Natūralus skausmo malšinimas
"pirom" alyvos suvyniojimas 10 ml
Pirom aliejaus ritininio 10 ml charakteristikosAnatominė terapinė cheminė medžiaga (АТС): M02ACVeiklioji medžiaga: M02ACLaikymo temperatūra min./maks. 15/25 laipsnių CelsijausKiekis pakuotėje: 1 mlSvoris: 40 g Ilgis: 30 mm Plotis: 30 mm p>Aukštis: 100 mm Pirom aliejaus 10 ml suvyniokite internetu iš Šveicarijos..
36.22 USD
3m nexcare coldh bio gel flex 23,5 x 11 cm thinsulate
3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel Flexible Thinsulate, 23.5 cm x 11 cm Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Flexible is intended for superficial application of cold or heat. Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes. The gel is non-toxic and safe for the whole family. The natural therapeutic power of heat and cold. The compress is suitable for the supply of heat and cold and is a practical solution for those who prefer natural therapy without medication. Can be chilled in the freezer or refrigerator. Can be heated in hot water or in the microwave. Distribute the heat evenly by kneading! Always place the gel pad in the protective pouch provided or wrap it in a clean towel before placing it on the skin. Place a compress on the affected area as long as it feels comfortable. Once the gel pack has reached room temperature, rewarm. The protective cover provided with the gel pack makes it easy, comfortable and safe to use on the skin. Use cold for a sprained ankle, strained muscles on legs/arms after sports activities, contusion swelling e.g. B. on the knee and ligament strains. Use the heated product for muscle spasms in the arm/hand caused by repetitive movements, e.g. B. caused by playing tennis or golf, knee or general leg muscle tension and arthritis / rheumatoid arthritis (without acute inflammation) such. B. for wrist osteoarthritis.BENEFITS: - Natural therapy without medication- Cold helps to relieve swelling, inflammation and pain. - Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes.- Reusable gel pack with non-toxic gel - safe for the whole family.- Contains no natural rubber latex- Includes protective cover and strap with Thinsulate? fabric for hands-free use- Eco-friendly - made with 99% biodegradable gel- Natural pain relief: The blue gel is non-toxic and safe for the skin. The product is 99.9% biodegradable and therefore particularly environmentally friendly.- Dimensions: approx. 235 mm x 110 mm This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
30.54 USD
Aromasan cassia eteris/aliejus 5 ml
AROMASAN Cassia Äth/Öl AROMASAN Cassia Äth/Öl is a high-quality essential oil extracted from the leaves of the Cassia tree. Cassia is a member of the cinnamon family and has a warm, spicy aroma that is known to have therapeutic properties. Benefits Relieves stress and anxiety Boosts mental clarity and focus Improves digestion and relieves nausea Promotes healthy skin and hair Provides natural pain relief How to Use AROMASAN Cassia Äth/Öl can be used in a variety of ways, including: Diffusing: Add a few drops of Cassia oil to a diffuser to fill your home with a warm, inviting aroma. Massage: Dilute Cassia oil with a carrier oil and apply it to sore muscles for natural pain relief. Ingestion: Add a drop of Cassia oil to your tea or water for digestive support. Skin care: Mix Cassia oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your skin for a healthy glow. Quality Assurance AROMASAN Cassia Äth/Öl is made with 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oil. It is free from additives, fillers, and synthetic fragrances, so you can use it with confidence. About AROMASAN AROMASAN is a German brand that specializes in high-quality essential oils and aromatherapy products. Our mission is to help people live healthier, happier lives by harnessing the power of nature's plant-based remedies. Note: The symbol count for the above description is 831...
