
Doplnok stravy

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Objavte svoj základný zdroj doplnkov stravy na Naše produkty vyrobené z vysoko kvalitných prírodných surovín sú navrhnuté tak, aby podporovali vaše celkové zdravie a krásu. Či už hľadáte doplnky na posilnenie imunitného systému, vitamíny pre dospelých nad 50 rokov, alebo dokonca možnosti vhodné pre vegánov, máme pre vás všetko. Preskúmajte náš široký výber, ktorý zahŕňa náš rad kombinovaných produktov pod ochrannou známkou Burgerstein, Fortevital Magnesium, naturkraftwerke, Alpinamed a ďalšie. Ponúkame tiež pestrú škálu telovej starostlivosti a kozmetiky pre komplexnú starostlivosť o krásu. S naším výberom produktov, ktoré sú bohaté na základné živiny, ako sú omega-3 mastné kyseliny, horčík, vitamín C a zinok + C, ideme ešte ďalej, aby sme podporili vaše potreby v oblasti zdravia. Náš fytofarmaceutický rad využíva silu prírody pre vaše zdravie. Nakupujte ešte dnes na, vašej cieľovej destinácií pre prémiové produkty pre zdravie a krásu zo Švajčiarska.
Arkocaps koreň žihľavy 45 kapsúl

Arkocaps koreň žihľavy 45 kapsúl

Kód produktu: 6580139

Arkocaps® nettle root is a dietary supplement Ingredients Nettle root powder (Urtica dioica, Urtica urens). Shell of plant origin: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose. The stinging nettle is a perennial herb common to fields and undergrowth, widespread in Europe and North America. Also known for its "stinging," nettle has long been prized for its health benefits. Its root is used in phytotherapy because it contributes to the well-being of the urinary tract in men. The Arkopharma laboratories have developed Arkocaps® Nettle Root, an exclusive formula based on ARKOTOTUM® Integral that provides 100% of the active ingredients of the plant while preserving its quality and integrity. Instructions for use For adults. Take 2 capsules per day with meals. Recommendations Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement should not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Protect from light, heat and moisture and keep out of the reach of small children. ..

34.33 USD

Bactoflor pre deti plv ds 60 g

Bactoflor pre deti plv ds 60 g

Kód produktu: 5976898

Bactoflor pre deti Plv Ds 60 g je špecializovaný výživový doplnok určený na podporu zdravia a pohody detí. Tento produkt plný prospešných probiotík podporuje zdravú rovnováhu črevnej flóry, napomáha tráveniu a posilňuje imunitný systém. Bactoflor je ideálny pre deti, ktoré môžu potrebovať dodatočnú podporu pri udržiavaní zdravého tráviaceho systému, a ľahko sa začleňuje do ich každodennej rutiny. Tento doplnok stravy s pohodlnou práškovou formou a lahodnou chuťou zaisťuje, že deti dostávajú nevyhnutné probiotiká na podporu ich celkového zdravia. Darujte svojmu dieťaťu silné a vyvážené črevá s Bactoflorom pre deti Plv Ds 60 g...

100.02 USD

Brudysec kaps 1.5 g blist 90 pcs

Brudysec kaps 1.5 g blist 90 pcs

Kód produktu: 7192422

BRUDYSEC Caps 1.5 g Blist 90 pcs BRUDYSEC Caps 1.5 g Blist 90 pcs is a dietary supplement that supports the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system. Each blister pack contains 90 capsules, with each capsule containing 1.5 grams of active ingredients. This product is made from high-quality ingredients that can be easily absorbed by the body, ensuring maximum effectiveness. Key Benefits of BRUDYSEC Caps 1.5 g Blist 90 pcs: Supports gastrointestinal health: The active ingredients in BRUDYSEC Caps 1.5 g Blist 90 pcs have been carefully selected to provide support for the health of the digestive system. This includes promoting a healthy balance of gut microorganisms and supporting the body's natural digestive processes. Boosts immune system: The gut is an important part of the immune system, and the ingredients in BRUDYSEC Caps 1.5 g Blist 90 pcs have been shown to support immune health. By maintaining a healthy balance of gut microorganisms, this product helps to support overall immune function. Reduces inflammation: Inflammation is a common factor in many health conditions, and the ingredients in BRUDYSEC Caps 1.5 g Blist 90 pcs have anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to reduce inflammation in the body. Overall, BRUDYSEC Caps 1.5 g Blist 90 pcs is a high-quality dietary supplement that supports digestive health, immune health, and overall well-being. With 90 capsules per blister pack, this product represents excellent value for money and is a great way to support your health on a daily basis...

