzneimittel kann auch dieses Arzneimittel Nebenwirkungen haben. Bei Angocin wurden folgende Nebenwirkungen beobachtet:Häufig: Magen- und Darmbeschwerden wie Übelkeit, Oberbauchdruck, Durchfall, Blähungen oder Sodbrennen.In diesem Fall empfehlen wir, die Dosis zu reduzieren. Wenn die Beschwerden dennoch weiterbestehen, sollten Sie das Arzneimittel absetzen und mit Ihrem Arzt bzw. Ihrer Ärztin sprechen.Gelegentlich: Allergische Reaktionen, die den ganzen Körper betreffen sowie Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen der Haut (z.B. Hautrötungen mit Hitzegefühl, Hautausschlag und/oder Juckreiz).In diesem Fall sollten Sie das Arzneimittel sofort absetzen und umgehend einen Arzt bzw. eine Ärztin aufsuchen.Wenn Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Nebenwirkungen, die nicht indieser Packungsbeilage angegeben sind. Was ist ferner zu beachten? Das Arzneimittel darf nur bis zu dem auf dem Behälter mit «EXP» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden.LagerungshinweisNicht über 30 °C lagern und ausser Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.Weitere HinweiseWeitere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen Ihr Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Diese Personen verfügen über die ausführliche Fachinformation. Was ist in Angocin enthalten? Wirkstoffe1 Filmtablette enthält: Kapuzinerkressenkrautpulver 200 mg, Meerrettichwurzelpuver 80 mgHilfsstoffeCellulose, Hypromellose, Kartoffelstärke, Macrogol, Natriumcarboxymethylstärke, hochdisperses Siliciumdioxid, Stearinsäure, Talkum, Farbstoffe (Eisenoxide und -hydroxide E 172, Titandioxid E 171) Zulassungsnummer 66092 (Swissmedic) Wo erhalten Sie Angocin? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? In Apotheken und Drogerien, ohne ärztliche Verschreibung.Packungen mit 50, 100 und 200 Filmtabletten. Zulassungsinhaberin Max Zeller Söhne AG, 8590 Romanshorn Diese Packungsbeilage wurde im November 2017 letztmals durch die Arzneimittelbehörde (Swissmedic) geprüft. 28535 / 21.05.2020 ..
112.96 USD
Aromalife thyme thymol eth/oil 5 ml
Characteristics of Aromalife thyme; thymol Äth / oil 5 mlAmount in pack : 1 mlWeight: 0.00000000g Length: 0mm Width: 0mm Height: 0mm Buy Aromalife thyme; thymol Äth / oil 5 ml online from Switzerland..
23.28 USD
Bach flowers original chestnut bud no07 20 ml
Bach Flowers Original Chestnut Bud No07 20 ml The original Bach® flowers can support to meet the emotional challenges of daily life. The English doctor and researcher Edward Bach was convinced that every illness arises from an emotional imbalance. Since there are 38 basic emotions, he looked for plants and flowers that could bring them back into balance. Edward Bach declared the system based on simplicity to be complete in the 1930s. The The popularity of the original Bach® flowers has grown continuously since then. Today millions of people in many countries trust in the essences. What are the Bach® flowers? Of the 38 Bach® flowers are 37 individual wildflowers or tree blossoms. The exception is Rock Water, which is prepared from natural spring water. What is Edward Bach's philosophy? The Bach® flowers were discovered by the renowned researcher and bacteriologist Edward Bach (1886?1936), who was a practicing doctor in London at the time. He intuitively discovered that specific flowers have a vitalizing effect on the human mind and spirit based on their energetic vibration. Therefore, in the last phase of his life, Bach dedicated himself to the search for plant "energy materials" to alleviate mental problems. Through years of testing, he succeeded in using the sun and cooking methods to extract the essential energy of a plant that is produced during the flowering period reaches a peak. Using these two manufacturing processes, Bach created a system with 38 flower essences; which can be divided into seven groups for specific mood disorders; such as Anxiety Loneliness Inattention to the surroundings Decouragement and despondency Easy to be influenced Excessive commitment to others Insecurity which can be used accordingly. Edward Bach has his system simple and designed to be easy to understand. He wanted to enable people from all walks of life to help themselves. According to the principle ?Treat the personality and not the illness?. How do the Bach® flowers help? How In other forms of natural remedies, the flowers develop their properties by treating the patient as an individual. They can have a specific influence on the emotional state of the affected person. This explains why two people with the same frame of mind use