herbal pain relief
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Dul-x classic medicinal bath 6 x 20 ml
Herbal medicineWhat is DUL-X medicinal bath classic and when is it used?DUL-X medicinal bath classic contains essential oils from plants as active ingredients. It is used to relax and relieve pain when the musculoskeletal system (muscles, joints) is overexerted.By increasing the blood circulation in the skin, the skin functions are revitalized.DUL-X medicinal bath classic is used for:Sore muscles, joint pain, rheumatic complaints (muscular rheumatism), overexertion,colds.When should DUL-X Medicinal Bath classic not be used?DUL-X medicinal bath classic must not be used for:known hypersensitivity to one of the ingredients (see composition),small children.When should you be careful when using DUL-X Medicinal Bath classic?Avoid eye contact.In the case of major skin injuries, skin diseases, feverish illnesses, heart and circulatory weakness and high blood pressure, full baths should only be used after consulting a doctor, regardless of the ingredients.DUL-X medicinal bath classic contains soybean oil. It must not be used if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to peanut or soy.Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if yousuffer from other illnesses,Have allergies orTake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!) or use externally!Can DUL-X Medicinal Bath Classic be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Based on previous experience, there is no known risk to the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific studies were never carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines if possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice.How do you use DUL-X medicinal bath classic?First fill in the bath water and set it to a temperature of 37-37.5 °C. Then add DUL-X Medicinal Bath classic according to the dosage instructions below and stir well:for a full bath: approx. 20 ml,for a sitz bath: approx. 10 ml,for a foot bath: approx. 8 ml.DUL-X medicinal bath classic is also suitable for use in bubble baths.Stick to the dosage stated in the package leaflet or prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can DUL-X medicinal bath classic have?The following side effects can occur when using DUL-X Medicinal Bath classic:Skin irritation.In this case, further use should be avoided and your doctor should be consulted if necessary.If you notice any side effects, contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This applies in particular to side effects that are not stated in this leaflet.What should also be noted?DUL-X Medicinal Bath classic may only be used until the date marked “EXP” on the container.Storage instructionsThe medicine should be kept out of the reach of children and should be kept at room temperature (15-25°C).More informationYour doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information.What is included in DUL-X medicinal bath classic?100 g DUL-X medicinal bath classic contains:Active ingredientsCamphor 1.5 g, eucalyptus oil 3.0 g, wintergreen oil 2.0 g, peppermint oil 2.2 g and rosemary oil 4.0 g.ExcipientsSoybean oil, ethoxylated lauryl/myristyl alcohol (polyethylene glycol ether), corn seed oil, diethanolamide (cocoamide-diethanolamine), star anise oil, citronella oil, cajeput oil, thyme oil, copper chlorophyllin (E 141).Approval number33186 (Swissmedic).Where can you get DUL-X medical bath classic? Which packs are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.Pack of 250 ml and 500 ml bottles.Authorization holderMelisana AG, 8004 Zurich...
33.48 USD
Kytta ointment 50 g
Herbal medicineWhat is Kytta ointment and when is it used?Kytta ointment contains an extract made from the fresh roots of Symphytum officinale (common comfrey) using a special process. Kytta ointment has a decongestant, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect. Kytta ointment is non-greasy and non-lubricating and is therefore easy to wash off. Kytta ointment is used externally to support the treatment of degenerative-rheumatoid diseases (e.g. knee arthritis), muscle, joint and nerve pain, and blunt, bloodless injuries such as bruises, strains and sprains. It is also used for tendonitis and, if the doctor recommends it, for the aftercare of bone fractures and dislocations.When should Kytta ointment not be used or should it only be used with caution?Kytta ointment must not be used in case of known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients (see composition) or in children under 3 years of age.Do not use if you are prone to allergies. Kytta ointment must not be used on open wounds or mucous membranes. The eye, nose and mouth areas should be excluded from treatment with Kytta ointment.Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking or using other medicines externally (including those you have bought yourself)!Can Kytta ointment be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Based on experience to date, there is no known risk to the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific studies have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice.How do you use Kytta ointment?Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, apply Kytta ointment thinly up to 5 times a day and massage in carefully. (In severe cases, apply an ointment dressing.) In children between 3 and 12 years of age, the treatment period should not exceed one week.Follow the dosage instructions in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What side effects can Kytta ointment have?Rarely, allergic local skin reactions (itching of the skin, reddening of the skin, contact dermatitis, eczema, burning of the skin). Very rarely, systemic hypersensitivity reactions, e.g. generalized skin reactions.In such cases, treatment should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.If you notice any side effects not listed here, you should inform your doctor or pharmacist.What should also be noted?This medicine should only be used until the date stated on the container with “EXP”.Keep Kytta ointment out of the reach of children. Store at room temperature (15–25 °C). Shelf life after opening: 12 months.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist will be able to provide you with further information.What is contained in Kytta ointment?1 g of ointment contains: 350 mg liquid comfrey extract from fresh roots, drug-extract ratio 1:2, extraction agent: ethanol 52% (m/m). This preparation also contains excipients and flavourings, vanillin, lauryl sulphate, the preservatives E214, E216, E218, butyl/isobutyl parahydroxybenzoate, phenoxyethanol.Registration number20713 (Swissmedic).Where can you get Kytta ointment? What packages are available?In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.Packs of 50 g, 100 g and 150 g.Marketing Authorisation HolderProcter & Gamble International Operations SA, Lancy.Domicile: 1213 Petit-LancyManufacturerP&G Health Austria GmbH & Co. OG, Spittal, Austria. ..