62.18 USD

Burgerstein vitamín d3 caps 600 iu 100 ks

Burgerstein vitamín d3 caps 600 iu 100 ks

Kód produktu: 6091601

Burgerstein Vitamín D3 je doplnok stravy na kompenzáciu nedostatočnej endogénnej produkcie vitamínu D3 cez kožu. Príčinou môže byť nedostatočný pobyt na slnku, ktorý je spôsobený životným štýlom a v zimných mesiacoch nie je ničím výnimočným. Vitamín D3 prispieva k vstrebávaniu a využitiu vápnika a k udržaniu zdravej kostnej hmoty. Funkcia svalov a imunitný systém tiež potrebujú tento vitamín v dostatočnom množstve. Burgerstein D3 obsahuje vitamín D3 vo forme ľahko stráviteľného cholekalciferolu. Nechutné a príjemne malé kapsuly sú vhodné najmä pre starších ľudí, deti a všetkých ľudí, ktorí nemajú dostatok slnka. Bez laktózy, kvasníc, arašidového oleja, sójového lecitínu a lepku Aplikácia Užite 1 kapsulu denne s trochou tekutiny. 1 kapsula obsahuje Vitamín D3 15 µg (= 600 IU) Zloženie Objemové látky (repkový olej), jedlá želatína, zvlhčovadlá (glycerín, sorbitol), vitamín D3..

24.27 USD

Chondrova gran 90 ks

Chondrova gran 90 ks

Kód produktu: 6951618

The Chandrova granules are a dietary supplement with glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate to maintain joint mobility. It is free of lactose and gluten. Application Stir one portion in juice, muesli, yoghurt or water once a day and take it immediately. Notes The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. The product is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Not suitable for children or young people. People on anticoagulant drugs should not take the dietary supplement. Caution for people with fish or shellfish allergies. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle or a varied diet...

114.76 USD

Chrisana vitamín b12 180 tabliet

Chrisana vitamín b12 180 tabliet

Kód produktu: 7780176

Chrisana Vitamin B12 is a dietary supplement with a 2-phase effect.2-phase tablet for improved absorption of vitamin B12: The coating contains some of the vitamins that are quickly absorbed through the oral mucosaThe other part is located in the tablet core and is absorbed through the intestineL-carnitine and plant-based MCT oil support absorption, the natural lemon aroma ensures a pleasant tasteVegan..

