Enfermedades cardiovasculares
Biotta apfel rande ingwer bio
BIOTTA Apfel Rande Ingwer Bio BIOTTA Apfel Rande Ingwer Bio is an organic juice that combines the sweet and tangy flavors of apple with the earthy and slightly sweet taste of beetroot and the subtle spiciness of ginger. Made from organic fruits and vegetables, this juice is not only delicious but also rich in nutrients that support your overall health and wellness. Benefits Supports cardiovascular health: Beetroot is rich in nitrates, which help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow, while apple contains antioxidants that can reduce the risk of heart disease. Boosts immunity: Apple is a good source of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system, while ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight infections. Supports digestion: Beetroot is rich in fiber, which can help promote digestive health, while ginger has been traditionally used to relieve digestive problems. Can help with exercise performance: The nitrates in beetroot can improve oxygen delivery to muscles, which can enhance exercise performance. Usage BIOTTA Apfel Rande Ingwer Bio can be enjoyed as a refreshing drink anytime, anywhere. It can be served chilled or at room temperature depending on your preference. Shake well before opening and consume within 7 days of opening. This juice can also be used as a base for smoothies or mixed with other juices for a unique flavor punch. Ingredients Organic apple juice 59% Organic beetroot juice 39.6% Organic ginger juice 1.4% About BIOTTA BIOTTA is a Swiss brand that has been producing high quality organic juices since They use only the finest organic fruits and vegetables and do not add any preservatives or artificial flavorings to their products. BIOTTA juices are not only delicious but also offer numerous health benefits, making them a great addition to your daily routine. ..
34.46 USD
Biotta vital blutdruck bio
BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio is a natural juice that has been specially designed to support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels. It is made from 100% organic ingredients and contains a unique blend of beetroot, aronia berries, and red grapes. The beetroot in this juice is known for its ability to support healthy blood pressure levels due to its high nitrate content. Nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, which helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Aronia berries are also packed with antioxidants and have been shown to have a positive effect on blood pressure. In addition to this, BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio also contains red grapes, which are rich in resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to support cardiovascular health. This juice is also low in sodium and high in potassium, which helps to support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels. BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio is carefully crafted using a gentle, traditional pressing method that helps to preserve the flavor and nutrients of the organic ingredients. It is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and added sugars, making it a healthy and natural choice for those looking to support their cardiovascular health. Simply enjoy a glass of BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio each day to help support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels...
43.51 USD
Burgerstein omega-3 epa 50 cápsulas
Suplemento dietético con aceite de pescado con una proporción particularmente alta de valiosos ácidos grasos omega-3 EPA (ácido eicosapentaenoico) ComposiciónÁcidos grasos del ACEITE DE PESCADO, gelatina comestible (PESCADO), humectante (glicerina), vitamina E (de D-alfa-tocoferol y tocoferoles mixtos).PropiedadesClaro enfoque en EPA - 378 mg por cápsulaSin sabor a pescado, sin eructosNatural aceite de pescado procedente de la pesca sostenible, certificado según " Friend of the Sea"¿Para qué está especialmente indicado Burgerstein Omega-3 EPA? Para el sistema cardiovascular EPA y DHA contribuyen al funcionamiento normal del corazón* y al mantenimiento de la presión arterial normal**.Para los niveles de triglicéridos (colesterol)DHA y EPA contribuyen al mantenimiento de niveles normales de triglicéridos en sangre.****Efecto beneficioso con una ingesta diaria de 250 mg de EPA y DHA combinados.**Efecto beneficioso con una ingesta diaria de 3g de DHA y EPA.***Efecto positivo con una ingesta diaria de 2g de DHA y EPA.La ingesta diaria total de 5g de EPA y No se debe exceder el DHA. Desarrollado en Suiza, fabricado en Alemania.AplicaciónTomar 1 cápsula al día con una comida. Valores nutricionales Valor nutricionalCantidadpor% Precisión de mediciónGrasa564 mg1 tabl./caps. Ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA)378 mg1 tabl./caps. Ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA)72 mg1 tabl./caps. Vitamina E7,5 mg1 tabl./ tapas. AlérgenosContienePescado y productos pesquerosNotasAlmacenar a temperatura ambiente. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. No se debe exceder la dosis diaria recomendada especificada. Los complementos alimenticios no sustituyen a una dieta variada y equilibrada ni a un estilo de vida saludable...
