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欢迎来到贝奥维塔。您的一站式网上商店,出售从瑞士中部精心挑选的身体护理和化妆品产品。我们的产品秉承瑞士传统,是自然疗法和先进科学的结晶,可增强您的健康和美丽。我们的保健产品系列包括维生素、自然疗法、顺势疗法产品以及更多旨在促进您健康的产品。探索我们的美容必需品系列,从舒缓护肤产品到精油,所有这些都旨在帮助您释放自然之美。 Beeovita 提供一系列用于呼吸健康、心脏治疗、消化和新陈代谢的产品,是您的终极健康和美容提供商。今天就开始与我们一起购物,迈出健康生活和容光焕发美丽的第一步。
3m futuro 护膝 m 右/左

3m futuro 护膝 m 右/左

产品代码: 4464587

3M Futuro 膝盖绷带 M 右/左 3M 未来?带侧面支撑/中型的护膝 支撑级别/尺寸:小 - 中 - 大 可逆稳定器为膝盖提供额外的稳定性,而不限制活动自由度。髌骨开口支撑膝盖骨。双弹力材料,实现最佳贴合度。 未来?带有侧向支撑的膝盖支撑为您提供舒适的稳定性,是日常使用的完美解决方案。这种弹性针织护膝可以穿在衣服下面,为膝盖肌肉提供舒适的支撑。横向稳定器限制膝盖的横向运动,髌骨开口提供额外的舒适度。使用这款横向支撑护膝为您受伤的膝盖提供所需的东西。 提供即时压缩和横向稳定 理想用途:支持最常见的伤害,例如扭伤、过度使用,一般支撑 弹性材料可防止打滑 髌骨开口支撑膝盖骨 可逆稳定器提供额外的稳定性,而不限制运动自由 < li>符合解剖学形状,提供稳定支撑 透气材料 由我们的工程师和医疗专业人员组成的专家小组提供支持 预期用途:为僵硬、虚弱或膝盖受伤 适合左膝还是右膝 FUTURO?带侧支撑的膝盖绷带,尺寸 S,小号(30.5 > 36.5 厘米) FUTURO?带侧面支撑的膝盖支撑,尺寸 M,中号(36.5 > 43.0 厘米) FUTURO?带侧支撑的膝盖绷带,L 号,大号(43.0 > 49.5 厘米) ..

57.39 USD

Active color拇指手绷带m皮肤

Active color拇指手绷带m皮肤

产品代码: 4391032

Active Color 拇指手绷带 M 皮肤的特性欧洲 CE 认证每包数量:1 件重量:45 克长度:20mm 宽度:180mm 高度:110mm 瑞士在线购买 Active Color 拇指手绷带 M 皮肤..

50.24 USD

Amber style amber necklace cognac bright 32cm with magnetic closure

Amber style amber necklace cognac bright 32cm with magnetic closure

产品代码: 4241485

Health and strength through precious stones according to Dr. Schweikart Healing stones can be used to help with healing illnesses. Of course we also make customized necklaces .The amber worn on the body protects the wearer from gout, rheumatism, promotes digestion, helps against asthma and pain when children are teething and much more.For more information in Stone Lore please visit the following link: ..

51.65 USD

Equi-base 碱性沐浴盐 80 克

Equi-base 碱性沐浴盐 80 克

产品代码: 4295914

With the natural Equi-Base alkaline bath salt, your skin is stimulated to secrete acids and waste products, which promotes the moisturizing of your skin. It is odorless and contains valuable minerals such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, iron and many more. Hints It is recommended to bathe with Equi-Base alkaline bath salt for at least 30 and better 45 to 60 minutes and rub yourself with a washcloth or brush in between.In the case of varicose veins, it is better to bathe in lower temperatures (body temperature)...

13.98 USD

La croix classic 1.5 lt

La croix classic 1.5 lt

产品代码: 4432794

La Croix Classic 1.5 lt 的特点包装数量:1 lt重量:1642g 长度:95mm 宽度:95 毫米 高度:294 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 La Croix Classic 1.5 lt..