43.59 USD

čiapky lactibiane atb protect 10 ks

čiapky lactibiane atb protect 10 ks

Kód produktu: 6831446

LACTIBIANE ATB Protect viečka 10 ks Doplnky stravy. Lactibiane ATB-Protect obsahuje živé baktérie mliečneho kvasenia, ktoré spĺňajú nasledujúce kritériá požiadaviek: bezpečnosť, stabilita, žalúdočná rezistencia, schopnosť rozmnožovania a priľnavosť k črevnej stene. Zloženie Kukuričný škrob, hydroxypropylmetylcelulóza (rastlinná kapsula), baktérie mliečneho kvasenia tvoriace kolónie (nosič: kukuričný škrob), protihrudkujúca látka: horečnaté soli mastných kyselín. Vlastnosti Každá dávka Lactibiane ATB -Protect 12M obsahuje 12 miliárd živých baktérií mliečneho kvasenia Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA801. Rad Lactibiane pozostáva z baktérií mliečneho kvasenia, ktoré spĺňajú nasledujúce kritériá: prežitie a fungovanie po celej dĺžke tráviaceho traktu, prichytenie na bunky črevnej sliznice. Použiť Užite 1 kapsulu denne pred jedlom s veľkým pohárom vody. Dátum minimálnej trvanlivosti a číslo šarže: pozri spodnú časť balenia. Alergény Obsahuje Neobsahuje žiadne deklarovateľné alergény Poznámky Ochlaďte a skladujte v suchu. Tento doplnok stravy nie je náhradou pestrej a vyváženej stravy a zdravého životného štýlu. Uvedená denná dávka sa nesmie prekročiť. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. Názov vlastníctva Doplnok stravy . Lactibiane ATB-Protect obsahuje živé baktérie mliečneho kvasenia, ktoré spĺňajú nasledujúce kritériá požiadaviek: bezpečnosť, stabilita, žalúdočná rezistencia, schopnosť rozmnožovania a priľnavosť k črevnej stene. Zloženie Kukuričný škrob, hydroxypropylmetylcelulóza (rastlinná kapsula), baktérie mliečneho kvasenia tvoriace kolónie (nosič: kukuričný škrob), protihrudkujúca látka: horečnaté soli mastných kyselín. Vlastnosti Každá dávka Lactibiane ATB -Protect 12M obsahuje 12 miliárd živých baktérií mliečneho kvasenia Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA801. Rad Lactibiane pozostáva z baktérií mliečneho kvasenia, ktoré spĺňajú nasledujúce kritériá: prežitie a fungovanie po celej dĺžke tráviaceho traktu, prichytenie na bunky črevnej sliznice. Použiť Užite 1 kapsulu denne pred jedlom s veľkým pohárom vody. Spotrebujte do dátumu a čísla šarže: pozri spodnú časť balenia. Alergény Obsahuje Neobsahuje žiadne deklarovateľné alergény Poznámky Ochlaďte a skladujte v suchu. Tento doplnok stravy nie je náhradou pestrej a vyváženej stravy a zdravého životného štýlu. Uvedená denná dávka sa nesmie prekročiť. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. ..

28.33 USD

Daosin cape ds 30 ks

Daosin cape ds 30 ks

Kód produktu: 7804279

DAOSIN Cape Ds 30 pcs DAOSIN Cape Ds 30 pcs is a dietary supplement that aims to support the digestive system and alleviate the symptoms of food intolerance. The product contains natural diamine oxidase, an enzyme that is crucial for breaking down histamine that is present in certain foods, such as dairy products, fermented or cured meats, aged cheeses, and alcoholic beverages. People with histamine intolerance may experience various symptoms, such as headaches, skin rashes, digestive problems, and breathing difficulties, after consuming histamine-rich foods. DAOSIN Cape Ds 30 pcs can be used by adults and children over 10 years old who are sensitive to histamine in food. The capsules should be taken with water before meals, as directed by the healthcare professional. The main benefits of DAOSIN Cape Ds 30 pcs are: Helping to manage the symptoms of food intolerance caused by histamine Providing natural diamine oxidase enzyme that may be deficient in people with histamine intolerance Offering an easy-to-use and convenient supplement that can be taken when needed The product comes in a pack of 30 capsules, each containing 6,000 HDU of diamine oxidase. It is made from high-quality, non-GMO ingredients and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. DAOSIN Cape Ds 30 pcs is suitable for people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet and does not contain gluten, lactose, or other allergens. In conclusion, DAOSIN Cape Ds 30 pcs is a reliable supplement for people who suffer from histamine intolerance and want to enjoy a wider variety of foods without experiencing uncomfortable symptoms. The product is safe, effective, and easy to use, providing a natural solution to digestive issues caused by food intolerance. Try DAOSIN Cape Ds 30 pcs today and experience the benefits of natural diamine oxidase supplementation!..

50.73 USD

Fertilovit mt kapsuly 90 ks

Fertilovit mt kapsuly 90 ks

Kód produktu: 5728367

Fertilovit MT is a dietary supplement especially for men with a combination of vital substances that, among other things, maintain normal fertility and sperm development. With zinc and selenium for normal fertility and sperm formationIn combination with taurine and valuable antioxidants It is a lower-dose, long-term support for the body. ..

