Ublažavanje astme
(1 Stranica)
Astemag plv 25 stick 4 g
ASTEMAG PLV 25 Stick 4 gASTEMAG PLV 25 Stick vrlo je učinkovit i vrlo tražen proizvod kada je u pitanju trenutno olakšanje od astme i drugih problema s disanjem. To je kompaktni inhalator koji je lako nositi sa sobom kada putujete, pa čak i ako ste samo u pokretu. Budući da je inhalator u obliku štapa, idealan je za one koji ne vole nositi glomazne inhalatore ili raspršivače i pruža trenutačno olakšanje od simptoma astme u trenu. ASTEMAG PLV 25 sadrži 25 mcg salbutamola kao aktivnog farmaceutskog sastojka, koji je nadaleko poznat po svojim bronhodilatatorskim svojstvima. Ovaj sastojak pomaže opustiti mišiće oko dišnih putova u plućima, što vam pomaže da lakše dišete. Inhalator djeluje tako da ispušta fini prah u vaša pluća kroz nastavak za usta, koji je posebno dizajniran za točno doziranje lijeka sa svakim udahom. Jednostavan je za korištenje, čak i za djecu, i pruža brzo olakšanje od simptoma kao što su teško disanje, nedostatak zraka i kašalj. Inhalator ASTEMAG PLV 25 Stick dolazi u praktičnom pakiranju od 4 grama, što ga čini jednostavnim za pohranu i nošenje sa sobom. Također dolazi s uputama o tome kako ga koristiti, tako da možete biti sigurni da ćete dobiti najbolje rezultate od proizvoda. Ako tražite učinkovit inhalator jednostavan za korištenje koji pruža trenutačno olakšanje od astme, inhalator ASTEMAG PLV 25 Stick pravi je izbor za vas. Pouzdan je, učinkovit i lako ga je nositi sa sobom kamo god idete. Osim toga, pristupačan je, što ga čini dostupnim svima kojima je potreban. ..
73.99 USD
Biosynex inhalationshilfe 6 jahre und mehr
BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr is an innovative device designed to provide effective relief for respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory illnesses. It is specifically designed for children aged 6 years and above. This inhaler is ideal for people who want to overcome breathing difficulties caused by various respiratory conditions. The device is designed for easy use and features an ergonomic design that allows for easy handling and portability. It is lightweight, compact and portable, making it easy to use anywhere including when you are on the go. The inhaler is designed to enhance the effectiveness of medication by delivering medication directly to the lungs where it is needed most. The device works by converting the medication into a fine mist, making it easy to inhale, improving its absorption in the lungs and promoting fast relief of respiratory symptoms. Thanks to its advanced design, the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr is super-easy to use. It comes with assembling instructions that guide you on how to easily put the device together. Once assembled, all you have to do is add the medication into the inhaler, and it will do the rest. The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr inhaler is easy to clean and maintain, enhancing its durability and ensuring that it remains free from any bacteria or germs that may compromise its functionality. It comes with a comprehensive cleaning guide that makes cleaning the device simple and straightforward. Whether you are a parent looking for an effective inhaler for your child or an adult seeking relief from respiratory symptoms, the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr is an excellent choice. It is efficient, easy to use, and provides fast relief from respiratory symptoms, allowing you to breathe freely with renewed confidence. Order the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 6 Jahre und mehr today and enjoy a fast and effective solution to respiratory problems! ..
52.15 USD
Emser otopina za inhalaciju 5 ml x 20 ampula
Emser otopina za inhalaciju 20 Amp 5 ml Emser otopina za inhalaciju sadrži izotonični rastvor od prirodnih soli, koji omekšava zaglavljenu sluz u gornjim i donjim dišnim putovima i olakšava iskašljavanje. Ampule spremne za upotrebu vrlo su prikladne za putovanja. Sastav 100 ml otopine sadrži: 1,175 g prirodne Emser soli, pročišćenu vodu. SvojstvaOtopina za inhalaciju Emser nudi prirodno i učinkovito rješenje za smanjenje i omekšavanje neugodne sluzi. Gornji i donji dišni putevi mogu se navlažiti i njegovati uz pomoć inhalacije. Osim toga, Emserove soli stimuliraju aktivnost trepetljikavih stanica u bronhima. Male ampule sa sadržajem od 5 ml omogućuju praktičnu i nekompliciranu upotrebu te su prikladne za inhalacijske uređaje sa komprimiranim zrakom, ultrazvukom ili vibrirajućom membranom.Inhaliranje izotonične otopine preporučuje se kod sljedećih tegoba: kronična opstruktivna plućna bolest (KOPB)alergijska astmaaktualni i kronični bronhitisakutni i kronični sinusitis cistična fibroza (cistična fibroza) Primjena Udišite 5 ml otopine 3 do 4 puta dnevno. Budući da se volumen nebulizirane otopine jako razlikuje od uređaja do uređaja, količinu otopine treba prilagoditi tako da vrijeme inhalacije bude između 10 i 15 minuta. ..
