

Rodoma nuo 26 iki 50 iš 98 (4 puslapių)
Beeovita siūlo platų šveicariškų drėkinamųjų priemonių asortimentą, sukurtą taip, kad atitiktų jūsų unikalius odos priežiūros poreikius. Nesvarbu, ar turite sausą, jautrią ar normalią odą, mūsų produktai užtikrina optimalų drėkinimo lygį, išsaugodami jūsų odos sveikatą ir grožį. Turime produktus iš gerai žinomų ir gerbiamų prekių ženklų, tokių kaip Vogt, Winstons, Nivea, Eucerin, Vichy ir La Roche-Posay. Mūsų pasiūlymai apima veido balzamą, pėdų kremą, rankų gelį, lūpų balzamą, apsaugos nuo saulės kremą ir daug daugiau. Visi mūsų produktai yra sukurti naudojant aukščiausios kokybės natūralius ingredientus ir juose nėra kenksmingų cheminių medžiagų, todėl juos saugu naudoti net ir jautriausiai odai. Taip pat turime įvairių kūdikių kosmetikos priemonių, užtikrinančių subtilią jūsų mažylio odos priežiūrą. Galiausiai nepamirškite apie mūsų sveikatos produktų liniją, įskaitant fitoterapiją, medicinos prietaisus ir dezinfekavimo priemones. Patirkite geriausią šveicarišką odos priežiūrą šiandien su Beeovita.
„valley med“ rankų kremas tik tb 75 ml

„valley med“ rankų kremas tik tb 75 ml

Produkto kodas: 6563885

„Tal Med“ rankų kremas, atkuriantis išskirtinį Tb 75 ml Rankų kremo taisymas p> Sudėtis Vanduo; Glicerinas, palmitino rūgštis, stearino rūgštis, kaprilo / kaprio trigliceridai, Leontopodium alpinum vanduo, izopropilo miristatas, cetilo alkoholis, vynuogių kauliukų aliejus (vynuogių), Leontopodium alpinum ekstraktas, europinis aliejus, alyvuogių aliejus, augalinis aliejus, tokoferolio acetatas, tokoferolio acetatas, Natrio akrilatas / natrio akrilo dimetiltauratas - kopolimeras, gliukonolaktonas, poliizobutenas, akrilatai / CI0-30 alkilakrilato kryžminis polimeras, natrio stearoilo laktilatas, kalcio gliukonatas, sorbitano oleatas, natrio karpalilaktatas, natrio karpalilaktatas / natrio karbonatas , natrio hidroksidas, citrinų rūgštis-pieno rūgštis, fenoksietanolis, natrio benzoatas, kalio sorbatas.. p> Ypatybės Šis aukštos kokybės rankų kremas optimaliai maitina ir drėkina su edelveiso ekstraktu ir daugiafunkciniu kompleksu. Atkuria sausą, įtrūkusią odą. Programa Ryte ir vakare įmasažuokite nedidelį rankų kremo kiekį. Stipriai išnaudotoms rankoms naudokite kelis kartus per dieną. ..

22.46 USD

Avene body balzamas 250 ml

Avene body balzamas 250 ml

Produkto kodas: 7184196

Avene BODY Balsam 250 ml Experience hydration like no other with the Avene BODY Balsam 250 ml. This premium body balm is specially formulated with hydrating and nourishing ingredients that deliver intense and long-lasting moisture to dry and damaged skin. Enriched with shea butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, and glycerin, this balm is perfect for keeping your skin soft and supple throughout the day. With its light and non-greasy texture, this balm is quickly absorbed by the skin, leaving it feeling velvety-smooth and refreshed. Free from parabens, fragrances, and dyes, this balm is perfect for those with sensitive skin or those who prefer a natural approach to skincare. Its strong anti-oxidant properties help to protect the skin against free radical damage, promoting a healthier and more radiant-looking complexion. Start your journey to softer, healthier-looking skin with the Avene BODY Balsam 250 ml. Order now and experience the difference this premium body balm can make for your skin. ..