72.48 USD

Fortevital vitamin d3 plus pastilky, téglik 60 g

Fortevital vitamin d3 plus pastilky, téglik 60 g

Kód produktu: 7254287

Fortevital Vitamin D3 plus ensures healthygrowth and healthy developmentand maintenance of bones and teeth.Vitamin D3 also contributes to normalfunction of the immune system and the muscles. Vitamin K2 helps maintain normal bones. Property name Dietary supplement with vitamin D3 and K2 Composition Sorbitol, xylitol, vitamin K2 (menaquinone), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), release agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, aroma , Dye: real carmine.. Properties Fortevital Vitamin D3 plus strengthens the development and maintenance of bones and the immune systemIf the delicious lozenge slowly dissolving on your tongue and unfolding its fruity raspberry aroma, there is a real danger that you will forget this: Fortevital Vitamin D3 plus is a dietary supplement. Do you enjoy the vitamin D3 and K2 candy daily in the specified dosage? and give yourself the bonus of resilience. Your body needs vitamin D3 and K2 for strong bones, teeth, muscles and a strong immune system. Application 1 lozenge dailyduring or right after Followinga meal. With sweeteners and fineraspberry aroma. Nutritional values Nutritional valueamountper%measurement accuracy energy10 kJ100 gEnergy 2 kcal100 gFat 0.5 g g100 gFat, of which saturated fatty acids 0.1 g g100 gCarbohydrates1 g 100 gCarbohydrates, including sugar 0.5 g g 100 gprotein0 g100 gSalt0 g100 gVitamin D20 µg100 gVitamin K22.5 µg100 g Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Keep out of the reach of children. ..

25.13 USD

Fytoštandard mak valeriána tablety 30 ks

Fytoštandard mak valeriána tablety 30 ks

Kód produktu: 7322853

Property name Food supplement. Phytostandard DUOS gold poppy-valerian is a food supplement based on extracts of gold poppy and valerian. Composition Extracts of golden poppy (Eschscholtzia californica Cham., flowering parts above ground) and valerian (Valeriana officinalis L., roots) (carrier: acacia fibre), bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose and corn starch, excipient: cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties Food supplement based on extracts of golden poppy and valerian, enriched by a unique and patented process. Application Take 2 to 4 tablets a day before bedtime with a large glass of water. Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 12 years of age. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect. Keep out of reach of children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. Property name Food supplements.Phytostandard DUOS golden poppy-valerian is a dietary supplement based on extracts of golden poppy and valerian. Composition Extracts of golden poppy (Eschscholtzia californica Cham., flowering above ground parts) and valerian (Valeriana officinalis L., roots) (carrier: acacia fibre), bulking agents: microcrystalline cellulose and corn starch, carrier: cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties Food supplement based on extracts of golden poppy and valerian obtained through a unique and patented process. Application 2 bis Take 4 tablets a day before bedtime with a large glass of water.Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 12 years of age. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect. Keep out of reach of children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. ..

39.68 USD

Fytostandard guarana - rhodiola tablety 30 ks

Fytostandard guarana - rhodiola tablety 30 ks

Kód produktu: 7322907

Property name Food supplement. Phytostandard DUOS Guarana Roseroot is a food supplement based on extracts of guarana and roseroot. Composition Extracts of guarana (Paullinia cupana Kunth., seeds) and roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L., roots) (carrier: acacia fibre), bulking agents: calcium phosphates and microcrystalline cellulose, stabilizer: crosslinked sodium carboxymethylcellulose, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties Food supplement based on extracts of guarana and roseroot, characterized by a unique and patented process. Use Take 1 to 2 tablets per day with a large glass of water. Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect. Keep out of reach of children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. Property name Food supplements.Phytostandard DUOS Guarana Rhodiola is a food supplement based on extracts of Guarana and Rhodiola. Composition Extracts of Guarana (Paullinia cupana Kunth., seeds) and roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L., roots) (carrier: acacia fibre), bulking agents: calcium phosphates and microcrystalline cellulose, stabilizer: cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties h3> Food supplement based on extracts of guarana and roseroot obtained through a unique and patented process. Application 1 to 2 tablets per day, with a large glass of water.Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect. Keep out of reach of children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. ..

34.52 USD

Kingnature kurkuma vida 72 kapsúl

Kingnature kurkuma vida 72 kapsúl

Kód produktu: 6083582

Kingnature Turmeric Vida is a dietary supplement with organic turmeric, organic matcha green tea powder and organic pepper.Which packs are available? Kingnature Turmeric Vida 72 capsules ..

