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欢迎来到贝奥维塔。您的一站式网上商店,出售从瑞士中部精心挑选的身体护理和化妆品产品。我们的产品秉承瑞士传统,是自然疗法和先进科学的结晶,可增强您的健康和美丽。我们的保健产品系列包括维生素、自然疗法、顺势疗法产品以及更多旨在促进您健康的产品。探索我们的美容必需品系列,从舒缓护肤产品到精油,所有这些都旨在帮助您释放自然之美。 Beeovita 提供一系列用于呼吸健康、心脏治疗、消化和新陈代谢的产品,是您的终极健康和美容提供商。今天就开始与我们一起购物,迈出健康生活和容光焕发美丽的第一步。
Arkocaps bierhefe kaps pflanzlich 45 stk

Arkocaps bierhefe kaps pflanzlich 45 stk

产品代码: 3301699

尽情享受 ARKOCAPS 啤酒酵母 Kaps VG 的整体功效,这是一种优质营养补充剂,旨在支持整体健康。啤酒酵母富含必需的维生素、矿物质和氨基酸,因其滋养特性而备受推崇,可促进强大的免疫力、容光焕发的皮肤和增强的能量水平。这个天然补充剂课程是您日常生活的完美补充,特别是对于那些在体重管理或减肥过程中寻求保持均衡饮食的人来说。使用 ARKOCAPS 啤酒酵母 Kaps VG 提升您的健康水平,让您变得更健康、更有活力。..

42.19 USD

Avent philips straw cup 300ml boy green

Avent philips straw cup 300ml boy green

产品代码: 7083288

新安怡飞利浦吸管杯 300ml 男孩绿色 新安怡飞利浦吸管杯非常适合幼儿的需求,提供安全的饮用水和果汁方式。杯子容量为300ml,设计为美丽的绿色色调。 杯子是防漏的 吸管可以轻松拆卸和清洁 杯子易于用手清洁或在洗碗机中清洗 由无毒、不含 BPA 的材料制成 建议 18 个月以上的儿童使用 透明的杯子让父母可以轻松监控杯子的填充量,而软饮阀则使从瓶子到杯子的过渡变得更容易。该杯子适合在家中和外出时使用,提供了一种帮助孩子养成和保持饮酒习惯的实用方法。..

23.71 USD

Ceylor large super glide präservativ 系列

Ceylor large super glide präservativ 系列

产品代码: 1002414

CEYLOR 大号 Super Glide 避孕套专为在亲密时刻提供优质保护和愉悦而设计。这款避孕套尺寸较大,佩戴舒适,表面超光滑,可增强敏感度和自然感觉。它由优质乳胶材料制成,可提供可靠的保护,防止性传播感染和意外怀孕。 CEYLOR Large Super Glide 避孕套是安全、满意体验的值得信赖的选择。使用这款可靠有效的避孕套增强您的性健康。..

26.18 USD

Fermavisc gel sine gtt opht 20 monodos 0.35 毫升

Fermavisc gel sine gtt opht 20 monodos 0.35 毫升

产品代码: 3140776

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Kontraindikation Fermavisc Gel sine Indikation Trockene Augen, Benetzung der Kontaktlinsen beim Einsetzen und während des Tragens. Dosierung 1?2 Tr. Kontraindikation Augeninfektion. 762275 / 28.04.2022 ..

28.25 USD

Grethers blackcurrant pastilles without sugar bag 110 g

Grethers blackcurrant pastilles without sugar bag 110 g

产品代码: 1003374

Grethers 无糖黑加仑软糖 想吃一顿没有糖分崩溃的甜食吗? Grethers 无糖黑加仑软糖是完美的选择。这些美味的锭剂提供您喜爱的同样美味,但不添加糖。随时随地享受无负罪感的享受。 无糖 美味的黑加仑口味 非常适合糖尿病患者和注意糖摄入量的人< /li> 方便的袋子尺寸 无论您是在寻找健康的零食还是令人满意的美食,Grethers 无糖黑加仑软糖都是完美的选择。立即订购,体验与众不同!..

17.83 USD

Grethers pastilles black currant bag 110 g

Grethers pastilles black currant bag 110 g

产品代码: 1003373

Grethers 黑醋栗软糖 - 110g 以黑醋栗的美味自然舒缓喉咙痛。Grethers 黑醋栗软糖可舒缓喉咙痛和喉咙痛。咳嗽。这些含片采用天然成分制成,非常适合全家人使用。 天然黑醋栗味 舒缓喉咙痛和咳嗽 非常适合成人和儿童 不含人工色素或香料 无论您是在与感冒作斗争还是只是需要一点额外的舒适感,Grethers 黑醋栗软糖都是完美的选择。立即订购,体验与众不同!..