49.95 USD

Avene tolér hydra-10 feuchtigkeitsfluid

Avene tolér hydra-10 feuchtigkeitsfluid

Produkto kodas: 7838317

AVENE Tolér Hydra-10 Feuchtigkeitsflu AVENE Tolér Hydra-10 Feuchtigkeitsflu yra švelnus ir raminantis drėkinamasis kremas, specialiai sukurtas tiems, kurių oda yra labai jautri. Jis puikiai tinka tiems, kurie kenčia nuo odos dirginimo ar alergijos, nes jame nėra įprastų dirgiklių, tokių kaip konservantai, kvapiosios medžiagos ir alkoholis. Šiame drėkinamajame kreme gausu unikalaus Avene terminio šaltinio vandens, kuris žinomas dėl savo raminančių ir drėkinančių savybių. Formulė taip pat praturtinta glicerinu ir skvalenu, kurie padeda atkurti natūralų odos drėgmės barjerą ir neleidžia prarasti drėgmės. Avene Tolérance extrême Emuls 50 ml greitai įsigeria į odą, todėl ji tampa švelni ir elastinga, be jokių riebių ar riebių likučių. Suteikia ilgalaikį drėkinimą, todėl puikiai tinka naudoti tiek ryte, tiek vakare. Jis taip pat yra hipoalergiškas ir nekomedogeniškas, todėl tinka visų tipų odai, net ir linkusiai į spuogus. Reguliariai naudojant AVENE Tolér Hydra-10 Feuchtigkeitsflu padeda pagerinti odos tekstūrą ir tonusą, todėl ji atrodo sveika ir švytinti. Taip pat puikiai tinka naudoti kaip makiažo pagrindą, nes padeda išlyginti ir suvienodinti odos tekstūrą. Užsisakykite savo AVENE Tolér Hydra-10 Feuchtigkeitsflu šiandien ir patirkite švelnų ir raminantį Avene terminio šaltinio vandens privalumus. ..

49.95 USD

Bioderma hydrabio gelinis kremas 40 ml

Bioderma hydrabio gelinis kremas 40 ml

Produkto kodas: 6703530

A moisturizing care that makes your complexion radiant. Suitable for sensitive, normal and combination skin. The light texture is easy to distribute and the selected ingredients have a targeted effect so that the skin regains its natural moisture.The smoothing care refines the complexion. The gel cream contains vitamin E, which helps against oxidative stress and prevents skin aging. non-greasywithout parabens Application The care can be applied to the cleansed face and décolleté in the morning and in the evening. Active ingredients Patent Aquagenium (Pyrus Malus+Vitamin B3): Increases the aquaporin count in the skin, moisturizes and activates the skin's own lipid production.Vitamin E: cell protection, anti-aging. ..

33.53 USD

Bioderma hydrabio kremas

Bioderma hydrabio kremas

Produkto kodas: 6703381

Intensive, rich moisturizing care for sensitive, dry to very dry skin that reduces feelings of tightness.Moisturizing thanks to Patent Aquagenium and hyaluronic acid. Vitamin E acts as cell protection (anti-aging). without parabenswith a fresh fragrance Application Apply twice a day after cleansing. Active ingredients Patent Aquagenium (Pyrus Malus+Vita min B3): Increases the aquaporin count in the skin, moisturizes and activates the skin's own lipid production.Sunflower and rapeseed oil: care for and promote the elasticity of the skin.Vitamin E: cell protection, anti-aging. ..

36.33 USD

Bioderma hydrabio perfecteur apsaugos nuo saulės faktorius 30 40 ml

Bioderma hydrabio perfecteur apsaugos nuo saulės faktorius 30 40 ml

Produkto kodas: 6996986

Bioderma Hydrabio Perfecteur SPF 30 is moisturizing care for smooth skin with a "luminosity booster". The cream for dehydrated and sensitive skin smoothes the complexion, ensures a radiant complexion and protects against harmful UV rays. Hypoallergenic. Effect The active ingredients of the Auqagenium patent act in a targeted and efficient way so that the skin regains its natural moisture. The circulation of water in the skin cells is activated. Hydrabio Perfecteur is enriched with ingredients for a smoothing effect and with light-reflecting pigments and makes the skin naturally radiant. The UVA/UVB filters offer a high level of protection and prevent light-induced skin aging...

35.06 USD

Borlind naturepair detox & dna repair 50 ml

Borlind naturepair detox & dna repair 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 6073164

Borlind NatuRepair Detox & Dna Repair 50 ml charakteristikosKiekis pakuotėje: 1 mlSvoris: 206 g Ilgis: 39 mm Plotis: 36 mm Aukštis: 155 mm Pirkite Borlind NatuRepair Detox & Dna Repair 50 ml internetu iš Šveicarijos..

