
Doplnok stravy

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Objavte svoj základný zdroj doplnkov stravy na Naše produkty vyrobené z vysoko kvalitných prírodných surovín sú navrhnuté tak, aby podporovali vaše celkové zdravie a krásu. Či už hľadáte doplnky na posilnenie imunitného systému, vitamíny pre dospelých nad 50 rokov, alebo dokonca možnosti vhodné pre vegánov, máme pre vás všetko. Preskúmajte náš široký výber, ktorý zahŕňa náš rad kombinovaných produktov pod ochrannou známkou Burgerstein, Fortevital Magnesium, naturkraftwerke, Alpinamed a ďalšie. Ponúkame tiež pestrú škálu telovej starostlivosti a kozmetiky pre komplexnú starostlivosť o krásu. S naším výberom produktov, ktoré sú bohaté na základné živiny, ako sú omega-3 mastné kyseliny, horčík, vitamín C a zinok + C, ideme ešte ďalej, aby sme podporili vaše potreby v oblasti zdravia. Náš fytofarmaceutický rad využíva silu prírody pre vaše zdravie. Nakupujte ešte dnes na, vašej cieľovej destinácií pre prémiové produkty pre zdravie a krásu zo Švajčiarska.
Alflorex doplnky stravy kaps

Alflorex doplnky stravy kaps

Kód produktu: 1030940

INBIOTYS® Alflorex® Zambon Switzerland Ltd Doplnky stravy Čo je INBIOTYS Alflorex a kedy sa používa? INBIOTYS Alflorex je doplnok stravy, ktorý by nemal nahrádzať zdravý životný štýl a pestrú a vyváženú stravu. Črevná mikroflóra – predtým známa ako „črevná flóra“ – je súhrnom všetkých mikroorganizmov v našom tráviacom systéme, najmä baktérií a kvasiniek . Črevná mikroflóra dospelého človeka môže obsahovať až 1014 mikroorganizmov žijúcich vo vzájomnej prirodzenej rovnováhe. To je desaťnásobok celkového počtu buniek v ľudskom tele. Bakteriálne kmene nie sú všetky rovnaké. Každý kmeň je špecifický, dokonca aj v rámci skupiny bifidobaktérií. INBIOTYS Alflorex obsahuje kmeň Bfidobacterium longum 35624®, pre ktorý bolo vykonaných niekoľko vedeckých štúdií. INBIOTYS Alflorex je jediný produkt v Európe, ktorý obsahuje 35624® kmeň. Tento kmeň bol izolovaný zo zdravého ľudského čreva a vyvinutý v priebehu 15 rokov výskumu vedcov z Alimentary Health Ltd. a APC Microbiome Institute na University College Cork. Čo treba vziať do úvahy? INBIOTYS Alflorex je doplnok stravy, ktorý by nemal nahrádzať zdravý životný štýl a pestrú a vyváženú stravu. Ak trpíte závažným alebo chronickým ochorením, ak sa pýtate, či je pre vás INBIOTYS Alflorex vhodný, alebo ak máte akékoľvek otázky týkajúce sa užívania INBIOTYS Alflorex, porozprávajte sa so svojím lekárom. Môže sa INBIOTYS Alflorex užívať/užívať počas tehotenstva alebo počas dojčenia? Ak ste tehotná alebo ak dojčíte, poraďte sa so svojím lekárom skôr, ako začnete užívať INBIOTYS Alflorex. Ako používať INBIOTYS Alflorex? Užívajte 1 kapsulu INBIOTYS Alflorex denne po dobu najmenej 4 týždňov. Neprekračujte odporúčanú dennú dávku. Môže sa užívať kedykoľvek počas dňa, bez ohľadu na jedlo. Zapite pohárom vody. Ovocné šťavy sú vo všeobecnosti kyslé a kyselina môže poškodiť kmeň 35624®. INBIOTYS Alflorex odporúčame užívať s vodou, mliekom alebo menej kyslými nápojmi ako je sójové, mandľové alebo ryžové mlieko. INBIOTYS Alflorex sa však môže užívať s jedlom, ktoré obsahuje aj ovocnú šťavu, pretože jedlo pomáha chrániť kmeň INBIOTYS Alflorex. INBIOTYS Alflorex pozostáva z baktérií, ktoré by mohli byť inaktivované liečbou antibiotikami. INBIOTYS Alflorex sa môže užívať súčasne s antibiotikami. Počas antibiotickej liečby sa však denná dávka INBIOTYS Alflorex musí užívať oddelene od dávky antibiotika. Fáza dočasného prispôsobenia je normálna. Je dôležité pokračovať v užívaní INBIOTYS Alflorex. Čo by ste ešte mali mať na pamäti? Ukladací priestor Po každom použití nádobu vždy zatvorte. Nádoba bola po naplnení zapečatená. Skladujte pri izbovej teplote, do 25 °C a na suchom mieste. Neuchovávajte v chladničke. Spotrebujte do: pozri na plechovke alebo na spodnej časti balenia. Spotrebujte do 30 dní od otvorenia. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu malých detí. Čo obsahuje INBIOTYS Alflorex? INBIOTYS Alflorex je doplnok stravy obsahujúci kmeň Bifidobacterium longum 35624®. Každá kapsula INBIOTYS Alflorex obsahuje 1 x 109 tvoriace kolónie jednotiek (CFU) Bfidobacterium longum 35624®.INBIOTYS Alflorex neobsahuje mliečne zložky, laktózu, sóju, lepok, konzervačné látky. Vhodné pre vegetariánov a ľudí na diéte s nízkym obsahom FODMAP. Kde môžete získať INBIOTYS Alflorex? Aké balíčky sú k dispozícii? Dostupné v lekárňach a drogériách. Balenie po 30 kapsúl. Distribučná spoločnosť ZAMBON Schweiz AG, Via Industria 13, CH ? 6814 Cadempino Výrobca Vyrobené vo Francúzsku. ..