17.83 USD

Holle babybrei hirse 生物

Holle babybrei hirse 生物

产品代码: 6658781

HOLLE 有机婴儿粥是为宝宝引入固体食物的优质选择。这款温和的粥采用经过认证的有机成分制成,专为满足青少年的营养需求而精心制作。它质地光滑,味道温和,为宝宝的第一餐提供美味且易于消化的选择。这款粥富含必需的维生素和矿物质,包括促进健康发育的铁,支持宝宝的成长和整体健康。它易于准备,提供了一种方便的方法来确保您的孩子获得健康和天然的营养。选择 HOLLE 有机婴儿粥,为宝宝的烹饪之旅开启滋养之旅。..

16.43 USD

Lemon-swab 柠檬甘油棉签

Lemon-swab 柠檬甘油棉签

产品代码: 7781442

柠檬甘油棉签的特性 棉签柠檬味 25 x 3 支欧洲 CE 认证存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度每包数量:75 件重量:3100g 长度:150mm 宽度:90mm 高度:140mm 从瑞士在线购买柠檬甘油拭子拭子柠檬味 25 x 3 件..

44.58 USD

Lubex 去角质 100 克

Lubex 去角质 100 克

产品代码: 3028476

Dermatological face and body peeling ? regenerates the skin and makes it velvety soft Indication/applications For peeling rough areas of the body (regeneration of the stratum corneum)Facial peeling for normal, oily or impure skinPeeling as a supplementary therapy for acne , predominantly in the non-inflammatory stage Properties / EffectsCleansing cream with 2-phase effect: Effect phase 1Small, round, biodegradable microgranules remove dead skin cells and make the skin velvety soft.Effect phase 2 Glycolic acid (fruit acid peeling) deeply regenerates the skin structure and activates skin renewal The active ingredients Polidocanol 600 and bisabolol soothe the skin after use.Application / DosageApply Lubex peeling to well-moistened skin, massage gently with circular movements for 15 to 30 seconds, leave on briefly and then rinse off thoroughly with water.Dosage is individual and depends on the area to be treated: Use a hazelnut-sized amount per application on the face and at least a walnut-sized amount on the body. Lubex peeling should be diluted with water and not used near the eyes. for normal skin: 1 to 2 times a weekfor impure, oily skin: several times a weekfor acne comedonica: in consultation with a specialist ..

29.10 USD

Mepilex transfer 司肤泰克 wundauf 10x12cm sil

Mepilex transfer 司肤泰克 wundauf 10x12cm sil

产品代码: 3516827

MEPILEX Transfer Safetac Wundauf 10x12cm Sil The MEPILEX Transfer Safetac Wundauf 10x12cm Sil is a unique wound dressing that is designed to be gentle on the skin during application and removal. It is particularly suitable for wounds that need gentle and reliable handling. The dressing is designed with a soft silicone adhesive that is gentle on the skin, making it suitable for patients with fragile skin or increased pain during dressing changes. This adhesive easily conforms to the contours of the wound bed, ensuring a comfortable fit and prevents leaks or exudate. The dressing also features a unique Safetac technology that minimizes the risk of skin damage during removal. This technology ensures that the dressing adheres securely to the wound bed, preventing the dressing from sticking to the wound surface and causing trauma to the newly formed tissue. This technology also reduces the risk of maceration, making it ideal for wounds with high exudate levels. The MEPILEX Transfer Safetac Wundauf 10x12cm Sil is designed to be self-adherent, making it easy to apply and remove. This dressing also features a thin and flexible design that allows it to conform to challenging wound locations for optimal coverage and protection. Additionally, the dressing is designed to maintain a moist wound environment, promoting optimal healing conditions. In conclusion, the MEPILEX Transfer Safetac Wundauf 10x12cm Sil is the ideal solution for individuals with sensitive skin or those with wounds that are difficult to dress due to their location, size or level of exudate. With its unique silicone adhesive and Safetac technology, this dressing provides easy application and removal, while ensuring reliable and effective wound management. ..