6.98 USD

Organyc 卫生棉条 常规 16 件

Organyc 卫生棉条 常规 16 件

产品代码: 4443527

ORGANYC 卫生棉条常规 16 件的特点存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度每包数量:16 件重量:40 克长度:100mm 宽度:30mm 高度:50mm 瑞士在线购买 ORGANYC 卫生棉条 16 件装..

13.03 USD

Otriduo 鼻炎计量喷雾 15 毫升

Otriduo 鼻炎计量喷雾 15 毫升

产品代码: 4173358

Otriduo 鼻炎计量喷雾剂 15 ml 的特性Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС):R01AB01存储温度最低/最高 15/30 摄氏度避免阳光照射每包数量:1 毫升重量:35 克长度:29 毫米宽度:41 毫米身高:111 毫米从瑞士在线购买 Otriduo 鼻炎计量喷雾 15 毫升..

27.11 USD

Rausch 瑞士草本活力胶囊 2 x 30 粒

Rausch 瑞士草本活力胶囊 2 x 30 粒

产品代码: 4314095

Rausch Swiss Herbal Vitality Capsules 2 x 30 粒的特性储存温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度每包数量:60 颗重量:0.00000000g 长度:0mm 宽度:0mm 高度:0mm 购买 Rausch Swiss Herbal Vitality Capsules 2 x瑞士在线30个..

60.76 USD

Resource energy 杏子 4 瓶 200 毫升

Resource energy 杏子 4 瓶 200 毫升

产品代码: 4193154

Resource Energy is a high-calorie, fiber-free drink for anyone who needs additional energy and nutrients. It is free of gluten and low in lactose and also fully balanced, which means that it is also suitable for exclusive nutrition.Resource Energy can be used when there is an increased need for energy and nutrients, e.g. in the case of consuming diseases such as tumor diseases. However, it is also suitable if there is malnutrition or a pronounced loss of appetite, or if food intake is reduced as a result of infections, anorexia and problems with chewing and swallowing.This product has the aroma "apricot". Dosage The dosage depends on the individual energy and nutrient requirements of the patient as well as the type and severity of the disease. Suitable for supplementary nutrition from the 3rd years: 1-3 portions per day.Suitable for complete nutrition from the age of 6 years: follow doctor's recommendation...

36.38 USD

Resource energy 香草味 4 液量 200 毫升

Resource energy 香草味 4 液量 200 毫升

产品代码: 4193289

Resource Energy is a high-calorie, fiber-free drink for anyone who needs additional energy and nutrients. It is free of gluten and low in lactose and also fully balanced, which means that it is also suitable for exclusive nutrition.Resource Energy can be used when there is an increased need for energy and nutrients, e.g. in the case of consuming diseases such as tumor diseases. However, it is also suitable if there is malnutrition or a pronounced loss of appetite, or if food intake is reduced as a result of infections, anorexia and difficulty chewing and swallowing.This product has the aroma "vanilla". Dosage The dosage depends on the individual energy and nutrient requirements of the patient as well as the type and severity of the disease. Suitable for supplementary nutrition from 3 years of age : 1-3 servings per day.Suitable for complete nutrition from 6 years of age: follow doctor's recommendation...

36.38 USD

Solubrux 紧缩导轨透明

Solubrux 紧缩导轨透明

产品代码: 4421230

The SoluBrux Anti-Gnashing Tooth Splint Transparent is an adjustable anti-grinding splint that is suitable for people who grind their teeth, especially at night. By heating the material in hot water, it becomes deformable, so that the upper teeth are pressed in deeply when biting into it and the splint is shaped accordingly. In this way, the anti-grinding tooth tray is easily and dynamically adapted to the individual dentition in just a few minutes. The SoluBrux anti-grinding tooth splint relieves the teeth and the temporomandibular joint because the pressure is evenly distributed. The SoluBrux anti-grinding dental splint is made of the same material as high-quality splints from the dentist and/or dental technician. Application Place the SoluBrux anti-grinding dental splint in hot water for a few minutes. The material becomes soft and malleable due to the heat. Then put the anti-grinding splint in your mouth and bite down hard for one minute. The upper teeth leave the individual shape of the denture...

153.06 USD

Sonett gallseife 100 克

Sonett gallseife 100 克

产品代码: 4383506

SONETT Gallseife 100 g 的特性每包数量:1 g重量:0.00000000g 长度:26mm 宽度:54 毫米 高度:87 毫米 瑞士在线购买 SONETT Gallseife 100 克..

