elastinis sportinis tvarstis
Dermaplast active sportinis tvarsliava 8cmx5m
The Dermaplast Active sports bandage is particularly suitable for fixations, pressure and support bandages, for example during sports or for a lot of exercise in general. The sports bandage consists of a robust, cohesive bandage. The material of the bandage is 97% cotton, 2% polyamide and 1% polyurethane. This mixture makes the bandage tearable by hand, very elastic, porous and permeable to air. Can help prevent or acutely with sprains, sprains and strains Short-stretch bandageTearable by handSelf-adhesivePermeable to airSkin-friendlyElastic ..
13.91 USD
Dermaplast active sportinis tvarstis 4cmx5m
DermaPlast Active sportinis tvarstis 4cmx5m Elastiniai tvarsčiai fiksacijoms, spaudžiamiesiems ir atraminiams tvarsčiams. Lipni, pralaidi orui ir gali būti suplėšyta rankomis. Tvirtas, darnus tvarstis pagamintas iš 97% medvilnės, 2% poliamido ir 1% poliuretano. Medžiaga labai elastinga, porėta ir kvėpuojanti. Trumpo tempimo tvarstis ypač tinka sportuojant ir daug mankštinant. Tinka fiksacijoms, spaudimui ir atraminiams tvarsčiams. Tvarstis yra odos spalvos ir mėlynos spalvos. - Elastingas - Laidus orui - Lipnus - Nekenksmingas odai...
10.60 USD