52.68 USD
Circosan kaps acolchados 200uds
PADMED CIRCOSAN N ayuda en los trastornos circulatorios con síntomas como adormecimiento de manos y pies, hormigueo, hormigueo, sensación de pesadez y tensión en piernas y brazos y calambres en las pantorrillas. Información del paciente aprobada por SwissmedicPADMED CIRCOSAN N, cápsulas durasPADMA AGMedicamento tibetano ¿Cuándo se utiliza Padmed Circosan N?De acuerdo con los principios terapéuticos de la medicina tibetana, Padmed Circosan N se puede utilizar cuando hay un exceso de calor en el sistema vascular (elevado Principio del tripa) que se asocia a trastornos circulatorios con síntomas como hormigueo, hormigueo, sensación de pesadez y tensión en piernas y brazos, caída de manos y pies y calambres en las pantorrillas. El uso de este medicamento en el área de aplicación indicada se basa exclusivamente en los principios terapéuticos de la medicina tibetana. ¿Qué se debe tener en cuenta?Las personas que reciben tratamiento médico deben informar a su médico si están tomando Padmed Circosan N. Si su condición empeora, ¡debe consultar a un médico! Una dieta desequilibrada o rica en grasas, el tabaquismo, el estrés y la falta de ejercicio pueden aumentar los síntomas y deben evitarse. ¿Cuándo no se debe usar Padmed Circosan N cápsulas duras o solo con precaución?No se debe tomar Padmed Circosan N si existe una hipersensibilidad conocida a uno de los principios activos. ingredientes o alguno de los excipientes (ver «¿Qué contiene Padmed Circosan N?»). No existen estudios sobre el uso de Padmed Circosan N en niños y adolescentes. Por lo tanto, no se recomienda el uso en niños y adolescentes. Informe a su médico, farmacéutico o farmacéutico si sufre otras enfermedades,tiene alergias otoma otros medicamentos (¡incluidos los que usted mismo compró!). ¿Se puede tomar Padmed Circosan N durante el embarazo o la lactancia?Según la experiencia previa, no existe riesgo conocido para el niño cuando se usa según las indicaciones. Sin embargo, nunca se han llevado a cabo investigaciones científicas sistemáticas. Como precaución, debe evitar tomar medicamentos durante el embarazo y la lactancia o consultar a su médico, farmacéutico o farmacéutico. ¿Cómo se usa Padmed Circosan?Adultos: Salvo prescripción médica, tomar inicialmente 3×2 Cápsulas al día con suficiente líquido antes o con las comidas. Tan pronto como haya una clara mejoría, la dosis puede reducirse a 1-2 cápsulas al día. Las personas que tienen dificultad para tragar deben mezclar el contenido de la cápsula con agua tibia. Si se presentan síntomas gastrointestinales, las cápsulas se pueden tomar con las comidas y abundante líquido (lo mejor es agua tibia). Puede ser necesaria una reducción de la dosis. Si su médico le ha recetado las cápsulas, se debe discutir con él o ella un ajuste de dosis. Mantenga un intervalo de una hora y media a dos horas entre la toma de Padmed Circosan N y otros medicamentos. Niños y adolescentes: El uso y la seguridad de Padmed Circosan N en niños y adolescentes aún no ha sido probado y no está previsto debido a la indicación. Siga la dosis indicada en el prospecto o según lo prescrito por su médico. Si cree que el medicamento es demasiado débil o demasiado fuerte, hable con su médico, farmacéutico o farmacéutico. ¿Qué efectos secundarios puede tener Padmed Circosan N?En casos muy raros, síntomas en el área gastrointestinal (por ejemplo, diarrea, náuseas, dolor abdominal o eructos), erupciones en la piel o picazón puede ocurrir. Ocasionalmente se encontraron palpitaciones y ligera inquietud en personas con la disposición apropiada. Si experimenta algún efecto adverso, hable con su médico, farmacéutico o farmacéutico. Esto también se aplica en particular a los efectos secundarios que no se mencionan en este prospecto. ¿Qué más hay que tener en cuenta?El medicamento sólo puede utilizarse hasta la fecha marcada «CAD» en el envase. Instrucciones de almacenamientoAlmacenar a temperatura ambiente (15-25°C). Almacenar en el embalaje original. Manténgase fuera del alcance de los niños. Su médico, farmacéutico o farmacéutico puede brindarle más información. Estas personas tienen la información detallada