83.79 USD

Cera di cupra crema mani tb 75 ml

Cera di cupra crema mani tb 75 ml

Produkto kodas: 7379209

Cera di Cupra Crema Mani Tb 75 ml Cera di Cupra Crema Mani Tb 75 ml yra intensyvus rankų kremas, puikiai tinkantis tiems, kurie dirba rankomis arba turi sausas ir skilinėjančias rankas. Šis kremas praturtintas natūraliais ingredientais, tokiais kaip bičių vaškas, alantoinas ir migdolų aliejus, kurie giliai drėkina ir apsaugo jūsų rankas nuo išorinių veiksnių, galinčių sukelti sausumą ir dirginimą. Bičių vaškas turi natūralių minkštinamųjų ir drėkinančių savybių, kurios padeda sulaikyti drėgmę, kad būtų išvengta išsausėjimo ir skilinėjimo. Alantoinas yra natūrali raminanti priemonė, skatinanti odos regeneraciją ir gijimą. Migdolų aliejuje gausu maistinių medžiagų, pvz., vitamino E, nesočiųjų riebalų rūgščių ir mineralų, kurie padeda maitinti ir minkštinti odą. Cera di Cupra Crema Mani Tb 75 ml taip pat neriebus ir greitai įsigeria į odą, todėl jūsų rankos tampa minkštos, lygios ir drėkinamos, be jokių likučių. Jis turi subtilų ir malonų kvapą, kuris leis jums jaustis žvaliems visą dieną. Šis kremas puikiai tinka tiems, kurie dirba rankomis arba turi išsausėjusias ir skilinėjančias rankas. Naudojimo nurodymai: užtepkite nedidelį kiekį kremo ant rankų ir švelniai masažuokite jį sukamaisiais judesiais, kol jis visiškai įsigers. Naudokite taip dažnai, kaip norite, ypač nusiplovę rankas arba pabuvę atšiauriomis oro sąlygomis. Ingredientai: vandens (vanduo), kaprilo / kaprio trigliceridas, cetearilo alkoholis, glicerinas, ciklometikonas, slyvų migdolų aliejus, stearino rūgštis, glicerilo stearatas, kvepalai (kvapai), berevaksanolis, 3, fenoksietanolis 2, dimetikonas, Etilheksilglicerinas, natrio hidroksidas, alantoinas, tokoferilo acetatas, ksantano derva, Bht, citralis, limonenas, linalolis. ..

10.87 USD

Eucerin anti-redness balansuojanti priežiūra fl 50 ml

Eucerin anti-redness balansuojanti priežiūra fl 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 5924714

Eucerin anti-paraudimą balansuojančios priežiūros priemonės Fl 50 ml ypatybėsKiekis pakuotėje: 1 mlSvoris: 100 g Ilgis: 44 mm Plotis: 43 mm Aukštis: 124 mm Pirkite Eucerin anti-paraudimą subalansuojančią priežiūros priemonę Fl 50 ml internetu iš Šveicarijos..

44.41 USD

Eucerin drėkinamasis raudonis fl 50 ml

Eucerin drėkinamasis raudonis fl 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 5924708

Eucerin drėkinamojo raudonumo savybės Fl 50 mlKiekis pakuotėje: 1 mlSvoris: 98 g Ilgis: 44 mm >Plotis: 43 mm Aukštis: 124 mm Pirkite Eucerin drėkinamąjį raudonį Fl 50 ml internetu iš Šveicarijos..

44.41 USD

Eucerin ultra sensitive raminanti dienos priežiūra sausai odai 50 ml

Eucerin ultra sensitive raminanti dienos priežiūra sausai odai 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 5924743

Eucerin Ultra Sensitive raminančios dienos priežiūros sausai odai 50 ml savybėsKiekis pakuotėje: 1 mlSvoris: 97 g Ilgis: 44 mm p>Plotis: 43 mm Aukštis: 122 mm Pirkite Eucerin Ultra Sensitive raminamąjį dienos priežiūros priemonę sausai odai 50 ml internetu iš Šveicarijos..

44.41 USD

Hans karrer face cream repair eco tb 50 ml

Hans karrer face cream repair eco tb 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 6693518

Hans Karrer Repair Eco face cream based on derma membranes (DMB) (skin-related lipid structures) ideally cares for dry facial skin with a special combination of active ingredients. Thanks to skin-like hyaluronic acids (50 kDa and 200 kDa) and glycerine, your skin is optimally supplied with moisture. Free from emulsifiers Free from fragrances Free from mineral oils Free from silicones Free from preservatives Free from parabens Hans Karrer Repair Eco face cream based on derma membranes (DMB) (skin-related lipid structures) ideally cares for dry facial skin with a special combination of active ingredients. Thanks to skin-like hyaluronic acids (50 kDa and 200 kDa) and glycerine, your skin is optimally supplied with moisture.Free from emulsifiersFree from fragrancesFree from mineral oilsFree from siliconesPreservative freeParaben free ..

