Dixa abendtee
DIXA Abendtee Product Description DIXA Abendtee DIXA Abendtee is a premium tea blend specifically designed to help you wind down and relax after a long day. This herbal tea promotes relaxation, restful sleep and reduces stress and anxiety. With its unique blend of natural ingredients, DIXA Abendtee is a great addition to anyone's self-care routine. Ingredients Chamomile Flowers Lavender Flowers Valerian Roots Passionflower Lemon Balm Peppermint Leaves Features Helps promote relaxation and restful sleep Reduces stress and anxiety 100% natural ingredients Free from artificial colors, flavors, and additives Comes with 20 tea bags Instructions for Use To enjoy the best taste and maximum benefits, steep one tea bag in hot water for 3-5 minutes. Enjoy your DIXA Abendtee before bedtime, or anytime you need to relax and unwind. Caution Although DIXA Abendtee is an all-natural product, it is important to talk to your doctor if you have any medical issues or are taking any medications before consuming this tea. Do not exceed recommended dosage, and keep out of reach of children. DIXA Abendtee is the perfect addition to your daily self-care routine, providing you with a sense of relaxation and calmness after a long day. ..
126,67 USD
Dixa wintertee
DIXA Wintertee The DIXA Wintertee is the perfect cold weather indulgence. Made from the finest tea leaves picked from the lush-green plantations of Darjeeling, it is specially crafted to give you the warmth and comfort you need during the chilly winter months. It is a blend of rich spices and herbs, carefully chosen to create an excellent harmony of taste and aroma. Product Features: High-quality tea leaves from Darjeeling Blended with cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and other warming spices Contains flavonoids and antioxidants which are beneficial to health Low in caffeine, making it suitable for consumption at any time of the day Comes in 25 tea bags per pack, packed with care to preserve freshness Benefits: DIXA Wintertee is made from pure and natural ingredients that are good for the body. It contains no additives or preservatives, making it a safe and healthy choice. The blend of spices used is known for its health benefits such as boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, aiding digestion, improving blood circulation, and promoting relaxation. The low caffeine content makes it a good choice for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake without sacrificing the taste of tea. How to Prepare: To savor the richness of DIXA Wintertee, take a cup of water and bring it to a boil. Place a DIXA Wintertee tea bag in the cup and pour hot water over it. Let it steep for 3-5 minutes, depending on the strength you prefer. Remove the tea bag and enjoy your cup of warm, soothing tea. For an extra boost of flavor, you can add honey or milk as per your taste. The DIXA Wintertee is an ideal choice for tea lovers looking to indulge in a rich, warming, and flavorful tea during the winter season. Try our tea today and experience the taste of the finest quality tea blended with the perfect mix of spices and herbs. ..
81,08 USD
Herboristeria dankeschön-tee 90 g
Geniet van HERBORISTERIA bedankthee, een heerlijke mix van fruit- en kruideninfusies die bij elke slok een sereen moment van dankbaarheid bieden. Deze aromatische thee is met zorg vervaardigd en combineert de pittige tonen van diverse soorten fruit met de rustgevende essentie van natuurlijke kruiden voor een verfrissende ervaring. Of u deze thee nu drinkt als een rustgevende avondontsnapping of als een verjongend ochtendritueel, deze thee zal zeker uw zintuigen prikkelen en uw geest verheffen. Geniet van de goedheid van de natuur met HERBORISTERIA bedankthee, de perfecte aanvulling op uw wellnessroutine...
