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Paracetamol is a common active ingredient in various health and beauty products from Switzerland that provides pain relief and reduces fever. It is used in products such as Dafalgan effervescent tablets, syrup for children, and suppositories, offering solutions for a wide range of ailments including headaches, toothaches, joint pain, back pain, menstrual pain, injuries, colds, and fever. Additionally, products like Kafa plus caffeine combine paracetamol with caffeine to enhance pain relief, and NeoCitran flu/cold combines it with other ingredients to alleviate flu and cold symptoms. Paracetamol-based products are effective for short-term treatment and should be used according to medical guidelines to avoid overdose and ensure safe relief from discomfort.
Dafalgan direct schmelztabl 500 mg

Dafalgan direct schmelztabl 500 mg

Product code: 1036205

Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist Dafalgan Direct und wann wird es angewendet? Wann darf Dafalgan Direct nicht eingenommen werden? Wann ist bei der Einnahme von Dafalgan Direct Vorsicht geboten? Darf Dafalgan Direct während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen werden? Wie verwenden Sie Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten? Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Dafalgan Direct haben? Was ist ferner zu beachten? Was ist in Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten enthalten? Zulassungsnummer Wo erhalten Sie Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? Zulassungsinhaberin COMPENDIUM Swissmedic-genehmigte Patienteninformation Dafalgan Direct® Schmelztabletten UPSA Switzerland AG Was ist Dafalgan Direct und wann wird es angewendet? Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten enthalten den Wirkstoff Paracetamol, der schmerzlindernd und fiebersenkend wirkt.Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten werden angewendet zur kurzfristigen Behandlung von Kopfschmerzen, Zahnschmerzen, Schmerzen im Bereich von Gelenken und Bändern, Rückenschmerzen, Schmerzen während der Monatsblutung, Schmerzen nach Verletzungen (z.B. Sportverletzungen), Schmerzen bei Erkältungskrankheiten sowie gegen Fieber. Wann darf Dafalgan Direct nicht eingenommen werden? In folgenden Fällen darf Dafalgan Direct nicht eingenommen werden:Bei Überempfindlichkeit auf den Wirkstoff Paracetamol oder einen anderen Inhaltsstoff (siehe «Was ist in Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten enthalten?»). Eine solche Überempfindlichkeit äussert sich z.B. durch Asthma, Atemnot Kreislaufbeschwerden, niedriger Blutdruck Schwellungen der Haut und Schleimhäute oder Hautausschläge (Nesselfieber);Bei schweren Lebererkrankungen;Bei einer erblichen Leberstörung (sogenannte Meulengracht-Krankheit). Wann ist bei der Einnahme von Dafalgan Direct Vorsicht geboten? Bei Erkrankungen der Niere oder der Leber sowie beim sogenannten «Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase-Mangel» (seltene erbliche Krankheit der roten Blutkörperchen) sollten Sie vor der Einnahme Ihren Arzt oder Ihre Ärztin konsultieren.Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt oder Ihre Ärztin ebenfalls, wenn Sie gleichzeitig blutverdünnende Medikamente oder gewisse Arzneimittel zur Behandlung von Tuberkulose (Rifampicin, Isoniazid), Epilepsie (Phenytoin, Carbamazepin), Gicht (Probenecid), erhöhten Blutfettwerten (Cholestyramin) oder HIV-Infektionen (Zidovudin) einnehmen müssen. Vorsicht ist auch geboten bei der gleichzeitigen Anwendung von Arzneimitteln mit den Wirkstoffen Chloramphenicol, Salicylamid oder Phenobarbital.Bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung eines Antibiotikums mit dem Wirkstoff Flucloxacillin ist Ihr Arzt oder Ihre Ärztin ebenfalls zu informieren, da ein erhöhtes Risiko für eine Übersäuerung des Blutes (metabolische Azidose mit vergrösserter Anionenlücke) besteht. Eine engmaschige ärztliche Kontrolle wird empfohlen, um das Auftreten einer metabolischen Azidose zu erkennen.Während der Behandlung mit Dafalgan Direct wird von Alkoholkonsum abgeraten. Besonders bei fehlender gleichzeitiger Nahrungsaufnahme erhöht sich die Gefahr einer Leberschädigung. Arzneimittel mit dem Wirkstoff Paracetamol dürfen nicht an Kinder, welche aus Versehen Alkohol eingenommen haben, verabreicht werden.Bei Essstörungen wie Anorexie, Bulimie und sehr starker Abmagerung sowie bei chronischer Mangelernährung ist Vorsicht geboten bei der Einnahme von Dafalgan Direct.Bei Flüssigkeitsmangel und verminderten Mengen an Blut ist Vorsicht geboten bei der Einnahme von Dafalgan Direct. Bei einer schweren Infektion (z.B. einer Blutvergiftung) ist ebenfalls Vorsicht geboten bei der Anwendung von Dafalgan Direct.Dieses Arzneimittel enthält pro Schmelztablette:30,5 mg Sorbitol, sowie 105.8 - 109.2 mg Sucrose (= Saccharose) und 2.2 - 5.6 mg Glucose. Sorbitol ist eine Quelle für Fructose. Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt bevor Sie (oder Ihr Kind) dieses Arzneimittel einnehmen oder erhalten, wenn Ihr Arzt Ihnen mitgeteilt hat, dass Sie (oder Ihr Kind) eine Unverträglichkeit gegenüber einigen Zuckern haben oder wenn bei Ihnen eine hereditäre Fructoseintoleranz (HFI) - eine seltene angeborene Erkrankung, bei der eine Person Fructose nicht abbauen kann - festgestellt wurde. Die enthaltene Glucose kann schädlich für die Zähne sein.4,8 mg Aspartam. Aspartam ist eine Quelle für Phenylalanin. Es kann schädlich sein, wenn Sie eine Phenylketonurie (PKU) haben, eine seltene angeborene Erkrankung, bei der sich Phenylalanin anreichert, weil der Körper es nicht ausreichend abbauen kann.21 mg Benzoat. Benzoat kann Gelbsucht (Gelbfärbung von Haut und Augen) bei Neugeborenen (im Alter bis zu 4 Wochen) verstärken.39 mg Natrium (Hauptbestandteil von Kochsalz/Speisesalz). Dies entspricht 2% der für einen Erwachsenen empfohlenen maximalen täglichen Natriumaufnahme mit der Nahrung.Einzelne Personen mit Überempfindlichkeit auf Schmerz- oder Rheumamittel können auch auf Paracetamol überempfindlich reagieren (siehe «Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Dafalgan Direct haben?»).Es ist auch zu bedenken, dass die langdauernde, häufige Einnahme von Schmerzmitteln ihrerseits dazu beitragen kann, dass Kopfschmerzen entstehen oder bereits existierende Kopfschmerzen sich verschlimmern. Kontaktieren Sie in solchen Fällen Ihren Arzt/ Ihre Ärztin. Die langfristige Einnahme von Schmerzmitteln, insbesondere bei Kombination mehrerer schmerzstillender Wirkstoffe, kann zur dauerhaften Nierenschädigung mit dem Risiko eines Nierenversagens führen.Um das Risiko einer Überdosierung zu verhindern, soll sichergestellt werden, dass andere verabreichte Medikamente kein Paracetamol enthalten.Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Siean anderen Krankheiten leiden,Allergien haben oderandere Arzneimittel (auch selbst gekaufte!) einnehmen oder äusserlich anwenden! Darf Dafalgan Direct während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen werden? Vorsichtshalber sollten Sie während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit möglichst auf Arzneimittel verzichten oder den Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. die Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin um Rat fragen.Falls erforderlich, kann Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten während der Schwangerschaft angewendet werden. Aufgrund bisheriger Erfahrungen gilt z.Zt. bei kurzfristiger Anwendung vom Wirkstoff Paracetamol in der angegebenen Dosierung das Risiko für das Kind als gering. Sie sollten die geringstmögliche Dosis anwenden, mit der Ihre Schmerzen und/oder Ihr Fieber gelindert werden, und Sie sollten das Arzneimittel für den kürzest möglichen Zeitraum anwenden. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, falls die Schmerzen und/oder das Fieber nicht gelindert werden oder Sie das Arzneimittel häufiger einnehmen müssen.Obwohl die Anwendung von Paracetamol als vereinbar mit Stillen betrachtet wird, ist bei der Anwendung von Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten während der Stillzeit Vorsicht geboten, da Paracetamol in die Muttermilch übergeht. Wie verwenden Sie Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten? Schmelztablette auf die Zunge legen, zerfallen lassen und dann schlucken.Einzeldosen der Schmelztabletten nicht häufiger als angegeben verabreichen. Die angegebene maximale Tagesdosis darf nicht überschritten werden. Nicht anwenden bei Kindern unter 9 Jahren.Erwachsene und Kinder über 12 Jahre (über 40 kg):1-2 Schmelztabletten als Einzeldosis, 4-8 Std. bis zur nächsten Einnahme warten. Die Maximaldosis pro Tag beträgt 8 Schmelztabletten (= 4 g Paracetamol).Kinder von 30-40 kg (9-12 Jahren):1 Schmelztablette als Einzeldosis, 6-8 Std. bis zur nächsten Einnahme warten. Die Maximaldosis pro Tag beträgt 4 Schmelztabletten (= 2 g Paracetamol).Wie alle Fieber- und Schmerzmittel soll auch Dafalgan Direct nicht ohne Verordnung des Arztes bzw. der Ärztin länger als 5 Tage oder bei Fieber länger als 3 Tage angewendet werden. Bei Kindern bis 12 Jahren beträgt die maximale kontinuierliche Anwendungsdauer ohne ärztliche Konsultation 3 Tage.Schmerzmittel sollen nicht ohne ärztliche Kontrolle über längere Zeit (Erwachsene nicht länger als 5 Tage, Kinder nicht länger als 3 Tage) regelmässig eingenommen werden. Längerdauernde Schmerzen bedürfen einer ärztlichen Abklärung.Hohes Fieber oder eine Verschlechterung des Zustandes bei Kindern erfordern eine frühzeitige ärztliche Konsultation.Die angegebene oder vom Arzt bzw. von der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung darf nicht überschritten werden.Halten Sie sich an die in der Packungsbeilage angegebene oder vom Arzt oder der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung. Wenn Sie glauben, das Arzneimittel wirke zu schwach oder zu stark, so sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. mit Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Dafalgan Direct haben? Folgende Nebenwirkungen können bei der Einnahme von Dafalgan Direct auftreten:Häufig: Erbrechen.In seltenen Fällen können Hautrötung oder allergische Reaktionen mit plötzlicher Schwellung von Gesicht und Hals oder plötzliches Unwohlsein mit Blutdruckabfall auftreten. Des Weiteren können Atemnot oder Asthma auftreten, vor allem, wenn diese Nebenwirkungen auch schon früher bei der Verwendung von Acetylsalicylsäure oder anderen nichtsteroidalen Antirheumatika (NSAR) beobachtet wurden. Treten Zeichen einer Überempfindlichkeitsreaktion oder Blutergüsse/Blutungen auf, so ist das Arzneimittel abzusetzen und der Arzt bzw. die Ärztin zu konsultieren. Selten wurden Veränderungen des Blutbildes beobachtet, wie eine verringerte Anzahl von Blutplättchen (Thrombozytopenie) oder eine starke Verminderung bestimmter weisser Blutkörperchen (Agranulozytose; Neutropenie, Leukopenie). Ebenfalls selten wurde eine bestimmte Erkrankung des Knochenmarks (Panzytopenie) und eine bestimmte Form der Blutarmut (hämolytische Anämie) beobachtet. Weitere Nebenwirkungen, deren Häufigkeit derzeit nicht bekannt ist, umfassen Durchfall, Bauchschmerzen, Anstieg der Leberenzyme, Gallenstauung, Gelbsucht, Blutflecken auf der Haut und Erröten, rötliche/violette, scharf abgegrenzte Hautflecken, die an derselben Stelle immer wieder auftreten, übermässige und anhaltende Kontraktion der Atemwegmuskeln, die zu Atemnot führt.Daneben wurden gelegentlich Nesselsucht, Hautrötungen und Ausschlag beobachtet. Sehr selten traten schwere Hauterkrankungen (akute generalisierte exanthematische Pustulose, toxisch epidermale Nekrolyse, Steven-Johnson-Syndrom) auf mit Blasenbildung, Hautabschuppung und grippalen Symptomen.Bei unkontrollierter Einnahme (Überdosis) ist unverzüglich ein Arzt bzw. eine Ärztin zu konsultieren. Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Bauchschmerzen, Appetitlosigkeit und/oder allgemeines Krankheitsgefühl können ein Hinweis auf eine Überdosierung sein, treten aber erst mehrere Stunden bis einen Tag nach Einnahme auf.Eine Überdosis kann eine sehr schwere Leberschädigung oder aber in seltenen Fällen eine plötzlich auftretende Entzündung der Bauchspeicheldrüse zur Folge haben.Nach einer Überdosis von Paracetamol wurden die folgenden Ereignisse beobachtet:sehr schwere Leberschädigung,akutes Nierenversagen,eine Erkrankung, bei der sich kleine Blutgerinnsel im gesamten Blutkreislauf bilden und kleine Blutgefässe verstopfen,seltene Fälle von Entzündung der Bauchspeicheldrüse.Wenn Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Nebenwirkungen, die nicht in dieser Packungsbeilage angegeben sind. Was ist ferner zu beachten? HaltbarkeitDafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten dürfen nur bis zu dem auf dem Behälter mit «EXP» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden.LagerungshinweisDafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten sind bei Raumtemperatur (15–25 °C), vor Feuchtigkeit geschützt und ausser Reichweite von Kindern aufzubewahren.Weitere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen Ihr Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Diese Personen verfügen über die ausführliche Fachinformation. Was ist in Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten enthalten? Wirkstoffe1 Schmelztablette enthält 500 mg Paracetamol.Hilfsstoffe1 Schmelztablette enthält Ethylcellulose, Citronensäure wasserfrei, Natriumhydrogencarbonat, Sorbitol (E 420), Natriumcarbonat wasserfrei, Saccharose, Maltodextrin, Glucose, Crospovidon, Natriumbenzoat (E 211), Aspartam (E 951), Acesulfam-Kalium, Orangenaroma. Zulassungsnummer 55138 (Swissmedic). Wo erhalten Sie Dafalgan Direct Schmelztabletten? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? In Apotheken und Drogerien, ohne ärztliche Verschreibung.Schachtel mit 16 Schmelztabletten. Zulassungsinhaberin UPSA Switzerland AG, Zug. Diese Packungsbeilage wurde im August 2023 letztmals durch die Arzneimittelbehörde (Swissmedic) geprüft. 18081 / 25.01.2024 ..