different flowers. One person may be resigned to their situation while the other reacts with impatience. So each of these cases also requires different flowers. The use of Bach® flowers is not intended to suppress negative attitudes; but rather to transform these into positive attitudes. In this way, your own potential for self-healing is promoted; by releasing the body's own powers. However, you do not need to have any physical complaints to benefit from the influence of Bach® flowers. Many of us go through difficult periods or unexplained fatigue; which can develop into a negative mood. It is precisely at these times that Bach® flowers make an incredibly valuable contribution by restoring inner balance before physical symptoms appear. How do I recognize the original? Judy Ramsell Howard, Managing Director of the Bach Center (Oxfordshire, Great Britain), vouches for the traditionally high quality of the original Bach® flowers: Only anyone who uses original Bach® flowers has the security of using Bach® flowers manufactured exactly according to the traditional findings of Edward Bach. You can recognize the real essences by the curved lettering ?Bach? and by the impression Sales: Hänseler AG, CH-9101 Herisau (valid for Switzerland). Please note that products labeled ?according to Dr. Bach» is not original Bach® flowers! div>..
33.32 USD
Ceres alchemilla comp. drops 20 ml
Ceres Alchemilla comp. Drops 20 ml Ceres Alchemilla comp. Drops is an herbal supplement that contains a unique blend of natural extracts designed to promote the hormonal balance in women. The product is formulated with a combination of Alchemilla vulgaris, Melissa officinalis, and Rubus idaeus, which work synergistically to soothe menstrual discomfort and improve female hormonal health. Alchemilla vulgaris, also known as Lady's mantle, contains tannins that help to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding, while also having astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Melissa officinalis, also known as Lemon balm, is known for its calming effects on the nervous system, reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality. Rubus idaeus, or Red raspberry, contains natural compounds that help to balance female hormones and reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. Each 20 ml bottle contains a potent mix of these herbs that are expertly blended to provide maximum efficacy. This supplement is easy and convenient to use, simply add the recommended amount of drops into a glass of water or juice and drink twice daily. Ceres Alchemilla comp. Drops is produced by the renowned German company Ceres, which has been creating high-quality herbal medicines for over 130 years. The company uses only the highest quality raw materials and adheres to strict manufacturing protocols to ensure the potency and purity of their products. This natural supplement is ideal for women looking for a safe and effective way to promote hormonal balance, relieve menstrual discomfort and maintain overall female health. Order now and experience the incredible benefits of Ceres Alchemilla comp. Drops!..
76.63 USD
Dixa fenugreek seed tablets 535 mg can 150 pcs
The Dixa fenugreek seed tablets are a herbal food supplement made from 67% fenugreek seeds. Application Unless otherwise recommended by a specialist, take 4 - 6 tablets 3 times a day with water. Notes The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded.The dietary supplement should be kept out of the reach of children. Dietary supplements are not intended as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle...
20.79 USD
Ecofenac sandoz lipogel 1%tb 100g
What is Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel and when is it used?Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel contains the active substance diclofenac, which belongs to a group of medicines called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs). . Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel has painstilling and anti-inflammatory properties and thanks to the watery-alcoholic basis has a soothing, cooling effect. ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel is used to treat pain, inflammation and swelling at: Injuries, ligaments, ligaments and ligaments and Joints e.g. sprains, bruises, strains or back pain after sports or accident; Localized forms of soft tissue rheumatism, such as tendinitis (tennisel arch), shoulder-hand syndrome, bursitis, periarthropathies; and for symptomatic therapy of arthrosis of small and medium-sized joints, such as finger joints or knee . ..