58.01 USD

Chrisana hpu regulans kaps ds 120 stk

Chrisana hpu regulans kaps ds 120 stk

Kód produktu: 7850618

Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk The Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk is a dietary supplement that is designed to regulate the body?s HPU (Hemopyrrollactamuria) levels. It is a powerful blend of natural ingredients that work together to help the body maintain normal HPU levels, which is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. With 120 capsules included in each bottle, this supplement provides a consistent supply of the essential nutrients needed to address HPU imbalances. The capsules are easy to swallow, and the supplement is suitable for use by adults of all ages. Benefits Helps regulate HPU levels Maintains overall health and well-being Provides essential nutrients Easy to swallow capsules Ingredients The Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk contains a blend of natural ingredients that work together to help maintain normal HPU levels. The primary ingredients include: Zinc Vitamin B6 Magnesium Vitamin C Vitamin E The ingredients are carefully selected for their effectiveness and safety. Each ingredient is sourced from high-quality, non-GMO sources to ensure purity and potency. Instructions for Use To use the Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk, take two capsules daily, preferably with a meal. The supplement can be taken with or without food. The recommended dosage should not be exceeded without consulting a healthcare professional. Conclusion The Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk is an essential dietary supplement for individuals who are concerned about HPU imbalances. It provides a powerful blend of natural ingredients that work together to help regulate HPU levels, maintain overall health, and promote well-being. With regular use, this supplement can help to support optimal health and vitality. ..

70.20 USD

Chrisana nucleotide kaps ds 60 stk

Chrisana nucleotide kaps ds 60 stk

Kód produktu: 7850616

Chrisana Nucleotide Kaps Ds 60 Stk Chrisana Nucleotide Kaps Ds 60 Stk is a dietary supplement that helps support the immune system and improve gut health. It is formulated using advanced technology that extracts nucleotides, which are the building blocks of DNA and RNA, from natural sources such as yeast, fish, and mushrooms. Benefits Boosts immunity Supports digestive health Improves gut microbiota Increases energy levels Speeds up recovery after illness or surgery Ingredients Each capsule of Chrisana Nucleotide Kaps Ds 60 Stk contains a unique blend of nucleotides extracted from natural sources. The capsule shell is made from gelatin, glycerin, and purified water. Usage The recommended dosage for Chrisana Nucleotide Kaps Ds 60 Stk is one capsule twice a day, preferably before meals. It is important to drink plenty of water when taking this supplement. It is suitable for adults and children over the age of 12. Precautions Before taking Chrisana Nucleotide Kaps Ds 60 Stk, consult your doctor or healthcare provider, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medication. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Overall, Chrisana Nucleotide Kaps Ds 60 Stk is a high-quality dietary supplement that can help improve your immune system and digestive health. Try it today and experience the benefits for yourself!..

65.67 USD

Lactibiane atb protect kaps

Lactibiane atb protect kaps

Kód produktu: 7851575

Predstavujeme LACTIBIANE ATB Protect caps, výkonný výživový doplnok určený na podporu zdravia trávenia a imunitného systému. Tieto kapsuly, formulované s precíznou zmesou probiotík, prebiotík a základných živín, pomáhajú podporovať zdravý črevný mikrobióm a zlepšujú celkovú pohodu. Obnovením rovnováhy vo vašej črevnej flóre prispieva LACTIBIANE ATB Protect k lepšiemu tráveniu, lepšiemu vstrebávaniu živín a posilneniu imunitnej obrany. Či už si chcete udržať zdravú váhu, naštartovať metabolizmus alebo jednoducho podporiť prirodzené funkcie vášho tela, tento produkt je vynikajúcou voľbou. Zaraďte čiapky LACTIBIANE ATB Protect do svojej každodennej rutiny a zažite výhody harmonického prostredia v črevách. Uprednostnite svoje zdravie a dosiahnite svoje wellness ciele s týmto prémiovým doplnkom stravy...