107.22 USD

Naturstein basen plv glasfl 180 克

Naturstein basen plv glasfl 180 克

产品代码: 7774074

Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl 180 g This Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl is a natural blend of minerals and salts designed to help balance your body's pH levels and promote overall health and wellness. This product is made from a unique combination of minerals that are sourced from natural stone deposits, including potassium, magnesium, and calcium. By increasing the alkalinity in the body, Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl can help to neutralize acid levels, which can contribute to a range of health issues, including fatigue, inflammation, and digestive problems. This product is also a natural source of electrolytes, which can help to improve hydration and support the body's natural detoxification processes. This Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl comes in a convenient glass bottle with a 180 g capacity. Simply add a teaspoon of the powder to a glass of water or juice and enjoy the benefits of this natural mineral supplement. This product is vegetarian and gluten-free, and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. Benefits: Supports pH balance in the body Increases alkalinity Supports natural detoxification processes Provides natural source of electrolytes Gluten-free and vegetarian Overall, Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl is a natural and effective way to support your body's overall health and wellness. With its unique blend of minerals and salts, this product can help to promote pH balance, increase alkalinity, and support natural detoxification processes...

44.48 USD

Phytomed bachblüten no29 dold milchstern

Phytomed bachblüten no29 dold milchstern

产品代码: 1313126

PHYTOMED 巴赫花精 29 号,Dold 牛奶之星,是一种天然疗法,旨在促进情绪平衡和愈合。这种独特的混合物利用巴赫花的力量来缓解绝望、悲伤和绝望的感觉。这种疗法旨在温和地恢复内心的和谐,有助于缓解情绪混乱并增强情绪恢复能力。 PHYTOMED 巴赫花精 29 号采用高品质成分并遵循传统巴赫方法制成,提供情感健康的整体方法。将这种自然疗法融入您的日常生活中,以支持您的情绪健康并找到内心的平和与平静。..

28.45 USD

Phytopharma infect stop lozenges 50 pieces

Phytopharma infect stop lozenges 50 pieces

产品代码: 7779563

隆重推出 Phytopharma Infect Stop 含片,这是一种有助于对抗感染和舒缓喉咙的天然药物。每盒包含 50 粒含片,为缓解症状提供方便有效的方法。这些含片采用强效天然成分混合制成,可支持您的免疫系统,同时缓解不适。无论您正在处理喉咙痛、咳嗽还是其他感染症状,Phytopharma Infect Stop 含片都是您日常健康的完美补充。使用 Phytopharma Infect Stop 含片告别烦人的症状,迎接自然、温和的缓解。..

49.47 USD

Phytostandard zypresse-tragant 平板电脑

Phytostandard zypresse-tragant 平板电脑

产品代码: 7779322

Phytostandard Cypress - Astragalus tablets Blist 30 片的特性储存温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度每包数量:30 片重量:34g 长度:25mm 宽度:85mm 高度:85mm 在线购买 Phytostandard Cypress - 黄芪片 Blist 30 片来自瑞士..

45.86 USD

Rausch hairspray 柔韧非气溶胶补充装 400 毫升

Rausch hairspray 柔韧非气溶胶补充装 400 毫升

产品代码: 6920581

For flexible styling in a natural way. The environmentally friendly and packaging-saving solution: simply fill your HAIRSPRAY Flexible Non-Aerosol refill with the REFILL bottle.Application: The environmentally friendly variant for refilling the 150 ml and 50 ml spray bottle. ..

40.52 USD

Resource 2.0 fiber vanille 4 x 200 毫升

Resource 2.0 fiber vanille 4 x 200 毫升

产品代码: 3525476

资源 2.0 纤维香草 Resource 2.0 Fiber Vanilla 是一种含有可溶性膳食纤维的高热量饮用食品,专为营养不良或存在营养不良风险时的饮食管理而开发。< /p> Resource 2.0 Fiber Vanilla 是一种营养丰富的饮用食品,专为有特殊营养需求的人群而开发。对于能量和营养需求增加的人来说,这是一个绝佳的选择,例如: B.患有消耗性疾病或有营养不良迹象的人,尤其是咀嚼和吞咽困难、厌食、体重减轻和食欲不振的人。400 kcal/瓶,它是一种高热量饮食,还含有 18 克蛋白质/瓶,以支持肌肉锻炼。此外,每瓶还含有 5 克可溶性纤维,有助于维持健康的消化功能。Resource 2.0 Fiber Vanilla 不含麸质,仅含有微量乳糖 ( ..

