
respiratory support

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Explore our range of respiratory support products designed to ease breathing and provide relief from symptoms of the common cold. Featuring items like Vicks VapoRub for topical use and inhalation, these products use natural and organic ingredients such as eucalyptus and niaouli oils to clear congestion and soothe respiratory discomfort. Perfect for supporting both the respiratory system and immune health, our selection offers safe and effective options for adults and children. Ideal for promoting restful sleep and respiratory wellness, our offerings are essential additions to your body care and respiratory health routine.
Bird po-ho oil neo

Bird po-ho oil neo

Product code: 1004667

Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo und wann wird es angewendet? Wann darf A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo nicht angewendet werden? Wann ist bei der Anwendung von A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo Vorsicht geboten? Darf A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen / angewendet werden? Wie verwenden Sie A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo? Welche Nebenwirkungen kann A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo haben? Was ist ferner zu beachten? Was ist in A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo enthalten? Zulassungsnummer Wo erhalten Sie A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? Zulassungsinhaberin COMPENDIUM Swissmedic-genehmigte Patienteninformation A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo, Flüssigkeit zur Anwendung auf der Haut A.Vogel AG Was ist A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo und wann wird es angewendet? A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo ist ein Arzneimittel zusammengesetzt aus verschiedenen ätherischen Ölen von Heilpflanzen. Diese ätherischen Öle werden durch Destillation aus frisch geernteten Pflanzen gewonnen und sorgfältig ausgewählt. A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo ist geeignet zum▪Einreiben bei Kopf- und Muskelschmerzen;▪Inhalieren und/oder Einreiben bei Bronchitis, Halsweh, Husten, Schnupfen, Katarrh. Wann darf A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo nicht angewendet werden? A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo darf nicht angewendet werden▪Bei bekannter Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber einem der ätherischen Öle.▪Bei Kindern unter 6 Jahren.▪Nicht auf offenen Wunden und ekzematöser Haut anwenden.▪Augen und Schleimhäute sollen nicht mit dem Präparat in Berührung kommen. Wann ist bei der Anwendung von A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo Vorsicht geboten? ▪Patienten mit vorgeschädigten Nieren dürfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo nur kurzfristig und nicht grossflächig anwenden.▪Patienten mit Veranlagung für allergische Reaktionen bei Arzneimitteln oder mit Asthma bronchiale dürfen das Produkt nur nach Rücksprache mit ihrem Arzt oder ihrer Ärztin anwenden.Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Sie▪an anderen Krankheiten leiden,▪Allergien haben oder▪andere Arzneimittel (auch selbst gekaufte!) einnehmen oder äusserlich anwenden. Darf A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen / angewendet werden? Während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit darf A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo nicht angewendet werden, es sei denn kurzfristig, nicht grossflächig und nur auf ärztliche Verschreibung. Wie verwenden Sie A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo? Erwachsene:Falls vom Arzt oder der Ärztin nicht anders verschrieben:▪bei Erkältungen, Schnupfen, Katarrh: 3–5 Tropfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo auf ein Tuch spritzen und inhalieren, Nasenwurzel und Stirn mit 3–5 Tropfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo einreiben. Je nach Bedarf wiederholen.▪bei Bronchitis, Halsweh, Husten: Hals, Brust und Rücken mit A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo (10–20 Tropfen) einreiben.▪bei Schmerzen: Kopfschmerzen 5–10 Tropfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo auf ein feuchtes Tuch träufeln und damit Stirn, Nacken und Schläfen einreiben. Muskelschmerzen: mit 10–30 Tropfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo einreiben. Eine Wirkung kann auch erzielt werden, wenn man auf ein nasses Tuch einige Tropfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo träufelt und die schmerzende Stelle damit einreibt.Nach Anwendung Hände gut waschen.Die Anwendung und Sicherheit von A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo bei Kindern und Jugendlichen ist bisher nicht geprüft worden.Halten Sie sich an die in der Packungsbeilage angegebene oder vom Arzt oder der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung. Wenn Sie glauben, das Arzneimittel wirke zu schwach oder zu stark, so sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. mit Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Welche Nebenwirkungen kann A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo haben? Folgende Nebenwirkungen können bei der Einnahme oder Anwendung von A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo auftreten:Selten (betrifft 1 bis 10 von 10'000 Anwendern)Selten treten Hautreizungen (Jucken, Rötung) auf. Die Behandlung sollte dann sofort abgebrochen werden.Wenn Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Nebenwirkungen, die nicht in dieser Packungsbeilage angegeben sind. Was ist ferner zu beachten? Das Arzneimittel darf nur bis zu dem auf dem Behälter mit «EXP» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden.LagerungshinweisBei Raumtemperatur (15-25°C) lagern.Den Behälter fest verschlossen halten.Ausser Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.Weitere HinweiseNicht einnehmen.Weitere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen Ihr Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Was ist in A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo enthalten? Wirkstoffe1 g enthält: Kampferöl 50 mg, Eukalyptusöl 480 mg, Pfefferminzöl 350 mg, Terpentinöl Strandkiefertyp 80 mgHilfsstoffeAromastoff Zulassungsnummer 68895 (Swissmedic) Wo erhalten Sie A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? In Apotheken und Drogerien, ohne ärztliche Verschreibung.Flasche zu 10 ml. Zulassungsinhaberin A.Vogel AG, CH-9325 Roggwil Diese Packungsbeilage wurde im Januar 2007 letztmals durch die Arzneimittelbehörde (Swissmedic) geprüft. 30620 / 25.08.2022 ..

