
intraoculaire druk

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Intraoculaire druk (IOP) is de vloeistofdruk in het oog, essentieel voor het behoud van de vorm en de goede werking van het oog. Producten die bij dit label horen, zoals de Alcon BSS Rinse Solution, zijn ontworpen om het delicate evenwicht van IOP tijdens oogheelkundige procedures te helpen beheren en behouden. Deze steriele oplossingen zorgen voor essentiële hydratatie, spoeling en irrigatie, waardoor optimale chirurgische resultaten worden gegarandeerd terwijl de structurele integriteit en oculaire gezondheid van het oog behouden blijven.
Alcon bss spoelsoln steriel 36 fl 15 ml

Alcon bss spoelsoln steriel 36 fl 15 ml

Productcode: 7767006

Product Description: Alcon BSS Rinse Soln Sterile 36 Fl 15 mL Alcon BSS rinse soln sterile 36 Fl 15 ml is a sterile and isotonic solution that is specifically designed to rinse and irrigate the eye during ophthalmic surgeries. This solution is made up of balanced electrolytes, which makes it perfectly suited for maintaining the delicate balance of the eye's intraocular pressure and pH levels during surgical procedures. Alcon BSS rinse soln sterile 36 Fl 15 ml is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, non-toxic, and non-irritating solution that contains no preservatives or other additives that may cause any harm to the patient's eyesight. This solution rinses and cleanses the eye to help remove debris, blood, or any other materials that may have accumulated during the procedure. The sterile and isotonic nature of the solution enables the surgeon to use it to maintain the intraocular pressure of the eye, which ensures the structural integrity of the eye during and after the procedure. This solution is also used for hydration and wetting of intraocular lenses and other surgical instruments to ensure better visibility and to promote better surgical outcomes. Alcon BSS rinse soln sterile 36 Fl 15 ml is supplied with a sterile dropper tip that enables accurate dispensing of the solution. It comes in a light-resistant container that ensures the contents remain sterile and free from contamination, providing a safe and hygienic solution for postoperative irrigation and flushing of the eye. In summary, Alcon BSS rinse soln sterile 36 Fl 15 ml is a safe and effective ophthalmic surgical solution that helps ensure optimal surgical outcomes. Its sterile and isotonic properties make it ideal for maintaining the delicate balance of the eye's intraocular pressure and pH levels during ophthalmic procedures...

443,68 USD

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