25.80 USD

Dafalgan effervescent tablet 500 mg 16 pcs

Dafalgan effervescent tablet 500 mg 16 pcs

Product code: 1336653

Dafalgan effervescent tablets contain the active ingredient paracetamol, which has a pain-relieving and fever-reducing effect. Dafalgan 500 mg and 1 g effervescent tablets are used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothache, pain in the area of ​​joints and ligaments, back pain, pain during menstruation, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries), pain from colds and fever. Dafalgan 1g Effervescent Tablets are also prescribed to treat osteoarthritis pain. Dafalgan 1g effervescent tablets are only available with a doctor's prescription. Swissmedic-approved patient informationDAFALGAN® effervescent tabletsUPSA Switzerland AGWhat are Dafalgan effervescent tablets and when are they used? Dafalgan effervescent tablets contain the active ingredient paracetamol, which has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. Dafalgan 500 mg and 1 g effervescent tablets are used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothache, pain in the area of ​​joints and ligaments, back pain, pain during menstruation, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries), pain from colds and fever. Dafalgan 1g Effervescent Tablets are also prescribed to treat osteoarthritis pain. Dafalgan 1g effervescent tablets are only available with a doctor's prescription. When should Dafalgan effervescent tablets not be taken?Dafalgan effervescent tablets should not be taken in the following cases: In case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient paracetamol or any other ingredient (see «What does Dafalgan effervescent tablets contain?»). Such hypersensitivity manifests itself e.g. through asthma, shortness of breath, circulatory problems, low blood pressure, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes or skin rashes (urticaria);In the case of severe liver diseases;In the case of a hereditary liver disorder ( so-called Meulengracht disease).When should caution be taken when taking Dafalgan effervescent tablets?In diseases of the kidneys or the liver as well as If you have a so-called "glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency" (rare hereditary disease of the red blood cells), you should consult your doctor before taking it. Also tell your doctor if you are also taking blood-thinning medicines or certain medicines used to treat tuberculosis (rifampicin, isoniazid), epilepsy (phenytoin, carbamazepine), gout (probenecid), high blood fat levels (cholestyramine) or HIV- infections (zidovudine). Caution is also required when using drugs containing the active ingredients chloramphenicol, salicylamide or phenobarbital at the same time. Your doctor must also be informed if you are using an antibiotic with the active substance flucloxacillin at the same time, as there is an increased risk of acidification of the blood (metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap). Close medical monitoring is recommended to detect the onset of metabolic acidosis. Alcohol consumption is not recommended during treatment with Dafalgan. The risk of liver damage increases, especially if you do not eat at the same time. Drugs containing the active ingredient paracetamol must not be given to children who have accidentally consumed alcohol. Dafalgan should be used with caution in the case of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and severe emaciation, as well as chronic malnutrition. Diafalgan should be taken with caution if you are dehydrated or have reduced blood levels. If you have a severe infection (e.g. blood poisoning), caution should also be exercised when using Dafalgan. This medicine contains sorbitol. One Dafalgan 500 mg effervescent tablet contains 300 mg sorbitol. One Dafalgan 1 g effervescent tablet contains 252 mg sorbitol. Sorbitol is a source of fructose. Talk to your doctor before you (or your child) take or receive this medicine if your doctor has told you that you (or your child) have an intolerance to some sugars or if you have Hereditary Fructose Intolerance (HFI) - a rare congenital condition in which a person cannot break down fructose - has been identified. One Dafalgan 1g effervescent tablet contains 39mg of aspartame. Aspartame is a source of phenylalanine. It can be harmful if you have phenylketonuria (PKU), a rare inherited disorder in which phenylalanine builds up because the body can't break it down enough. This medicine contains benzoate. One Dafalgan 500 mg effervescent tablet contains 51 mg benzoate. One Dafalgan 1 g effervescent tablet contains 101 mg benzoate. Benzoate can increase jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) in newborn babies (up to 4 weeks of age). This medicine contains sodium (main component of cooking/table salt). One Dafalgan 500 mg effervescent tablet contains 412.3 mg sodium. This equates to 21% of the recommended maximum daily dietary intake of sodium for an adult. One Dafalgan 1 g effervescent tablet contains 565.5 mg sodium. This equates to 28% of the recommended maximum daily dietary intake of sodium for an adult. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist, especially if you are on a low-salt (low-sodium) diet. Individuals who are hypersensitive to painkillers or anti-rheumatic drugs may also be hypersensitive to paracetamol (see «What side effects can Dafalgan effervescent tablets have?»). It is also important to remember that long-term, frequent use of painkillers can itself contribute to headaches developing or making existing headaches worse. In such cases, contact your doctor. Long-term use of painkillers, especially when several painkillers are combined, can lead to permanent kidney damage with the risk of kidney failure. To avoid the risk of overdose, it should be ensured that other medications administered do not contain paracetamol. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses,have allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!) or use them externally!Can Dafalgan effervescent tablets be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?As a precautionary measure, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or consult a doctor, pharmacist or druggist or ask the doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. If necessary, Dafalgan effervescent tablets can be used during pregnancy. Based on previous experience, currently with short-term use of the active substance paracetamol in the specified dosage, the risk for the child is considered low. You should use the lowest dose that relieves your pain and/or fever and you should use the medicine for the shortest possible time. Contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if the pain and/or fever does not improve or you need to take the medicine more often. Although the use of paracetamol is considered compatible with breast-feeding, caution should be exercised when using Dafalgan effervescent tablets during breast-feeding as paracetamol is excreted in breast milk. How do you use Dafalgan effervescent tablets?The analgesic effect of Dafalgan effervescent tablets occurs twice as fast as with paracetamol tablets. The effervescent tablets are best dissolved in a large glass of water to create a clear solution. Do not chew or swallow the tablets. Do not administer single doses of the effervescent tablets more frequently than indicated. The specified maximum daily dose must not be exceeded. Dafalgan Effervescent Tablets 1g should not be taken by adults and children under 50kg as this can lead to overdose (more than the recommended dose) and thus liver damage. Do not use Dafalgan effervescent tablets 500 mg in children under the age of 6 years. Effervescent tablets with a score line (divisible) of 500 mg:Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age (over 40 kg): 1-2 effervescent tablets of 500 mg as a single dose, wait 4-8 hours before taking the next dose. The maximum dose per day is 8 effervescent tablets of 500 mg (= 4 g paracetamol). Children 30-40 kg (9-12 years):1 500 mg effervescent tablet as a single dose, wait 6-8 hours before taking the next dose. The maximum dose per day is 4 effervescent tablets of 500 mg (= 2 g paracetamol). Children 22-30 kg (6-9 years):½-1 500 mg effervescent tablet as a single dose, wait 6-8 hours before taking the next dose. The maximum dose per day is 3 effervescent tablets of 500 mg (= 1.5 g paracetamol). Effervescent tablets with a decorative groove of 1 g:Adults and adolescents over 15 years (over 50 kg): 1 effervescent tablet of 1 g as a single dose, wait 4-8 hours before taking the next dose. The maximum dose per day is 4 effervescent tablets of 1 g (= 4 g paracetamol). The 1 g effervescent tablets must not be divided along the decorative groove. Do not use Dafalgan for more than 5 days or 3 days if you have a fever, unless prescribed by a doctor. For children up to 12 years of age, the maximum continuous period of use without a doctor's consultation is 3 days. Painkillers should not be taken regularly for a long period of time (adults no longer than 5 days, children no longer than 3 days) without medical supervision. Long-lasting pain requires a medical evaluation. High fever or worsening condition in children requires early medical consultation. The dosage specified or prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Dafalgan effervescent tablets have?The following side effects can occur when taking Dafalgan effervescent tablets: In rare cases, skin reddening or allergic reactions with sudden swelling of the face and neck or sudden malaise with a drop in blood pressure may occur. Furthermore, shortness of breath or asthma may occur, especially if these side effects have also been observed previously with the use of acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If signs of a hypersensitivity reaction or bruising/bleeding occur, the drug should be discontinued and the doctor consulted. Rarely, changes in the blood picture have been observed, such as a reduced number of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) or a severe reduction in the number of certain white blood cells (agranulocytosis; neutropenia, leucopenia). A certain disease of the bone marrow (pancytopenia) and a certain form of anemia (haemolytic anemia) have also been observed rarely. Other side effects, the frequency of which is currently unknown, include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, vomiting, increase in liver enzymes, bile stasis, jaundice, blood spots on the skin and flushing. Hives, skin rashes and rashes have also occasionally been observed. Severe skin diseases (acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Steven-Johnson syndrome) with blistering, desquamation and flu-like symptoms have occurred very rarely. In the event of uncontrolled intake (overdose), a doctor must be consulted immediately. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and/or a general feeling of illness can be an indication of an overdose, but only occur several hours to a day after ingestion. An overdose can cause very serious liver damage or, in rare cases, sudden inflammation of the pancreas. If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This also applies in particular to side effects that are not listed in this leaflet. What else needs to be considered?Shelf lifeThe medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked on the container with « EXP» can be used. Storage instructionsThe medicine should be stored at room temperature (15-25 °C), protected from moisture and out of the reach of children. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists. What does Dafalgan effervescent tablets contain?Active ingredients1 Dafalgan 500 mg effervescent tablet contains:500 mg paracetamol as active ingredient. 1 Dafalgan 1 g effervescent tablet contains:1 g paracetamol as the active ingredient. Excipients1 Dafalgan 500 mg effervescent tablet contains:Citric acid, anhydrous (E 330), sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate , anhydrous (E500), sorbitol (E420), docusate sodium, povidone, sodium saccharin (E954) and sodium benzoate (E211). 1 Dafalgan 1 g effervescent tablet contains:citric acid, anhydrous (E 330), sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, anhydrous (E 500), sorbitol (E 420), docusate Sodium, Povidone, Sodium Benzoate (E211), Aspartame (E951), Acesulfame Potassium (E950), Grapefruit Flavor, Orange Flavor. Approval number47503 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Dafalgan effervescent tablets? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription: Dafalgan 500 mg scored, divisible: box of 16 effervescent tablets. In pharmacies, only with a doctor's prescription: Dafalgan 1g scored: boxes of 20 effervescent tablets. Authorization holderUPSA Switzerland AG, Zug. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in April 2022. ..

