Descubra nuestra amplia gama de artículos básicos de primeros auxilios, diseñados para brindar atención inmediata en situaciones de emergencia. Nuestra selección incluye lavaojos confiables, tiritas adhesivas, productos para el cuidado de heridas y guantes protectores, lo que garantiza que tenga las herramientas adecuadas para un tratamiento eficaz. Ya sea neutralizando sustancias nocivas con nuestro colirio Plum, tratando lesiones menores con nuestros versátiles apósitos o garantizando un tratamiento completo de las heridas con compresas de alta calidad, nuestros productos satisfacen diversas necesidades de primeros auxilios. Esenciales para los lugares de trabajo, las escuelas y los hogares, estos productos garantizan seguridad y protección, todo ello disponible en nuestros Productos de salud y belleza de Suiza. Explore nuestra categoría de primeros auxilios para encontrar soluciones confiables diseñadas para respaldar su salud y bienestar.
Los apósitos 3M Nexcare Blood-Stop ofrecen un cuidado fiable de las heridas con una mezcla de 30 piezas en 3 tamaños diferentes. Estos vendajes avanzados están diseñados para detener eficazmente el sangrado, lo que los hace ideales para situaciones de primeros auxilios. Los apósitos están hechos de algodón e hisopos de algodón con propiedades para calmar la sangre, lo que garantiza un tratamiento adecuado de la herida. Con estos vendajes versátiles y de alta calidad, puede confiar en 3M Nexcare para obtener soluciones superiores para el cuidado de heridas. Agregue estos apósitos a su botiquín médico para un tratamiento rápido y eficiente de cortes y lesiones...
El apósito adhesivo de vellón Micropore de 3M ofrece una protección suave y segura para las heridas en un práctico formato dispensador. Con un ancho de 12,5 mm y una longitud de 5 m, este apósito adhesivo blanco es ideal para diversas aplicaciones de cuidado de heridas. El suave material polar es agradable al contacto con la piel, por lo que es adecuado para zonas sensibles. Su respaldo adhesivo garantiza una adhesión confiable sin causar irritación al retirarlo. Perfecto para una aplicación rápida, el diseño del dispensador permite un fácil desgarro y aplicación, lo que lo convierte en un complemento práctico para cualquier botiquín de primeros auxilios o entorno médico. Confíe en 3M para soluciones de cuidado de heridas de alta calidad que prioricen tanto la eficacia como la comodidad del paciente...
Breathe Right normal 30 unidades es una solución fiable para los ronquidos, el rechinamiento de los dientes y la protección de los dientes. Estos vendajes ofrecen primeros auxilios y fijación, ayudando a un sueño reparador y protegiendo los dientes durante el sueño. Con 30 piezas incluidas, este producto garantiza un uso duradero para noches de descanso ininterrumpidas. Di adiós a los molestos ronquidos y protege tus dientes con estas cómodas y eficaces vendas. Prioriza tu salud y bienestar con Breathe Right normal 30uds...
MEDISET Komp Watte 10x10cm T17 8f st
This product is a sterile, individually packed cotton wool square measuring 10x10cm. It is composed of high-quality, absorbent cotton and is perfect for use in wound care, first aid, and medical procedures.
The MEDISET Komp Watte is gentle on the skin and does not cause irritation, making it ideal for use on even the most sensitive patients. It is also highly durable and does not break down easily, ensuring maximum absorption and effectiveness throughout use.
This product comes in a convenient pack of 8 pieces, making it an essential component of any first aid kit or medical facility. It is easy to store and transport, and each individual pack is clearly labeled and marked with the necessary information for safe and effective use.
Whether you're a medical professional or simply need a reliable wound care solution for personal use, the MEDISET Komp Watte is an excellent choice. With its high-quality composition, superior absorption, and sterile packaging, it is a must-have for anyone looking for a safe and effective solution for wound care and first aid.
Product description for Plum eye wash pH neutral 200 ml
The Plum eye wash pH neutral 200 ml is an essential first aid product for treating eye injuries caused by exposure to harmful substances, smoke, dust, or foreign objects. This eye wash solution is designed to gently clean and flush the eyes to remove debris, contaminants, and irritating substances that can cause pain, discomfort, and long-term damage.
Plum eye wash pH neutral 200 ml is a must-have product for workplaces, schools, labs, and homes, where eye injuries are more likely to occur. It is a simple, yet effective solution that provides immediate relief and protection against eye damage, without causing irritation or inflammation.
Reliable and safe eye wash solution
Neutral pH formula gently cleans and flushes the eyes without causing discomfort
200 ml bottle ideal for easy storage and use in emergency situations
Easy to apply directly to the affected eye, with a user-friendly twist cap
Sterile and single-use packaging to ensure maximum hygiene and safety
This eye wash solution is compliant with the European standard EN 15154-4 which specifies the minimum performance requirements for emergency eye wash equipment. This ensures that you are getting a high-quality product that meets the necessary safety standards.
Overall, the Plum eye wash pH neutral 200 ml is an affordable and effective solution that should be part of any first aid kit. Its reliable formula and easy-to-use packaging make it a must-have for any workplace, school, or home where eye injuries are a possibility...
Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 Btl 6 Stk
The Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 Btl 6 Stk is a high-quality product available for purchase on our website. This product provides exceptional protection and comfort, making it perfect for a wide range of applications. Whether you're looking for gloves to wear while cleaning or for medical use, the Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 Btl 6 Stk has you covered.
One of the standout features of this product is its latex construction. Latex gloves are known for their durability and elasticity, making them ideal for use in a variety of settings. Not only do these gloves protect your hands from potential hazards, but they also allow for a comfortable and secure fit.
In addition to their construction, the Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 Btl 6 Stk is also designed to be easy to put on and take off. The gloves feature a beaded cuff that allows for easy donning, as well as textured fingertips that enhance grip and dexterity. These features make these gloves an excellent choice for anyone who needs to wear gloves for an extended period.
This product comes in a bottle of six gloves, making it convenient for those who need gloves on a regular basis. The compact size of the bottle also makes these gloves easy to store and transport, making them an ideal choice for healthcare professionals, lab workers, and anyone else who needs to have gloves readily available.
Overall, the Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 Btl 6 Stk is an excellent product that provides exceptional protection and comfort. Whether you need gloves for medical purposes, laboratory work, or general cleaning, these gloves are an excellent choice that you won't regret.