13,23 USD
Morga thymian tee met hülle bio knospe bag 20 stk
Morga Thymian Tee mit Hülle Bio Knospe Btl 20 Stk The Morga Thymian Tee mit Hülle Bio Knospe Btl 20 Stk is a natural and organic herbal tea that is packed with the goodness of thyme. Thyme is a common herb used in cooking and is known for its distinct flavor and aroma. However, it is also a powerful herb when it comes to health benefits. Thyme has several medicinal properties that make it an excellent ingredient for herbal teas and remedies. The Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is made from 100% organic thyme leaves, which are carefully picked and dried to preserve the natural flavor, aroma, and health benefits. The thyme tea is packed in 20 individual tea bags, making it convenient to use and carry with you on-the-go. Each tea bag is made from unbleached, compostable, and biodegradable paper, making it an eco-friendly choice for tea lovers. The Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is a natural way to support the immune system, soothe coughs and sore throats, and improve digestion. Thyme is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making it a great choice for overall health and well-being. Whether you need a hot cup of tea to start the day or a calming afternoon pick-me-up, the Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is a great choice. With its organic and natural ingredients, the Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is perfect for people who are health-conscious or prefer organic products. The tea is free from additives, artificial flavors, and colors, which makes it a healthy and tasty drink for everyone. So, if you are looking for a natural and organic way to boost your health and well-being, the Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is an excellent choice. Enjoy the benefits of thyme in a delicious and convenient way with this herbal tea. ..
5,61 USD
Pukka holunderbeere and echinacea tee bio bag 20 stk
Pukka Holunderbeere & Echinacea Tee Bio Btl 20 Stk Experience a delightful burst of sweet and tangy flavor with Pukka's Holunderbeere & Echinacea Tee Bio Btl 20 Stk. This delicious herbal tea blend is expertly crafted using only the highest quality ingredients sourced from organic farms, making it a delightful and healthy option for tea lovers around the world. The key ingredients used in this blend are Holunderbeere and Echinacea. Holunderbeere, also known as Elderberry, is rich in anthocyanins that provide it with powerful antioxidant properties. It helps support your immune system and promotes overall health. Echinacea, on the other hand, is a natural stimulator of the immune system that helps to fight off infections and maintain a healthy body. These two superfoods are expertly blended in a perfect 1:1 ratio, creating a unique flavor that is both refreshing and flavorful. The tea is packaged in bio-degradable bags that preserve its freshness and aroma. Each box contains 20 individual bags, making it convenient to enjoy anytime, anywhere. If you are looking for a delicious and healthy way to support your immune system and maintain good health, look no further than Pukka Holunderbeere & Echinacea Tee Bio Btl 20 Stk. Order now and experience the refreshing taste and health benefits of this amazing herbal tea blend today! ..
11,99 USD
Pukka night time t-shirt bio bag 20 stk
Pukka Night Time Tea Bio Btl 20 Stk Looking for a soothing and relaxing tea to sip before bed? Look no further than Pukka Night Time Tea. This organic tea blend is specially crafted to help calm the mind and bring about a sense of peace and tranquility. It is perfect for those who struggle to unwind after a long day or who have trouble falling asleep at night. With a delicious blend of soothing herbs like chamomile, lavender, and valerian root, this tea is sure to help you drift off into a peaceful slumber. The organic ingredients ensure that you are getting the purest, most high-quality blend possible. This tea comes in a convenient bio bottle with 20 tea bags, making it easy to enjoy a cup of Night Time Tea whenever you need it. Simply steep for 3-5 minutes in hot water and enjoy the calming effects of this herbal tea. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to sweet dreams with Pukka Night Time Tea. ..
11,96 USD
Sidroga 7-kräuter bag 20 stk
Sidroga 7-Kräuter Btl 20 Stk The Sidroga 7-Kräuter Btl 20 Stk is a herbal tea that comes in a pack of This tea features a blend of seven different herbs that have been carefully chosen for their beneficial properties. The herbs include aniseed, fennel, caraway, thyme, lemon balm, peppermint, and licorice root. One of the biggest benefits of this tea is that it is caffeine-free, making it a great option for those who want to avoid caffeine but still want to enjoy a warm cup of tea. The herbs in this blend have also been traditionally used for their digestive properties, helping to reduce bloating, gas, and indigestion. The Sidroga 7-Kräuter Btl 20 Stk is easy to prepare. Simply place one tea bag into a cup, add hot water, and allow it to steep for several minutes. This tea can be enjoyed at any time of day, either hot or cold. At Sidroga, we are committed to providing high-quality herbal teas that are both delicious and beneficial for your health. Our teas are made with only the finest ingredients, and we take great care in creating blends that not only taste great but also provide a range of health benefits. If you are looking for a caffeine-free herbal tea that can help support your digestive health, try the Sidroga 7-Kräuter Btl 20 Stk today...