31.64 USD

Lubex anti-age day rich cream 50 ml

Lubex anti-age day rich cream 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 6254859

The rich anti-aging day care from Lubex is particularly recommended for dry to very dry and / or mature skin.Thanks to different active ingredients, the visible signs of aging are combated and the skin is tightened and supplied with intensive moisture.Active ingredients: Stem cells: support the regeneration of the skinTripeptides: increase the production of collagen and elastin, thereby smoothing the skinHighly active fragments of natural hyaluronic acid: give the skin long-lasting moistureSoy isoflavone liposomes: cushion from the inside and thereby increase the density of the skinMulti-active AntiOx complex: reduces free radicals The formula is also suitable for sensitive skin and is free from preservatives, allergenic perfumes, dyes and paraffin oils. ..

76.01 USD

Lūpų balzamas sensolar su spf30 4,8 g

Lūpų balzamas sensolar su spf30 4,8 g

Produkto kodas: 6151579

Lūpų balzamo „Sensolar“ su SPF30 charakteristikos 4,8 gLaikymo temperatūra min./maks. 15/25 laipsnių CelsijausKiekis pakuotėje: 1 gSvoris : 0,00000000 g Ilgis: 19 mm Plotis: 19 mm Aukštis: 73 mm Pirkite Sensolar lūpų balzamą su SPF30 4,8 g internetu iš Šveicarija..

15.25 USD

Neutrogena hydro boost aqua valomosios servetėlės ​​25 vnt

Neutrogena hydro boost aqua valomosios servetėlės ​​25 vnt

Produkto kodas: 6874906

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Aqua wipes with hyaluronic acid remove even waterproof mascara. They provide moisture and leave a fresh feeling on the skin. Suitable for sensitive skin Application Unfold the wipes and gently wipe over the face. No washing up necessary. Avoid contact with lips. Composition Aqua, Isostearyl Palmitate, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerin, Isononyl Isononanoate, Pentaerythrityl Tetraethylhexanoate, Hexylene Glycol, Sucrose Cocoate, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Ethylhexylglycerin, PEG-2 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides, PEG-4 Laurate, Carbomer, Sodium Hydroxide, Tocopherol, Phenoxyethanol, Benzoic Acid, Dehydroacetic Acid, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Perfume..

9.05 USD

Neutrogena hydroboost kreminis gelis ds 50 ml

Neutrogena hydroboost kreminis gelis ds 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 7771904

Neutrogena Hydroboost Cream Gel DS 50 ML The Neutrogena Hydroboost Cream Gel DS 50 ML is a powerful moisturizer that deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin. It is specially formulated to provide 24-hour hydration, leaving your skin feeling silky smooth and looking radiant. The cream gel is made using a unique formula that contains purified hyaluronic acid, olive extract, and glycerin, which work together to provide intense hydration to the skin. It is free from oil, dye, and fragrance, making it gentle and safe for use on all skin types, including sensitive skin. The Hydroboost Cream Gel DS is non-comedogenic, which means it won't clog your pores or cause any breakouts. It is lightweight and absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving behind no greasy residue. You can wear it alone or under your makeup for a smooth and flawless application. The product comes in a convenient 50 ML size, making it easy to take with you on-the-go. It is also dermatologist tested, so you can trust that it is safe and effective. Give your skin the hydration it deserves with Neutrogena Hydroboost Cream Gel DS 50 ML. ..

32.61 USD

Nivea essentials dieninis kremas spf 15 50 ml

Nivea essentials dieninis kremas spf 15 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 5953934

The light Nivea Essentials Day Cream protects the skin with SPF 15 and provides it with long-lasting moisture through vitamin E and antioxidants. It is recommended for normal and combination skin and is quickly absorbed. Provides intensive moisture for 24 hours.Protects the skin against sun-induced and premature aging with SPF 15Refreshes the skin with the light formulaProtects the skin with vitamin E from environmental influences..

16.84 USD

Timeblock kosmetikos diena

Timeblock kosmetikos diena

Produkto kodas: 7359164

Laiko bloko charakteristikos Kosmetika diena 50 mlKiekis pakuotėje: 1 mlSvoris: 230g Ilgis: 60mm >Plotis: 60 mm Aukštis: 170 mm Pirkite laiko bloką Cosmetics Day 50 ml internetu iš Šveicarijos..