6.47 USD

Dafalgan grippal gran

Dafalgan grippal gran

Product code: 7806973

Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist Dafalgan Grippal und wann wird es angewendet? Was sollte dazu beachtet werden? Wann darf Dafalgan Grippal nicht eingenommen werden? Wann ist bei der Einnahme von Dafalgan Grippal Vorsicht geboten? Darf Dafalgan Grippal während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen werden? Wie verwenden Sie Dafalgan Grippal? Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Dafalgan Grippal haben? Was ist ferner zu beachten? Was ist in Dafalgan Grippal enthalten? Zulassungsnummer Wo erhalten Sie Dafalgan Grippal? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? Zulassungsinhaberin COMPENDIUM Swissmedic-genehmigte Patienteninformation Dafalgan® Grippal, Granulat zur Herstellung einer Lösung zum Einnehmen in Beuteln UPSA Switzerland AG Dafalgan Grippal wurde ausschliesslich aufgrund seiner langjährigen Verwendung zugelassen. Die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit wurden von Swissmedic nicht geprüft. Was ist Dafalgan Grippal und wann wird es angewendet? Dieses Arzneimittel wird bei Erwachsenen und Jugendlichen ab 15 Jahren im Rahmen von Erkältungskrankheiten, Schnupfen, Entzündungen der Nasen- und Rachenschleimhaut (Rhinopharyngitis) und grippalen Infekten angewendet zur Behandlung der folgenden Symptome:Ausfluss von klarem Nasensekret und Tränenfluss,Niesen,Kopfschmerzen und/oder Fieber.Falls nach fünf Tagen nicht die gewünschte Besserung eintritt oder Sie sich schlechter fühlen, müssen Sie sich an Ihren Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin wenden. Was sollte dazu beachtet werden? Dieses Arzneimittel enthält 11,56 g verwertbare Kohlenhydrate pro Beutel. Dies ist bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus zu berücksichtigen.Es ist sehr wichtig, dass Sie die empfohlene Dosierung, die Behandlungsdauer von maximal fünf Tagen und das Kapitel «Wann darf Dafalgan Grippal nicht eingenommen werden?» beachten.Um das Risiko einer Überdosierung zu verhindern, soll sichergestellt werden, dass andere verabreichte Medikamente kein Paracetamol enthalten.Es ist auch zu bedenken, dass die langdauernde Einnahme von Schmerzmitteln (wie z.B. Paracetamol) ihrerseits dazu beitragen kann, dass Kopfschmerzen weiterbestehen.Die langfristige Einnahme von Schmerzmitteln, insbesondere bei Kombination mehrerer schmerzstillender Wirkstoffe, kann zur dauerhaften Nierenschädigung mit dem Risiko eines Nierenversagens führen. Wann darf Dafalgan Grippal nicht eingenommen werden? Keinesfalls darf Dafalgan Grippal in folgenden Fällen angewendet werden:Falls Sie gegen die Wirkstoffe oder einen anderen Inhaltsstoff des Arzneimittels allergisch sind. Eine solche Überempfindlichkeit äussert sich z.B. durch Asthma, Atemnot, Kreislaufbeschwerden, Schwellungen der Haut und Schleimhäute oder Hautausschläge (Nesselfieber).Bei Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 15 Jahren.Falls Sie an bestimmten Formen von Glaukom (Erhöhung des Augeninnendrucks) leiden.Falls Sie aufgrund der Prostata oder anderer Ursachen Probleme beim Harnlassen haben.Falls Sie an einer schweren Leberkrankheit leiden (da das Arzneimittel Paracetamol enthält).Bei Alkoholüberkonsum.Falls Sie an einer erblichen Leberstörung (sogenannte Meulengracht-Krankheit) leiden.In der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit dürfen Sie das Arzneimittel im Allgemeinen nicht anwenden, ausser nach anderslautender Empfehlung Ihres Arztes bzw. Ihrer Ärztin.Fragen Sie unbedingt Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind. Wann ist bei der Einnahme von Dafalgan Grippal Vorsicht geboten? Wenden Sie sich umgehend an Ihren Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin, falls Sie das Arzneimittel überdosiert oder versehentlich eine zu hohe Dosis eingenommen haben. Dieses Arzneimittel enthält Paracetamol. Paracetamol ist auch in anderen Arzneimitteln enthalten, einschliesslich solcher, die rezeptfrei erhältlich sind. Nehmen Sie solche Arzneimittel nicht gleichzeitig ein, um die empfohlene Tagesdosis nicht zu überschreiten (siehe Abschnitt «Wie verwenden Sie Dafalgan Grippal?»). Wenn Sie andere Arzneimittel einnehmen müssen, die diese Substanzen enthalten, müssen Sie zuerst Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker bzw. Ihre Ärztin oder Apothekerin um Rat fragen.Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Bauchschmerzen, Appetitlosigkeit und/oder allgemeines Krankheitsgefühl können ein Hinweis auf eine Paracetamol-Überdosierung sein, treten aber erst mehrere Stunden bis einen Tag nach Einnahme auf.Eine Paracetamol-Überdosis kann eine sehr schwere Leberschädigung zur Folge haben.Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin, falls aus Ihrer Nase eitriges Sekret austritt, das Fieber nicht abklingt oder nach fünftägiger Behandlung keine Besserung eintritt.Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, bevor Sie dieses Arzneimittel einnehmen, wenn einer der folgenden Punkte auf Sie zutrifft:Wenn Sie weniger als 50 kg wiegen,wenn Sie andere Arzneimittel einnehmen, die Paracetamol enthalten (Arzneimittel, die mit oder ohne Rezept erhältlich sind),wenn Sie an einer Nieren- oder Lebererkrankung leiden,wenn Sie am sogenannten «Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase-Mangel» (seltene erbliche Krankheit der roten Blutkörperchen) leiden,oder im Falle von Alkoholmissbrauch,wenn Sie in einem schlechten Ernährungszustand sind (Mangelernährung, niedrige Reserven an Glutathion in der Leber), wenn Sie dehydriert sind.Wenn Sie an einer akuten Virushepatitis leiden oder wenn während der Behandlung mit Dafalgan Grippal eine akute Virushepatitis diagnostiziert wird, sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt bzw. Ihrer Ärztin. Es kann sein, dass Ihr Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin Ihre Behandlung unterbricht.Vitamin C (Ascorbinsäure) sollte bei Patienten mit Störungen des Eisenstoffwechsels und bei solchen mit Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase-Mangel mit Vorsicht angewendet werden.Paracetamol kann schwere Hautreaktionen auslösen. Setzen Sie die Behandlung ab und kontaktieren Sie umgehend Ihren Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin, falls bei Ihnen ein Hautausschlag oder andere Anzeichen einer Allergie auftreten.Kinder und JugendlicheDieses Präparat ist für Kinder und Jugendliche unter 15 Jahren nicht geeignet. Bei der Behandlung mit Paracetamol ist die Kombination mit einem anderen fiebersenkenden Arzneimittel nur im Falle eines Wirksamkeitsmangels gerechtfertigt. Die Kombination muss in jedem Fall von einem Arzt bzw. einer Ärztin eingeleitet und überwacht werden.Andere Arzneimittel und Dafalgan GrippalInformieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, falls Sie ein anderes Arzneimittel einnehmen, kürzlich eingenommen haben oder möglicherweise einnehmen werden.Sie müssen Ihren Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin kontaktieren, wenn Sie ein Arzneimittel einnehmen, das die Gerinnung verlangsamt (orale Antikoagulanzien). In hohen Dosen kann Dafalgan Grippal die Wirkung Ihres Gerinnungshemmers verstärken. Falls erforderlich, passt Ihr Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin die Dosierung Ihres Gerinnungshemmers an.Wenn der Arzt bzw. die Ärztin Blutharnsäure- oder Blutzuckertests verordnet, muss auf die Anwendung dieses Arzneimittels hingewiesen werden.Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt oder Ihre Ärztin ebenfalls, wenn Sie gleichzeitig gewisse Arzneimittel zur Behandlung von Tuberkulose (Rifampicin, Isoniazid), Epilepsie (Phenytoin, Carbamazepin), Gicht (Probenecid), erhöhten Blutfettwerten (Cholestyramin) oder HIV-Infektionen (Zidovudin) einnehmen müssen. Vorsicht ist auch geboten bei der gleichzeitigen Anwendung von Arzneimitteln mit den Wirkstoffen Chloramphenicol, Salicylamid, Flucloxacillin oder Phenobarbital. Bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung eines Antibiotikums mit dem Wirkstoff Flucloxacillin ist Ihr Arzt oder Ihre Ärztin ebenfalls zu informieren, da ein erhöhtes Risiko für eine Übersäuerung des Blutes (metabolische Azidose mit vergrösserter Anionenlücke) besteht. Eine engmaschige ärztliche Kontrolle wird empfohlen, um das Auftreten einer metabolischen Azidose zu erkennen.Um die schädlichen Folgen einer Überdosierung zu vermeiden, dürfen andere Arzneimittel, die so genannte Antihistaminika (z.B. gegen Allergien) oder Paracetamol enthalten, ohne ärztliche Empfehlung nicht gleichzeitig eingenommen werden.Fragen Sie unbedingt Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind.Anwendung von Dafalgan Grippal mit Getränken und AlkoholWenn dieses Arzneimittel mit Alkohol kombiniert wird, kann es zu verstärkter Schläfrigkeit kommen. Es wird daher empfohlen, die Behandlung abends zu beginnen und während der Behandlung keine alkoholischen Getränke zu konsumieren.Von der gleichzeitigen Einnahme von Paracetamol und Alkohol ist abzuraten. Besonders bei fehlender gleichzeitiger Nahrungsaufnahme erhöht sich die Gefahr einer Leberschädigung.Bei Essstörungen wie Anorexie, Bulimie und sehr starker Abmagerung sowie bei chronischer Mangelernährung ist Vorsicht geboten bei der Einnahme von Dafalgan Grippal.Bei Flüssigkeitsmangel und verminderten Mengen an Blut ist Vorsicht geboten bei der Einnahme von Dafalgan Grippal. Bei einer schweren Infektion (z.B. einer Blutvergiftung) ist ebenfalls Vorsicht geboten bei der Anwendung von Dafalgan Grippal.Einzelne Personen mit Überempfindlichkeit auf Schmerz- oder Rheumamittel können auch auf Paracetamol überempfindlich reagieren (siehe «Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Dafalgan Grippal haben?»).Wirkung auf die Fahrtüchtigkeit und das Bedienen von MaschinenDieses Arzneimittel kann die Reaktionsfähigkeit, die Fahrtüchtigkeit und die Fähigkeit Werkzeuge und Maschinen zu bedienen beeinträchtigen. Insbesondere diejenigen, die eine Maschine bedienen oder ein Fahrzeug fahren, werden auf die Möglichkeit von Schläfrigkeit oder verminderter Wachsamkeit im Zusammenhang mit diesem Arzneimittel aufmerksam gemacht.Diese Wirkung wird durch den Konsum von alkoholischen Getränken, alkoholhaltigen Arzneimitteln oder beruhigenden Arzneimitteln verstärkt.Dafalgan Grippal enthält 11,56 g Saccharose pro Beutel. Dies ist bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus zu berücksichtigen.Bitte nehmen Sie Dafalgan Grippal erst nach Rücksprache mit Ihrem Arzt oder Ihrer Ärztin ein, wenn Ihnen bekannt ist, dass Sie an einer Zuckerunverträglichkeit leiden.Dafalgan Grippal enthält 195 mg Glucose pro Beutel.Dafalgan Grippal enthält 5 mg Fructose pro Beutel.Dafalgan Grippal enthält 7 mg Ethanol pro Beutel, dies entspricht weniger als 1 ml Bier oder Wein. Die geringe Alkoholmenge in diesem Arzneimittel hat keine wahrnehmbaren Auswirkungen.Dieses Arzneimittel enthält weniger als 1 mmol Natrium (23 mg) pro Beutel, d.h. es ist nahezu «natriumfrei».Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Siean anderen Krankheiten leiden,Allergien haben oderandere Arzneimittel (auch selbst gekaufte!) einnehmen oder äusserlich anwenden! Darf Dafalgan Grippal während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen werden? Schwangerschaft, Stillzeit und FertilitätFalls Sie schwanger sind oder stillen, falls Sie glauben, schwanger zu sein, oder falls Sie vorhaben, schwanger zu werden, lassen Sie sich vor Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels von Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin beraten.SchwangerschaftVon der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels während der Schwangerschaft wird abgeraten.StillzeitVon der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels während der Stillzeit wird abgeraten.FertilitätEs ist möglich, dass Paracetamol die Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit bei Frauen beeinträchtigt, was bei Absetzen der Behandlung reversibel ist. Wie verwenden Sie Dafalgan Grippal? Wenden Sie dieses Arzneimittel immer genau wie in dieser Packungsbeilage beschrieben bzw. genau nach Anweisung Ihres Arztes, Apothekers oder Drogisten bzw. Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin an. Fragen Sie bei Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin nach, wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind.DosierungAlter (Gewicht)Dosis je AnwendungDosierungsintervallMaximale TagesdosisErwachsene und Jugendliche ab 15 Jahren(über 50 kg)1 Beutel(500 mg Paracetamol25 mg Pheniramin200 mg Vitamin C (Ascorbinsäure))Mindestens 4 Stunden3 Beutel(1500 mg Paracetamol75 mg Pheniramin600 mg Vitamin C (Ascorbinsäure))Zur Verhinderung des Risikos einer Überdosierung muss darauf geachtet werden, dass andere Medikamente, auch solche, die rezeptfrei erhältlich sind, kein Paracetamol und/oder kein Pheniramin und/oder kein Vitamin C (Ascorbinsäure) enthalten.Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Einnahme von mehr als insgesamt 3000 mg Paracetamol pro Tag sehr schädlich für Ihre Leber sein kann.Patienten mit Nieren- oder LeberversagenWenn Sie dieses Arzneimittel einnehmen müssen, müssen Sie zuerst Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin um Rat fragen.Art der AnwendungZum Einnehmen.Der Beutelinhalt muss in einer ausreichenden Menge Wasser (kalt oder warm) aufgelöst werden.Bei grippalen Infekten wird empfohlen, das Arzneimittel abends mit warmem Wasser einzunehmen.Häufigkeit der Einnahme1 Beutel, kann bei Bedarf frühestens nach 4 Stunden wiederholt werden, nicht mehr als 3 Beutel pro Tag.Dauer der BehandlungDas Arzneimittel darf höchstens 5 Tage lang angewendet werden.Falls Sie mehr Dafalgan Grippal als empfohlen eingenommen habenSetzen Sie die Behandlung ab und suchen Sie umgehend einen Arzt bzw. eine Ärztin oder die Notfallstation auf.Eine Überdosis kann tödliche Folgen haben.Falls Sie die Einnahme von Dafalgan Grippal vergessenNehmen Sie nicht die doppelte Menge ein, um die vergessene Einnahme auszugleichen.Wenn Sie weitere Fragen zur Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels haben, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin.Die Anwendung und Sicherheit von Dafalgan Grippal ist bei Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 15 Jahren bisher nicht geprüft worden.Halten Sie sich an die in der Packungsbeilage angegebene oder vom Arzt oder der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung. Wenn Sie glauben, das Arzneimittel wirke zu schwach oder zu stark, so sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. mit Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Dafalgan Grippal haben? Wie alle Arzneimittel kann auch dieses unerwünschte Wirkungen auslösen; sie treten jedoch nicht unbedingt bei allen Personen auf, die das Arzneimittel einnehmen.Im Zusammenhang mit der Einnahme von Paracetamol:In seltenen Fällen kann es zu Hautausschlägen und -rötungen oder zu allergischen Reaktionen kommen; diese äussern sich durch plötzliche Schwellungen im Gesicht und am Hals oder durch ein schlagartiges Unwohlsein mit Blutdruckabfall. In diesem Fall müssen Sie die Behandlung sofort absetzen, Ihren Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin benachrichtigen und Sie dürfen künftig keinesfalls ein Arzneimittel einnehmen, das Paracetamol enthält.Des Weiteren können Atemnot oder Asthma auftreten, vor allem, wenn diese Nebenwirkungen auch schon früher bei der Verwendung von Acetylsalicylsäure oder anderen nichtsteroidalen Antirheumatika (NSAR) beobachtet wurden. Treten Zeichen einer Überempfindlichkeitsreaktion oder Blutergüsse/Blutungen auf, so ist das Arzneimittel abzusetzen und der Arzt bzw. die Ärztin zu konsultieren.In sehr seltenen Fällen wurden schwere Hautreaktionen gemeldet. In diesem Fall müssen Sie die Behandlung sofort absetzen, Ihren Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin benachrichtigen und Sie dürfen künftig keinesfalls ein Arzneimittel einnehmen, das Paracetamol enthält.Sehr selten wurden biologische Veränderungen beobachtet, die eine Kontrolle des Blutbilds erfordern: Konzentration bestimmter weisser Blutkörperchen oder bestimmter Blutzellen (etwa der Blutplättchen) unterhalb des Normbereichs, was sich durch Nasen- oder Zahnfleischbluten äussern kann. Suchen Sie in diesem Fall einen Arzt bzw. eine Ärztin auf.Im Zusammenhang mit der Einnahme von Pheniramin:Akuter Glaukomanfall bei Personen mit entsprechender VeranlagungHarnwegsprobleme (starke Verringerung der Harnmenge, Schwierigkeiten beim Harnlassen)Mundtrockenheit, Sehstörungen, VerstopfungGedächtnis- oder Konzentrationsstörungen, Verwirrtheit, Schwindel (besonders bei älteren Menschen)Bewegungsstörungen, ZitternSchläfrigkeit, Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen (ausgeprägter zu Beginn der Behandlung)Absinken des Blutdrucks beim Aufstehen, unter Umständen begleitet von SchwindelWenn Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Nebenwirkungen, die nicht in dieser Packungsbeilage angegeben sind. Was ist ferner zu beachten? Das Arzneimittel darf nur bis zu dem auf dem Behälter mit «EXP» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden.Arzneimittel dürfen nicht im Abwasser oder Haushaltsabfall entsorgt werden. Wenden Sie sich zur Entsorgung eines nicht mehr verwendeten Arzneimittels an Ihren Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Diese Massnahmen tragen zum Schutz der Umwelt bei.LagerungshinweisNicht über 25°C lagern.In der Originalverpackung aufbewahren.Ausser Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.Weitere HinweiseWeitere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen Ihr Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Diese Personen verfügen über die ausführliche Fachinformation. Was ist in Dafalgan Grippal enthalten? 1 Beutel Dafalgan Grippal, Granulat zur Herstellung einer Lösung zum Einnehmen enthält:Wirkstoffe500 mg Paracetamol, 200 mg Ascorbinsäure (Vitamin C), 25 mg Pheniraminmaleat.HilfsstoffeArabisches Gummi (E414), wasserfreie Citronensäure (E330), Saccharin-Natrium (E954), Antillenaroma, Saccharose.Antillenaroma enthält Maltodextrin (Quelle von Glucose und Fructose), Ethanol und Natrium. Zulassungsnummer 67691 (Swissmedic) Wo erhalten Sie Dafalgan Grippal? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? In Apotheken und Drogerien, ohne ärztliche Verschreibung.Packung mit 12 Beutel. Zulassungsinhaberin UPSA Switzerland AG, Zug Diese Packungsbeilage wurde im Januar 2020 letztmals durch die ausländische Referenzbehörde geprüft. Mit Ergänzungen von Bristol-Myers Squibb SA: September 2020. Keine inhaltliche Prüfung durch Swissmedic. 30161 / 07.09.2021 ..