5.58 USD

Taste of nature 杏仁棒 40 克

Taste of nature 杏仁棒 40 克

产品代码: 4483691

Taste of Nature bars Almond 40 g 的特性每包数量:1 g重量:42g 长度:140mm 宽度:38 毫米 高度:38 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 Taste of Nature 巧克力棒杏仁 40 克..

8.16 USD

Tena 围兜保护餐巾 m / l 37x68cm 150 件

Tena 围兜保护餐巾 m / l 37x68cm 150 件

产品代码: 4342631

TENA 围嘴保护巾的特性 M / L 37x68cm 150 件欧洲 CE 认证包装数量:150 件重量:2071g 长度:192mm 宽度:190mm 高度:279mm 瑞士在线购买 TENA 围兜保护餐巾 M/L 37x68cm 150 件..

78.49 USD

Thickenup 透明 plv ds 900 克

Thickenup 透明 plv ds 900 克

产品代码: 4468869

ThickenUp 透明 Plv Ds 900 克 独特的抗淀粉酶速溶粉末,可安全增稠液体和果泥菜肴 产品属性?基于黄原胶?效率比传统增稠剂高出 4 倍?中性且不影响颜色、味道或气味?粘稠后没有结块不粘稠?不含脂肪、麸质和角叉菜胶 每 100 克的营养价值 - 能量:306 kcal - 碳水化合物:62 g - 蛋白质:1 g - 脂肪:0 g - 膳食纤维:27克 适应症用于吞咽困难(吞咽障碍)的饮食管理 剂量饮料:1;对于 IDDSI 1、2 或 3 级,每 200 毫升使用 2 或 4 量匙。将规定量的粉末倒入量杯中,边搅拌边加入饮料,搅拌约 1 分钟。 30 秒,直至达到所需的稠度。 储存存放在阴凉干燥的地方。将打开的罐头密封存放在阴凉、干燥的地方,并在 8 周内使用。尽快饮用增稠饮料或将其存放在密封容器中,在室温下最多可保存 4 小时 - 在冰箱中最多可保存 24 小时。 重要信息?在医疗监督下使用? 3岁以上适合吗?不适合作为唯一的食物来源?特殊医学用途食品(均衡膳食) 自2022年10月1日起,增稠剂已纳入MiGeL,并根据治疗吞咽困难的处方获得全额或部分报销。 < p>成分表麦芽糖糊精;黄原胶、氯化钾。 ..

251.02 USD

Vichy capital soleil 防晒乳 spf 30 300 毫升

Vichy capital soleil 防晒乳 spf 30 300 毫升

产品代码: 4399312

The Vichy Capital Soleil sun milk is suitable for the whole family. The patented filter system with Mexoryl® XL (broadband filter) and high coverage technology provides effective protection against UVA and UVB rays. + Anti-oxidant mineral complex to protect against free radicals. The sunscreen is waterproof and leaves no white or greasy residue. Suitable for Children and Adults and for All Skin Types. SunScreen With Sun Protection Factor 30 for Children, Adults and All Skin Types Protects and UV-B Rays Without parabens Without fragrances Application Apply Vichy Capital Soleil Family Milk Before Sun Exposure. Renew frequently and generously, especially after bathing, sweating or drying off. Ingredients Aqua / Water - Homosalate - Octocrylene - Ethylhexyl Salicylate - Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane - Glycerin - Isohexadecane - Alcohol Denat. - Propanediol - Dicaprylyl Ether - Ethylhexyl Triazone - Propylene Glycol - Silica - Perlite - Dimethicone - Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine - Acrylates/Dimethicone Copolymer - Ascorbyl Palmitate - Carbomer - Drometrizole Trisiloxane - Glyceryl Oleate - Hydrogenated Palm Glycerides Citrate - Lecithin - Oxidized Starch Acetate - P-Anisic Acid - Peg-8 Laurate - Phenoxyethanol - Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate - Sodium Hyaluronate - Styrene/Acrylates Copolymer - Tocopherol - Triethanolamine - Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate - Parfum / Fragrance..