362.69 USD

Ultrasun lip protection spf30 4,8 g

Ultrasun lip protection spf30 4,8 g

Produkto kodas: 7570261

Ultrasun Lip Protection SPF30 4.8 g - Protect Your Lips from Harmful Sun Rays Give your lips the protection they deserve with Ultrasun Lip Protection SPF30 4.8 g. This specially formulated lip balm delivers broad-spectrum sun protection of SPF 30, which shields your lips from harmful UVA and UVB rays. With its non-greasy and lightweight formula, Ultrasun Lip Protection SPF30 4.8 g is easy to apply and absorbs quickly without leaving any residue or sticky feeling. Features: Broad-spectrum sun protection (SPF 30) for lips Non-greasy and lightweight formula Protects against UVA and UVB rays Water-resistant for up to 80 minutes Free from perfume, mineral oils, and preservatives How to Use: Apply Ultrasun Lip Protection SPF30 4.8 g generously to your lips before sun exposure. Reapply frequently, especially after swimming, sweating, or towel-drying. It is advisable to use sun protection throughout the year, even on cloudy days, as harmful UV rays can penetrate clouds and cause skin damage. Ingredients: Octyldodecanol Butyloctyl Salicylate Bis-Diglyceryl Polyacyladipate-2 Polyethylene Hydrogenated Microcrystalline Cera Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride Titanium Dioxide Stearyl Dimethicone Helianthus Annuus Seed Cera Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane Acacia Decurrens Flower Cera Polyglycerin-3 Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Silica Jasmine Flower Extract Sodium Benzoate Potassium Sorbate Citric Acid Conclusion: Ultrasun Lip Protection SPF30 4.8 g provides effective sun protection for your lips. Its unique formula offers a perfect blend of moisturization and sun protection, making it an ideal choice for individuals looking for an all-in-one lip balm. Don't let the sun's harmful rays affect your lips' health; protect them with Ultrasun Lip Protection SPF30 4.8 g. Order now! ..

17.80 USD

Vichy aqualia thermal šviesos puodas 50 ml

Vichy aqualia thermal šviesos puodas 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 7293347

This light care with thermal water rich in minerals, vegetable sugar and natural hyaluron smoothes and refreshes the skin. Properties The Vichy Aqualia Thermal moisturizer has a light texture and can be used on normal skin. With thermal water rich in minerals, vegetable sugar and natural hyaluronic acid, it smoothes and refreshes the skin. Isotonic rehydration intensely moisturizes the skin for 48 hours.97% of the ingredients are of natural origin. ..

46.84 USD

Vichy aqualia thermal fully puodas 50 ml

Vichy aqualia thermal fully puodas 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 7293376

The moisturizer is rich and recommended for dry to very dry skin. Skin is intensely hydrated, smoothed and refreshed for 48 hours. Properties The Vichy Aqualia Thermal moisturizer is rich and recommended for dry to very dry skin. Skin is intensely hydrated, smoothed and refreshed for 48 hours. Thermal water, vegetable sugar and natural hyaluronic acid soothe the skin and protect it from environmental influences.According to the principle of isotonic rehydration, this moisturizing care has the optimal composition so that the skin is supplied with active ingredients throughout the day.97 % of ingredients are of natural origin. ..

46.84 USD

Vichy homme hydra cool + tb 50 ml

Vichy homme hydra cool + tb 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 7293413

Vichy Homme Hydra Cool + Tb 50 ml The Vichy Homme Hydra Cool + Tb 50 ml is a powerful, refreshing, and hydrating face cream designed for men's skin. This product is formulated with Vichy's Thermal Spa Water, which is naturally antioxidant and mineral-rich, and is known for its soothing and regenerating properties. The Hydra Cool + Tb cream is enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, a natural moisture-retaining ingredient, which helps to keep the skin hydrated and refreshed throughout the day. Its lightweight and non-greasy formula is quickly absorbed by the skin, leaving it feeling cool, refreshed, and hydrated. The Vichy Homme Hydra Cool + Tb 50 ml is specially designed for men's skin, which tends to be thicker and oilier than women's skin. This product helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while also providing protection against free radical damage caused by environmental stressors. The versatile formula of this product makes it suitable for use after shaving or as a daily moisturizer. It soothes the skin, reduces redness, and helps to prevent razor burn, making it an essential addition to any man's grooming routine. The product comes in a handy and convenient 50 ml tube, making it easy to take with you on-the-go. It is dermatologically tested and has been proven to be hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, and suitable for all skin types. In summary, the Vichy Homme Hydra Cool + Tb 50 ml is the perfect solution for men who want to keep their skin looking and feeling healthy, refreshed, and hydrated. Its lightweight and non-greasy formula, enriched with natural and effective ingredients, makes it an essential part of any man's skincare routine...