45.81 USD

Dafalgan supp 300 mg 10 pcs

Dafalgan supp 300 mg 10 pcs

Product code: 1498918

Dafalgan suppositories contain the active ingredient paracetamol, which has an analgesic and fever-reducing effect. Dafalgan suppositories are used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothaches, joint and ligament pain, back pain, menstrual pain, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries), pain associated with colds and fever. Swissmedic-approved patient informationDAFALGAN® suppositoriesUPSA Switzerland AGWhat is Dafalgan and when is it used?Dafalgan Suppositories contain the active ingredient paracetamol, which has an analgesic and fever-reducing effect. Dafalgan suppositories are used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothaches, joint and ligament pain, back pain, menstrual pain, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries), pain associated with colds and fever. When must Dafalgan not be used?Dafalgan must not be used in the following cases: In case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient paracetamol or another ingredient (see "What is in Dafalgan suppositories?"). Such hypersensitivity manifests itself, for example, in asthma, shortness of breath, circulatory problems, low blood pressure, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes or skin rashes (hives);This medicine contains soya lecithin. It must not be used if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to peanut or soya.For severe liver disease; If you have a hereditary liver disorder (so-called Meulengracht disease).When should you be careful when using Dafalgan? If you have kidney or liver diseases or if you have a "glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency" (rare hereditary disease of the red blood cells), you should consult your doctor before use.Also tell your doctor if you are also taking blood-thinning medicines or certain medicines used to treat tuberculosis (rifampicin, isoniazid), epilepsy (phenytoin, carbamazepine), gout (probenecid), high blood fat levels (cholestyramine) or HIV- infections (zidovudine). Caution is also required when using drugs containing the active ingredients chloramphenicol, salicylamide or phenobarbital at the same time. Your doctor must also be informed if you are using an antibiotic with the active substance flucloxacillin at the same time, as there is an increased risk of acidification of the blood (metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap). Close medical monitoring is recommended to detect the onset of metabolic acidosis. Alcohol consumption is not recommended during treatment with Dafalgan. The risk of liver damage increases, especially if you do not eat at the same time. Medicines containing the active substance paracetamol must not be given to children who have accidentally consumed alcohol. Dafalgan should be used with caution in the case of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and severe emaciation, as well as chronic malnutrition. Diafalgan should be used with caution in the event of dehydration and reduced blood levels. If you have a severe infection (e.g. blood poisoning), caution should also be exercised when using Dafalgan. Individuals who are hypersensitive to painkillers or antirheumatic drugs may also be hypersensitive to paracetamol (see «What side effects can Dafalgan have?»). It is also important to remember that long-term, frequent use of painkillers can itself contribute to headaches developing or making existing headaches worse. In such cases, contact your doctor. Long-term use of painkillers, especially when several painkillers are combined, can lead to permanent kidney damage with the risk of kidney failure. To avoid the risk of overdose, it should be ensured that other medications administered do not contain paracetamol. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses,have allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!) or use them externally!Can Dafalgan be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or consult a doctor, pharmacist or druggist or the Ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. If necessary, Dafalgan suppositories can be used during pregnancy. Based on previous experience, currently with short-term use of the active substance paracetamol in the specified dosage, the risk for the child is considered low. You should use the lowest dose that relieves your pain and/or fever and you should use the medicine for the shortest possible time. Contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if the pain and/or fever does not improve or you need to take the medicine more often. Although the use of paracetamol is considered compatible with breast-feeding, caution should be exercised when using Dafalgan suppositories during breast-feeding as paracetamol is excreted in breast milk. How do you use Dafalgan suppositories?Insert the suppository into the anus. Do not administer single doses of the suppositories more frequently than indicated. The specified maximum daily dose must not be exceeded. In children under the age of 3 months, Dafalgan suppositories may only be used on the doctor's orders. Children of: 5-7 kg (3-6 months): 80 mg suppositories7-10 kg (6-12 months): 80 mg and 150 mg suppositories10 – 15 kg (1 – 3 years): 150 mg suppositories 15 – 22 kg (3 – 6 years): 150 mg and 300 mg suppositories22 – 30 kg (6 – 9 years): suppositories at 300 mg30 – 40 kg (9 – 12 years): 300 mg and 600 mg suppositories 12 years and adults ( over 40 kg): 600 mg suppositoriesWeight(age) Single dose max. Daily dose 5-7 kg(up to 6 months) 1 supp. to 80 mg 4 Supp. to 80 mg 320mg7-10 kg(6-12 months) 1-2 Supp. to 80 mg or1 supp. to 150 mg 6 Supp. to 80 mg or3 supp. to 150 mg 480mg10-15 kg(1-3 years) 1 supp. to 150 mg 4 Supp. to 150 mg 600mg15-22 kg(3-6 years) 1-2 Supp. to 150 mg or1 supp. to 300 mg 6 Supp. to 150 mg or 3 supp. to 300 mg 900mg22-30 kg(6-9 years) 1-2 Supp. to 300 mg 5 Supp. to 300 mg 1'500 mg 30-40 kg(9-12 years) 1-2 Supp. to 300 mg or1 supp. to 600 mg 6 Supp. to 300 mg or 3 supp. to 600 mg 1'800 mg Over 40 kg(over 12 years and adults) 1-2 Supp. to 600 mg 4-6 supp. to 600 mg 3'600 mg Allow 6-8 hours between doses of suppositories. Due to the risk of local toxicity, suppositories should not be used more than 4 times a day. The duration of rectal treatment should be as short as possible. The use of suppositories is not recommended in patients with diarrhea. Like all fever and pain relievers, Dafalgan should not be used for more than 5 days without a doctor's prescription, or for more than 3 days if you have a fever. For children up to 12 years of age, the maximum continuous period of use without a doctor's consultation is 3 days. Painkillers should not be used regularly for a long period of time (adults no longer than 5 days, children no longer than 3 days) without medical supervision. Long-lasting pain requires a medical evaluation. High fever or worsening condition in children requires early medical consultation. The dosage specified or prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded. Stick to the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Dafalgan have?The following side effects can occur when using Dafalgan: In rare cases, skin reddening or allergic reactions with sudden swelling of the face and neck or sudden malaise with a drop in blood pressure may occur. Furthermore, shortness of breath or asthma may occur, especially if these side effects have also been observed previously with the use of acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If signs of a hypersensitivity reaction or bruising/bleeding occur, the drug should be discontinued and the doctor consulted. Rarely, changes in the blood picture have been observed, such as a reduced number of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) or a severe reduction in the number of certain white blood cells (agranulocytosis; neutropenia, leucopenia). A certain disease of the bone marrow (pancytopenia) and a certain form of anemia (haemolytic anemia) have also been observed rarely. Other side effects, the frequency of which is currently unknown, include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, vomiting, increase in liver enzymes, bile stasis, jaundice, blood spots on the skin and flushing. Hives, skin rashes and rashes have also occasionally been observed. Severe skin diseases (acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Steven-Johnson syndrome) with blistering, desquamation and flu-like symptoms have occurred very rarely. In the event of uncontrolled use (overdose), a doctor must be consulted immediately. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and/or a general feeling of illness can be an indication of an overdose, but only occur several hours to a day after administration. An overdose can cause very serious liver damage or, in rare cases, sudden inflammation of the pancreas. If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This also applies in particular to side effects that are not listed in this leaflet. What else needs to be considered?Shelf lifeThe medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked on the container with « EXP» can be used. Storage instructionsThe Dafalgan suppositories should be stored in the original packaging away from heat sources at room temperature (15 - 25 °C) and out of the reach of children. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists. What does Dafalgan suppositories contain?Active substances1 suppository contains 600 mg or 300 mg or 150 mg or 80 mg paracetamol as an active ingredient. ExcipientsHard fat with additives (contains soy lecithin). Approval number47505 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Dafalgan suppositories? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Box of 10 suppositories for all dosages. Authorization holderUPSA Switzerland AG, Zug. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in April 2022. ..