63.67 USD

Livsane vitamín d3 2000 tabl 30 stk

Livsane vitamín d3 2000 tabl 30 stk

Kód produktu: 7846279

Livsane Vitamin D3 2000 Tabl 30 Stk The Livsane Vitamin D3 2000 Tabl 30 Stk is a dietary supplement that supports the maintenance of normal bones, teeth and muscles. The product is specially designed to offer an optimal amount of vitamin D3, the most effective and bioavailable form of vitamin D. Each box contains 30 tablets, with each tablet containing 2000 IU (50 mcg) of vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is essential for the body as it aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. These minerals are necessary for the development and maintenance of strong and healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D also plays a vital role in supporting the immune system, maintaining muscle function and reducing the risk of falls in elderly people. The Livsane Vitamin D3 2000 Tabl 30 Stk is ideal for individuals who have limited exposure to sunlight or have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. This includes people living in northern latitudes, elderly people, those with darker skin, and those who cover their skin for cultural or religious reasons. The product is easy to swallow and can be taken with or without food. It does not contain lactose, gluten, or added sugars, making it suitable for people with dietary restrictions. Each tablet is also equipped with a break-mark, which makes it easy to divide for those who prefer to take smaller dosage. For optimal results, it is recommended to take one tablet a day, preferably with breakfast. The product should be used as part of a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle. Experience the benefits of a carefully formulated vitamin D3 supplement by adding Livsane Vitamin D3 2000 Tabl 30 Stk to your daily routine. ..

19.09 USD

Omni-biotic nove plv 30 btl 6 g

Omni-biotic nove plv 30 btl 6 g

Kód produktu: 7841191

Food supplement with lactic acid bacteria. Composition Live lactic acid bacteria (KBE), corresp.:, ut Lactobacillus casei W56, et Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, et Lactobacillus brevis W63, et Lactococcus lactis W58, et Lactococcus lactis W19, et Bifidobacterium lactis W52, et Lactobacillus salivarius W24, et Bifidobacterium Bifbacterium lactis W51, et bifidum W23, per sachet (6g). Application Stir 1 sachet (=6g) into a glass of water (approx. 125 ml) once a day, Wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. We recommend taking it on an empty stomach. Nutritional values Nutritional valueAmountper%Measurement accuracy Energy td>22 kcal6g ptnEnergy93 kJ6g ptnfat0 g6g ptnFat, thereof saturated fatty acids 0g6g ptnCarbohydrates5.2 g6g ptnCarbohydrates, including sugar0.3 g6g ptnprotein0.3 g td>6g ptnSalt0 g6g ptn Additional info Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, yeast-free. ..

155.97 USD

Orthomol immun trinkamp

Orthomol immun trinkamp

Kód produktu: 7842818

What is ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp? ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp is a dietary supplement that helps to support and strengthen the immune system. It contains a balanced combination of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and phytonutrients that are essential for the body's immune function. The product is specially formulated to provide immune support and improve overall health and wellbeing. What are the benefits of ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp? The product's unique blend of ingredients offers several benefits: Supports the immune system: ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp is designed to support and strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms, which are vital for maintaining good health. Provides key nutrients: The dietary supplement contains essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are difficult to obtain through a typical diet. Improves overall wellbeing: The product's combination of ingredients can help to improve energy levels, reduce fatigue, and support overall health and wellbeing. Who should use ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp? ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp is suitable for anyone who wants to support their immune system and improve their overall health and wellbeing. It is particularly recommended for: People with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly, those undergoing chemotherapy, or with chronic diseases. Individuals with a high risk of infections, such as those working in healthcare or traveling to areas with high disease prevalence. People with a busy lifestyle or those exposed to high stress levels, as these can weaken the immune system. How to use ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp? The recommended dosage is one vial of ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp per day, preferably taken in the morning with breakfast. The product should be diluted with 150ml of water or juice and shaken well before use. It is important to use the product regularly to achieve the best results. Overall, ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp is a high-quality dietary supplement that provides essential immune support and improves overall health and wellbeing...

115.30 USD

Thirodium weichkapseln 100 mcg jod 30 stk

Thirodium weichkapseln 100 mcg jod 30 stk

Kód produktu: 7845889

Thirodium Weichkapseln 100 mcg Jod 30 Stk Thirodium Weichkapseln are a dietary supplement containing 100mcg of iodine tosupport a healthy thyroid function. The thyroid plays a critical role in the body as it affects the metabolic rate, growth, and development. Iodine is an essential mineral required for the production of thyroid hormone. Ingredients Each Weichkapseln contains 100mcg of iodine as potassiumiodate. Other ingredients include soybean oil, beeswax, purified water, and glycerin. Thirodium is free from lactose, gluten, and artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Directions for use Take one Weichkapseln per day with water, preferably in the morning. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Thirodium Weichkapseln are suitable for adults and children over 12 years of age. If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, consult your healthcare provider before use. Benefits Thirodium Weichkapseln help support healthy thyroid function and iodine uptake in the body. The iodine in Thirodium supports the production of thyroid hormone, which plays an essential role in regulating the metabolic rate and supporting overall health and wellbeing. Warnings Do not exceed recommended daily dose Keep out of reach of children Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, consult your healthcare provider before use This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ..

18.86 USD

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