18.22 USD
Emma kunz herbal essence original recipe
EMMA KUNZ Kräuteressenz Originalrezept The EMMA KUNZ Kräuteressenz Originalrezept is a traditional herbal remedy that is prepared according to the original recipe of renowned Swiss healer Emma Kunz. Emma Kunz was a remarkable healer, artist, and researcher who developed a deep understanding of the healing power of crystals and herbs. She dedicated her life to the pursuit of alternative therapies that helped to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. EMMA KUNZ Kräuteressenz Originalrezept is a blend of carefully chosen herbs, including sage, yarrow, vervain, and rosemary, that are believed to have healing properties. These herbs are steeped in alcohol to extract their essence and create a potent tonic that can help to alleviate a range of health problems. The Kräuteressenz is a natural remedy that is free from harsh chemicals and additives, making it a safe and effective alternative to conventional medicines. Benefits of EMMA KUNZ Kräuteressenz Originalrezept The EMMA KUNZ Kräuteressenz Originalrezept offers several potential health benefits, including: Relieves digestive problems Supports the immune system Reduces stress and anxiety Improves sleep quality Boosts energy levels Alleviates headaches and migraines How to Use EMMA KUNZ Kräuteressenz Originalrezept To use the EMMA KUNZ Kräuteressenz Originalrezept, simply add a few drops of the tonic to a glass of water, tea, or juice. It can also be taken directly under the tongue for faster absorption. The recommended dosage is 10-15 drops, 3-4 times per day. The Kräuteressenz should be stored in a cool, dry place and kept out of reach of children. In conclusion, the EMMA KUNZ Kräuteressenz Originalrezept is a unique and natural herbal remedy that has been trusted by generations of Swiss healers. Its blend of traditional herbs is believed to have a range of health benefits and can be used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Order your bottle today and experience the healing power of EMMA KUNZ Kräuteressenz Originalrezept for yourself. ..
43.48 USD
Hepa-s capsules 50 pcs
Hepa-S is a herbal remedy based on artichoke leaf extract. Artichoke leaf extract is bile-forming and has a beneficial effect on the excretion of bile from the liver. As a result, Hepa-S promotes digestion, especially fat digestion. Hepa-S is used for non-specific digestive disorders such as a feeling of fullness, belching, flatulence, particularly as a result of disorders of fat digestion.Swissmedic-approved patient information Hepa-S®OM Pharma Suisse SAHerbal medicinal productWhat is Hepa-S and when to use it?Hepa-S is a herbal remedy based on artichoke leaf extract. Artichoke leaf extract is bile-forming and has a beneficial effect on the excretion of bile from the liver. As a result, Hepa-S promotes digestion, especially fat digestion. Hepa-S is used for non-specific digestive disorders such as a feeling of fullness, belching, flatulence, especially as a result of disorders of fat digestion.When should Hepa-S not be used or only with caution?In the case of severe diseases of the digestive organs, Hepa-S may only be used on medical advice. If you are known to be hypersensitive to artichokes and other daisies, caution is advised. Digestive problems in children under the age of 12 must be clarified by a doctor. Therefore, the preparation should not be used in these cases without medical advice. Do not use if you are known to be hypersensitive to one of the excipients (dyes).Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist, or your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseases, have allergies or other medicines (including self-bought ones!) or use externally (for external products)!Can Hepa-S be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Up Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as intended. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice.How do you use Hepa -S? Unless otherwise prescribed, adults take 1-2 capsules whole, 3 times a day with some liquid with meals. Follow the instructions on the package leaflet or dosage prescribed by the doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.Side effects Do you have Hepa-S?No side effects have been observed for Hepa-S when used as intended.What else needs to be considered? Keep the medicinal product out of the reach of children. Store at room temperature (15–25 °C). The medicinal product may only be stored up to the end of the period marked «EXP» on the container. designated date.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information.What is in Hepa- S contain?1 capsule contains 320 mg artichoke leaf extract (drug-extract ratio: 4-6:1; extractant: water). This preparation contains the dyes quinoline yellow (E 104) and indigotine (E 132) as well as other additives.Authorization number53355 (Swissmedic).Where can you get Hepa-S? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. In packs of 50 and 100 capsules.Authorization holderOM Pharma Suisse SA, Villars-sur-GlâneThis leaflet was published in April 2006 last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic)...
