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欢迎来到贝奥维塔。您的一站式网上商店,出售从瑞士中部精心挑选的身体护理和化妆品产品。我们的产品秉承瑞士传统,是自然疗法和先进科学的结晶,可增强您的健康和美丽。我们的保健产品系列包括维生素、自然疗法、顺势疗法产品以及更多旨在促进您健康的产品。探索我们的美容必需品系列,从舒缓护肤产品到精油,所有这些都旨在帮助您释放自然之美。 Beeovita 提供一系列用于呼吸健康、心脏治疗、消化和新陈代谢的产品,是您的终极健康和美容提供商。今天就开始与我们一起购物,迈出健康生活和容光焕发美丽的第一步。
3m nexcare blood-stop pflaster 3 grössen gemischt 30 stk

3m nexcare blood-stop pflaster 3 grössen gemischt 30 stk

产品代码: 7840979

3M Nexcare Blood-Stop 膏药包含 30 片、3 种不同尺寸,可提供可靠的伤口护理。这些先进的绷带旨在有效止血,使其成为急救情况的理想选择。膏药由棉花和棉签制成,注入了止血特性,确保伤口得到适当的处理。凭借这些多功能、高品质的绷带,您可以信赖 3M Nexcare 提供卓越的伤口护理解决方案。将这些膏药添加到您的医疗箱中,以便快速有效地治疗割伤和损伤。..

20.23 USD

Emofluor 日常护理 mundspülung

Emofluor 日常护理 mundspülung

产品代码: 7848976

Composition Sodium fluoride (250 ppm). Properties Alcohol-free and lauryl sulphate-free. Application Adults and children from 6 years: rinse 10ml 1-3 times a day for 30 seconds and spit out. Composition Sodium fluoride (250 ppm). Properties Alcohol-free and lauryl sulfate-free. Application Adults and children over 6 years: 10ml 1-3 rinses a day for 30 seconds and spit out. ..

25.38 USD

Fresubin 2 kcal dietary fiber drink chocolate 4 bottles 200 ml

Fresubin 2 kcal dietary fiber drink chocolate 4 bottles 200 ml

产品代码: 7831428

Fresubin 2 kcal 巧克力饮料:您的每日能量剂量 尽情享受 Fresubin 2 kcal 浓郁的巧克力味道,同时为您的身体提供必需的营养素。这款即饮配方富含 200 卡路里热量和优质蛋白质混合物,非常适合: 体重管理 疾病或手术康复 维持肌肉质量 支持整体健康 为什么选择Fresubin 2 kcal巧克力饮料? 美味的巧克力味 热量和蛋白质含量高 易于消化 方便的即饮形式 不要让饥饿让你放慢脚步。立即订购 Fresubin 2 kcal 巧克力饮料,体验与众不同!..

43.89 USD

Fresubin 2 kcal drink neutral

Fresubin 2 kcal drink neutral

产品代码: 7831421

Fresubin 2 kcal DRINK 中性:您的每日营养剂量 Fresubin 2 kcal DRINK Neutral 是一种完整、均衡的营养饮料,非常适合需要补充饮食或保持健康体重的个人。这种美味的中性风味饮料每瓶提供 400 卡路里热量和 20 克蛋白质,使其成为获取所需营养的便捷且令人满意的方式。 为什么选择 Fresubin 2 kcal DRINK 中性? 全面营养:包含身体所需的所有必需维生素、矿物质和营养素。 富含热量和蛋白质:支持肌肉健康和整体健康。 易于消化:对胃温和。 中性风味:可以单独享用或与其他食品和饮料混合享用。 Fresubin 2 kcal DRINK Neutral 是以下用途的完美选择: 营养需求增加的人 进食困难的人 希望保持健康体重的人士 不要在营养方面妥协。立即订购 Fresubin 2 kcal DRINK Neutral,体验其中的差异。..

44.02 USD

Fresubin 2 kcal fiber drink cappuccino

Fresubin 2 kcal fiber drink cappuccino

产品代码: 7831427

FRESUBIN 2 kcal 纤维饮料卡布奇诺 - 完美的营养补充 尽情享受卡布奇诺的美味,同时为您的身体提供所需的必需营养素。 FRESUBIN 2 kcal 纤维饮料卡布奇诺是一种特殊配方的营养饮料,旨在满足需要额外热量和蛋白质的成年人的营养需求。 主要优点: 富含热量和蛋白质,有助于体重增加 添加纤维以改善消化 美味的卡布奇诺风味 易于消化 适合各种饮食需求 体验 FRESUBIN 2 kcal 纤维饮料卡布奇诺的不同之处。今天就订购吧!..