40.11 USD

Vichy liftactiv supreme normaliai odai 50 ml

Vichy liftactiv supreme normaliai odai 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 6041313

A long-lasting anti-wrinkle and firming care with a comprehensive lifting effect that effectively combats daily signs of skin aging. Properties Vichy Liftactiv Supreme is a long-lasting anti-wrinkle and firming care product for sensitive, normal to combination skin, which helps you achieve firmer and more youthful facial features in the evening. A tired facial expression is the daily sign of skin aging, making wrinkles even more pronounced and skin less plump. Already from the first month, a comprehensive lifting effect sets in, which reduces even deep wrinkles and significantly improves the firmness of the skin. The light texture also makes your skin feel velvety and soft, so you can feel good all over again. Day creamAnti-wrinkle care and firming care For sensitive, normal to combination skin Ingredients Aqua / Water, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Rhamnose, Isohexadecane, Alcohol Denat., Propanediol, Isopropyl Isostearate, Vinyl Dimethicone/Methicone Silsesquioxane Crosspolymer, Cetyl Alcohol, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Behenyl Alcohol, Nylon-12, Peg-100 Stearate, Ci 77163 / Bismuth Oxychloride, Ci 77891 / Titanium Dioxide, Stearic Acid, Stearyl Alcohol, Arachidyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Glucoside , Caffeine, Neohesperidin Dihydrochalcone, Palmitic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Adenosine, Ammonium Polyacryldimethyltauramide / Ammonium Polyacryloyldimethyl Taurate, Disodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Disodium Edta, Caprylyl Glycol, Citric Acid, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Acrylamide/Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate, Polysorbate 80, Perfume / FragranceOur tips for young-looking skin. Application Apply Vichy liftactiv Supreme day care to cleansed face in the morning. ..

66.44 USD

Vichy liftactiv supreme sausai odai 50 ml

Vichy liftactiv supreme sausai odai 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 6041307

A long-lasting anti-wrinkle and firming care with a comprehensive lifting effect that effectively combats daily signs of skin aging. Properties Vichy Liftactiv Supreme is a long-lasting anti-wrinkle and firming care product for sensitive, dry to very dry skin, which helps you achieve firmer and more youthful facial features in the evening. A tired facial expression is the daily sign of skin aging, making wrinkles even more pronounced and skin less plump. Already from the first month, a comprehensive lifting effect sets in, which reduces even deep wrinkles and significantly improves the firmness of the skin. The light texture also makes your skin feel velvety and soft, so you can feel good all over again. Day creamAnti-wrinkle care and firming care For sensitive, dry to very dry skin Ingredients Aqua / Water, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Rhamnose, Isohexadecane, Alcohol Denat., Propanediol, Isopropyl Isostearate, Vinyl Dimethicone /Methicone Silsesquioxane Crosspolymer, Cetyl Alcohol, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Behenyl Alcohol, Nylon-12, Peg-100 Stearate, Ci 77163 / Bismuth Oxychloride, Ci 77891 / Titanium Dioxide, Stearic Acid, Stearyl Alcohol, Arachidyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Glucoside, Caffeine, Neohesperidin Dihydrochalcone, Palmitic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Adenosine, Ammonium Polyacryldimethyltauramide / Ammonium Polyacryloyldimethyl Taurate, Disodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Disodium Edta, Caprylyl Glycol, Citric Acid, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Acrylamide/Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate, Polysorbate 80, Parfum / FragranceOur tips for young-looking skin. Application Apply Vichy liftactiv Supreme day care to cleansed face in the morning. ..

66.44 USD

Weleda migdolų jautrus rankų kremas 50 ml

Weleda migdolų jautrus rankų kremas 50 ml

Produkto kodas: 7810637

The quickly absorbed Weleda Almond Sensitive Hand Cream soothes skin that is prone to irritation and provides it with lasting moisture. The pH-neutral formulation with organic almond oil strengthens the protective function of the skin and cares for sensitive hands silky smooth...

14.52 USD

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