46.60 USD
Infludoron glob fl 10g
Swissmedic-approved patient information Infludoron® globules Weleda AG Anthroposophic medicinal products AMZV When is Infludoron used? According to anthroposophical knowledge of man and nature, Infludoron can be used to treat influenza , flu infections and feverish colds. Infludoron is a combination of potentised substances of plant and mineral origin. It is suitable for use at the first signs as well as when the disease has already fully broken out. Symptoms such as fever, runny nose, shivering, drowsiness, muscle and joint pain, heavy sweating or signs of exhaustion are alleviated and healing is promoted. Infludoron is well tolerated and is therefore particularly suitable for use in children and infants. What do you need to know about this? If your doctor has prescribed other medicines for you, ask your doctor or pharmacist whether you are taking Infludoron at the same time may be taken. When should Infludoron not be taken or only with caution? Infludoron should not be used if you are hypersensitive to one of the ingredients. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseases, have allergies or take other medicines (including those you bought yourself!). Can Infludoron be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Infludoron? Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, take Infludoron at the first sign of a cold such as shivering, feeling of pressure in the head, body aches. Swallow the pellets whole or let them melt in your mouth. Adults and children (from 6 years): 10-15 pellets 3-6 times a day; in the acute stage 10-15 globules every 1-2 hours; if the fever is gone, reduce the dosage to 10-15 pellets 3 times a day. Infants (2-6 years): 5 globules 3-6 times a day. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If the desired improvement does not occur during the treatment of a small child/child, a doctor should be consulted with him or her. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Infludoron have? No side effects have been observed for Infludoron when used as directed. If you do notice any side effects, tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? If the symptoms worsen or if there is no improvement, discontinue Infludoron and inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist or druggist. Keep the medicine out of the reach of children. Store at room temperature (15-25°C) and away from moisture. The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the container. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Infludoron contain? 1 g of globules contains: monkshood D4 10 mg / iron phosphate D6 10 mg / bryony D1 6 mg / eucalyptus D1 5 mg / water hazel D1 4 mg / Sabadill D1 1 mg. Excipient: sugar. Approval number 46444 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Infludorone? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Glass container of 10 g. Authorization holder Weleda AG, Arlesheim, Switzerland. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in June 2005. 37470380 / Index 7 Swissmedic-approved patient information Infludoron® globulesWeleda AGAnthroposophic medicinal products AMZVWhen is Infludoron used?According to anthroposophical knowledge of man and nature, Infludoron can be used to treat influenza , flu infections and feverish colds. Infludoron is a combination of potentised substances of plant and mineral origin. It is suitable for use at the first signs as well as when the disease has already fully broken out. Symptoms such as fever, runny nose, shivering, drowsiness, muscle and joint pain, heavy sweating or signs of exhaustion are alleviated and healing is promoted. Infludoron is well tolerated and is therefore particularly suitable for use in children and infants. What do you need to know about this?If your doctor has prescribed other medicines for you, ask your doctor or pharmacist whether you are taking Infludoron at the same time may be taken. When should Infludoron not be taken or only with caution?Infludoron should not be used if you are hypersensitive to one of the ingredients. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseases,have allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!).Can Infludoron be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Infludoron?Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, take Infludoron at the first sign of a cold such as shivering, feeling of pressure in the head, body aches. Swallow the pellets whole or let them melt in your mouth. Adults and children (from 6 years): 10-15 pellets 3-6 times a day; in the acute stage 10-15 globules every 1-2 hours; if the fever is gone, reduce the dosage to 10-15 pellets 3 times a day. Infants (2-6 years): 5 globules 3-6 times a day. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If the desired improvement does not occur during the treatment of a small child/child, a doctor should be consulted with him or her. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Infludoron have?No side effects have been observed for Infludoron when used as directed. If you do notice any side effects, tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered?If the symptoms worsen or if there is no improvement, discontinue Infludoron and inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist or druggist. Keep the medicine out of the reach of children. Store at room temperature (15-25°C) and away from moisture. The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the container. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Infludoron contain?1 g of globules contains: monkshood D4 10 mg / iron phosphate D6 10 mg / bryony D1 6 mg / eucalyptus D1 5 mg / water hazelnut D1 4 mg / Sabadill D1 1 mg. Excipient: sugar. Approval number46444 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Infludorone? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Glass container of 10 g. Authorization holderWeleda AG, Arlesheim, Switzerland. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in June 2005. 37470380 / Index 7 ..