42.77 USD
Perskindol active roll-on 75 ml
Suitable for small painful areas of the body. Helps with muscle pain, soreness and muscle cramps. Ideal for massaging. Composition Isopropanol, Water, Menthol, Pine Needle Oil, Orange Peel Oil, Wintergreen Oil, Lemon Oil, Bergamot Oil, Terpineol, Terpinyl Acetate, Rosemary Oil, Lavender Oil, Ethyl Acetate, Benzyl Benzoate, Klucel MF. Properties Suitable for children aged 5+. Application Apply to the painful parts of the body several times a day. This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
24.61 USD
Perskindol dolo gel tb 100ml
Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist PERSKINDOL Dolo und wann wird es angewendet? Wann darf PERSKINDOL Dolo nicht angewendet werden? Wann ist bei der Anwendung von PERSKINDOL Dolo Vorsicht geboten? Darf PERSKINDOL Dolo während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit angewendet werden? Wie verwenden Sie PERSKINDOL Dolo? Welche Nebenwirkungen kann PERSKINDOL Dolo haben? Was ist ferner zu beachten? Was ist in PERSKINDOL Dolo enthalten? Zulassungsnummer Wo erhalten Sie PERSKINDOL Dolo? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? Zulassungsinhaberin COMPENDIUM Swissmedic-genehmigte Patienteninformation PERSKINDOL® Dolo VERFORA SA Pflanzliches Arzneimittel Was ist PERSKINDOL Dolo und wann wird es angewendet? PERSKINDOL Dolo ist ein lokal wirksames, äusserlich anzuwendendes Arzneimittel. Es enthält schmerzlindernde und entzündungshemmende Bestandteile pflanzlichen Ursprungs. Deren Wirkstoffe dringen rasch durch die Haut hindurch und wirken direkt in den darunter liegenden Gewebe- und Gelenkbereichen. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaften eignet sich PERSKINDOL Dolo zur Anwendung respektive unterstützenden Behandlung bei:Entzündlich rheumatischen Erkrankungen der Gelenke und der Wirbelsäule (Arthritis).Degenerativen rheumatischen Erkrankungen der Gelenke (Arthrosen).Schmerzen und Entzündungen der Gelenke, Muskeln, Sehnen, Sehnenscheiden und Bänder.Kreuzschmerzen, Rückenschmerzen, Hexenschuss und Nackensteife.Stumpfen Sport- und Unfallverletzungen wie Prellungen, Verstauchungen, Zerrungen und Muskelverhärtungen.PERSKINDOL Dolo entfaltet kurz nach dem Auftragen auf der Haut eine angenehme Erwärmung der behandelten Stellen. Wann darf PERSKINDOL Dolo nicht angewendet werden? Nicht auf Schleimhäute und nicht auf offene, blutende Wunden applizieren! Nicht anwenden bei Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber anderen schmerz- und entzündungshemmenden Substanzen (inbesondere Salicylsäure-Verbindungen, Salicin). Wenn Sie zu Überempfindlichkeiten auf einen der Inhaltsstoffe neigen, sollten Sie PERSKINDOL Dolo nicht anwenden (siehe Zusammensetzung).PERSKINDOL Dolo darf an Kindern unter 4 Jahren sowie bei Patienten mit Asthma bronchiale nicht angewendet werden. Wann ist bei der Anwendung von PERSKINDOL Dolo Vorsicht geboten? Patienten mit Niereninsuffizienz sollten das Präparat nicht grossflächig oder über längere Zeit anwenden.Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten, bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Sie an Krankheiten leiden, Allergien haben oder andere Medikamente, auch selbst gekaufte, anwenden. Darf PERSKINDOL Dolo während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit angewendet werden? Während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit darf PERSKINDOL Dolo Spray/Gel nicht angewendet werden, es sei denn kurzfristig, nicht grossflächig und nur auf ärztliche Verschreibung. Wie verwenden Sie PERSKINDOL Dolo? Erwachsene:Gel: Soweit nicht anders verschrieben: Nach Bedarf bis fünf mal täglich in dünner Schicht auf die schmerzende Stelle auftragen und ohne Druck kurz einmassieren.Spray: Die betroffenen schmerzenden Körperstellen mit dem Spray besprühen. Dose nicht beschädigen. Vor Wärme schützen. Nicht in offene Flammen und nicht auf glühende Gegenstände sprühen.Nach der Anwendung sollten die Hände gewaschen werden. Nicht mit einem Verband verwenden und die betroffene Fläche nicht bedecken.Nicht zwei verschiedene topische Präparate zur gleichen Zeit an der gleichen Stelle benutzen.Die Anwendung und Sicherheit von PERSKINDOL Dolo Spray/Gel bei Kindern und Jugendlichen ist bisher nicht geprüft worden.Halten Sie sich an die in der Packungsbeilage angegebene oder vom Arzt, von der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung. Wenn Sie glauben, PERSKINDOL Dolo wirke zu schwach oder zu stark, informieren Sie sich bei Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Welche Nebenwirkungen kann PERSKINDOL Dolo haben? Folgende Nebenwirkungen können bei der Anwendung von PERSKINDOL Dolo auftreten:Gelegentlich können leichtes Hautjucken, Rötung oder Brennen auftreten.Bei seltenen