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Dobrodošli u Beeovitu, vaš izvor visokokvalitetnih proizvoda za zdravlje i ljepotu iz Švicarske. Vjerujemo u snagu prirode i nudimo širok raspon proizvoda u kategorijama kao što su zdravstveni proizvodi, homeopatija, prirodni lijekovi i više. Naši proizvodi nude blagodati kao što su poboljšanje zdravlja kože, umirujući čaj za kašalj i prehladu, lijek za gljivične infekcije, ublažavanje tjeskobe i još mnogo toga zahvaljujući svojim antioksidativnim i protuupalnim svojstvima. Bez obzira trebate li sirovine za DIY zdravstvene projekte, eterična ulja za aromaterapiju ili dodatke prehrani za poboljšanje prehrane, Beeovita vas pokriva. Osim njih, nudimo i razne kozmetičke kreme, masti, gelove i paste za specijalizirane primjene. U potrazi za prirodnim lijekom za poboljšanje probave ili prirodnim lijekom za respiratorne probleme, istražite našu široku ponudu. U Beeoviti, cilj nam je poboljšati vaše wellness putovanje našim prirodnim lijekovima koji poboljšavaju zdravlje i ljepotu.
Aromalife top lemongras äth/öl bio

Aromalife top lemongras äth/öl bio

Šifra proizvoda: 7843350

AROMALIFE TOP Lemongras Äth/Öl BIO Ovo AROMALIFE TOP Lemongras Äth/Öl BIO je 100% čisto i prirodno eterično ulje ekstrahirano iz svježe biljke limunske trave. Certificirano je organsko i bez ikakvih sintetičkih dodataka, što ga čini sigurnim i vrlo korisnim za aromaterapiju i druge terapeutske primjene. Aroma: Svježa, citrusna i ohrabrujuća Botanički naziv: Cymbopogon citratus Zemlja porijekla: Šri Lanka Ekstrakcija: Destilacija vodenom parom svježih listova i stabljika limunske trave Svojstva: Antioksidativno, antimikrobno, protuupalno, analgetsko, sedativno, insekticidno, probavno, diuretičko i više Upotrebe: Aromaterapija, masaža, difuzija, inhalacija, njega kože, kose, prirodno čišćenje i više Veličina bočice: 10 ml Eterično ulje limunske trave stoljećima se koristi u tradicionalnoj medicini i duhovnim praksama. Vjeruje se da ima pročišćujući učinak na um, tijelo i dušu, te može potaknuti opuštanje, ublažiti stres i poboljšati fokus i mentalnu jasnoću. U aromaterapiji, ulje limunske trave popularan je izbor za stvaranje osvježavajuće i energizirajuće atmosfere koja može poboljšati raspoloženje, kreativnost i produktivnost. Dobro se miješa s drugim citrusnim uljima, kao i s lavandom, bosiljkom, eukaliptusom, paprenom metvicom i đumbirom. Ulje limunske trave također je poznato po svojim antimikrobnim svojstvima, što ga čini učinkovitim prirodnim lijekom za gljivične i bakterijske infekcije, kao i za ubode i ubode insekata. Također se može koristiti kao prirodni dezodorans, osvježivač zraka i sredstvo protiv insekata. Kada se koristi lokalno, ulje limunske trave može poboljšati zdravlje kože i kose smanjenjem upale, sprječavanjem akni i poticanjem rasta kose. Također se može dodati vodi za kupanje ili ulju za masažu za poticanje opuštanja i ublažavanje bolova i ukočenosti mišića. Sve u svemu, AROMALIFE TOP Lemongras Äth/Öl BIO svestrano je i visokokvalitetno eterično ulje koje može koristiti svima koji traže prirodan i učinkovit način poboljšanja svog zdravlja i dobrobiti, fizički i psihički. ..