10,52 USD
Sidroga gal en lever thee 20 btl 2
Sidroga® Gal- en Leverthee N Sidroga AG Kruidengeneeskunde Wat is Sidroga Gal- en Leverthee N en wanneer wordt het gebruikt? Sidroga Gal- en Leverthee N bevat de volgende gedroogde en gesneden plantendelen: paardenbloemkruid met wortel, mariadistelfruit, duizendbladkruid en pepermuntblaadjes.Sidroga Gal- en Leverthee N is een kruidengeneesmiddel en wordt traditioneel gebruikt om de symptomen van milde en krampachtige spijsverteringsstoornissen zoals een opgeblazen gevoel en winderigheid te verlichten. gebruikt. Waar moet u rekening mee houden? Als uw symptomen verergeren of er na 14 dagen geen verbetering optreedt, dient u een arts te raadplegen. Als spijsverteringsproblemen aanhouden of terugkeren, moet u een arts raadplegen. Spijsverteringsproblemen bij kinderen jonger dan 12 jaar moeten door een arts worden opgehelderd. Wanneer mag Sidroga Gallen- und Lebertee N niet worden gebruikt of moet het alleen met voorzichtigheid worden gebruikt? Sidroga Gallen- und Lebertee N mag niet worden gebruikt als bekend is dat u overgevoelig bent voor een van de actieve ingrediënten of voor één van de andere actieve ingrediënten. een van de ingrediënten (zie "Wat zit er in Sidroga Gal- en Leverthee N?") of tegen andere Asteraceae. bij ontstekingen of verstopping van de galwegen, galstenen of andere galziekten, darmobstructie, maag- en darmzweren en leverziekten. Patiënten met gastro-oesofageale refluxziekte (reflux van maagsap in de slokdarm) moeten preparaten vermijden die pepermuntblaadjes bevatten, omdat brandend maagzuur erger kan worden. Er zijn onvoldoende onderzoeken naar het gebruik en de veiligheid van Sidroga Gall en Liver Tea N bij kinderen. Daarom wordt het gebruik van dit geneesmiddel niet aanbevolen voor kinderen jonger dan 12 jaar. Informeer uw arts, apotheker of drogist als u aan een andere ziekte lijdt, allergisch bent of andere medicijnen gebruikt (ook als u deze zelf heeft gekocht!). Kan Sidroga Gal- en Leverthee N worden ingenomen tijdens de zwangerschap of tijdens het geven van borstvoeding? Gebaseerd op de ervaring tot nu toe is er geen bekend risico voor het kind bij gebruik zoals voorgeschreven. Er zijn echter nooit systematische wetenschappelijke studies uitgevoerd. Uit voorzorg moet u tijdens de zwangerschap en de borstvoeding het gebruik van medicijnen vermijden, of uw arts, apotheker of drogist om advies vragen. Hoe gebruikt u Sidroga gal- en leverthee N? Volwassenen drinken 1 kopje thee – 1-2 filterzakjes 3 tot 4 keer per dag.Jongeren van 12 jaar en ouder drink 1 kopje thee – 3 tot 4 keer per dag 1 filterzak.Bereiding: 1 tot 2 filterzakken Sidroga Gall en Liver Tea N worden overgoten met ca. 150 ml kokend water en laat 10 tot 15 minuten trekken. Knijp vervolgens voorzichtig in de zak(ken) en verwijder deze. Het gebruik van Sidroga Gall en Liver Tea N bij kinderen jonger dan 12 jaar is nog niet getest. De gebruiksduur is niet beperkt. Er zijn geen gevallen van overdosering gemeld. Volg de dosering zoals vermeld in de bijsluiter of voorgeschreven door uw arts. Als u denkt dat het geneesmiddel te zwak of te sterk