43.89 USD

Hyabak eye drops 10 ml

Hyabak eye drops 10 ml

产品代码: 7836551

Hyabak 滴眼液可有效缓解眼睛干涩和疲劳。这些滴剂采用透明质酸钠(一种体内天然润滑剂)配制而成,可提供持久的保湿和舒适感。无论您是因为盯着屏幕、戴隐形眼镜还是环境因素而感到眼睛干燥,Hyabak 都能提供快速、舒缓的解决方案。不含防腐剂的配方对眼睛温和,适合敏感用户。使用 Hyabak 滴眼液告别不适,让眼睛焕然一新、滋润。 Hyabak 是您眼部补水的首选,为您的眼睛提供应有的护理。..

32.90 USD

Impact 口服免疫营养 plv tropic 5 btl 74 克

Impact 口服免疫营养 plv tropic 5 btl 74 克

产品代码: 7851866

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Impact Oral Immunonutrition Pulver Indikation Immunonutrition zum perioperativen Diätmanagement bei grösseren chirurgischen Eingriffen und/oder bei bestehender Mangelernährung oder bei Risiko für eine Mangelernährung. 814164 / 25.10.2022 ..

141.95 USD

Manutrain aktivbandage gr5 链接 titan

Manutrain aktivbandage gr5 链接 titan

产品代码: 7826470

ManuTrain 主动支撑是一款顶级手腕绷带,专为实现最佳手腕支撑和舒适度而设计。这款绷带采用 5 级钛链节制成,具有卓越的稳定性和耐用性。 ManuTrain 主动支撑提供轻柔的压力,以减少肿胀、缓解疼痛并促进更快愈合,非常适合腕部受伤、关节炎或手术后恢复的患者。其透气材料可确保最佳气流,在长时间佩戴时保持皮肤干爽舒适。无论您是寻求额外手腕支撑的运动员还是需要治疗护理的人,ManuTrain 主动支撑都是提高表现和恢复的完美选择。..

134.14 USD

Mediset kompresse 5x5cm typ 24 8 fach steril 50 x 5 stk

Mediset kompresse 5x5cm typ 24 8 fach steril 50 x 5 stk

产品代码: 7837517

MediSet 敷布 5x5cm 24 型采用 8 折无菌包装,提供方便的伤口护理。每盒包含 50 个独立包装的敷布,每个尺寸为 5x5 厘米。这些纱布敷料非常适合伤口处理,提供无菌和吸收层以促进愈合。无论是专业医疗保健环境还是家庭使用,这些敷布都是多功能且可靠的。 MediSet 敷布因其质量和便利性而受到信赖,对于急救箱、诊所、医院和家庭来说是必不可少的,以确保适当的伤口护理和卫生。..

87.69 USD

Mepilex border flex 10x10cm 595350 5 stk

Mepilex border flex 10x10cm 595350 5 stk

产品代码: 7837857

美皮康 Border Flex 10x10cm 595350 5 件是一款多功能伤口敷料,专为有效的伤口护理管理而设计。凭借其创新的水聚合物技术,该绷带可温和、牢固地粘附在皮肤上,促进最佳的愈合条件。 10x10cm 尺寸非常适合中度至重度渗出的伤口,具有吸收和保留能力,可保持湿润的伤口环境。每包包含 5 件,确保为伤口治疗提供方便且经济高效的解决方案。值得信赖的美皮康 Border Flex 可为您的日常伤口护理提供可靠的保护和支持。..

112.23 USD

Naif milky bath oil badeöl fl 100 毫升

Naif milky bath oil badeöl fl 100 毫升

产品代码: 7821423

Naif Milky Bath Oil Badeöl Fl 100 ml Indulge in a luxurious bath experience with the Naif Milky Bath Oil Badeöl Fl 100 ml. This bath oil is specially formulated to hydrate and nourish your skin while you soak in the tub. Made with natural ingredients, it is gentle on sensitive skin and suitable for all skin types. The Naif Milky Bath Oil Badeöl Fl 100 ml contains nourishing ingredients like sweet almond oil and avocado oil, which help to moisturize and soften your skin. It also contains macadamia oil and sunflower oil, which are rich in antioxidants that protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals. This bath oil has a milky texture that creates a luscious and creamy lather, leaving your skin feeling silky and smooth. It has a subtle scent that calms and relaxes your mind, making it perfect for a soothing and indulgent bath at the end of a long day. The Naif Milky Bath Oil Badeöl Fl 100 ml comes in a convenient 100 ml bottle that is easy to use and perfect for travel. Simply pour a few drops into your bathwater and enjoy the luxurious lather and moisturizing benefits. Experience the ultimate in relaxation and skincare with the Naif Milky Bath Oil Badeöl Fl 100 ml. Shop now and treat yourself to a luxurious bath experience that will leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and nourished. ..