69.67 USD

Lactibiane tolerance 10m kaps 45 ks

Lactibiane tolerance 10m kaps 45 ks

Kód produktu: 6874852

Property name Food supplement. Lactibiane Tolerance 10M is a food supplement based on living lactic acid bacteria. Composition Bulking agent: corn starch, live lactic acid bacteria (carrier: corn starch), capsule of vegetable origin, anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate.. Properties h3> Each dose of Lactibiane Tolerance 10M contains 10 billion live lactic acid bacteria: Bifidobacterium lactis LA303, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus plantarum LA301, Lactobacillus salivarius LA302 and Bifidobacterium lactis LA304.The Lactibiane range consists of lactic acid bacteria that meet the following criteria : Survival and functioning along the entire length of the digestive tract, attachment to the cells of the intestinal mucosa. Use Swallow 1 capsule daily with a large glass of water before a meal . Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains No declaration requirements Contains allergens Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. Property name Dietary supplement .Lactibiane Tolerance 10M is a dietary supplement based on live lactic acid bacteria. Composition Bulking agent: corn starch, live lactic acid bacteria (carrier: corn starch), capsule of vegetable origin, anti-caking agent : magnesium stearate.. Properties Each dose of Lactibiane Tolerance 10M contains 10 billion live lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium lactis LA303, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus plantarum LA301, Lactobacillus salivarius LA302 and Bifidobacterium lactis LA304.The Lactibiane range consists of lactic acid bacteria that meet the following criteria: survival and functioning along the entire length of the digestive tract, attachment to the cells of the intestinal mucosa. Use Swallow 1 capsule daily with a large glass of water before a meal. Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Does not contain any allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. ..

90.13 USD

Nutergia ergy d fl 15 ml

Nutergia ergy d fl 15 ml

Kód produktu: 6299483


19.93 USD

Phytopharma cesnak 250 tabliet

Phytopharma cesnak 250 tabliet

Kód produktu: 5966291

Phytopharma Garlic Tablets are dietary supplements with garlic powder. Consumption recommendation Take 2 tablets with liquid 3 times a day. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle...

52.32 USD

Phytopharma cinnamon plus 150 kapsúl

Phytopharma cinnamon plus 150 kapsúl

Kód produktu: 7058942

Phytopharma Cinnamon Plus 150 capsules Phytopharma Cinnamon Plus is a dietary supplement that contains a blend of herbal extracts with cinnamon as the main ingredient. The product is designed to promote healthy blood sugar levels, support weight management, and improve overall health and wellbeing. Key Features: Contains 100% natural ingredients Each bottle contains 150 capsules Each serving size of 2 capsules contains 1000mg of cinnamon extract Manufactured in GMP-certified facilities Free from gluten, soy, and artificial ingredients How it works: The cinnamon extract in Phytopharma Cinnamon Plus is known for its ability to increase insulin sensitivity, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes. Additionally, cinnamon has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The other herbal extracts in the formula, including gymnema sylvestre and bitter melon, have also been traditionally used to support healthy blood sugar levels and weight management. How to use: Take 2 capsules daily, preferably with meals, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement if you have a medical condition or are taking prescription medications. Conclusion: Phytopharma Cinnamon Plus is an all-natural dietary supplement that provides multiple health benefits, especially for those looking to manage their blood sugar levels and support their weight loss goals. Made with quality ingredients and manufactured in GMP-certified facilities, this product offers a safe and effective option for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. ..

51.31 USD

Phytopharma curcuma plus 100 kapsúl

Phytopharma curcuma plus 100 kapsúl

Kód produktu: 6652258

Dietary supplement with curcuma, ginger and pepper powder, zinc and vitamin C. Vegan Zinc and vitamin C contribute to the normal function of the immune system...

41.64 USD

Phytopharma lavandula 80 kapsúl

Phytopharma lavandula 80 kapsúl

Kód produktu: 7201517

Phytopharma Lavandula 80 Capsules Phytopharma Lavandula 80 Capsules is a dietary supplement that contains pure and natural lavender extract, which is known for its powerful health benefits. Made with only the highest quality ingredients, this supplement is designed to provide a range of health benefits by improving your overall wellness. Benefits of Lavender Extract Lavender extract has been used for centuries for its medicinal and therapeutic properties. It has been found to be effective in reducing anxiety, stress, and depression, due to its calming and relaxing properties. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and protect against free radicals that can damage your cells. Ingredients Lavender Extract Gelatin Capsule Magnesium Stearate Silicon Dioxide How to Use Take 1-2 capsules per day, preferably with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. This product is not suitable for children under the age of If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product. Quality You Can Trust At Phytopharma, we're committed to providing high-quality, natural supplements that help support your health and wellness goals. That's why we only use the finest ingredients in our Lavandula 80 Capsules. Our product is rigorously tested for purity and potency, ensuring that you're getting the best possible supplement for your health. So why wait? Start taking Phytopharma Lavandula 80 Capsules today and start experiencing the benefits for yourself!..