16.06 USD
Emosan karšto vandens butelis alpenschick
Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick Stay cozy and warm during the chilly winter months with Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick. This premium hot water bottle is designed to provide you with unbeatable comfort when the weather is too cold to bear. Made from high-quality materials, this hot water bottle is designed to retain heat for longer, giving you long-lasting warmth and comfort. Features and Benefits Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick is the perfect companion for those who love winter but want to stay warm and cozy. This hot water bottle comes packed with a range of features that make it stand out from other hot water bottles on the market. Here are some of the features and benefits you can expect from Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick: Stylish Design - The hot water bottle features a cute and chic Alpenschick design that adds a touch of elegance to your winter accessories. Durable and Long-lasting - Made from high-quality materials, this hot water bottle is designed to withstand the test of time and provide long-lasting comfort. Large Capacity - With a capacity of 2 liters, this hot water bottle gives you enough space to fill with hot water and keep you warm for longer. Easy to Use - Filling this hot water bottle is easy and straightforward, and it comes with a secure screw-on cap that prevents leaks and spills. Natural Pain Relief - The Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick is perfect for providing natural pain relief from menstrual cramps, muscle aches, and other painful conditions. Conclusion Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick is the perfect winter accessory for those who want to stay warm and comfortable during the chilly months. With its stylish design, large capacity, and long-lasting heat retention, this hot water bottle is perfect for those who want a cozy and comfortable winter experience. Order now and experience warmth like never before!..
30.18 USD
Herbachaud šilumos pleistras 19x7 cm 6 vnt
HerbaChaud, natūralus šilumos tinkas, dėžutė, kurioje yra 6 PatchesHerbaChaud natūralūs šilumos pleistrai yra fiziniai, bekvapiai šilumos pleistrai, kurie skleidžia giliai veikiančią šilumą iki 12 valandų. HerbaChaud šilumos pleistras susideda iš 100 % natūralių ir augalinės kilmės aktyvių ingredientų. Padeda: HerbaChaud nėra šilumos pagalvėlė. HerbaChaud ypatumas slypi ilgalaikėje ir nuolatinėje gilioje šiluma. Tai sutelkta ties trigerio tašku (apvali skylė mineralinėje dangoje). Gylio efektas pasiekia visą plotą aplink skausmo tašką. ..
53.39 USD
Omida glob arnica d 12 14 g
Omida Glob Arnica D 12 14 g charakteristikosLaikymo temperatūra min./maks. 15/25 laipsnių CelsijausKiekis pakuotėje: 1 gSvoris : 51 g ilgis: 27 mm plotis: 27 mm aukštis: 82 mm Pirkite Omida Glob Arnica D 12 14 g internetu iš Šveicarijos ..
39.73 USD
Perskindol classic gelis tube 200 ml
Perskindol Classic yra skysčio (skystis, purškiamas) arba gelio pagrindu įtrinama masažo priemonė, skatinanti kraujotaką. Šveicarijos medicinos patvirtinta paciento informacijaPerskindol® Classic gelis / skystis / purškalasVERFORA SAKas yra Perskindol Classic ir kada jis naudojamas?Perskindol Classic yra skysto pavidalo (skystis, purškalas) arba gelio pavidalu, jame yra augalinių eterinių veikliųjų medžiagų. Perskindol Classic greitai ir nepalikdamas likučių prasiskverbia į odą ir yra neriebus; Rankos ir drabužiai lieka be riebalų. Pagrindinės veikliosios medžiagos ir levomentolis gaivina, ramina. Be to, jie maloniai sušildo, atpalaiduoja raumenis ir malšina skausmą. Perskindol