14.82 USD

Belife gommes propolis honig-orange ds 45 g

Belife gommes propolis honig-orange ds 45 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7839572

Belife Gommes Propolis Honig-Orange Ds 45 g The Belife Gommes Propolis Honig-Orange Ds 45 g is a natural and delicious way to boost your immune system. These chewable gummies are made from a blend of propolis, honey, and orange flavoring. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help protect your body against harmful viruses and bacteria. Propolis is a resinous substance that bees collect from tree buds and then use to seal small gaps in their hives. It has been found to have antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that help boost your immune system. Honey, on the other hand, is a natural sweetener that is rich in antioxidants and has been used as a natural remedy for centuries. The orange flavoring provides a tangy and refreshing taste that makes these gummies a tasty treat. The Belife Gommes Propolis Honig-Orange Ds 45 g is perfect for those who want a natural and convenient way to support their immune system. These chewable gummies are easy to take on-the-go, and the compact packaging makes them perfect for travel. Plus, the natural ingredients mean that they are suitable for all ages. Overall, the Belife Gommes Propolis Honig-Orange Ds 45 g is a great product to add to your daily routine. It provides amazing health benefits while also satisfying your sweet tooth. So, why not try them out today and experience the benefits for yourself! ..

20.51 USD

Hänseler d-manoza gel disp 30 ml

Hänseler d-manoza gel disp 30 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7821834

Hänseler D-Mannose Gel Disp 30 ml The Hänseler D-Mannose Gel Disp 30 ml is a naturally occurring sugar that is known to help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). It is an effective alternative to antibiotics that are commonly prescribed to deal with UTIs. Key Features: 30 ml gel dispensing tube Natural and safe Easy to use Prevents urinary tract infections (UTIs) Effective alternative to antibiotics What is D-Mannose? D-Mannose is a type of sugar found naturally in some fruits and vegetables such as cranberries, peaches, and apples. It is known to be effective in preventing and treating urinary tract infections. This is because D-Mannose has the ability to attach itself to the E.coli bacteria in the urinary tract and prevent it from sticking to the bladder walls. This makes it easier for the urinary tract to flush out the bacteria. Why use the Hänseler D-Mannose Gel Disp 30 ml? The Hänseler D-Mannose Gel Disp 30 ml is a safe and effective way to deal with urinary tract infections. It is a natural alternative to antibiotics and has no known side effects. The dispensing tube makes it easy to apply directly to the affected area, and it is also easy to use while on-the-go. Instructions for Use: Squeeze a small amount of the gel onto your fingertips Gently apply the gel to the affected area Repeat 2-3 times a day or as directed by a healthcare professional For more information on the Hänseler D-Mannose Gel Disp 30 ml, please consult with a healthcare professional or read the product label carefully...