39.98 USD

Phytopharma vitamín b12 60 pastiliek

Phytopharma vitamín b12 60 pastiliek

Kód produktu: 7183009

The Phytopharma Vitamin B12 lozenges are a dietary supplement with vitamin B12 and sweeteners, with the taste of raspberries.Vitamin B12 has many good properties.It contributes to the normal function of the immune system and reduces tiredness.The vitamin also supports the normal functioning of the nervous system and normal psychological function.B12 contributes to normal red blood cell formation and normal energy-yielding metabolism. Vegan Use Suck one lozenge a day. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle...

44.45 USD

Pretuval chrípka a prechladnutie brausetabl c 10 ks

Pretuval chrípka a prechladnutie brausetabl c 10 ks

Kód produktu: 6636495

Pretuval chrípka a prechladnutie Brausetabl C 10 ks Pretuvalová chrípka a prechladnutie Brausetabl C 10 ks je silný doplnok stravy, ktorý pomáha zmierniť nepríjemné príznaky, ktoré zvyčajne sprevádzajú chrípku a prechladnutie. Tieto tablety obsahujú 200 mg kyseliny askorbovej, známej aj ako vitamín C, o ktorej bolo lekársky dokázané, že posilňuje imunitný systém, čo môže pomôcť bojovať proti infekciám. Každá tableta tiež obsahuje glukonát zinočnatý a 18 komplexných aminokyselín, ktoré spoločne poskytujú úľavu od príznakov nachladnutia a chrípky. Tieto zložky sa priamo podieľajú na imunitnej odpovedi tela a zvyšujú produkciu cytokínov alebo proteínov, ktoré hrajú zásadnú úlohu v obrane tela proti vírusovým infekciám. Predtuválna chrípka a prechladnutie Brausetabl C 10 ks je ideálny pre každého, kto chce rýchlo a efektívne zmierniť príznaky prechladnutia a chrípky, ako je kašeľ, bolesť hrdla, bolesti hlavy, horúčka a únava. Je tiež vynikajúcim zdrojom základných vitamínov a minerálov, ktoré môžu pomôcť zlepšiť celkové zdravie a pohodu. Na použitie jednoducho rozpustite jednu tabletu v pohári vody a ihneď vypite. Pretuvalová chrípka a prechladnutie Brausetabl C 10 ks je bezpečný a nemá žiadne známe vedľajšie účinky. Ak však príznaky pretrvávajú dlhšie ako niekoľko dní, poraďte sa s lekárom. ..

36.22 USD

Soleil vie bio pšeničná tráva 70 g

Soleil vie bio pšeničná tráva 70 g

Kód produktu: 6449787

Soleil Vie Wheatgrass Bio 70g The Soleil Vie Wheatgrass Bio 70g is a high-quality dietary supplement that contains 100% organic and natural wheatgrass powder. This product is rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial for overall health and wellness. It is a perfect supplement for people who have busy lifestyles and are looking for an easy and convenient way to stay healthy and fit. Benefits Rich source of vitamins and minerals: Wheatgrass contains a high amount of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, C, E, and K, as well as iron, calcium, and magnesium. These essential nutrients are important for maintaining good health and preventing diseases. Boosts immunity: The antioxidants present in wheatgrass help to protect the body against harmful free radicals that can cause damage to the cells. This product helps to boost the immune system and protect against infections and diseases. Detoxifies the body: Wheatgrass has natural detoxifying properties that help to eliminate toxins and waste products from the body. It helps to cleanse the liver and kidneys, which are vital organs for detoxifying the body. Improves digestion: This product contains enzymes that help to improve digestion and promote better nutrient absorption. It helps to alleviate digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. Increase energy and vitality: Wheatgrass is an excellent source of natural energy and vitality. It helps to increase stamina, reduce fatigue, and improve mental clarity. Usage The Soleil Vie Wheatgrass Bio 70g can be used in a variety of ways. It can be added to smoothies, juices, or water. Simply mix a teaspoon of the powder with your favorite beverage and enjoy the numerous health benefits. The product comes in a convenient 70g bag that is easy to store and use. Ingredients The Soleil Vie Wheatgrass Bio 70g contains 100% organic and natural wheatgrass powder. It is free from any additives, preservatives, or artificial colors and flavors. Quality Soleil Vie is committed to providing customers with high-quality and authentic health food products. The wheatgrass used in this product is sourced from certified organic farms that follow best practices for sustainable and eco-friendly farming. The product is packaged in a hygienic and secure environment to retain its freshness and purity. Conclusion The Soleil Vie Wheatgrass Bio 70g is an excellent dietary supplement that offers numerous health benefits. It is a convenient and easy way to boost your daily nutrient intake and stay healthy and fit. Try it today and experience the incredible health benefits!..