21.09 USD

Farfalla chest balm stay healthy ravintsara

Farfalla chest balm stay healthy ravintsara

Product code: 7424476

FARFALLA Brustbalsam bleib gesund Ravintsara Experience natural relief and support for your respiratory system with FARFALLA Brustbalsam bleib gesund Ravintsara. Made with high-quality ingredients including ravintsara, eucalyptus, and niaouli essential oils, this chest balm helps to soothe and clear congestion. Use it on your chest, neck, and back before going to bed or throughout the day for a refreshing, invigorating aroma. The ravintsara essential oil in this balm has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, making it an ideal choice for those with respiratory infections. Eucalyptus and niaouli oils also provide respiratory support while supporting the immune system. This balm is a natural alternative to over-the-counter cold and flu remedies, providing relief without the use of harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances. FARFALLA Brustbalsam bleib gesund Ravintsara is easy to use and suitable for all skin types. Simply apply a small amount of the balm to your chest, neck, or back and massage gently. The balm will melt on contact with your skin, providing instant relief and aromatherapy benefits. The convenient tin is easy to carry with you for on-the-go use, and the balm is gentle enough to use daily. Add FARFALLA Brustbalsam bleib gesund Ravintsara to your natural medicine cabinet today and experience the benefits of this natural remedy for respiratory support and relief. ..

22.78 USD

Gly-coramin lozenges 125 mg 30 pcs

Gly-coramin lozenges 125 mg 30 pcs

Product code: 1991139

Gly-Coramin® is recommended for fatigue caused by physical exertion and complaints at altitude. Energizing, breathing and circulatory stimulating. Swissmedic-approved patient informationGly-Coramin®HÄNSELERAMZVWhat is Gly-Coramin and when is it used?Gly-Coramin contains dextrose (glucose), which donates energy, and nikethamide, which can have a stimulating effect on breathing. Gly-Coramin can be used for: signs of fatigue during physical exertion and for complaints caused by staying at high altitude or changes in air pressure, such as when walking in the mountains.What should be considered?Note for diabetics: Gly-Coramin contains cane sugar (sucrose) and is therefore not suitable for diabetics.Note for athletes: Taking Gly-Coramin can result in a positive reaction in anti-doping controls.1 lozenge contains 2.7 g carbohydrates (= 0.27 bread values). When should Gly-Coramin not be used?If you are known to be hypersensitive to substances contained in Gly-Coramin and if you have epilepsy, porphyria (a metabolic disease) and high blood pressure.When is caution required when taking Gly-Coramin?Gly-Coramin contains dextrose (glucose) and cane sugar (sucrose) and is therefore not suitable for diabetics.Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines (even those you bought yourself!) or using them externally.Can Gly-Coramin be taken while pregnant or breastfeeding?If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant and are breastfeeding, you should not take Gly-Coramin. Pregnancy-related fatigue should not be treated with Gly-Coramin.How do you use Gly-Coramin?The effects of Gly-Coramin are felt quickly.Adults and adolescents from 16 years: Dissolve 1 lozenge in the mouth. As a rule, up to approx. 10 lozenges can be taken spread over the day. Gly-Coramin should not be used in children and adolescents under the age of 16.Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.Side effects Gly-Coramin?No side effects have been observed for Gly-Coramin. If you do notice any side effects, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What else should you watch out for?Medicines should be kept out of the reach of children, Gly-Coramin in particular because of the risk of confusion with sweets.Protect from moisture and store at room temperature (15-25 °C). The drug may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the container.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information.What does Gly-Coramin contain?1 lozenge contains: 125 mg nikethamide, 200 mg glucose in the form of corn syrup, 1.1 g sucrose and flavorings.Approval number25385 (Swissmedic).Where can you get Gly -Coramine? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription.Pack of 30 lozenges.Authorization holder Hänseler AG, 9101 Herisau.This package insert was published in April 2012 last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic)...