43.94 USD
Omida potassium bichromic glob c 30 m dosing aid
OMIDA Kalium bichromic Glob C 30 m Dosierhilfe OMIDA Kalium bichromic Glob C 30m Dosierhilfe is a homeopathic medicine that helps to relieve symptoms of various conditions. It is made from potassium dichromate, a chemical compound commonly used in industrial processes. The globules are tiny pellets that are easy to take, making it a convenient way to get relief from symptoms. This medicine is suitable for children and adults over the age of It is particularly useful for those experiencing symptoms such as: sore throat cough sinusitis bronchitis asthma The dosage of OMIDA Kalium bichromic Glob C 30m is easy to administer with the dosing aid provided. You can easily measure the dosage and take it orally as instructed by your healthcare practitioner. The globules are quickly absorbed into your body, making it fast-acting and effective in providing relief from your symptoms. OMIDA Kalium bichromic Glob C 30m Dosierhilfe is a safe and natural alternative to traditional medicine. As a homeopathic medicine, it helps to treat the root cause of your symptoms rather than just masking them. It is non-habit forming and free from side effects, making it an ideal choice for those seeking natural remedies. Overall, OMIDA Kalium bichromic Glob C 30m Dosierhilfe is an effective homeopathic medicine that provides relief from various symptoms. It is safe, easy to take, and ideal for those seeking natural remedies. ..
23.90 USD
Omida schuessler nr3 ferrum phosphoricum dil d 12 bottle 30 ml
Omida Schüssler Nr3 Ferrum phosphoricum Dil D 12 Fl 30 ml The Omida Schüssler Nr3 Ferrum phosphoricum Dil D 12 Fl 30 ml is a highly effective homeopathic remedy that provides relief from various health issues. This product is specially formulated using the principles of Schuessler salts and offers natural remedies for better health. Ferrum phosphoricum (Iron phosphate) is the key ingredient in this product, known for its healing properties. It helps to support the body's immune system, improve blood circulation, and enhance overall well-being. With a potency of Dil D 12, this product is suitable for adults and children alike. It comes in a convenient 30 ml bottle, making it easy to carry and use on the go. Omida Schüssler Nr3 Ferrum phosphoricum Dil D 12 Fl 30 ml can be used for various health conditions, such as: Minor fevers and inflammations Coughs and colds Sore throat Muscle pain and stiffness Headaches and migraines Low energy and fatigue By using this product as directed, you can experience relief from these uncomfortable symptoms and support your body's natural healing process. As a homeopathic remedy, Omida Schüssler Nr3 Ferrum phosphoricum Dil D 12 Fl 30 ml is safe to use and does not cause any known side effects. However, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any specific health concerns or if symptoms persist. Invest in your well-being with Omida Schüssler Nr3 Ferrum phosphoricum Dil D 12 Fl 30 ml and experience the natural healing benefits today! ..
40.90 USD
Phytomed bach flowers no29 dold milk star
PHYTOMED Bach flower essence No.29, Dold milk star, is a natural remedy designed to promote emotional balance and healing. This unique blend harnesses the power of Bach flowers to provide relief from feelings of despair, sadness, and hopelessness. Formulated to gently restore inner harmony, this remedy may help alleviate emotional turmoil and enhance emotional resilience. Made with high-quality ingredients and following traditional Bach methods, PHYTOMED Bach flower essence No.29 offers a holistic approach to emotional well-being. Incorporate this natural remedy into your daily routine to support your emotional health and find a sense of peace and calm within...