para los especialistas. ¿Qué contiene Padmed Circosan N?Principios activosUna cápsula contiene: 40 mg polvo de raíz de musgo del Himalaya (Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch., radix), 40 mg polvo de musgo de Islandia (Cetraria islandica (L.) Acharius s.l., talo), 35 mg de polvo de fruta de árbol de neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss., fructus), 30 mg de polvo de fruta de cardamomo (Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton, fructus), 30 mg de mirobálano en polvo (Terminalia chebula Retz., fructus), 25 mg de clavo de olor en polvo (Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr ., fructus), 20 mg de marmelos en polvo (Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa, fructus), 20 mg de sulfato de calcio hemihidrato, 15 mg de aguileña en polvo (Aquilegia vulgaris L ., herba), 15 mg polvo de raíz de regaliz (Glycyrrhiza glabra L. y/o Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat. y/o Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. , radix), 15 mg de polvo de hoja de buckhorn (Plantago lanceolata L . s.l., folium), 15 mg de polvo de nudillo (Polygonum aviculare L. s.l., herba), 15 mg polvo de cinquefoil dorado (Potentilla aurea L., herba), 12 mg polvo de clavo (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry, flos), 10 mg de polvo de rizoma de Kaempferia galanga (Kaempferia galanga L., rizoma), 10 mg de polvo de hierba Sida (Sida cordifolia L., herba), 10 mg polvo de raíz de valeriana (Valeriana officinalis L. s.l., radix), 6 mg polvo de lechuga de jardín (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L ., folium), 5 mg polvo de flor de caléndula (Calendula officinalis L., flos cum calyce), 4 mg d-alcanfor, 1 mg polvo de tubérculo de acónito (Aconitum napellus L., tubérculo) . ExcipientesHipromelosa (cubierta de la cápsula), sílice coloidal, manitol (E 421). Número de aprobación67541 (Swissmedic) ¿Dónde se puede conseguir Padmed Circosan N? ¿Qué packs hay disponibles?En farmacias y droguerías, sin receta médica. Envases de 60 y 200 cápsulas. Titular de la autorizaciónPADMA AG, Haldenstrasse 30, CH-8620 Wetzikon. FabricantePADMA AG, Haldenstrasse 30, CH-8620 Wetzikon. Este prospecto fue revisado por última vez por la Agencia de Medicamentos (Swissmedic) en julio de 2020. ..
134.06 USD
Ecofenac sandoz lipogel 1% tb 100 g
Características de Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1% Tb 100 gAnatómico Terapéutico Químico (АТС): M02AA15Temperatura de almacenamiento min/max 15/25 grados centígradosCantidad en el paquete: 1 gPeso: 132 g Largo: 40 mm Ancho: 186 mm Alto: 71 mm Comprar Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1% Tb 100 g online desde Suiza..
18.22 USD
Luvit k2 natürliches vitaminas
LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin is a high-quality dietary supplement that provides your body with the essential nutrient Vitamin KThis natural supplement is formulated using Menaquinone-7 (MK-7) which is sourced from natural natto extracts, making it a safe and efficient choice for your health needs. Vitamin K2 plays a vital role in the body by helping to support the health and strength of bones, teeth, and cardiovascular health. This vitamin is also necessary for proper blood clotting and helps to maintain healthy blood sugar and insulin levels. LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin is free from artificial additives, preservatives, or coloring agents. This supplement comes in easy-to-swallow capsules that are designed to be quickly and efficiently absorbed by your body. To ensure that you are getting the most benefits from your vitamin K2 supplement, LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin is manufactured in a facility that uses the highest standards of quality control. This product is also regularly tested to ensure that it meets or exceeds industry standards for purity and potency. If you are looking for a safe and efficient way to boost your vitamin K2 intake, LUVIT K2 Natürliches Vitamin is an excellent choice. With its natural formulation and high-quality production standards, you can trust in the effectiveness and safety of this supplement. ..