6.11 USD

Dafalgan supp 600 mg 10 pcs

Dafalgan supp 600 mg 10 pcs

Product code: 1498924

Dafalgan suppositories contain the active ingredient paracetamol, which has an analgesic and fever-reducing effect. Dafalgan suppositories are used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothaches, joint and ligament pain, back pain, menstrual pain, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries), pain associated with colds and fever. Swissmedic-approved patient informationDAFALGAN® suppositoriesUPSA Switzerland AGWhat is Dafalgan and when is it used?Dafalgan Suppositories contain the active ingredient paracetamol, which has an analgesic and fever-reducing effect. Dafalgan suppositories are used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothaches, joint and ligament pain, back pain, menstrual pain, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries), pain associated with colds and fever. When must Dafalgan not be used?Dafalgan must not be used in the following cases: In case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient paracetamol or another ingredient (see "What is in Dafalgan suppositories?"). Such hypersensitivity manifests itself, for example, in asthma, shortness of breath, circulatory problems, low blood pressure, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes or skin rashes (hives);This medicine contains soya lecithin. It must not be used if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to peanut or soya.For severe liver disease; If you have a hereditary liver disorder (so-called Meulengracht disease).When should you be careful when using Dafalgan? If you have kidney or liver diseases or if you have a "glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency" (rare hereditary disease of the red blood cells), you should consult your doctor before use.Also tell your doctor if you are also taking blood-thinning medicines or certain medicines used to treat tuberculosis (rifampicin, isoniazid), epilepsy (phenytoin, carbamazepine), gout (probenecid), high blood fat levels (cholestyramine) or HIV- infections (zidovudine). Caution is also required when using drugs containing the active ingredients chloramphenicol, salicylamide or phenobarbital at the same time. Your doctor must also be informed if you are using an antibiotic with the active substance flucloxacillin at the same time, as there is an increased risk of acidification of the blood (metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap). Close medical monitoring is recommended to detect the onset of metabolic acidosis. Alcohol consumption is not recommended during treatment with Dafalgan. The risk of liver damage increases, especially if you do not eat at the same time. Medicines containing the active substance paracetamol must not be given to children who have accidentally consumed alcohol. Dafalgan should be used with caution in the case of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and severe emaciation, as well as chronic malnutrition. Diafalgan should be used with caution in the event of dehydration and reduced blood levels. If you have a severe infection (e.g. blood poisoning), caution should also be exercised when using Dafalgan. Individuals who are hypersensitive to painkillers or antirheumatic drugs may also be hypersensitive to paracetamol (see «What side effects can Dafalgan have?»). It is also important to remember that long-term, frequent use of painkillers can itself contribute to headaches developing or making existing headaches worse. In such cases, contact your doctor. Long-term use of painkillers, especially when several painkillers are combined, can lead to permanent kidney damage with the risk of kidney failure. To avoid the risk of overdose, it should be ensured that other medications administered do not contain paracetamol. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses,have allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!) or use them externally!Can Dafalgan be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or consult a doctor, pharmacist or druggist or the Ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. If necessary, Dafalgan suppositories can be used during pregnancy. Based on previous experience, currently with short-term use of the active substance paracetamol in the specified dosage, the risk for the child is considered low. You should use the lowest dose that relieves your pain and/or fever and you should use the medicine for the shortest possible time. Contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if the pain and/or fever does not improve or you need to take the medicine more often. Although the use of paracetamol is considered compatible with breast-feeding, caution should be exercised when using Dafalgan suppositories during breast-feeding as paracetamol is excreted in breast milk. How do you use Dafalgan suppositories?Insert the suppository into the anus. Do not administer single doses of the suppositories more frequently than indicated. The specified maximum daily dose must not be exceeded. In children under the age of 3 months, Dafalgan suppositories may only be used on the doctor's orders. Children of: 5-7 kg (3-6 months): 80 mg suppositories7-10 kg (6-12 months): 80 mg and 150 mg suppositories10 – 15 kg (1 – 3 years): 150 mg suppositories 15 – 22 kg (3 – 6 years): 150 mg and 300 mg suppositories22 – 30 kg (6 – 9 years): suppositories at 300 mg30 – 40 kg (9 – 12 years): 300 mg and 600 mg suppositories 12 years and adults ( over 40 kg): 600 mg suppositoriesWeight(age) Single dose max. Daily dose 5-7 kg(up to 6 months) 1 supp. to 80 mg 4 Supp. to 80 mg 320mg7-10 kg(6-12 months) 1-2 Supp. to 80 mg or1 supp. to 150 mg 6 Supp. to 80 mg or3 supp. to 150 mg 480mg10-15 kg(1-3 years) 1 supp. to 150 mg 4 Supp. to 150 mg 600mg15-22 kg(3-6 years) 1-2 Supp. to 150 mg or1 supp. to 300 mg 6 Supp. to 150 mg or 3 supp. to 300 mg 900mg22-30 kg(6-9 years) 1-2 Supp. to 300 mg 5 Supp. to 300 mg 1'500 mg 30-40 kg(9-12 years) 1-2 Supp. to 300 mg or1 supp. to 600 mg 6 Supp. to 300 mg or 3 supp. to 600 mg 1'800 mg Over 40 kg(over 12 years and adults) 1-2 Supp. to 600 mg 4-6 supp. to 600 mg 3'600 mg Allow 6-8 hours between doses of suppositories. Due to the risk of local toxicity, suppositories should not be used more than 4 times a day. The duration of rectal treatment should be as short as possible. The use of suppositories is not recommended in patients with diarrhea. Like all fever and pain relievers, Dafalgan should not be used for more than 5 days without a doctor's prescription, or for more than 3 days if you have a fever. For children up to 12 years of age, the maximum continuous period of use without a doctor's consultation is 3 days. Painkillers should not be used regularly for a long period of time (adults no longer than 5 days, children no longer than 3 days) without medical supervision. Long-lasting pain requires a medical evaluation. High fever or worsening condition in children requires early medical consultation. The dosage specified or prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded. Stick to the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Dafalgan have?The following side effects can occur when using Dafalgan: In rare cases, skin reddening or allergic reactions with sudden swelling of the face and neck or sudden malaise with a drop in blood pressure may occur. Furthermore, shortness of breath or asthma may occur, especially if these side effects have also been observed previously with the use of acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If signs of a hypersensitivity reaction or bruising/bleeding occur, the drug should be discontinued and the doctor consulted. Rarely, changes in the blood picture have been observed, such as a reduced number of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) or a severe reduction in the number of certain white blood cells (agranulocytosis; neutropenia, leucopenia). A certain disease of the bone marrow (pancytopenia) and a certain form of anemia (haemolytic anemia) have also been observed rarely. Other side effects, the frequency of which is currently unknown, include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, vomiting, increase in liver enzymes, bile stasis, jaundice, blood spots on the skin and flushing. Hives, skin rashes and rashes have also occasionally been observed. Severe skin diseases (acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Steven-Johnson syndrome) with blistering, desquamation and flu-like symptoms have occurred very rarely. In the event of uncontrolled use (overdose), a doctor must be consulted immediately. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and/or a general feeling of illness can be an indication of an overdose, but only occur several hours to a day after administration. An overdose can cause very serious liver damage or, in rare cases, sudden inflammation of the pancreas. If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This also applies in particular to side effects that are not listed in this leaflet. What else needs to be considered?Shelf lifeThe medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked on the container with « EXP» can be used. Storage instructionsThe Dafalgan suppositories should be stored in the original packaging away from heat sources at room temperature (15 - 25 °C) and out of the reach of children. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists. What does Dafalgan suppositories contain?Active substances1 suppository contains 600 mg or 300 mg or 150 mg or 80 mg paracetamol as an active ingredient. ExcipientsHard fat with additives (contains soy lecithin). Approval number47505 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Dafalgan suppositories? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Box of 10 suppositories for all dosages. Authorization holderUPSA Switzerland AG, Zug. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in April 2022. ..