24.87 USD

Kaloba sirup fl 120 ml

Kaloba sirup fl 120 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7819187

Kaloba je biljni lijek i sadrži ekstrakt korijena Pelargonium sidoides. Kaloba sirup koristi se za simptomatsko liječenje akutnog bronhitisa (upala bronha). Informacije o pacijentima koje je odobrio SwissmedicKaloba® sirupSchwabe Pharma AGBiljni lijek Što je Kaloba i kada se koristi?Kaloba je biljni lijek i sadrži ekstrakt korijena Pelargonium sidoides. Kaloba sirup koristi se za simptomatsko liječenje akutnog bronhitisa (upala bronha). Što treba uzeti u obzir?Kašalj koji traje dulje od 7 dana, vrućica koja traje nekoliko dana, znakovi disfunkcije jetre, poput žutila kože ili bjeloočnice, tamna mokraća, jaki bolovi u gornjem dijelu trbuha, gubitak apetita, kao i otežano disanje ili krvavi ispljuvak, potrebno je konzultirati liječnika ili ljekarnika. Kada se Kaloba ne smije uzimati ili samo s oprezom?Kaloba se ne smije uzimati: Ako je poznato da ste preosjetljivi na djelatnu tvar ili neki drugi sastojak lijekaAko imate tešku bolest jetreObavijestite svog liječnika, ljekarnika ili ljekarnika ili svog liječnika, ljekarnika ili ljekarnika ako patite od drugih bolesti,imate alergije iliuzimate druge lijekove (uključujući i one koje ste sami kupili!)! Može li se Kaloba uzimati tijekom trudnoće ili dojenja?Iz predostrožnosti, ne smijete uzimati lijek tijekom trudnoće i dojenja jer nema dovoljno iskustva u tom pogledu. Kako koristiti Kalobu?Ako nije drugačije propisano, adolescenti iznad 12 godina i odrasli uzimaju 7,5 ml sirupa 3 puta dnevno, a djeca starija od 6 godina -12 godina uzimati 5 ml sirupa 3 puta dnevno. Ne preporučuje se primjena Kaloba sirupa u djece mlađe od 6 godina. 120 ml: Za primjenu možete koristiti štrcaljku za doziranje ili mjernu posudu. Oba su uključena u paket. 200 ml: Za aplikaciju možete koristiti mjernu posudu. Doziranje uz pomoć štrcaljke za doziranje:Otvorite bočicu i gurnite štrcaljku za doziranje čvrsto u otvor čepa boce do kraja. Sada pažljivo okrenite jedinicu koja se sastoji od bočice i pričvršćene štrcaljke za doziranje naopako i čvrsto je držite u jednoj ruci. Drugom rukom polako povucite klip štrcaljke prema dolje do propisanog broja mililitara (mL). Ako se u iscijeđenom soku pojave mjehurići zraka, polako gurnite klip štrcaljke do kraja u štrcaljku za doziranje i ponovno je polako napunite. Sada ponovo postavite bočicu uspravno s pričvršćenom štrcaljkom za doziranje i izvucite štrcaljku za doziranje iz čepa boce. Možete staviti sok izravno iz štrcaljke za doziranje u djetetova usta. Imajte na umu da dijete treba sjediti uspravno i da je najbolje štrcaljku za doziranje polako prazniti uz unutarnju stranu obraza kako se dijete ne bi ugušilo. Očistite štrcaljku za doziranje nakon svake doze tako da je nekoliko puta napunite i ispraznite čistom vodom. Doziranje pomoću mjerne posude:Mjerna posuda ima četiri različite oznake. Dvije su jedna nasuprot druge. Otvorite bočicu i polako napunite mjernu posudu do propisanog broja mililitara (ml). Sada možete sipati sok ravno iz mjerne posude u usta. Očistite mjernu posudu pod mlazom vode nakon svake upotrebe i zatim je osušite. Ako radije koristite žličicu, najprije napunite propisani sadržaj u posudicu za mjerenje ili štrcaljku do odgovarajuće razine, a zatim ga prebacite u žlicu. Nakon svake uporabe zatvorite bočicu čepom na navoj. Preporučljivo je nastaviti liječenje nekoliko dana nakon povlačenja simptoma bolesti kako bi se izbjegao povratak. Trajanje liječenja ne smije biti dulje od 3 tjedna. Držite se doze navedene u uputama za pakiranje ili doze koju vam je propisao liječnik. Ako mislite da je lijek preslab ili prejak, obratite se svom liječniku, ljekarniku ili ljekarniku. Koje nuspojave može imati Kaloba?Povremeno se mogu pojaviti gastrointestinalne tegobe (poput bolova u želucu, žgaravice, mučnine, proljeva). U rijetkim slučajevima može doći do blagog krvarenja iz desni ili nosa. Osim toga, u rijetkim slučajevima opisane su reakcije preosjetljivosti (kožni osip, koprivnjača, svrbež kože i sluznice). Takve reakcije mogu se pojaviti nakon prve uporabe lijeka. U vrlo rijetkim slučajevima može doći do teških reakcija preosjetljivosti s oticanjem lica, nedostatkom daha i padom krvnog tlaka. U pojedinačnim slučajevima bilo je naznaka poremećaja funkcije jetre čija uzročna povezanost s uzimanjem Kalobe nije provjerena. Ako primijetite bilo koju nuspojavu, obratite se svom liječniku, ljekarniku ili ljekarniku. To se posebno odnosi i na nuspojave koje nisu navedene u ovoj uputi. Što još treba uzeti u obzir?Lijek se smije upotrijebiti samo do datuma označenog «EXP» na spremniku. Upotrijebiti do nakon otvaranjaKaloba sirup ima rok trajanja od 6 mjeseci nakon otvaranja spremnika. Upute za skladištenjeNe čuvati na temperaturi iznad 30°C. Čuvati izvan dohvata djece. Dodatne informacijeKaloba sirup je prirodni proizvod, moguća su mala odstupanja u boji i okusu. Vaš liječnik, ljekarnik ili ljekarnik mogu vam dati dodatne informacije. Ti ljudi imaju detaljne informacije za stručnjake. Što Kaloba sadrži?Sadrži 5,33 g (= 5 ml) sirupa: Aktivni sastojak13,4 mg suhog ekstrakta korijena pelargonije (Pelargonium sidoides DC, radix) (omjer lijek-ekstrakt 4-25:1 ); Sredstvo za ekstrakciju: etanol 11% (w/w). Pomoćne tvariMaltodekstrin, ksilitol, glicerol 85%, bezvodna limunska kiselina, kalij sorbat, ksantan guma, pročišćena voda Broj odobrenja67425 (Swissmedic) Gdje se može nabaviti Kaloba? Koja su pakiranja dostupna?U ljekarnama i drogerijama, bez liječničkog recepta. Pakiranja od 120 ml i 200 ml Nositelj odobrenjaSchwabe Pharma AG, Erlistrasse 2, 6403 Küssnacht am Rigi Nadležno tijelo za lijekove (Swissmedic) posljednji je put provjerilo ovu uputu u kolovozu 2020. ..

