
Lash supplements

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Looking for a natural way to boost your lash health? Our lash supplements are carefully crafted from natural ingredients and designed to provide you essential nutrients that promote healthier, stronger, and thicker lashes. But we're not just limited to enhancing your lash health, we offer a range of health and beauty products aimed at supporting your well-being. These include hair supplements, nail supplements, and more. We provide an assortment of health and nutrition items, groceries, diet and slimming products, and course/nutritional supplements. All our products adhere to the premium quality standards set by Switzerland's strict health regulations. Enhance your beauty the natural way with
Weleda natural wisdom my hair, eyelashes and nails 2 x 46 pcs

Weleda natural wisdom my hair, eyelashes and nails 2 x 46 pcs

Product code: 7810646

Weleda NATURWEISHEIT Meine Haare Wimpern & Nägel - 2 x 46 Stk Get ready to nourish your hair, lashes, and nails with the Weleda NATURWEISHEIT Meine Haare Wimpern & Nägel tablets. These tablets are specially formulated using natural ingredients to provide nourishment and strength to your hair, lashes, and nails. The key ingredients used in the Weleda NATURWEISHEIT Meine Haare Wimpern & Nägel tablets are: Biotin: Biotin is a B vitamin that is known to support healthy hair, skin, and nails. Silica: Silica is essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails. It is necessary for collagen production and is often added to beauty supplements to support healthy hair and nail growth. Millet extract: Millet extract is a rich source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails. It contains iron, B vitamins, calcium, and magnesium, all of which contribute to healthy hair and nail growth. The Weleda NATURWEISHEIT Meine Haare Wimpern & Nägel tablets are vegan, gluten-free, and free from synthetic ingredients. The tablets come in an easy-to-swallow form and are packaged in convenient blister packs for easy daily use. Weleda is a renowned brand when it comes to natural and organic personal care products. With over 100 years of experience, they bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to all of their products. Take two tablets daily with a meal to see the results of the Weleda NATURWEISHEIT Meine Haare Wimpern & Nägel supplement. With regular use, you can expect stronger, healthier hair, lashes, and nails. ..

92.61 USD

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(1 Pages)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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