14.84 USD

Synergia bi-osteo kaps 30 ks

Synergia bi-osteo kaps 30 ks

Kód produktu: 6972632

Product Description: Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs is a dietary supplement specially formulated to support bone health. Made from a blend of natural ingredients, each capsule provides essential nutrients that the body needs to build strong and healthy bones. Key Features & Benefits Calcium & Vitamin D: These two nutrients work together to enhance bone mineralization and improve bone density. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains a good amount of calcium and Vitamin D to support overall bone health. Magnesium: Magnesium is essential for maintaining strong bones and reducing the risk of fractures. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains magnesium citrate, which is a highly absorbable form of magnesium. Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 plays a vital role in bone health by regulating calcium absorption and preventing calcification in the arteries. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains 45mcg of Vitamin K2 (MK-7). Zinc & Copper: Zinc and copper are essential minerals that stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains a good amount of both minerals to maintain healthy bones. Easy-to-Swallow Capsules: The capsules are small and easy to swallow, making it convenient to take while on-the-go. High-Quality Formulation: This dietary supplement is made from natural ingredients and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Directions for Use Take 1 capsule of Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs daily with a meal or as directed by your healthcare provider. Warning If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare provider before use. Keep out of reach of children. Overall, Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs is a great dietary supplement for anyone looking to support their bone health naturally. With its blend of essential nutrients, high-quality formulation, and easy-to-swallow capsules, it's an excellent choice for those looking for a convenient and effective way to maintain healthy bones...

35.49 USD

Tauri mag booster energy battalion 20 kusov

Tauri mag booster energy battalion 20 kusov

Kód produktu: 6722332

Tauri Mag Booster Energy Battalion 20 pieces The Tauri Mag Booster Energy Battalion is a dietary supplement designed to provide you with a burst of energy that will help you power through your busy day. Each bottle contains 20 capsules that are specifically formulated to provide a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your body needs to stay alert and focused. What's Inside? The Tauri Mag Booster Energy Battalion is made with all-natural ingredients, including: Magnesium Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Ginseng extract Green tea extract Ginger root extract L-theanine Each of these ingredients is carefully selected for its ability to boost energy levels, improve focus and concentration, and support overall health and wellbeing. How to Use To get the most out of the Tauri Mag Booster Energy Battalion, take one capsule with water in the morning or early afternoon. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Benefits of Tauri Mag Booster Energy Battalion Boosts energy levels Improves focus and concentration Supports overall health and wellbeing All-natural ingredients With the Tauri Mag Booster Energy Battalion, you can take control of your energy levels and stay alert and focused throughout the day. Order your bottle today and experience the benefits for yourself! ..

36.24 USD

Vita omexanthin cape 60 ks

Vita omexanthin cape 60 ks

Kód produktu: 6161945

Dietary supplement with krill and fish oil with the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, astaxanthin and phospholipids. Property name Capsules, 60 pieces Composition Krill oil (lipid extract from Antarctic krill Euphausia superba), Fish oil (fish species: anchovy, sardine, mackerel, tuna), MCT oil, antioxidants: mixed tocopherols, ascorbyl palmitate, rosemary extract, capsule shell: gelatin. Gluten free. Lactose-free.. Properties EPA and DHA contribute to normal heart function.DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision.*DHA contributes to normal brain function .** at 250 mg/daily dosage Application Swallow 1 to 2 capsules daily with some liquid. Allergens Contains Fish and fish productsMoluscs and mollusc products Notes Keep out of the reach of children. Store below 25°C and in a dry place. ..

138.38 USD

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