22.76 USD
Phytomed gemmo yellow gentian liquid d 1 spray 30 ml
PHYTOMED GEMMO Gentiana lutea liq D 1 Spr 30 ml PHYTOMED GEMMO Gentiana lutea liq D 1 Spr 30 ml is a herbal supplement that is made from the buds of Gentiana lutea plant. This product is meticulously prepared using advanced techniques that preserve the natural active ingredients of the plant, making it an excellent source of nutrients for your health. Gentiana lutea is a herbaceous plant that is well known for its bitter taste and is widely used in traditional medicine to soothe digestive disorders, stimulate appetite, and enhance liver function. PHYTOMED GEMMO Gentiana lutea liq D 1 Spr 30 ml is an outstanding product that incorporates the healing properties of this plant, making it the best choice for individuals who seek to supplement their diet and improve their overall health. Benefits of PHYTOMED GEMMO Gentiana lutea liq D 1 Spr 30 ml Supports digestive health by helping to reduce bloating, gas, and constipation. Can stimulate and enhance appetite May help detoxify and cleanse the liver naturally Helps to improve nutrient absorption in the digestive system Helps to protect the body from harmful toxins and free radicals that damage cells and tissues PHYTOMED GEMMO Gentiana lutea liq D 1 Spr 30 ml is free from any chemical additives or preservatives and it is suitable for vegetarians. It is crafted with utter care to deliver the best quality, ensuring that you get maximum benefits from every use. Get your PHYTOMED GEMMO Gentiana lutea liq D 1 Spr 30 ml today and experience optimal health and wellness!..
45.34 USD
Phytopharma burdock kaps 350 mg 80 pcs
Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs is an herbal supplement formulated with burdock root extract. Each capsule contains 350 mg of burdock root extract, which has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its healing properties. The burdock root contains several beneficial compounds such as essential oils, polyacetylenes, inulin, and flavonoids which make it a powerful natural remedy for various ailments. Health Benefits of Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs: Detoxification: Burdock root is known for its detoxifying effects on the body. It helps in the elimination of toxins, heavy metals, and excess fluids from the body. Improves Digestion: Burdock root contains inulin, a prebiotic fiber that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. It aids in digestion and prevents constipation. Supports Skin Health: Burdock root is rich in antioxidants, which protect the skin from oxidative damage. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating skin problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Boosts Immunity: Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs helps in boosting the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells. Anti-cancer properties: Burdock root contains several compounds that have anti-cancer properties. It reduces the risk of cancer and slows down the growth of cancer cells. Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs is suitable for vegetarians and those with lactose intolerance. It is free from gluten, lactose, and artificial preservatives. It is recommended to take two capsules per day with meals, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Try Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs today and enjoy the numerous health benefits of this ancient herbal remedy! ..
27.56 USD
Phytopharma infect stop lozenges 50 pieces
Introducing Phytopharma Infect Stop lozenges, a natural remedy to help combat infections and soothe your throat. Each box contains 50 lozenges, offering a convenient and effective way to alleviate symptoms. Crafted with a powerful blend of natural ingredients, these lozenges work to support your immune system while providing relief from discomfort. Whether you're dealing with a sore throat, cough, or other signs of infection, Phytopharma Infect Stop lozenges are the perfect addition to your wellness routine. Say goodbye to pesky symptoms and hello to natural, gentle relief with Phytopharma Infect Stop lozenges...
44.26 USD
Puressentiel helichrysum ether/oil organic 5 ml
Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is an essential oil that is extracted from the blooms of the Helichrysum italicum, a plant also known as the everlasting or immortelle. It is distilled in France and certified organic. Benefits: The Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, anti-histaminic and healing properties. It is known to relieve pain and reduce swelling, making it perfect for sore muscles, sprains or arthritis. It also helps heal bruises and scars, and soothes skin irritations such as eczema, psoriasis or acne. How to use: Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml can be used in a variety of ways. It can be diluted in a carrier oil and applied topically to the affected area, or added to a bath to alleviate muscle pain. It can also be diffused in a diffuser to purify and freshen the air, and relieve respiratory problems such as allergies, asthma or bronchitis. It can also be used as a natural insect repellent. Ingredients: 100% pure and natural essential oil of Helichrysum italicum, certified organic. Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a must-have essential oil for anyone looking to promote healing, reduce pain and improve their overall well-being in a natural and organic way. Its versatile properties make it a valuable addition to any natural medicine cabinet. ..