7.07 USD

Dafalgan syrup 30 mg/ml child 90 ml

Dafalgan syrup 30 mg/ml child 90 ml

Product code: 1340235

Dafalgan children, syrup contains the active ingredient paracetamol, which has an analgesic and fever-reducing effect. Dafalgan children, syrup is used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothaches, joint and ligament pain, back pain, menstrual pain, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries), pain from colds and fever. Swissmedic-approved patient informationDAFALGAN® children, syrupUPSA Switzerland AGWhat is Dafalgan children, syrup and when is it used?Dafalgan children, syrup contains the active ingredient paracetamol, which has an analgesic and fever-reducing effect. Dafalgan children, syrup is used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothaches, joint and ligament pain, back pain, menstrual pain, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries), pain from colds and fever. When should Dafalgan Children, Syrup not be taken?Dafalgan Children, Syrup should not be taken in the following cases: In case of hypersensitivity to the active substance paracetamol or any other ingredient (see «What does Dafalgan children, syrup contain?»). Such hypersensitivity manifests itself e.g. through asthma, shortness of breath, circulatory problems, low blood pressure, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes or skin rashes (urticaria);In the case of severe liver diseases;In the case of a hereditary liver disorder ( so-called Meulengracht disease).When should you be careful when taking Dafalgan children, syrup?In diseases of the kidneys or the Liver and in the so-called "glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency" (rare hereditary disease of the red blood cells) you should consult your doctor before taking. Also tell your doctor if your child is also taking blood-thinning medicines or certain medicines used to treat tuberculosis (rifampicin, isoniazid), epilepsy (phenytoin, carbamazepine), gout (probenecid), high blood fat levels (cholestyramine) or HIV infections (zidovudine). Caution is also required when using drugs containing the active ingredients chloramphenicol, salicylamide or phenobarbital at the same time. Your doctor must also be informed if you are using an antibiotic with the active substance flucloxacillin at the same time, as there is an increased risk of acidification of the blood (metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap). Close medical monitoring is recommended to detect the onset of metabolic acidosis. Medicines containing the active substance paracetamol must not be given to children who have accidentally consumed alcohol. In the case of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and severe emaciation, as well as chronic malnutrition, caution is advised when taking Dafalgan children, syrup. In case of dehydration and reduced blood levels, caution should be exercised when taking Dafalgan Children, Syrup. In the case of a severe infection (e.g. blood poisoning), caution is also required when using Dafalgan children, syrup. Dafalgan Children, Syrup contains between 1.2 g (at a dosage of 100 mg paracetamol) and 6.7 g (at a dosage of 600 mg paracetamol) sucrose per dose. This should be taken into account in patients with diabetes mellitus. Please give your child Dafalgan Kinder, Syrup only after consulting your doctor if you know that your child suffers from a sugar intolerance. The sucrose it contains can be harmful to your teeth. Dafalgan Children, Syrup contains 1.46 mg propylene glycol per ml of syrup. If your baby is less than 4 weeks old, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before giving this medicine, especially if your baby is taking other medicines containing propylene glycol or alcohol at the same time. This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per ml, i.e. essentially 'sodium-free'. it is almost «sodium-free». Individuals who are hypersensitive to painkillers or antirheumatic drugs may also be hypersensitive to paracetamol (see «What are the possible side effects of Dafalgan children, syrup?»). It is also important to remember that long-term, frequent use of painkillers can itself contribute to headaches developing or making existing headaches worse. In such cases, contact your doctor. Long-term use of painkillers, especially when several painkillers are combined, can lead to permanent kidney damage with the risk of kidney failureIn order to prevent the risk of an overdose, it should be ensured that other medicines administered do not contain paracetamol. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if the child to be treated suffers from other illnesses,has allergies ortakes or uses external medicines (including those you bought yourself!)!Can Dafalgan Children Syrup be taken while pregnant or breastfeeding?This preparation is only intended for use in children. If Dafalgan children, syrup is taken by adolescents or adult women, the following information applies: As a precautionary measure, drugs should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or the doctor, pharmacist or druggist should be asked for advice. If necessary, Dafalgan children, syrup can be used during pregnancy. Based on previous experience, currently with short-term use of the active substance paracetamol in the specified dosage, the risk for the child is considered low. You should use the lowest dose that relieves your pain and/or fever and you should use the medicine for the shortest possible time. Contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if the pain and/or fever does not improve or you need to take the medicine more often. Although the use of paracetamol is considered compatible with breast-feeding, caution should be exercised when using Dafalgan Children, Syrup during breast-feeding as paracetamol is excreted in breast milk. How do you use Dafalgan Children Syrup?To open the bottle, press the top of the cap and in the direction of the arrow written on the top of the cap, turn. For the measurement, the measuring spoon should be held vertically. The enclosed measuring spoon may only be used for Dafalgan children, syrup and should be rinsed well after use. Do not administer single doses of the syrup more frequently than indicated. The specified maximum daily dose must not be exceeded. Dafalgan Children, Syrup should not be used in children under 6 months. Children from 7-10 kg (6-12 months):As a single dose, fill up the measuring spoon up to the corresponding kg body weight specification (equivalent to 100-150 mg paracetamol). , wait 6-8 hours before taking the next dose. The maximum daily dose divided into 3 (to 4) single doses is 500 mg paracetamol. Children from 10-15 kg (1-3 years):As a single dose, fill up the measuring spoon up to the corresponding kg body weight specification (equivalent to 150-200 mg paracetamol). , wait 6-8 hours before taking the next dose. The maximum dose per day divided into 3 (to 4) single doses is 750 mg paracetamol. Children from 15-22 kg (3-6 years):the required amount for a single dose (equivalent to 200-300 mg of paracetamol) with the measuring spoon in 1 or Measure in 2 steps according to the kg body weight information (e.g. for a body weight of 19 kg: 10 kg + 9 kg). Wait 6-8 hours before taking the next dose. The maximum dose per day divided into 3 (to 4) single doses is 900 mg paracetamol. Children from 22-30 kg (6-9 years):the required amount for a single dose (equivalent to 300-500 mg paracetamol) with the measuring spoon in 2 steps Measure according to the kg body weight information (e.g. for a body weight of 26 kg: 16 kg + 10 kg). Wait 6-8 hours before taking the next dose. The maximum daily dose divided into 3 (to 4) single doses is 1,500 mg paracetamol. Children from 30-40 kg (9-12 years):the required amount for a single dose (equivalent to 400-600 mg of paracetamol) with the measuring spoon in 2 or Measure in 3 steps according to the kg body weight information (e.g. for a body weight of 35 kg: 12 kg + 12 kg + 11 kg). Wait 6-8 hours before taking the next dose. The maximum daily dose divided into 3 (to 4) single doses is 2,000 mg paracetamol. Scoop graduations from 2 to 16 kg in 1 kg body weight increments: This corresponds to e.g. for 8 kg = 120 mg paracetamol (= 4 ml) 12 kg = 180 mg paracetamol (= 6 ml) 16 kg = 240 mg paracetamol (= 8 ml) Like all fever and pain relievers, Dafalgan Children Syrup should not be used for more than 5 days without a doctor's prescription, or for more than 3 days in the case of fever. For children up to 12 years of age, the maximum continuous period of use without a doctor's consultation is 3 days. Painkillers should not be taken regularly over a long period of time without medical supervision. Long-lasting pain requires a medical evaluation. High fever or worsening condition in children (adults no longer than 5 days, children no longer than 3 days) require early medical consultation. The dosage specified or prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or prescribed by the child's doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to the child's doctor, your pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Dafalgan children, syrup have?The following side effects may occur when taking Dafalgan children, syrup: In rare cases, skin reddening or allergic reactions with sudden swelling of the face and neck or sudden malaise with a drop in blood pressure may occur. Furthermore, shortness of breath or asthma may occur, especially if these side effects have also been observed previously with the use of acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If signs of a hypersensitivity reaction or bruising/bleeding occur, the drug should be discontinued and the doctor consulted. Changes in blood counts such as a reduced number of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) or a severe reduction in certain white blood cells (agranulocytosis, neutropenia, leukopenia) have been observed rarely. A certain disease of the bone marrow (pancytopenia) and a certain form of anemia (haemolytic anemia) have also been observed rarely. Other side effects, the frequency of which is currently unknown, include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, vomiting, increase in liver enzymes, bile stasis, jaundice, blood spots on the skin and flushing. Hives, skin rashes and rashes have also occasionally been observed. Severe skin diseases (acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Steven-Johnson syndrome) with blistering, desquamation and flu-like symptoms have occurred very rarely. In the event of uncontrolled intake (overdose), a doctor must be consulted immediately. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and/or a general feeling of illness can be an indication of an overdose, but only occur several hours to a day after ingestion. An overdose can cause very serious liver damage or, in rare cases, sudden inflammation of the pancreas. If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This also applies in particular to side effects that are not listed in this leaflet. What else needs to be considered?Shelf lifeThe medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked on the container with « EXP» can be used. Use by after openingShelf life after opening the bottle for 3 months. Keep the bottle tightly closed. Storage InstructionsDafalgan Children, Syrup should be stored at room temperature (15-25 °C) and out of the reach of children. Your child's doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists. What does Dafalgan children, syrup contain?Active ingredients1 ml syrup contains 30 mg paracetamol as an active ingredient . ExcipientsMacrogol 6000, sucrose, sodium saccharin (E 954), potassium sorbate (E 202), caramel vanilla flavoring (contains propylene glycol (E 1520)) , anhydrous citric acid (E330) and purified water. Approval number43838 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Dafalgan children, syrup? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Bottle of 90 ml. Authorization holderUPSA Switzerland AG, Zug. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in April 2022. ..

6.11 USD

Kafa plus caffeine plv btl 10 pcs

Kafa plus caffeine plv btl 10 pcs

Product code: 2730518

Kafa plus caffeine contains the active ingredient paracetamol. This has a pain-relieving effect. Kafa plus caffeine is used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothache, pain in the area of ​​joints and ligaments, back pain, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries). Swissmedic-approved patient informationKafa® plus caffeineVERFORA SAAMZVWhat is Kafa plus caffeine and when is it used?Kafa plus caffeine contains the active ingredient paracetamol. This has a pain-relieving effect. Kafa plus caffeine is used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothache, pain in the area of ​​joints and ligaments, back pain, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries). What should be considered?Kafa plus caffeine should not be used for more than 5 days without a doctor's prescription. Painkillers should not be taken regularly over a long period of time without medical supervision. Long-lasting pain requires a medical evaluation. The dosage specified or prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded. To prevent the risk of overdose, it should be ensured that other drugs taken at the same time do not contain paracetamol. It is also important to remember that prolonged use of painkillers can lead to headaches, which in turn contributes to headache maintenance. Long-term use of painkillers, especially when several painkillers are combined, can lead to permanent kidney damage with the risk of kidney failure. Note for diabetics: 1 sachet of Kafa plus caffeine contains 0.55 g sugar (= 9.9 kJ/2.3 kcal, i.e. 0.05 bread unit). When should Kafa plus caffeine not be used?Kafa plus caffeine should not be used:if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to the active ingredient paracetamol, to caffeine or to any other ingredient. Such hypersensitivity manifests itself e.g. through asthma, shortness of breath, circulatory problems, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes or skin rashes (urticaria);in the case of severe liver diseases;in the case of alcohol overconsumption;If you have a hereditary liver disorder (the so-called Meulengracht disease).Kafa plus caffeine must not be used in children and adolescents. When is caution required when taking/using Kafa plus caffeine?If you have previously damaged kidneys or liver, you should consult your doctor before taking it. If you have a rare hereditary disease of the red blood cells, the so-called "glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency" and if you are taking medicines that affect the liver, namely certain medicines for tuberculosis and seizure disorders (epilepsy), or if you are Drugs that change the speed of gastric emptying (e.g. metoclopramide), or gout drugs containing the active ingredient probenecid, or drugs to treat high cholesterol containing the active ingredient cholestyramine, or certain anticoagulants, or drugs containing zidovudine used in immunodeficiency (AIDS). should only be used according to the doctor's strict instructions. You should also consult your doctor if you suffer from an irregular pulse (arrhythmia) or if you have a serious infection (e.g. blood poisoning). The effectiveness and side effects of certain asthma medicines containing the active substances theophylline or aminophylline and medicines that increase heart rate are increased, which can cause restlessness and palpitations. The effectiveness of certain sedatives containing lithium is reduced. It is not advisable to take paracetamol and alcohol at the same time. The risk of liver damage increases, especially if you do not eat at the same time. Individuals who are hypersensitive to painkillers or antirheumatic drugs may also be hypersensitive to paracetamol (see «What side effects can Kafa plus caffeine have?»). Excessive consumption of caffeine in the form of coffee, tea or caffeinated canned beverages should be avoided while taking kafa plus caffeine. Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines (even those you bought yourself!). Can Kafa plus caffeine be taken/used during pregnancy or breastfeeding?As a precautionary measure, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or consult a doctor or pharmacist or ask druggists for advice. On the basis of previous experience, there is little known risk for the child with short-term use of the active substance paracetamol in the specified dosage. Paracetamol is found in breast milk. Rash in breastfed infants has been reported. However, there are no known lasting adverse consequences. During pregnancy, there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion associated with caffeine consumption. Kafa plus caffeine should therefore not be taken during pregnancy unless your doctor has given you express permission. Caffeine could affect the infant's well-being and behavior and should therefore be avoided during breastfeeding. Talk to your doctor before taking kafa plus caffeine while breastfeeding. How do you use Kafa plus caffeine?Adults: 1-2 sachets, every 4-8 hours. Stir the powder into a little water (approx. 1 to 2 dl) and drink quickly. A daily dose of 8 sachets (= 4 g paracetamol) must not be exceeded. Immediate medical attention is required in the event of an overdose, even if the symptoms are not present. Children and adolescents: Children and adolescents should not take Kafa plus caffeine.Stick to the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Kafa plus caffeine have?The following side effects can occur when taking Kafa plus caffeine: Rare cases of hypersensitivity reactions such as itching, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, skin rashes up to very severe skin reactions (very rare), flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath or asthma. Changes in the blood picture, such as a reduced number of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) or a severe reduction in certain white blood cells (agranulocytosis) have also been observed. If skin reactions or such signs of hypersensitivity, bruising or bleeding occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately and the doctor consulted. Caffeine can cause insomnia, restlessness and heart palpitations, especially when taken with caffeinated beverages such as coffee or cola. If you notice any other side effects, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered?Keep the medicine at room temperature (15-25 °C) and out of the reach of children. In the event of uncontrolled intake (overdose), consult a doctor immediately and immediately. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, general malaise can be an indication of an overdose. However, these symptoms only appear several hours or even a day after application. The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the container. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists. What does Kafa plus caffeine contain?1 sachet contains 500 mg paracetamol and 50 mg caffeine as active ingredients. It contains 550 mg sucrose as an auxiliary ingredient. Approval number56308 (Swissmedic). Where can you get kafa plus caffeine? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores without a doctor's prescription. Packs of 10 sachets. Authorization holderVERFORA SA, 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in September 2016. ..