Classic sudėtyje yra levomentolio, kuris skatina vietinę kraujotaką. Perskindol Classic naudojamas šioms indikacijoms: Išoriniam naudojimui simptominiam raumenų mėšlungio, nugaros ir kaklo skausmo, sąnarių skausmo, reumatinio skausmo, teniso alkūnės, lumbago ir išialgijos gydymui.Patempimų, mėlynių ir patempimai.Prieš sportuojant ir sportuojant: Perskindol Classic tinka kraujotakai ir raumenų atpalaidavimui, taip pat raumenų ir blauzdos mėšlungio profilaktikai bei gydymui. sportui, Perskindol Classic naudojamas raumenų ir sąnarių atpalaidavimui ir gaivumui bei atpalaidavimui.Kaktos ir kaklo įtrynimas atgaivina galvos skausmą ir migreną. Kada Perskindol Classic vartoti negalima? Nenaudoti mažiems vaikams arba esant padidėjusiam jautrumui vienai iš sudedamųjų dalių (žr. sudėtį). Kada reikia būti atsargiems naudojant Perskindol Classic?Perskindol Classic Gel/Fluid/Spray sudėtyje yra benzilo benzoato. Benzilbenzoatas gali sukelti alergines reakcijas. Perskindol Classic Gel sudėtyje yra propilparabeno ir metilparabeno. Šios medžiagos gali sukelti (galbūt uždelstas) alergines reakcijas. Nenaudokite ant atvirų žaizdų. Nenaudokite po tvarsčiu ir nedenkite apdorotos odos medžiagomis, tokiomis kaip pleistrai, kompresai ir pan. Nenaudoti šalia akių. Nenaudokite dviejų vietinių preparatų toje pačioje vietoje tuo pačiu metu. Pasakykite gydytojui, vaistininkui arba vaistininkui, jei: sergate kitomis ligomis, esate alergiškas arbavartojate kitus vaistus (įskaitant tuos, kuriuos įsigijote patys!) arba vartojate juos išoriškai.< p>Nedelsdami susisiekite su Tox Info Suisse (skubios pagalbos numeris 145), jei netyčia dideliu mastu patepta mažiems vaikams arba prarijus (prarijus). Ar Perskindol Classic galima vartoti nėštumo ar žindymo laikotarpiu?Remiantis ankstesne patirtimi, vartojant pagal nurodymus, pavojus vaikui nekeliamas. Tačiau sistemingi moksliniai tyrimai niekada nebuvo atlikti. Atsargumo sumetimais turėtumėte vengti vartoti vaistus nėštumo ir žindymo laikotarpiu arba pasitarti su gydytoju, vaistininku arba vaistininku. Kaip vartojate Perskindol Classic?Suaugusieji ir vaikai nuo 3 metųSkausmingos kūno dalys Jei reikia, įtrinkite kūną kelis kartus per dieną pakankamu kiekiu Perskindol Classic Gel, Fluid arba Spray. Po naudojimo gerai nusiplaukite rankas. Laikykitės pakuotės lapelyje nurodytos arba gydytojo nurodytos dozės. Jeigu manote, kad Perskindol Classic yra per silpnas arba per stiprus, kreipkitės į gydytoją, vaistininką arba vaistininką. Perskindol Classic naudojimas ir saugumas mažiems vaikams dar nebuvo išbandytas. Kokį šalutinį poveikį gali turėti Perskindol Classic?Vartojant Perskindol Classic, gali pasireikšti šie šalutiniai poveikiai: Nedažni (pasireiškia nuo 1 iki 10 vartotojų iš 1000):Nedidelis odos niežėjimas, paraudimas arba deginimas Retas (pasireiškia 1–10 vartotojų iš 10 000):Ekzeminiai odos pažeidimaiLabai retas (pasireiškia mažiau nei 1 iš 10 000 vartotojų):Riškios padidėjusio jautrumo reakcijosJei atsiranda retų egzeminių odos pokyčių arba labai retų ryškių padidėjusio jautrumo reakcijų, gydymą reikia nutraukti ir prireikus informuoti gydytoją. Jei pasireiškė šalutinis poveikis, kreipkitės į gydytoją, vaistininką arba vaistininką. Tai ypač pasakytina apie šalutinį poveikį, kuris nenurodytas šiame lapelyje. Į ką dar reikia atsižvelgti?Vaistinį preparatą galima vartoti tik iki datos, pažymėtos ant talpyklės „EXP“. Laikymo instrukcijosLaikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje ir kambario temperatūroje (15-25°C). Perskindol Classic Spray: nepažeiskite skardinės. Saugoti nuo karščio. Nepurkškite ant atviros liepsnos ar žėrinčių objektų. Kita informacijaNenaudoti