75.94 USD
Randr swiss immune drops
R&R Swiss Immune Drop R&R Swiss Immune Drop is a potent herbal supplement that strengthens and supports the immune system. It is a natural blend of traditional herbs that have been used for centuries to improve the body's defence mechanism against various illnesses and diseases. The herbal drops are scientifically formulated to help stimulate and enhance the immune system. It contains a unique blend of high-quality ingredients, including Echinacea, Astragalus Root, and Reishi Mushroom, which are known for their immune-boosting properties. The Echinacea extract is known for its natural antibacterial and antiviral properties, which help to fight common colds, flu, and other infections. The Astragalus Root extract is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The Reishi Mushroom extract has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to promote overall wellness and support healthy immune function. R&R Swiss Immune Drop is made with the highest quality natural ingredients, and it is free of artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives. It is also non-GMO and gluten-free, making it suitable for people with various dietary restrictions. The herbal drops are easy to take and can be added to your favourite drink or taken directly under the tongue. It is recommended to take 25-30 drops twice daily to strengthen and support your immune system. Investing in your immune system with R&R Swiss Immune Drop is a smart choice, as it can help to improve your overall health and well-being. ..
9.46 USD
Schoenenberger thyme medicinal plant juice bottle 200 ml
Schönenberger Thymian Saft (Thyme Juice) is a natural juice with organic ribwort plantain. The formulation has a supportive effect due to its cough-relieving properties. Natural juiceWith thymeSoothes coughsFrom organic farmingSuitable from 2 yearsWithout preservatives Application Take 10 ml of Schönenberger Thyme Juice diluted in water 3 to 4 times daily before meals. Note Shake well before useUse within 2 weeks after openingStore in the refrigerator after opening..
21.58 USD
Shaolin muscle fluid refill
SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill: Relieve Muscle Soreness and Tension Effortlessly If you?re looking for an effective way to release muscle tension and relieve soreness naturally, the SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill is the perfect solution for you! This advanced formula is designed to penetrate deep into your muscles, soothing away pain and helping you feel your best. Why Choose SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill? The SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill is made with a unique blend of proven natural ingredients that work together to enhance muscle relaxation and improve overall wellness. Whether you?re dealing with acute muscle pain or chronic tension, this formulation can provide fast relief that lasts. Key Benefits Faster Recovery: The active ingredients in this formula can help to reduce inflammation and promote faster healing, enabling you to get back to your active lifestyle faster. Improved Mobility: By promoting muscle relaxation and reducing tension, SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill can enhance your range of motion and overall mobility. 100% Safe and Natural: Our product is free of harmful chemicals and preservatives, making it safe for people of all ages and skin types. Easy to Apply: The SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill is easy to use and quick-absorbing, which means you can apply it anywhere, anytime, without any mess or fuss! How to Use To use the SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill, massage a small amount directly into your muscles and joints, up to three times a day. You can apply the fluid before or after exercise, or simply throughout your day as needed. Experience the Benefits Today! Don?t let muscle pain and tension slow you down. Try SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill today, and experience the benefits of natural, effective muscle pain relief. ..
158.03 USD
Spagyros arnica glob c 30 multiclick 2 g
Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 g Introducing the Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 g - a powerful and natural homeopathic remedy designed to provide relief from various ailments and promote overall well-being. Features: Arnica Glob C 30: The main ingredient in this product is Arnica, a flowering plant recognized for its healing properties. It has been used for centuries to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and combat injuries. Multi Click System: The innovative Multi Click system ensures precise and convenient dosage. Each click dispenses a 2g dosage, making it easy to administer the required amount. Homeopathic Remedy: This product follows the principles of homeopathy, using extremely diluted substances to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. Quality Manufacturing: Spagyros ensures the highest standards of quality in the manufacturing process. Their products are meticulously crafted to ensure optimum potency and effectiveness. Safe and Natural: With no known side effects or drug interactions, the Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 g is a safe and gentle alternative to traditional pain relief methods. Benefits: Relieves pain and provides comfort for muscle and joint injuries. Reduces inflammation and swelling associated with bruises and sprains. Accelerates the healing process after surgeries or physical traumas. Improves blood circulation and supports overall wellness. Non-addictive and suitable for all ages. Elevate your holistic healing journey with the Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 g. Experience the power of nature and centuries-old homeopathic wisdom combined into one convenient and effective remedy. ..