is, of als u nog vragen heeft over het gebruik van het geneesmiddel, neem dan contact op met uw arts, apotheker of drogist. Welke bijwerkingen kunnen Sidroga Gallen- und Lebertee N hebben? De volgende bijwerkingen kunnen optreden bij gebruik van Sidroga Gallen- und Lebertee N: MaagpijnAllergisch reacties, vooral van de huid. Gastro-oesofageale reflux (terugstromen van maagsap naar de slokdarm) kan verergeren en brandend maagzuur kan ernstiger worden. Er kan geen informatie worden gegeven over de frequentie van optreden van bijwerkingen . Als u bijwerkingen opmerkt die hier niet worden beschreven, dient u uw arts, apotheker of drogist hiervan op de hoogte te stellen. Waar moet u nog meer op letten? Sidroga Gall en Liver Tea N moeten bij kamertemperatuur (15-25 °C) en buiten bereik van kinderen worden bewaard. De dubbelkamerzakjes in een aromabeschermende verpakking mogen slechts worden gebruikt tot de vervaldatum die op het etiket staat vermeld. datum gemarkeerd met "EXP" op de houder. Uw arts, apotheker of drogist kan u nadere informatie geven. Wat zit er in Sidroga gal- en leverthee N? 1 dubbel -kamerzakje à 2 g bevat de volgende gedroogde en gesneden plantendelen als actieve ingrediënten: 0,6 g paardenbloemkruid met wortel, 0,5 g mariadistelfruit, 0,5 g duizendbladkruid en 0,2 g pepermunt bladeren. Overige ingrediënten: bittere venkel en karwij. Erkenningsnummer 65046 (Swissmedic). Waar kun je Sidroga Gall en Liver Tea N krijgen? Welke pakketten zijn beschikbaar? Dit is een vrij verkrijgbaar geneesmiddel. Dozen met 20 dubbele kamerzakken in aromabeschermende verpakking. Vergunninghouder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden. ..
14,21 USD
Sonnentor advent tee bio bag 18 stk
Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk The Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is an organic tea collection designed to help you celebrate the holiday season. This collection is made from carefully selected organic herbs and spices that will provide a unique taste experience for tea enthusiasts. Features Organic tea 18 tea bags per bottle Handcrafted blend of herbs and spices Perfect for holiday celebrations Ingredients This tea collection contains a unique blend of herbs and spices that include: Cinnamon Orange peel Clove buds Cardamom Star anise Preparation To prepare this tea, boil water and let it cool for a minute or two. Place the tea bag in a cup and add the hot water. Allow the tea to steep for four to five minutes. Then, remove the tea bag and enjoy your organic holiday tea. Benefits The Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is more than just a tasty tea collection. The organic ingredients provide a range of health benefits, including: Helps to soothe stomach upset Boosts your immune system Helps to improve digestion Contains antioxidants to help reduce inflammation May help to lower blood sugar levels With its delicious taste and health benefits, the Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is the perfect holiday tea collection for you and your loved ones. Order now and enjoy it throughout the holiday season...