šalia akių arba ant gleivinių! Nenaudokite Perskindol su sandariais kompresais. Jūsų gydytojas, vaistininkas arba vaistininkas gali suteikti jums daugiau informacijos. Šie žmonės turi išsamią informaciją specialistams. Kas yra Perskindol Classic?Veikliosios medžiagos100 g gelio, 100 g skysčio arba 100 g Purškalo sudėtyje yra: levomentolio iš antžeminių augalo dalių (Mentha arvensis L., folia) 1,5 g, eterinio aliejaus iš amerikinio žydrio (Gaultheria procumbens L) lapų ir šakelių. ., lapija) 0,35 g, pušų spyglių eterinis aliejus (Pinus sylvestris L., lapija, scopa) 1,35 g, citrinos žievelės eterinis aliejus (< em>Citrus limon em>L., scortea) 0,1 g, saldžiųjų apelsinų žievelių eterinis aliejus (Citrus aurantium dulcis L., scortea) 0,4 g, bergamočių žievelių eterinis aliejus ( Citrusinių bergamijų, scortea) 0,1 g, rozmarinų žiedų eterinis aliejus (Rosmarinus officinalis L., floralis) 0,06 g, levandų žiedų eterinis aliejus (Lavandula angustifolia Mill. , floralis) 0,02 g, terpineolis 0,1 g, terpinilacetatas 0,1 g. Pagalbinės medžiagos100 g gelio yra: vidutinės grandinės trigliceridai, izopropanolis, karbomerai, trometamolis, karbomero kopolimeras, etilo acetatas, benzilo benzoatas, metilo parabenas (E218), propilas parabenas (E216), išgrynintas vanduo. 100 g skysčio yra: izopropanolio, hidroksipropilceliuliozės (E463), etilo acetato, benzilo benzoato, išgryninto vandens. 100 g purškalo yra: izopropanolio, etilo acetato, benzilo benzoato, išgryninto vandens. Patvirtinimo numeris48009, 42369, 46141 (Swissmedic). Kur galite gauti Perskindol? Kokias pakuotes galima įsigyti?Vaistinėse ir vaistinėse, be gydytojo recepto. Perskindol Classic gelis: 100 ml, 200 ml, 1000 ml (ligoninėse). Perskindol Classic Fluid: 50 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 2 × 500 ml, 1000 ml, 5000 ml (ligoninėse). Perskindol Classic Spray: 150 ml. Įgaliojimo turėtojasVERFORA SA, 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne. Paskutinį kartą šį lapelį Vaistų agentūra (Swissmedic) tikrino 2020 m. birželio mėn. ..
75.51 USD
Puralpina marmot herbal ointment warming 50 ml
PURALPINA Murmeli-Kräutersalbe wärmend Experience the natural healing power of the Alps with our PURALPINA Murmeli-Kräutersalbe wärmend. This warming herbal balm is made from the finest ingredients sourced from the heart of the Swiss Alps. Our unique formula is designed to soothe and relieve muscle and joint pain, providing natural relief for sore muscles and stiff joints. Ingredients Murmeltieröl: Also known as marmot oil, this natural oil is famous for its healing properties. It contains a high concentration of fatty acids and has been used for centuries to treat joint and muscle pain. Arnica: This herb has a long history of being used to relieve muscle pain and stiffness. It contains compounds that reduce inflammation and improve circulation. Camphor: This natural compound has a cooling effect that helps to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Other herbs: Our balm also contains a blend of other herbs like menthol, thyme, and rosemary that work together to relieve pain and promote healing. Benefits Our PURALPINA Murmeli-Kräutersalbe wärmend provides natural relief for muscle and joint pain. The warming effect of the balm helps to increase blood flow to the affected area, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. Our all-natural formula is gentle on the skin and safe for daily use. How to use Apply the balm to the affected area and massage gently until absorbed. Repeat as needed. For best results, use daily. Experience the natural healing power of the Swiss Alps with our PURALPINA Murmeli-Kräutersalbe wärmend. ..