20.13 USD

Neocitran flu / cold for adults powder for oral solution 12 sachet

Neocitran flu / cold for adults powder for oral solution 12 sachet

Product code: 2977644

What is NeoCitran Flu/Cold and when is it used?NeoCitran Flu/Cold provides relief from flu and cold symptoms, relieves symptoms such as chills, aching limbs and headaches, runny nose and reduces fever. Paracetamol reduces fever and relieves pain. Pheniramine hydrogen maleate inhibits secretion. Pheniramine hydrogen maleate and phenylephrine reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, thereby providing relief from a runny nose and allowing you to breathe more freely. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps to cover the increased vitamin C requirement during fever and flu.What should be taken into account?Please remember that NeoCitran Flu/Cold does not replace the usual behavioral rules for fever and flu (bed rest, etc.), but merely makes the time until recovery easier.NeoCitran Flu/Cold should only be used for a maximum of 3 days without a doctor's prescription. Painkillers should not be taken regularly over a long period of time without medical supervision. Prolonged pain or fever require medical clarification.The dosage indicated or prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded.To prevent the risk of overdose, make sure that other medicines taken at the same time (eg other painkillers, medicines for fever or cold symptoms) do not contain paracetamol. An overdose of paracetamol can lead to serious liver damage.It is also important to remember that long-term use of painkillers can in turn contribute to the persistence of headaches.Long-term use of painkillers, especially when combining several analgesic agents, can lead to permanent kidney damage with the risk of kidney failure.Note for diabetics: 1 sachet of NeoCitran Flu/Cold contains approx. 20 g of usable carbohydrates.When should NeoCitran Flu/Cold not be taken?You must not take NeoCitran Flu/Cold in the following cases:If you are hypersensitive to one of the active ingredients: paracetamol (and related substances, e.g. propacetamol), pheniramine, phenylephrine, ascorbic acid or one of the excipients (see "What does NeoCitran Flu/Cold contain?" ). Such hypersensitivity manifests itself, for example, in asthma, shortness of breath, circulatory problems, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes or skin rashes (hives).In case of severe liver or kidney disease.In the case of a hereditary liver disorder (so-called Meulengracht disease).If you are taking MAO inhibitors (medicines for depression and Parkinson's disease) or have taken them in the last 14 days.If you suffer from seizures (epilepsy).If you have high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, enlarged prostate, glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye), phaeochromocytoma (a tumor of the adrenal gland): ask your doctor whether you can take the medicine (see “When should you be careful when taking NeoCitran Flu/Cold?” ).For children and adolescents under 14 years of age.Ask your doctor if you have any doubts about the existence of any of these symptoms.When should caution be exercised when taking NeoCitran Flu/Cold?NeoCitran Flu/Cold contains paracetamol. Do not use together with other medicines containing paracetamol (e.g. for pain, fever, cold/flu symptoms), or medicines for a blocked nose, allergies (antihistamines), sleeping pills.Do not exceed the recommended dosage, an overdose can lead to serious liver damage.Alcohol consumption should be avoided during treatment with NeoCitran Flu/Cold.If you suffer from the following diseases, you should only take NeoCitran Flu/Cold as directed by your doctor:If you have liver or kidney disease: only take after consulting a doctor. Careful monitoring is necessary.In case of a severe infection, underweight, severe malnutrition, regular alcohol consumption: the risk of liver damage and metabolic acidosis may be increased. Signs of metabolic acidosis include: deep, rapid and heavy breathing; nausea, vomiting; loss of appetite. Contact a doctor immediately if you notice a combination of these symptoms.High blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, circulatory disorders (such as Raynaud's syndrome: manifests itself, for example, after exposure to cold with numbness, tingling and color changes [white, blue, red] in fingers and toes), diabetes (blood sugar disease), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland).Glaucoma (increased pressure inside the eye).Pheochromocytoma (a rare tumor of the adrenal gland).Difficulty urinating due to enlarged prostate.Respiratory problems such as asthma or chronic bronchitis.Caution is advised in elderly patients, as there is an increased risk of adverse effects in this age group. Use in elderly patients with confusion should be avoided.If you are taking medicines that affect the liver at the same time, such as certain drugs for tuberculosis and seizure disorders (epilepsy) or medicines containing the active ingredient zidovudine, which are used to treat immunodeficiency (AIDS), you should only take the medicine as directed by your doctor.Certain medicines may interact with the active ingredients of NeoCitran Flu/Cold.If you are taking the following medicines, ask your doctor whether you can take NeoCitran Flu/Cold:Medicines for high blood pressure (e.g. beta-blockers),Medicines for heart disease (e.g. digoxin),Medicines to treat depression (e.g. tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline),certain sympathomimetics (e.g. medicines to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, certain appetite suppressants or stimulants),Anticoagulants (medicines to thin the blood),Metoclopramide, domperidone (medicines for treating nausea, vomiting),Rifampicin, isoniazid (drug against tuberculosis),Phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, lamotrigine (medicines for epilepsy [seizures]),Chloramphenicol (medicine against infections),cholestyramine (medicine to lower blood lipids),Zidovudine (medicine against HIV infection [AIDS]),Probenecid (medicine for gout),Salicylamide (medicine for pain and fever),Ergotamine, methysergide (medicines for migraines).The effects of alcohol, sleeping pills and sedatives can be increased by NeoCitran Flu/Cold.In very rare cases, paracetamol can cause severe skin reactions. If this happens, stop taking NeoCitran Flu/Cold and contact your doctor immediately.Individuals who are hypersensitive to painkillers or anti-rheumatic drugs may also be hypersensitive to paracetamol (see “What side effects can NeoCitran Flu/Cold have?” ).Considering the indications, NeoCitran Flu/Cold is not suitable for long-term use.NeoCitran Flu/Cold contains:Sucrose: contains approximately 20 g of sucrose per sachet. This must be taken into account by patients with diabetes (see "What should be taken into account?" ). Please only take NeoCitran Flu/Cold after consulting your doctor if you know that you suffer from sugar intolerance.Sodium: contains 28.5 mg sodium (main component of cooking salt/table salt) per sachet. This corresponds to 1.4% of the maximum daily recommended sodium intake for an adult.Effect on laboratory tests: This medicine may interfere with the results of uric acid determination using phosphotungstic acid (e.g. in patients suffering from gout).Effects on ability to drive and use machines: This medicine can seriously impair your ability to react, drive and use tools or machines! It can cause dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision and difficulty in coordination/concentration. Alcohol and sedatives can increase these effects.Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if yousuffer from other diseases,have allergies oruse other medicines (including those purchased yourself!).Can NeoCitran Flu/Cold be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?NeoCitran Flu/Cold should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding unless specifically prescribed by a doctor and after careful medical benefit-risk assessment.How do you use NeoCitran Flu/Cold?The dosage and frequency of use specified below must not be exceeded.Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible treatment duration.Adults and adolescents aged 14 and over:Dissolve the contents of 1 sachet of NeoCitran Flu/Cold in a glass of hot (but not boiling) water (approx. 2.5 dl) and drink while still hot.If necessary, repeat after at least 4 hours.Maximum daily dose: Do not take 1 sachet more than 3 times within 24 hours. There should be an interval of at least 4 hours between two doses.NeoCitran Flu/Cold can be taken at any time of the day, but preferably in the evening before going to bed.If there is no significant improvement after 3 days, if the fever increases, or if the symptoms worsen, are accompanied by high fever, rash or persistent headache, you should seek medical advice.Children and adolescents under 14  years of age:NeoCitran Flu/Cold must not be given to children and adolescents under 14 years of age.In the event of an overdose/uncontrolled intake, seek medical attention immediately. Due to the possible risk of serious liver damage, immediate medical measures are crucial. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and general feeling of illness can be signs of an overdose, but only appear several hours to a day after ingestion.Follow the dosage instructions in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can NeoCitran Flu/Cold have?Stop taking NeoCitran Flu/Cold and tell your doctor immediately if one or more of the following symptoms occur:Allergic reactions such as skin rash or itching, sometimes accompanied by breathing difficulties, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, and sudden feeling of being unwell, sweating and a drop in blood pressure.Wheezing, asthma, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, especially if you have experienced this before when using acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.Skin rash (including hives, itching), redness of the skin, peeling of the skin, very rarely severe skin reactions, blistering, inflammation of the oral mucosa.Unusual bleeding or bruising.Unusually fast pulse, feeling of unusually rapid or irregular heartbeat.Visual disturbances / acute angle-closure glaucoma (especially in patients who already suffer from high intraocular pressure).Difficulty urinating (especially with enlarged prostate).These side effects are rare (affects 1 to 10 users in 10,000) or very rare (affects less than 1 user in 10,000).The following additional side effects may occur when taking NeoCitran Flu/Cold:Common (affects 1 to 10 in 100 people)Dizziness, headache, nervousness, sleep disorders, nausea, vomiting.Uncommon (affects 1 to 10 users in 1,000)Itchy skin reactions, skin redness.Rare (affects 1 to 10 in 10,000 people)sleepinessincreased blood pressureconstipationfeeling of fullnessdry mouth.reduced number of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) or reduction of certain white blood cells (agranulocytosis)In rare cases, the results (laboratory values) of liver function tests may be altered.Frequency not known (cannot be estimated from the available data)Hallucinations, confusion, impaired motor coordination, tremors, memory or concentration problems, balance disorders.blurred vision.Drop in blood pressure when standing up.If you notice any side effects, please contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This applies in particular to any side effects not listed in this leaflet.What else should be considered?durabilityThis medicine should only be used until the date stated on the container and sachet as “EXP”.storage instructionsStore at room temperature (15-25°C).Keep out of reach of children.Further informationYour doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed specialist information.What is in NeoCitran Flu/Cold?active ingredients1 sachet contains: 500 mg paracetamol, 20 mg pheniramine hydrogen maleate, 10 mg phenylephrine hydrochloride, 50 mg ascorbic acid (vitamin C).excipientsSucrose, citric acid, sodium citrate, tricalcium phosphate, malic acid, flavouring (grapefruit, lemon), quinoline yellow (E 104), erythrosine (E 127), titanium dioxide (E 171).registration number47346 (Swissmedic).Where can you get NeoCitran Flu/Cold? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription.Pack of 12 authorization holderHaleon Schweiz AG, Risch...