24.74 USD
Heidak spagyrik hedera helix plus sprej boca od 50ml
HEIDAK Spagyrik Hedera helix plus sprej bočica od 50 ml HEIDAK Spagyrik Hedera helix plus sprej je prirodni proizvod koji je posebno dizajniran za promicanje zdravlja dišnog sustava i ublažavanje simptoma respiratornih bolesti. Proizvod je napravljen od kombinacije ekstrakta bršljana i drugih prirodnih sastojaka, uključujući kalijev hidrogenkarbonat, limunsku kiselinu i pročišćenu vodu, koji su pažljivo odabrani zbog svojih dobrobiti za dišne sustave. Proces proizvodnje spagirika koji se koristi za stvaranje proizvoda uključuje pažljivu ekstrakciju, pročišćavanje i rekombinaciju aktivnih sastojaka biljke, osiguravajući maksimalnu snagu i terapeutske prednosti. HEIDAK Spagyrik Hedera helix plus sprej dolazi u praktičnoj bočici od 50 ml s raspršivačem, što ga čini jednostavnim i praktičnim za korištenje. Proizvod je bez umjetnih konzervansa, aditiva i sintetičkih kemikalija, što ga čini sigurnom i prirodnom alternativom konvencionalnim tretmanima dišnog sustava. Ovaj proizvod je prikladan za svakoga tko želi podržati svoje respiratorno zdravlje, posebno za one koji pate od stanja kao što su bronhitis, astma ili alergije. Preporuča se koristiti sprej nekoliko puta dnevno, osobito u razdobljima visoke koncentracije peludi ili zagađenja. HEIDAK Spagyrik Hedera helix plus sprej nudi snažnu kombinaciju prirodnih sastojaka, pažljivo formuliranih za promicanje zdravlja dišnih puteva, ublažavanje simptoma i potporu općeg zdravlja. ..
32.80 USD
Omron inhaler microair u100 ultrasonic
Omron inhaler MicroAir U100 ultrasonic The Omron inhaler MicroAir U100 ultrasonic is a portable and lightweight device that can be used for relieving asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions. This inhaler uses ultrasonic technology to create a very fine mist of medication particles, which can easily penetrate deep into the lungs, providing fast and effective relief. The device comes in a sleek and stylish design, making it not only functional but also attractive to use. Key features and benefits: Ultrasonic technology that creates a very fine mist for effective medication delivery Portable and lightweight design that can be easily carried anywhere Easy-to-use one-button operation makes it simple to use by anyone Quiet operation ensures that it won't disturb others while in use Two modes of operation: normal and high to provide a customizable experience Powered by two AA batteries, making it even more convenient to use Comes with a carrying case and mouthpiece for easy use while on-the-go How to use: The Omron inhaler MicroAir U100 ultrasonic is incredibly easy to use. Simply insert the medication into the device and press the button to start the treatment. The device comes with a mouthpiece that can be used by adults and children, and a carrying case for easy transport. The two modes of operation allow for customizable treatment depending on the user's needs. Conclusion: If you are looking for a portable and effective inhaler, the Omron inhaler MicroAir U100 ultrasonic is a great choice. With its easy-to-use design and ultrasonic technology, this inhaler provides fast and effective relief for a variety of respiratory conditions. Plus, its lightweight and portable design make it convenient to use anywhere, whether at home or on-the-go...
319.22 USD
Pari boy classic year pack godišnji paket
PARI BOY Classic Year Pack Annual Package The PARI BOY Classic Year Pack Annual Package is designed to provide effective and reliable treatment for respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, and allergies. This package includes a high-quality compressor nebulizer system that delivers medication directly to the lungs and air passages, promoting faster relief for respiratory symptoms. Features and Benefits: The PARI BOY Classic Year Pack includes the PARI BOY Classic compressor and a reusable nebulizer set. The compressor is designed with a long-lasting piston pump for quiet operation. The device features a pressure range of 0.8 to 3.5 bar, making it suitable for patients of all age groups. The reusable nebulizer set is made with high-quality materials for optimal performance and longevity. The PARI BOY Classic Year Pack comes with an instruction manual and educational materials to help patients and caregivers effectively utilize the system. Usage: The PARI BOY Classic Year Pack is easy to use and ideal for home and clinical settings. It is also portable, making it easy to carry during travel. Patients and caregivers can easily set up the device and use it as directed by the healthcare provider. Why Choose PARI BOY Classic Year Pack Annual Package? The PARI BOY Classic Year Pack provides long-lasting treatment for respiratory illnesses while ensuring optimal medication delivery to the air passages. The compressor and nebulizer set are designed to work together efficiently, making it a reliable and cost-effective option for patients and caregivers. Additionally, the package comes with training materials that help patients and caregivers understand how to use the system and achieve optimal results. ..
70.93 USD
Pari nacl 0,9% otopina za inhalaciju 20 amp h 2,5 ml
PARI NaCl otopina za inhalaciju nudi učinkovito olakšanje za različita respiratorna stanja. Ovo pakiranje sadrži 20 ampula, od kojih svaka sadrži 2,5 ml sterilne fiziološke otopine, savršene za inhalacijsku terapiju. Idealna za osobe s respiratornim problemima poput astme, bronhitisa ili KOPB-a, ova otopina za inhalaciju pomaže razrijediti sluz, olakšavajući disanje i olakšavajući uklanjanje sluzi. Prikladno za upotrebu s uređajima za inhalaciju, ovo rješenje je neophodno za njegu dišnih putova kod kuće ili u zdravstvenim ustanovama. Vjerujte PARI-ju za kvalitetne proizvode za disanje koji će podržati vaše blagostanje...
15.81 USD
(1 Stranica)