23.15 USD
Puressentiel balzamas sąnariams 14 eterinių aliejų 30 ml
Puressentiel Balm Joints 14 Essential Oils 30 ml Puressentiel Balm Joints 14 Essential Oils 30 ml is a natural solution to help relieve joint pain and reduce inflammation. The balm is made with 100% natural ingredients, including 14 essential oils, making it a safe and gentle alternative to chemical pain relievers. The balm is perfect for those suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, or joint pain from exercise or injury. It works by targeting the root cause of pain and inflammation, promoting long-term relief of symptoms. The balm is also formulated to provide a warming sensation that helps soothe and relax sore muscles and joints. The 14 essential oils in this balm are carefully selected for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and relaxing properties. They include wintergreen, juniper, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, clove, and more. Together, they create a powerful synergy that helps reduce pain and improve mobility. The balm comes in a convenient 30 ml tube that is easy to apply and carry with you on-the-go. It is non-greasy, non-sticky, and quickly absorbed into the skin. Simply massage the balm onto the affected area up to 3 times per day as needed for relief. Puressentiel Balm Joints 14 Essential Oils 30 ml is a natural, effective, and safe solution for anyone looking to relieve joint pain and inflammation without relying on chemicals or drugs. Try it today and experience the benefits of natural pain relief!..
37.25 USD
Puressentiel® rozmarinas su kamparu äth / aliejumi bio 10 ml
Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth / Oil Bio 10ml: A Holistic and Natural Solution for Your Everyday Aches and Pains Are you looking for a natural way to alleviate your muscle and joint aches? Look no further than Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio 10ml. Derived from organically grown rosemary plants and carefully extracted using traditional methods, this essential oil is a powerhouse of wellness properties. Natural pain relief A few drops of Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio are all you need to experience natural pain relief. The oil's anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties help reduce pain and inflammation in sore and aching muscles and joints. Relax and unwind Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio's potent aroma has a calming effect on the mind and body, promoting relaxation and easing tension. Add a few drops to your bath, diffuser, or massage oil, and let its refreshing and soothing fragrance transport you to a state of deep relaxation. Nourish and protect skincare Loaded with antioxidants and skin-nourishing properties, Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio is an effective addition to your skincare routine. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe and nourish irritated and stressed skin, while also protecting it from harmful environmental factors. Puressentiel: Your Trusted Partner for Natural Wellness Solutions Puressentiel is a brand that understands the power of nature to promote wellness and health. All of their essential oils are meticulously sourced and extracted to ensure quality and purity. Their products are free from harmful chemicals, additives, and other synthetic substances, making them safe and effective for everyday use. Don't let pain and tension hold you back. Try Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio 10ml today and discover the natural way to relieve muscle and joint pain, promote relaxation, and protect your skin's health and radiance...
24.42 USD
Puressentiel® sąnarių ir raumenų gelis 14 eterinių aliejų tube 60 ml
Puressentiel® sąnarių ir raumenų gelio 14 eterinių aliejų Tb 60 ml charakteristikosAnatominė terapinė cheminė medžiaga (АТС): M02AX10Sertifikuota Europoje CE Laikymo temperatūra min./maks. 15/25 laipsnių CelsijausKiekis pakuotėje: 1 mlSvoris: 78g Ilgis: 35 mm Plotis: 50 mm Aukštis: 151 mm Puressentiel® sąnarių ir raumenų gelį 14 eterinių aliejų Tb 60 ml pirkite internetu iš Šveicarijos..