51.79 USD

Puressentiel cineole rosemary ether/oil organic 10 ml

Puressentiel cineole rosemary ether/oil organic 10 ml

Product code: 6338510

Puressentiel cineol rosemary Äth / Oil Bio 10ml Puressentiel cineol rosemary Äth / Oil Bio 10ml is a pure and natural essential oil extracted from fresh Rosemary leaves. It is completely organic, meaning it is free from chemicals and synthetic fragrances. This powerful oil is ideal for muscle relaxation, respiratory support, stress relief and many other uses. Key features: 100% pure and natural essential oil Certified organic 10 ml bottle with dropper High cineol content for potent therapeutic properties Multi-use oil with a wide range of benefits How to use: There are many ways to use Puressentiel cineol rosemary Äth / Oil Bio 10ml. For respiratory support, add a few drops of the oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam. For muscle relaxation, mix a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil and massage onto the affected area. It can also be used in skincare, haircare, and to promote mental clarity and focus. Safety information: Essential oils should always be used with care. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor, aromatherapist or licensed practitioner. This oil should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women or by children under the age of It should not be ingested or applied directly to the skin without proper dilution. ..

25.88 USD

Puressentiel display ball inhaler for the respiratory tract 24 pieces

Puressentiel display ball inhaler for the respiratory tract 24 pieces

Product code: 7269768

The Puressentiel Display Ball Inhaler offers a convenient and natural solution for supporting respiratory health. This set includes 24 individual inhalers specially designed to help clear the respiratory tract. Each inhaler is infused with a blend of essential oils known for their decongestant and soothing properties. Simply inhale the refreshing vapors to help ease breathing and provide relief from congestion. Compact and portable, these inhalers are perfect for on-the-go use and can be easily stored in your bag or pocket. Maintain clear airways and promote overall respiratory well-being with the Puressentiel Display Ball Inhaler...

308.60 USD

Puressentiel niaouli ether/oil organic 10 ml

Puressentiel niaouli ether/oil organic 10 ml

Product code: 5930471

Puressentiel® Niaouli Äth / oil Bio 10 ml Puressentiel® Niaouli Äth / oil Bio 10 ml is a premium quality essential oil that is extracted from the leaves of the Niaouli tree. This essential oil is 100% natural and organic, making it safe for use on both adults and children. One of the key benefits of this essential oil is its ability to support healthy respiratory function. When used topically or inhaled, it can help to clear the sinuses and promote easier breathing. This makes it an excellent choice for individuals who suffer from respiratory issues or allergies. In addition to its respiratory benefits, Puressentiel® Niaouli Äth / oil Bio 10 ml is also known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It can be used topically to help disinfect wounds or prevent infection, making it a valuable addition to any first aid kit. Other uses for this essential oil include skin care, as it can help to soothe and moisturize dry or irritated skin, and as a natural insect repellent. Its fresh, uplifting scent also makes it a popular choice for aromatherapy and relaxation. Puressentiel® Niaouli Äth / oil Bio 10 ml is packaged in a convenient, easy-to-use bottle with a dropper cap. It is certified organic by ECOCERT, ensuring that it has been produced through sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Overall, this essential oil is a must-have for anyone looking to support healthy respiratory function, promote healing, improve skin health, or simply enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy. ..

22.91 USD

Vicks vaporub ointment pot 100 g

Vicks vaporub ointment pot 100 g

Product code: 4835345

What is Vicks VapoRub and when is it used? Vicks VapoRub is an ointment for topical use (rubbing on the chest, neck and back) or inhalation for symptoms of the common cold in children and adults. It contains essential plant oils and components thereof, some of which are absorbed through the skin and some are inhaled. Vicks VapoRub makes breathing easier and promotes restful sleep when rubbed in before bed. Vicks VapoRub is used for colds of the upper respiratory tract with cough, runny nose, sore throat and bronchial symptoms.What should be considered?If the symptoms persist for more than a week without signs of improvement, a doctor should be consulted.When should Vicks VapoRub not be used?Vicks VapoRub should not be used if you know Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients (see «Composition»). In the case of damaged or inflamed skin, open wounds, burns or skin and children's diseases with exanthema, bronchial asthma, whooping cough as well as pseudocroup and other respiratory diseases that are associated with pronounced hypersensitivity of the airways (when inhaled, the active ingredients can in turn lead to cramping of the bronchial muscles). Do not inhale in case of acute pneumonia.Do not inhale in infants and small children under the age of 2 years because of the risk of glottal spasm, and do not inhale in children under the age of 6.Do not use on the face; don't swallow. Avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth.When should caution be used when using Vicks VapoRub?Use with caution in children under 7 years of age. Use a little ointment for the first application to ensure that the skin tolerates the ointment. If children experience fever or difficulty breathing, if the cough is very severe or persistent, if the symptoms of a cold persist, if there is a skin rash or persistent headache, a doctor should be consulted.Do not apply as a tight bandage; do not use with heating pads or other types of heat.For external use only. Consult a doctor immediately if your child accidentally swallows Vicks VapoRub.Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines (even those you bought yourself!) or use them externally.Can Vicks VapoRub be used while pregnant or breastfeeding?..

61.94 USD

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