45.84 USD

Resource 2.0 纤维 aprikose 4 x 200 毫升

Resource 2.0 纤维 aprikose 4 x 200 毫升

产品代码: 3525482

资源2.0纤维杏 含可溶性膳食纤维的高热量饮用食品 div> 产品功能?热量高(400大卡/瓶)?富含蛋白质(18克蛋白质/瓶)?含有可溶性膳食纤维(5克/瓶)?专用 适合营养吗?不含麸质?乳糖(每100毫升的营养价值 - 能量:200大卡 - 碳水化合物:20克 - 蛋白质:9.0克 - 脂肪:8.7克 - 膳食纤维:2.5克 对于独家营养:遵循医生的建议 对于补充营养:1 - 3全天饮用(400 - 1200 kcal) 储存未开封;将打开的瓶子存放在阴凉干燥的地方,然后存放在冰箱中并饮用。 24 小时内将补充的饮用食品盖好并在 6 小时内使用。 重要信息?适合3岁以上儿童(咨询医生后推荐剂量)?在保护气氛下包装?特殊医学用途食品(均衡膳食) 配料表水;葡萄糖浆、牛奶蛋白;菜籽油、膳食纤维(低聚半乳糖(含牛奶);低聚果糖)、蔗糖、矿物质(柠檬酸钠、柠檬酸钾、氯化钾、氧化镁、柠檬酸镁、硫酸铁、氯化钠、硫酸铜、硫酸锌、柠檬酸钙、硫酸锰、氟化钠、氯化铬、钼酸钠、碘化钾、硒酸钠)、乳化剂(E472e、E471)、增稠剂(E418)、香料、维生素(C、E、烟酸、泛酸、 B6、硫胺素、核黄素、A、叶酸、K、生物素、D)、酸度调节剂(E330、E525)、稳定剂(E418)、香料、色素(E120、E160a)。 过敏原:牛奶 ..

45.84 USD

Rhena star elastische binden 8 厘米 x 5 米 hautfarbig

Rhena star elastische binden 8 厘米 x 5 米 hautfarbig

产品代码: 7770433

Rhena Star 弹性绷带是有效伤口护理和支撑的可靠选择。这些绷带的尺寸为 8cm x 5m,具有低调的肤色,可为各种损伤提供安全的覆盖和压缩。弹性材料专为舒适和易于使用而设计,确保紧密而灵活的贴合。这些绷带非常适合固定敷料或为拉伤和扭伤提供轻微支撑,是任何急救箱的必备补充。相信 Rhena Star 的优质弹性绷带优先考虑功能性和舒适性。..

15.65 USD

Sanor fingerling 乳胶易粉化 gr1

Sanor fingerling 乳胶易粉化 gr1

产品代码: 7780060

Sanor Fingerling 乳胶的特性 Gr1 易粉化存储温度最低/最高 15/30 摄氏度每包数量:1 件重量: 21g 长度:18mm 宽度:122mm 高度:222mm 从瑞士在线购买 Sanor Fingerling 乳胶 Gr1 易粉..

3.49 USD

Sempercare nitril shine s unsteril ungepudert 200 stk

Sempercare nitril shine s unsteril ungepudert 200 stk

产品代码: 7737465

Sempercare Nitril Shine S unsteril ungepudert 200 Stk The Sempercare Nitril Shine S unsteril ungepudert 200 Stk is an essential personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare professionals and individuals who need to handle chemicals and other hazardous substances. These gloves are designed to provide superior protection against a wide range of chemicals, solvents, oils, and acids. The gloves are made of nitrile material which is a synthetic rubber that is known for its superior puncture resistance, comfort, and durability. They are also latex-free, which makes them an excellent alternative for those who are allergic to latex. A significant feature of the Sempercare Nitril Shine S unsteril ungepudert 200 Stk is the textured surface that provides excellent grip and helps to prevent accidental slips and spills. The gloves come in a pack of 200 pieces, and they are unsterilized and unpowdered, making them ideal for a range of applications, including cleaning, laboratory work, and food handling. Each glove is ambidextrous, so you can wear them on either hand, and they are disposable, so you can safely and conveniently discard them after use, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. The gloves are available in size S, making them suitable for individuals with smaller hands. In conclusion, the Sempercare Nitril Shine S unsteril ungepudert 200 Stk is a high-quality and reliable pair of gloves that provide superior protection against chemicals and other harmful substances, while also providing comfort and durability. Purchase a pack today and experience the difference! ..

46.89 USD

Somatoline anti-cellulite fango packung topf 500 克

Somatoline anti-cellulite fango packung topf 500 克

产品代码: 7784211

Somatoline Anti-Cellulite Fango Packung Topf 500 g The Somatoline Anti-Cellulite Fango Packung Topf 500 g is a unique and innovative solution for those who want to get rid of stubborn cellulite. This product is formulated with a blend of active ingredients that work together to help diminish the appearance of cellulite, improve skin texture and firmness, and provide a smooth and toned look to the skin. Features and benefits Contains a blend of ingredients like sea salt, clay, and algae that help to detoxify the skin and eliminate toxins Stimulates microcirculation which helps to improve skin elasticity and firmness Reduces water retention and helps to sculpt and contour the body Contains natural plant extracts that provide nourishment and hydration to the skin Free from parabens and mineral oils Directions for use Apply a generous amount of the product to the affected areas in circular motions. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. For best results, use 2-3 times a week. Conclusion If you are looking for an effective and safe solution to get rid of your cellulite, the Somatoline Anti-Cellulite Fango Packung Topf 500 g is definitely worth a try. With its unique blend of active ingredients and nourishing properties, this product will help you achieve the perfect smooth and toned look you have always wanted...