31.25 USD

Optifibre flora plv 10 btl 5 克

Optifibre flora plv 10 btl 5 克

产品代码: 7839879

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Optifibre Flora Pulver Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei gestörter Funktion des Dickdarms, zur Nährstoffresorption bei Diarrhoe (Durchfall). 781787 / 04.07.2022 ..

24.69 USD

Providextra 饮料橙子凤梨

Providextra 饮料橙子凤梨

产品代码: 7844819

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation ProvideXtra DRINK Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei Patienten mit bestehender oder drohender Mangelernährung, insbesondere bei erhöhtem Energiebedarf und/oder Malassimilation, inklusive dem präoperativen Diätmanagement bei chirurgischen Patienten. 814527 / 07.12.2022 ..

43.84 USD

Sanaya aroma&bachblüt 喷雾 zen bio

Sanaya aroma&bachblüt 喷雾 zen bio

产品代码: 7830188

隆重推出 SANAYA Aroma & Bach Blood Spray Zen Bio,这是一款革命性的房间护理解决方案,旨在为您的生活空间营造宁静清新的氛围。这种创新产品结合了芳香疗法和巴赫花精的优点,提供独特的整体体验。 Zen Bio 喷雾可有效中和异味,同时释放令人平静的香味,促进放松和健康。非常适合家庭、办公室或任何需要焕发活力的空间日常使用。使用 SANAYA Aroma 和 Bach Blood Spray Zen Bio 为您的环境带来平衡与和谐。..

43.63 USD

Sanor 鱼种乳胶 gr3 gepudert leicht

Sanor 鱼种乳胶 gr3 gepudert leicht

产品代码: 7842082

SANOR Fingerling Latex Gr3 gepudert leicht The SANOR Fingerling Latex Gr3 gepudert leicht is a high-quality disposable glove suitable for different tasks in various industries. The gloves are made of natural latex material, which provides excellent protection and comfort for the user. The gloves are powder-coated, making it easy to put them on and take off, and they maintain tactile sensitivity when handling delicate objects or surfaces. They come in a light-colored variant that makes it possible to recognize any possible contamination or stains easily. The SANOR Fingerling Latex Gr3 gepudert leicht is designed to fit snugly on your fingers like a second skin, providing a perfect grip and touch sensitivity. They are ideal for medical works, laboratory jobs, food processing, and other sensitive applications where hygiene is necessary. The gloves have a reliable barrier function that helps protect against bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants. They are disposable, making it easy to prevent cross-contamination and spread of illnesses. The SANOR Fingerling Latex Gr3 gepudert leicht is an excellent choice for safety, comfort, high quality, and durability. They come in various sizes to fit the different hand sizes of the users. Order your SANOR Fingerling Latex Gr3 gepudert leicht today, and enjoy superior hand protection and comfort. ..

31.36 USD

Tena flex ultima m

Tena flex ultima m

产品代码: 7835095

TENA Flex Ultima M: The Ultimate Incontinence Solution for Active Individuals For people with moderate to heavy incontinence, the TENA Flex Ultima M offers unbeatable protection and comfort. Designed to fit active individuals, this product is the ideal choice for those who want to stay active and maintain their freedom. Features Ultima absorbency level for heavy incontinence Curved leg elastics for a snug and secure fit Fast liquid absorption and retention Odor control for added freshness Breathable fabric for added comfort Wetness indicator to alert when it's time to change Comfortable and Discreet With its innovative design, the TENA Flex Ultima M is both comfortable and discreet. The curved leg elastics ensure that the product fits snuggly without causing any discomfort or irritation. The breathable fabric helps to prevent sweating and keeps you feeling fresh and comfortable throughout the day. The superior absorbency of the product ensures that any liquid is quickly absorbed, keeping you dry and comfortable. Easy to Use The TENA Flex Ultima M is incredibly easy to use. Its unique belt system makes it easy to put on and take off, and the wetness indicator tells you when it is time to change. This means that you don't have to worry about constantly checking or guessing when it needs to be changed, giving you added convenience and peace of mind. Conclusion If you are looking for an incontinence product that offers the ultimate protection and comfort, the TENA Flex Ultima M is the perfect choice. Its advanced absorbency, odor control, and wetness indicator features, make it one of the most reliable and convenient products on the market today...

121.88 USD

Vitamin d3 wild spray 1000 iu vegan

Vitamin d3 wild spray 1000 iu vegan

产品代码: 7836056

成分 每日剂量 25 µg 胆钙化醇(维生素 D3)(1000 IU)(2 次喷雾)。 特点 < p>无糖、无麸质、不含酒精。 使用 每天直接喷入口腔 2 次。 组成 每日剂量 25 µg 胆钙化醇(维生素 D3)(1000 IU)(2 次喷雾)。 属性 无糖、无麸质、无酒精。 使用 每天直接向口腔喷 2 次喷雾。 ..

26.20 USD

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