54.25 USD

Wala apis / belladonna glob 20 克

Wala apis / belladonna glob 20 克

产品代码: 4229024

Wala Apis / Belladonna Glob 20 g 的特性每包数量:1 g重量:51g 长度:30mm 宽度:30 毫米 高度:65 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 Wala Apis / Belladonna Glob 20 克..

31.94 USD

Wala levisticum e radice w 5% gd auric fl 10 毫升

Wala levisticum e radice w 5% gd auric fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 4244271

Wala Levisticum e radice W 5% Gd Auric Fl 10 ml 的特性包装量:1 ml重量:47g 长度:30mm 宽度:31 毫米 高度:96 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 Wala Levisticum e radice W 5% Gd Auric Fl 10 ml..

18.93 USD

叶酸 streuli tabl 400 微克 100 片

叶酸 streuli tabl 400 微克 100 片

产品代码: 7761948

Folate contributes to the growth of maternal tissue during pregnancy. Folate contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. Composition Bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, modified starch, anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, folic acid.. Properties Vegan. Application Take 1 tablet daily. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper% Measurement accuracy Folic acid400 µgtablet/comprimé ..

34.81 USD

甜菊醇 plv 30 克

甜菊醇 plv 30 克

产品代码: 4295831

Steviasol PLV 30 g 的特性每包数量:1 g重量:64g 长度:52mm 宽度:52 毫米 高度:108 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 Steviasol PLV 30 克..

33.62 USD

甜菊醇颗粒 270 克

甜菊醇颗粒 270 克

产品代码: 4502572

甜菊糖颗粒的特性 270 g每包数量:1 g重量:0.00000000g 长度:65mm 宽度:65 毫米 高度:120 毫米 瑞士在线购买甜菊糖颗粒 270 克..

27.22 USD

舒尔克计量泵 500ml / 1 lt

舒尔克计量泵 500ml / 1 lt

产品代码: 4316154

500ml / 1 lt 的 schülke 计量泵的特性包装数量:1 件重量:0.00000000g 长度:0mm 宽度:0mm 高度:0mm 从瑞士在线购买 500ml / 1 lt 的 schülke 计量泵..

7.74 USD

软出席 4 超级存款 btl 46 件

软出席 4 超级存款 btl 46 件

产品代码: 4399252

Soft 的特性参加 4 Super deposits Btl 46 pcs欧洲 CE 认证每包数量:46 件重量:0.00000000g p>长度:0mm 宽度:0mm 高度:0mm Buy Soft 参加 4 Super deposits Btl 46 pcs online from Switzerland..

54.89 USD

镁 biomed uno gran btl 40 片

镁 biomed uno gran btl 40 片

产品代码: 4474226

Magnesium Biomed Uno granulated drink with orange taste contains 300mg magnesium and is a 100% organic magnesium citrate, which is particularly well usable for the organism. Magnesium - a vital mineral substance Magnesium is an important mineral that the body cannot produce itself: Contributes to normal functioning of muscles and nervous systemSupports electrolyteRe duces tiredness and fatigueMaintains normal mental functionSupports the preservation of bones and teeth Application 1 time daily the contents of a sachet into a glass give, with water fill up (approx. 150ml), well mix and drink. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. Reference The normal requirement of a person is 300 to 400 mg per day. A magnesium deficiency can result in mild to severe disorders. There is an increased need for magnesium, e.g. during high performance sports, pregnancy, lactation, alcohol abuse and during growth. The daily requirement of magnesium can even double in these situations. Composition Magnesium citrate, orange fruit powder (fruit content in granules 10.2%), acidifier (citric acid), acidity regulator (potassium hydrogen carbonate), coloring agent (beta-carotene), flavors (orange, lemon), sweeteners (cyclamate, saccharin)...

51.17 USD

非尼韦霜 tb 2 克

非尼韦霜 tb 2 克

产品代码: 4342677

Fenivir cream Tb 2 g 的特性Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС): D06BB06Active ingredient: D06BB06Storage temp min/max 15/ 30 摄氏度包装数量:1 克重量:0.00000000 克长度:23 毫米宽度:75 毫米高度:30 毫米从瑞士在线购买 Fenivir cream Tb 2 g..

26.69 USD

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