36.22 USD
Spagyros gemmo ficus carica glyc maz d 1 30 ml
Spagyros Gemmo Ficus Carica Glyc Maz D 1 Spr 30 ml Spagyros Gemmo Ficus carica Glyc Maz D 1 Spr 30 ml is a natural remedy designed to support the body's overall health and well-being. This unique product is made from fresh fig buds, extracted with a special spagyric method that preserves the plant's natural properties and therapeutic benefits. The fig plant contains several active compounds, including enzymes, phytohormones, vitamins, and minerals that can help improve digestive health, support the immune system, and provide relief from common ailments. These compounds work together to enhance the body's natural healing processes and promote overall health and wellness. The spagyric extraction method used by Spagyros ensures that the active ingredients in the fig plant are extracted and preserved in the most effective way possible. By using a combination of alchemical processes, such as fermentation and distillation, Spagyros is able to create a potent and pure extract that can deliver maximum therapeutic benefits to the body. Spagyros Gemmo Ficus carica Glyc Maz D 1 Spr 30 ml can be used as a natural remedy to support the body during times of stress, illness, or fatigue. It is easy to use and can be added to water or taken directly under the tongue. As a natural remedy, this product is safe and gentle, without the harsh side effects often associated with synthetic medications. Overall, Spagyros Gemmo Ficus carica Glyc Maz D 1 Spr 30 ml is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a natural and effective way to support their body's overall health and well-being. With its unique spagyric extraction method and potent active ingredients, this product can help enhance the body's natural healing processes and promote optimal health and wellness...
64.22 USD
Spagyros spagyr comp artemisia abrotanum comp spray 50 ml
Spagyros Spagyr Comp Artemisia abrotanum comp Spr 50 ml Introducing the Spagyros Spagyr Comp Artemisia abrotanum comp Spr 50 ml, a herbal supplement carefully crafted to promote well-being and support overall health. Made from Artemisia abrotanum, also known as southernwood or lad's love, this unique spagyric formulation harnesses the power of nature to deliver holistic benefits. Artemisia abrotanum has a long history in traditional medicine due to its potential therapeutic properties. This spagyric compound is created through a meticulous alchemical process that extracts the vital essence of the plant, ensuring maximum potency and bioavailability. The Spagyros Spagyr Comp Artemisia abrotanum comp Spr comes in a convenient 50 ml spray bottle, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Simply spray the recommended amount under your tongue or add it to a glass of water for a refreshing herbal tonic. The spray form allows for quick and efficient absorption, ensuring that you receive the full benefits of this incredible plant. This spagyric compound may offer numerous potential health benefits, including immune system support, digestive support, and overall well-being. Additionally, Artemisia abrotanum has been traditionally used to promote healthy respiratory function and provide relief from occasional discomforts. At Spagyros, we are committed to producing high-quality spagyric compounds that honor the wisdom of nature. Our products are crafted with utmost care, using organic and sustainably sourced ingredients to ensure purity and efficacy. Each batch undergoes rigorous quality control to meet our stringent standards. Experience the profound benefits of nature with the Spagyros Spagyr Comp Artemisia abrotanum comp Spr 50 ml. Incorporate this herbal supplement into your daily routine and let the power of Artemisia abrotanum support your well-being. ..
79.82 USD
Stiltuss herbal cough suppressant syrup bottle 200 ml
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Stiltuss Pflanzlicher Hustenstiller Sirup Indikation Reizhusten; trockener Husten. Dosierung 4-9 J: 2×tgl. 10 ml. 10-17 J : 3×tgl. 10 ml. >18 J: 4×tgl. 10 ml.30 Sekunden im Mund zergehen lassen und anschliessend schlucken. Behandlungsdauer: min. 5 Tage. 767552 / 29.09.2020 ..
28.82 USD
(1 Pages)