11,25 USD
Sonnentor advent tee offen bio 100 g
Ervaar de vreugde van het seizoen met Sonnentor Adventthee open BIO. Deze heerlijke mix van 100 g biedt een harmonieuze combinatie van fruitige en kruidige tonen, zorgvuldig samengesteld om warmte en comfort te brengen tijdens de feestelijke periode. Deze thee, afkomstig van biologische ingrediënten, is een perfecte manier om te ontspannen en te ontspannen, of je deze nu deelt met dierbaren of ervan geniet in een moment van eenzaamheid. Met een zachte infusie van traditionele, feestelijke smaken omhult Sonnentor Advent Thee je in een gezellige sfeer, waardoor het een rustgevende keuze is voor koude winterdagen. Geniet van de heilzame goedheid van dit unieke fruit- en kruidentheemengsel, gemaakt om uw theedrinkervaring naar een hoger niveau te tillen...
12,16 USD
Sonnentor bengelchen kale mami tee bio
SONNENTOR Bengelchen bald Mami Tee BIO The SONNENTOR Bengelchen bald Mami Tee BIO is a deliciously aromatic and soothing herbal tea blend, perfect for expecting mothers. This tea is made from the highest quality organic herbs and spices, expertly blended together to create a refreshing and calming drink that can help to ease the discomforts associated with pregnancy. The SONNENTOR Bengelchen bald Mami Tee BIO is made with a unique blend of herbs, including raspberry leaves, which have been used for centuries to help support a healthy pregnancy. Other ingredients in this tea include lemon balm, ginger root, lemongrass, and chamomile, which are all known for their soothing properties and can help to alleviate nausea and bloating. This tea is also great for promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality. It has a mild and pleasant taste, with subtle hints of citrus and ginger, making it a lovely way to unwind at the end of a busy day. The SONNENTOR Bengelchen bald Mami Tee BIO is caffeine-free and free from artificial flavors and additives, so it's safe for both mother and baby. Whether you're looking for a comforting tea to help with the physical symptoms of pregnancy or just want a relaxing and delicious drink to enjoy, the SONNENTOR Bengelchen bald Mami Tee BIO is an excellent choice. With its high-quality ingredients and soothing properties, this tea is the perfect way to support a healthy and happy pregnancy. ..
10,70 USD
Sonnentor himmlischer christkindl tee bio bag 18 stk
Sonnentor Himmlischer Christkindl Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk Experience the joy of Christmas with Sonnentor Himmlischer Christkindl Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk. This organic herbal tea blend captures the essence of the festive season, with its warm and comforting flavors. This blend of herbs and spices includes cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and orange peel, all carefully selected and blended to create a deliciously aromatic and flavorful tea. Each sip will transport you to the warmth and joy of the holiday season, making it the perfect drink for cold winter nights. Sonnentor Himmlischer Christkindl Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is made with only organic ingredients, ensuring that each cup is free from harmful chemicals and harmful additives. Each box contains 18 individually wrapped tea bags, making it easy to enjoy a cup of this delicious tea whenever you wish. Whether you are snuggled up by the fire or taking a break from your holiday shopping, Sonnentor Himmlischer Christkindl Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is the perfect way to get into the holiday spirit. Order yours today and experience the warmth of the holiday season in every cup. ..
11,25 USD
Yogi tea natürliche abwehr 17 bag 2 g
Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr | Product Description Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr 17 Btl 2 g Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr is a unique blend of herbs and spices that are carefully selected to help support your immune system. This tea is perfect for those who are looking for a natural way to boost their immunity and prevent illness. The combination of herbs and spices in this tea is specifically designed to help strengthen the body's natural defenses. It contains Echinacea, which is known for its immune-boosting properties, as well as vitamin C-rich rose hips and elderberries. Additionally, Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr contains warming and soothing spices like cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom, which help to support overall wellness. Brewing a cup of Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr is easy. Simply pour boiling water over one tea bag and let it steep for 7-10 minutes. You can enjoy this tea hot or cold, and it is also delicious with a bit of honey or lemon. Each box contains 17 tea bags, each with 2 grams of tea. This gives you plenty of tea to enjoy throughout the season, and the convenient tea bags make it easy to take on-the-go. Overall, Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr is a delicious and effective way to help support your immune system and stay healthy. Try it today and see the difference for yourself! ..
6,60 USD