50.53 USD

Panadol extra filmtablet 500 mg 10 pcs

Panadol extra filmtablet 500 mg 10 pcs

Product code: 1004719

What is Panadol Extra and when is it used?Panadol Extra contains the pain-relieving active ingredient paracetamol and caffeine. Panadol Extra is used for the short-term treatment of mild to moderate headaches.What precautions should be taken?Like all painkillers, Panadol Extra should not be used for longer than 5 days without a doctor's prescription.Painkillers should not be taken regularly over a long period of time without medical supervision. Long-lasting pain requires a medical evaluation.The dosage indicated or prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded.To prevent the risk of overdose, it should be ensured that other medicines being taken at the same time (e.g. other painkillers, medicines for fever or cold symptoms) do not contain paracetamol.An overdose of paracetamol can lead to severe liver damage.It is also important to remember that long-term use of painkillers can itself contribute to headache persistence.Long-term use of painkillers, especially when several painkillers are combined, can lead to permanent kidney damage with the risk of kidney failure.When should Panadol Extra not be used?Panadol Extra should not be used in the following cases:Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients paracetamol and caffeine and related substances (e.g. propacetamol or xanthine) or to one of the excipients (see «What does Panadol Extra contain?»). Such hypersensitivity manifests itself, for example, in asthma, shortness of breath, circulatory problems, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes or skin rashes (nettle fever).In severe liver diseases (e.g. acute hepatitis; liver cirrhosis; ascites, ie fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity).In severe kidney disease.If you have a hereditary liver disorder (so-called Meulengracht disease).In case of alcohol overconsumption.Panadol Extra must not be used in children and adolescents under the age of 18.When is caution required when taking Panadol Extra?In the following cases, you should consult your doctor before taking:with previously damaged liver or kidneys;if you have a rare inherited disease of the red blood cells called “glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency”;with the simultaneous use of drugs that affect the liver;if you have a severe infection (e.g. blood poisoning);if you suffer from pulse irregularities (arrhythmia);if you are taking the following medicines:blood-thinning medicines (e.g. Marcoumar)cholestyramine (medicine to lower blood lipids)chloramphenicol (medicine against infections)Metoclopramide (medicine for nausea, vomiting)phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine (medicines for epilepsy (seizures))rifampicin, isoniazid (medicines for tuberculosis)probenecid (medicine for gout)salicylamide (medicine for pain and fever)zidovudine (medicine for HIV infection (AIDS))theophylline or aminophylline (medicines for asthma); the effects and side effects of these medicines are increased. There may be restlessness or palpitations.It is not advisable to take paracetamol and alcohol at the same time. The risk of liver damage increases, especially if you do not eat at the same time.Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and severe emaciation as well as chronic malnutrition require caution when using Panadol Extra.Caution should also be exercised in the event of dehydration and reduced amounts of blood.Individuals who are hypersensitive to painkillers or antirheumatic drugs may also be hypersensitive to paracetamol (see «What side effects can Panadol Extra have?»).In very rare cases, paracetamol can cause severe skin reactions (see «What side effects can Panadol Extra have?»).Excessive consumption of caffeine in the form of coffee, tea or canned drinks containing caffeine should be avoided while taking Panadol Extra.Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if yousuffer from other diseaseshave allergies oruse other medicines (including those you bought yourself!)!Can Panadol Extra be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice.During pregnancy there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion in connection with the consumption of caffeine. Panadol Extra should therefore not be taken during pregnancy unless your doctor has given you express permission to do so.Caffeine could affect the infant's condition and behavior and should therefore be avoided during breastfeeding. Talk to your doctor before taking Panadol Extra while breastfeeding.How do you use Panadol Extra?Administer single doses no more frequently than every 4 to 6 hours.The specified maximum daily dose must not be exceeded.To relieve symptoms, you should always take the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time.Adults (over 40 kg body weight):1 to 2 film-coated tablets as required.The maximum daily dose is 8 film-coated tablets (= 4 g paracetamol, 520 mg caffeine) within 24 hours.Take the film-coated tablets with enough liquid after a meal.Children and young people under the age of 18:Children and adolescents should not take Panadol Extra.Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can Panadol Extra have?Stop taking Panadol Extra and tell your doctor straight away if you experience one or more of the following symptoms, which may be signs of a rare allergic (hypersensitivity) reaction:skin rash (including hives, itching), skin reddening, skin peeling, very rarely up to severe skin reactions,swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, blistering, sore mouth, nausea,wheezing, asthma, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, especially if you have had this before with the use of acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)unexpected bruising or bleeding.In rare cases (affects 1 to 10 users in 10,000) changes in blood counts such as a reduced number of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) or a severe reduction in the number of certain white blood cells (agranulocytosis) have been observed.The simultaneous intake of additional caffeine, for example through food, can increase potential side effects of caffeine such as insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, headaches, gastrointestinal complaints and palpitations.If you notice side effects, contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This also applies in particular to side effects that are not listed in this leaflet.What should also be noted?DurabilityThe medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked “EXP” on the container.Storage NoticeKeep out of the reach of children.Store at room temperature (15-25°C).More informationIn the event of uncontrolled intake (overdose), seek medical help immediately, even if you do not yet have any symptoms. Because of the potential risk of very serious liver damage, prompt medical attention is critical. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and a general feeling of illness can be an indication of an overdose, but only occur several hours to a day after ingestion.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed information for specialists.What is in Panadol Extra?1 film-coated tablet contains:Active Ingredients500 mg paracetamol and 65 mg caffeine.ExcipientsPregelatinized Starch, Povidone K25, Calcium Carbonate, Crospovidone, Alginic Acid, Magnesium Stearate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Coating: Titanium Dioxide (E171), Hypromellose, Macrogol 400, Polysorbate 80, Carnauba Wax.Registration Number56279 (Swissmedic).Where can you get Panadol Extra? What packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.Packs of 10 film-coated tablets.Marketing Authorization HolderGSK Consumer Healthcare Schweiz AG, Risch...

23.13 USD

Paracetamol-mepha lactab 500 mg 20 pcs

Paracetamol-mepha lactab 500 mg 20 pcs

Product code: 7300024

What is Paracetamol-Mepha and when is it used? Paracetamol-Mepha contains the active ingredient paracetamol. This has a pain-relieving and fever-reducing effect. Paracetamol-Mepha is used for the short-term treatment of headaches, toothache, joint and ligament pain, back pain, pain during menstruation, pain after injuries (e.g. sports injuries), pain from colds and fever.What should be considered? Paracetamol-Mepha should - like all fever and painkillers - not be used in adults and adolescents from the age of 12 for longer than 5 days without a doctor's prescription. The maximum duration of use for children from 6 to 12 years of age is 3 days without medical consultation.Painkillers should not be taken regularly over a long period of time without medical supervision. Long-lasting pain or fever require a medical evaluation. Children with a high fever or a deterioration in their condition require early medical consultation.The dosage specified or prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded.To reduce the risk of To prevent overdose, it should be ensured that other medicines being taken at the same time (e.g. other painkillers, medicines for fever or cold symptoms) do not contain paracetamol. Overdosing on acetaminophen can lead to severe liver damage.It is also important to remember that long-term use of painkillers can itself contribute to persistent headaches.Long-term use of Painkillers, especially when several painkillers are combined, can lead to permanent kidney damage with the risk of kidney failure.When should Paracetamol-Mepha not be taken?In the following cases, Paracetamol-Mepha not be used:In case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient paracetamol and related substances (e.g. propacetamol) or to one of the excipients (see «What does Paracetamol-Mepha contain?» ). Such hypersensitivity manifests itself, for example, in asthma, shortness of breath, circulatory problems, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes or skin rashes (nettle fever).Severe liver diseases (e.g. acute hepatitis; liver cirrhosis; ascites, i.e. accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity). If you have a hereditary liver disorder (so-called Meulengracht disease).If you overconsume alcohol.When should caution be exercised when using Paracetamol-Mepha ?In the following cases, you should consult your doctor before taking:if the liver or kidneys are already damaged;in a rare hereditary disease of the red blood cells, the so-called "glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency";if you are taking medicines that affect the liver at the same time; if you have a severe infection (e.g. blood poisoning).if you are taking the following medicines:blood-thinning medicines (e.g. Marcoumar);Cholestyramine (medicine to lower blood lipids);Chloramphenicol (medicine against infections);Metoclopramide (medicine for nausea, vomiting);phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine (medicines for epilepsy (seizures));rifampicin, isoniazid (medicines for tuberculosis);Probenecid (medicines for gout); Salicylamide (medicine for pain and fever)Zidovudine (medicine for HIV infection (AIDS)).It is not advisable to take paracetamol and alcohol at the same time. The risk of liver damage increases particularly if there is no food intake at the same time.In the case of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and severe emaciation, as well as chronic malnutrition, caution should be exercised when using Paracetamol-Mepha.Caution is also required in the event of a lack of fluids and reduced amounts of blood.Individuals who are hypersensitive to painkillers or antirheumatic drugs may also be hypersensitive to Paracetamol-Mepha (see «What side effects can Paracetamol-Mepha have?»). .In very rare cases, paracetamol can cause severe skin reactions (see «What side effects can Paracetamol-Mepha have?»).Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist , pharmacist or druggist if yousuffer from other diseases,have allergies orother medicines (also use ones you bought yourself!).Can Paracetamol-Mepha be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?As a precautionary measure, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding if possible or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child with short-term use of the active substance paracetamol in the recommended dosage. Although paracetamol is found in breast milk, breastfeeding is allowed.How do you use Paracetamol-Mepha?Do not give single doses more frequently than every 4-6 hours. The stated maximum daily dose must not be exceeded.To relieve symptoms, you should always take the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time.Swallow the film-coated tablets with a glass of liquid . Adults and adolescents from the age of 12 and weighing more than 40 kg: 1-2 film-coated tablets Paracetamol-Mepha as needed up to 4 times within 24 hours. The maximum daily dose is 8 film-coated tablets Paracetamol-Mepha (= 4 g paracetamol / day). Children weighing 30-40 kg (from 9-12 years): 1 film-coated tablet paracetamol -Mepha 500 mg as needed up to 4 times within 24 hours. The maximum daily dose is 4 film-coated tablets Paracetamol-Mepha (= 2 g paracetamol / day). Children from 22 -30 kg body weight (from 6-9 years): ½-1 film-coated tablet Paracetamol-Mepha 500 mg as needed up to 3 times within 24 hours. The maximum daily dose is 3 film-coated tablets Paracetamol-Mepha (= 1.5 g paracetamol / day).Children under 22 kg body weight (under 6 years):Paracetamol-Mepha film-coated tablets are for children under 22 kg body weight (under 6 years) not suitable; Paracetamol suppositories are recommended for these. Stick to the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can Paracetamol-Mepha have?Stop taking Paracetamol-Mepha and tell your doctor straight away if you experience one or more of the following symptoms, which may be signs of a rare allergic (hypersensitivity) reaction:Rash (including hives, itching), reddening of the skin, skin peeling, very rarely up to severe skin reactions;Swelling in the Gevision, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, blistering, mouth sores, nausea;wheezing, asthma, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, especially if this has happened before with the use of acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);unexpected bruising or bleeding.On rare occasions, changes in blood counts, such as a reduced number of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) or a severe reduction in the number of certain white blood cells (agranulocytosis).If you notice any side effects, contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This also applies in particular to side effects that are not listed in this leaflet.What else should be observed?The medicinal product may only be used up to the end of the period marked "EXP" on the container Date are used.Storage InstructionsStore in the original packaging and at room temperature (15-25°C). Keep out of the reach of children. If the film-coated tablets are packed in plastic bottles, the bottle must be closed tightly after each film-coated tablet has been removed. Unused content is six months after the first Discard opening the plastic bottle. Further information In the event of uncontrolled intake (overdose), seek medical help immediately, even if you do not yet have any symptoms. Because of the potential risk of very serious liver damage, prompt medical attention is critical. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite or a general feeling of illness can be an indication of an overdose, but only occur several hours to a day after ingestion. Medicines containing the active ingredient paracetamol must not be given to children who are suffering from have inadvertently consumed alcohol.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed technical information.What does Paracetamol-Mepha contain?Active ingredientsParacetamol.ExcipientsTablet core: Pregelatinized cornstarch, hydroxypropylcellulose, talc, magnesium stearate.Film-coating; Poly(vinyl alcohol), macrogol 3350, talc.Authorization number61402 (Swissmedic)Where can you get Paracetamol-Mepha? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores without a doctor's prescription: Paracetamol-Mepha 500 mg: blister pack of 20 film-coated tablets (divisible). In pharmacies only with medical prescription: Paracetamol-Mepha 500 mg: blister pack with 100 film-coated tablets (divisible). Paracetamol-Mepha 500 mg: plastic bottle with 100 film-coated tablets (divisible).Authorization holder Mepha Pharma AG, Basel. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in March 2019. Internal version number: 5.1..

5.75 USD

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