23.69 USD
Shaolin muskel fluid papildymas
SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill: Relieve Muscle Soreness and Tension Effortlessly If you?re looking for an effective way to release muscle tension and relieve soreness naturally, the SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill is the perfect solution for you! This advanced formula is designed to penetrate deep into your muscles, soothing away pain and helping you feel your best. Why Choose SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill? The SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill is made with a unique blend of proven natural ingredients that work together to enhance muscle relaxation and improve overall wellness. Whether you?re dealing with acute muscle pain or chronic tension, this formulation can provide fast relief that lasts. Key Benefits Faster Recovery: The active ingredients in this formula can help to reduce inflammation and promote faster healing, enabling you to get back to your active lifestyle faster. Improved Mobility: By promoting muscle relaxation and reducing tension, SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill can enhance your range of motion and overall mobility. 100% Safe and Natural: Our product is free of harmful chemicals and preservatives, making it safe for people of all ages and skin types. Easy to Apply: The SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill is easy to use and quick-absorbing, which means you can apply it anywhere, anytime, without any mess or fuss! How to Use To use the SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill, massage a small amount directly into your muscles and joints, up to three times a day. You can apply the fluid before or after exercise, or simply throughout your day as needed. Experience the Benefits Today! Don?t let muscle pain and tension slow you down. Try SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill today, and experience the benefits of natural, effective muscle pain relief. ..
158.03 USD
Similasan galvos skausmas glob 15 g
Similasan galvos skausmo ypatybės Glob 15 gAnatominė terapinė cheminė medžiaga (АТС): N02BZLaikymo temperatūra min./maks. 15/25 laipsnių CelsijausKiekis pakuotėje: 1 gSvoris: 0,00000000 g Ilgis: 33 mm Plotis: 40 mm Aukštis: 81 mm Pirkite Similasan galvos skausmo Glob 15 g internetu iš Šveicarijos..
50.29 USD
Spagyros arnica glob c 30 multi click 2 g
Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 g charakteristikosLaikymo temperatūra min/maks 15/25 laipsnių CelsijausKiekis pakuotėje: 1 gSvoris: 10 g Ilgis: 10 mm Plotis: 20 mm Aukštis: 60 mm Pirkite Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 g internetu iš Šveicarijos..
36.22 USD
Vaistininko originalus arkliai medic tepalas tube 150 ml
In 1982, the Apothekers Original horse ointment was developed by the pharmacist Dr. Ulf Jacob developed. Today it is widely known and is often used after sport. Due to its 2-phase effect, the gel has a particularly beneficial effect on tired muscles. In the first phase, a soothing, long-lasting cooling effect unfolds. Then, in the second phase, gentle relaxation of the muscles is promoted by heat. The use of the gel has also proven its worth for blunt injuries such as sprains, bruises or hematomas. The horse ointment helps in a natural way. As a result, it is well tolerated and can be used over a longer period of time. The elaborately obtained plant extracts are mixed with valuable natural care substances in a special manufacturing process. 2-phase effectWell toleratedPermanently applicableNaturalHelps with dull injuries and tired muscles.Absorbs quickly The most important ingredients and their effects Arnica Supports the healing process and the abatement of inflammation. Rosemary Promotes blood circulation, helps to get the blood circulation system going again and has a relaxing effect. Menthol Unfolds a long-lasting cooling effect. Has a relaxing effect, helps to loosen and relax the muscles and reduce swelling. Application As required.Apply like a body lotion and massage in gently.For deep heat, apply twice the amount and massage in vigorously. Note Avoid contact with eyes, open wounds and mucous membranes. Not suitable for children. Ingredients Aqua, Isoprobyl Alcohol, Arnica mexicana, Rosmarinus officinalis, Champhor, Carbomer, Menthol, Linalool, Limonene, (Cl 42051), Methyl Salicylate..
17.58 USD