37.01 USD
Magnesio puro magnesio ds 180 uds
Pure Magnesium Magnesium Ds 180 pcs Pure Magnesium Magnesium Ds 180 pcs is a dietary supplement that contains pure magnesium, a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall well-being of the body. Each bottle contains 180 capsules, providing you with a 6-month supply of magnesium supplementation. Why Magnesium? Magnesium is an essential mineral our body needs for optimal health. It is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and muscular function. Along with calcium and potassium, magnesium is also necessary for nerve function, muscle contraction, and building strong bones. The Pure Magnesium Difference This supplement exclusively contains pure magnesium, extracted from natural sources without any synthetic additives. This high-quality formula ensures maximum absorption and utilization by the body, providing you with the full range of benefits magnesium has to offer. The capsules are vegan, gluten-free, and do not contain any dairy, soy, or nuts, making it a safe option for people with dietary restrictions. Benefits May help reduce stress and anxiety levels Supports cardiovascular health May improve sleep quality Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels Supports muscle and nerve function May improve bone density and strength How to Use Take 2 capsules daily with food or as directed by your healthcare professional. Consult with your doctor before taking any dietary supplements, especially if you're pregnant, nursing, or taking medication. Order Today Experience the benefits of pure magnesium with Pure Magnesium Magnesium Ds 180 pcs. Order today and enjoy a healthier life!..
52.10 USD
Metacare coenzima q10 kaps ds 60 stk
Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk is a dietary supplement that contains Coenzyme Q10, an essential nutrient that is naturally produced in the body. Coenzyme Q10 plays a pivotal role in energy production, and it is a potent antioxidant that helps to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. This supplement is ideal for individuals who are looking to support their cardiovascular health, as Coenzyme Q10 helps to regulate the heartbeat and support blood vessel function. It can also help to support healthy brain function, as it assists in the production of neurotransmitters, which are essential for cognitive function. Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk is made using high-quality ingredients and is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility to ensure maximum potency and purity. It is free from any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, and it is suitable for vegetarians. Benefits of Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk Supports cardiovascular health Promotes healthy brain function Boosts energy production Acts as a powerful antioxidant Free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives Suitable for vegetarians How to use Take one capsule a day, preferably with a meal or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Caution: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Overall, Metacare Coenzym Q10 Kaps Ds 60 Stk is a premium-quality supplement that can help to support your health and wellbeing. It is a potent antioxidant that can help to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, and it can also help to boost energy production and support cardiovascular and brain health. ..
81.34 USD
Nova krill nko aceite de krill kaps 500 mg de 60 uds
Introducing NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules are a dietary supplement designed to promote overall health and wellbeing. Each capsule contains 500 mg of pure NKO Krill Oil, sourced from the pristine Antarctic Ocean. This exceptional product offers the following benefits: Improve Cardiovascular Function NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules support optimal heart health by reducing inflammation and improving blood lipid levels. It contains high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, which are essential for cardiovascular function. Boost Joint Health The NKO Krill Oil in NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules contains powerful antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation and stiffness, promoting flexibility, mobility, and joint function. Enhance Brain Function and Cognition NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules can improve brain function and cognitive performance. It contains choline, which promotes healthy brain cell development and helps to improve memory and learning. Improves Skin Health The Omega-3 fatty acids in NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules help to nourish and hydrate the skin from the inside out. The antioxidants present in NKO Krill Oil help to fight free radicals and prevent cellular damage, promoting healthy and youthful skin. Why Choose NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules? 100% pure and natural NKO Krill Oil Sourced from the Antarctic Ocean, free from environmental toxins. Contains potent levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids and antioxidants. Easy to swallow softgel capsules Manufactured in accordance with strict Good Manufacturing Practice(GMP). NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules are an excellent source of beneficial nutrients that promote overall health and wellbeing. With regular use, you can experience improved cardiovascular function, joint health, brain function, cognition, and skin health. Purchase your bottle of NOVA KRILL NKO Krill Oil Capsules today and start experiencing the numerous health benefits that it has to offer...
77.17 USD
Rubimed crataegus comp. gotas 50ml
Características de Rubimed Crataegus comp. Gotas 50 mlTemperatura de almacenamiento min/max 15/25 grados centígradosCantidad en envase: 1 mlPeso: 114g Largo: 40mm Ancho: 40mm Alto: 107mm Comprar Rubimed Crataegus comp. Gotas 50 ml online desde Suiza..
70.34 USD
Strophantus gratus tbl d 4 80 uds
Características de Strophantus gratus tbl D 4 80 udsTemperatura de almacenamiento min/max 15/25 grados centígradosCantidad en el paquete: 80 piezasPeso : 42g Largo: 36mm Ancho: 43mm Alto: 105mm Comprar Strophantus gratus tbl D 4 80 uds online desde Suiza ..
46.37 USD