ekzematösen Hautveränderungen oder sehr seltenen ausgeprägten Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen ist die Behandlung abzubrechen und gegebenenfalls der Arzt oder die Ärztin zu kontaktieren.Wenn Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, die hier nicht beschrieben sind, sollten Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin informieren. Was ist ferner zu beachten? Bei Raumtemperatur (15–25 °C) und für Kinder unerreichbar aufbewahren.Nicht in Augennähe anwenden!PERSKINDOL Dolo darf nur bis zu dem auf dem Behälter mit «EXP» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden.Weitere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen Ihr Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Was ist in PERSKINDOL Dolo enthalten? 1 g Gel oder 1 g Spray enthält 129 mg Wintergrünöl (Methylsalicylat), 95 mg Kiefernnadelöl, Aromatica und weitere Hilfsstoffe. Zulassungsnummer 55548, 55549 (Swissmedic). Wo erhalten Sie PERSKINDOL Dolo? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? In Apotheken und Drogerien ohne ärztliche Verschreibung.Tuben zu 50 ml, 100 ml und 200 ml.Spray zu 75 ml. Zulassungsinhaberin VERFORA SA, CH-1752 Villars-sur-Glâne. Diese Packungsbeilage wurde im Juni 2011 letztmals durch die Arzneimittelbehörde (Swissmedic) geprüft. 21503 / 07.01.2022 ..
57.38 USD
Phytopharma devil's claw gel 125 ml
This gel is used for the symptomatic treatment of pain in mild degenerative joint diseases (e.g. arthrosis) Properties This gel is used for the symptomatic treatment of pain in mild degenerative joint diseases (e.g. arthrosis). ..
26.68 USD
Vogel atrogel arnica montana tb 100 ml
What is A.Vogel AtroGel and when is it used?A.Vogel AtroGel is a fresh plant preparation made from arnica montana blossoms for external use in pain and inflammation of the joints and muscles such as muscle tension, sore muscles, stiff neck, back pain and lumbago. The gel is indicated as a supportive measure for rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and gout. The gel is easy to apply, practically odorless and does not warm.What precautions should be taken?In the case of rheumatic diseases, you should avoid acidic foods such as meat, fish, eggs and cheese. You should also avoid denatured foods (white flour, refined sugar, canned food). You should consult your doctor if you develop joint problems, especially if there is swelling, reddening, overheating or fever at the same time, or if the symptoms persist.When should A.Vogel AtroGel not be used or only with caution?A.Vogel AtroGel is only intended for external use on undamaged skin. You must not use A. Vogel AtroGel if you are hypersensitive to arnica or if you have open wounds or mucous membranes. Avoid contact with eyes and therefore wash hands after use as a precaution. The use and safety of A.Vogel AtroGel in children and adolescents has not yet been tested. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or use other medicines (including those you bought yourself) externally.Can A.Vogel AtroGel be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as intended. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice.How do you use A.Vogel AtroGel?Adults: Unless otherwise prescribed, a thin strand of A.Vogel AtroGel approx. 4 cm long is applied twice a day to the affected areas and rubbed in gently. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. The use and safety of A.Vogel AtroGel in children and adolescents has not yet been tested.What side effects can A.Vogel AtroGel have?The following side effects can occur when using A. Vogel AtroGel: Hypersensitivity reactions in people with an arnica allergy. If itchy, painful skin reactions occur, the treatment should be discontinued and a doctor consulted. If you notice any side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist.What should also be noted?A.Vogel AtroGel should be stored at room temperature (15-25°C) and out of the reach of children. A.Vogel AtroGel may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the tube. Unused or expired packs should be returned to your pharmacist for disposal. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information.What does A.Vogel AtroGel contain?1 g A.Vogel AtroGel contains: 500 mg tincture of fresh Arnica montana flowers* (drug-extractant ratio 1:20), extractant ethanol 58% (V/V), additives for gel production. * from controlled organic cultivationregistration number56199 (Swissmedic)Where can you get A.Vogel AtroGel? What packs are available?Available in pharmacies and drugstores without a doctor's prescription, in tubes of 100 ml (95 g) and 50 ml (48 g).Marketing Authorization HolderA.Vogel AG, CH-9325 Roggwil..
50.99 USD
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