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Bij bieden wij u neusspoelzout van de beste kwaliteit voor droge neus en neusspoelbehandelingen. Onze neusspoelzouten zijn speciaal afkomstig van vertrouwde merken in Zwitserland en kunnen u helpen verkoudheidssymptomen te minimaliseren en algemene ademhalingsaandoeningen te verbeteren. Van neusreinigingssets tot neusverzorgingsproducten, ons assortiment omvat alles wat u nodig heeft voor een holistisch neusverzorgingsregime. Of u nu een medische professional bent die op zoek is naar effectieve wondverzorging of verpleeghulpmiddelen, of een individu dat op zoek is naar natuurlijke, gezondheidsbevorderende middelen, wij hebben de oplossing voor u.
Emser neusdouche + 4 zakjes neusspoelzout

Emser neusdouche + 4 zakjes neusspoelzout

Productcode: 6876147

The Emser nasal douche with 4 bags of nasal rinsing salt. The nasal cleaning set cleans and cares for the nose. To thorough nasal rinsing, beneficial and liberating. The natural cleaning function of the nose and the defense mechanism are supported by the cleaning of the nose from pathogens, dirt and excess mucus and the moistening of the nasal mucous membrane. Emser nasal rinsing salt: Unique mineral composition Preservative-free Isoto ne solution Application Apply 1 - 3 times a day as required. Which packs are available? Emser nasal douche + 4 bags of nasal rinsing salt ..

36,30 USD

Emser neusspoelzout 20 x 2,5 g

Emser neusspoelzout 20 x 2,5 g

Productcode: 3055705

Emser nasal rinsing salt physiologically is a salt mixture which Contains natural Emser salt as well as various other mineral salts. The mineral composition is the composition of the Modeled after nasal secretions, which makes it good for moistening the Nose suitable for dry mucous membranes. It can also be used for Regular rinsing treatments that involve mechanical cleaning of the Nose is in the foreground. Nasal rinsing with the Emser nasal rinsing salt is recommended for: Pollen and house dust allergy Dry nose Heavy dust levels To prevent colds ?Which packs are available? Emser nasal rinsing salt 20 x 2.5 g ..

19,67 USD

Emser neusspoelzout 50 x 2,5 g

Emser neusspoelzout 50 x 2,5 g

Productcode: 3788129

Physiologically Emser Nasal Rinsing Salt is a salt mixture that contains natural Emser salt and various other mineral salts. The mineral composition is based on the composition of the nasal secretion, which makes it suitable for moistening the nose when the mucous membrane is dry. It can also be used for regular rinsing treatments in which the mechanical cleaning of the nose is in the foreground. Nasal rinsing with the Emser nasal rinsing salt is recommended for: Pollen and house dust allergy Dry nose Heavy dust exposure To prevent colds Which packs are available? Emser nasal rinsing salt 50 x 2.5 g ..

38,48 USD

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