91.63 USD

Tanno-hermal cream tb 50 g

Tanno-hermal cream tb 50 g

产品代码: 3490074

Tanno-Hermal 霜 Almirall AG 医疗设备 什么是 Tanno-Hermal Cream?何时使用? Tanno-Hermal Cream 是一种医疗器械,具有干燥作用并稳定皮肤屏障,这主要是由于其所含合成单宁的收敛特性。合成单宁在患病皮肤区域形成一层保护膜。皮肤发炎、流泪的区域变干以及相关的结痂形成,剥夺了细菌和真菌的繁殖地,并防止皮肤感染进一步扩散。干燥的副作用是由于受影响的皮肤区域上有保护膜,瘙痒和刺激明显减轻。 Tanno-Hermal 霜支持皮肤屏障,使其能够在不受破坏的情况下自我更新。单宁酸对皮肤的有益作用几十年前就已为人所知:用橡树皮沐浴、用蓝莓或红茶敷敷。不同成分的单宁存在于各种树皮和叶子中。 Tanno-Hermal 霜含有合成单宁,持久且不染色。在出现发炎和发痒的浅表皮肤病时,使用 Tanno-Hermal 霜来稳定皮肤屏障。 Tanno-Hermal 霜特别适合用于湿疹,例如神经性皮炎或舔唇湿疹,以及治疗瘙痒性皮疹。 Tanno-Hermal 霜通过在皮肤上形成一层薄膜来帮助治愈尿布区域的刺激。 何时不应使用 Tanno-Hermal 霜或应谨慎使用? 如果您已知对合成单宁或任何其他成分过敏,则不得使用 Tanno-Hermal 霜。Tanno-Hermal 霜不得进入您的眼睛!儿童和儿童使用没有限制。老年。 Tanno-Hermal 霜适合任何年龄段使用。与其他医疗产品或药物没有已知的相互作用。 怀孕期间或哺乳期间可以使用 Tanno-Hermal 霜吗? Tanno-Hermal 霜可在怀孕期间和哺乳期间使用。 如何使用 Tanno-Hermal 霜? Tanno-Hermal 霜仅适用于皮肤。 Tanno-Hermal 霜通常每天两次薄薄地涂抹在受影响的皮肤区域。如果需要,也可以更频繁地使用。使用 Tanno-Hermal 霜直至受影响的皮肤区域愈合。没有时间限制。如果皮肤状况没有改善或恶化,应咨询医生。 Tanno-Hermal 霜有哪些副作用? 偶尔会出现轻微的皮肤刺激。如果您发现本传单中未列出的任何副作用,请告知您的医生或药剂师。 您还应该记住什么? 由于合成单宁可能会刺激眼睛,因此建议在眼睛附近使用 Tanno-Hermal 霜时要小心。应采取适当的预防措施,避免直接接触眼睛。如果 Tanno-Hermal 霜不慎接触到眼睛,建议用流水冲洗眼睛约 10 分钟。该包装的有效期印在包装上管和折叠盒。在此日期之后请勿使用 Tanno-Hermal Cream! Tanno-Hermal Cream 开瓶后保质期为六个月。请务必确保将 Tanno-Hermal Cream 存放在儿童接触不到的地方! Tanno-Hermal Cream 中含有什么成分? 100 克 Tanno-Hermal Cream 含有 1 克合成单宁。其他成分包括: Aqua、肉豆蔻酸异丙酯、steareth-5 硬脂酸酯、丙二醇、鲸蜡醇、棕榈酸、steareth-2、laureth-10、苯氧乙醇、硬脂酸、聚乙二醇硬脂基醚-21、苯基聚二甲基硅氧烷、聚二甲基硅氧烷。 哪里可以买到 Tanno-Hermal 霜?有哪些可用的软件包? Tanno-Hermal 霜作为医疗产品在药店出售,包装尺寸为 50 克。 制造商 Almirall Hermal GmbH,Scholtzstrasse 3,D-21465 Reinbek。 分布 Almirall AG,8304 Wallisellen。 ..

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