24.38 USD

Litozin hagebuttenpulver kaps (neu)

Litozin hagebuttenpulver kaps (neu)

Šifra proizvoda: 7851255

LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps (neu) LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps is a new dietary supplement designed to improve joint health and reduce inflammation. It is made with natural rosehip powder that has been clinically proven to have a number of benefits for the body. The powder is obtained from the seeds and shells of organic rosehips grown in Denmark. Each capsule contains 750 mg of rosehip powder, which is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The nutrients in rosehip powder have been shown to support joint mobility, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve overall joint health. LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps is easy to take and can be used as a long-term solution for people with joint problems. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and it is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Each bottle contains 76 capsules, which is a two-month supply. Some of the key benefits of LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps include: Supports joint health and mobility Reduces inflammation and pain Helps to maintain healthy cartilage and bones Improves overall joint function Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants Easy to take Long-term solution for joint problems Overall, if you're looking for a natural way to support your joint health and reduce inflammation, LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps is an excellent choice. It provides a range of benefits for the body and can be used as part of a comprehensive joint health program. Order now and start improving your joint health today!..

95.18 USD

Phytomed neemöl bio

Phytomed neemöl bio

Šifra proizvoda: 7814977

PHYTOMED Neemöl Bio PHYTOMED Neemöl Bio is a high-quality oil extracted from the seeds of the neem tree, which is a species native to the Indian subcontinent. This oil has been used for centuries in traditional medicine due to its antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Our neem oil is obtained through organic farming methods and is cold-pressed to preserve all of its nutritional and therapeutic qualities. It is a 100% pure and natural product, free from any additives, chemicals, or artificial fragrances. Benefits PHYTOMED Neemöl Bio has a wide range of benefits for the skin, hair, and overall health. It can help alleviate various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and fungal infections. It is also an effective natural remedy for dandruff, head lice, and other scalp problems. Additionally, neem oil has been shown to have immune-boosting, detoxifying, and anti-cancer properties, making it an excellent supplement for overall health and wellbeing. Usage There are many ways to use PHYTOMED Neemöl Bio to reap its benefits. It can be applied topically to the skin, hair, or nails, or it can be taken internally as a supplement in small amounts. To use as a topical treatment, apply a small amount of oil to the affected area and gently massage until fully absorbed. For hair care, mix neem oil with a carrier oil and apply to the scalp and hair, leaving it on for at least 30 minutes before washing. As a supplement, mix a few drops of neem oil with a carrier oil or juice and drink daily. Conclusion PHYTOMED Neemöl Bio is a versatile and potent natural remedy that can be used for a variety of health and beauty purposes. Its organic and cold-pressed nature ensures that it is free from any harmful chemicals or additives, making it a safe and effective option for anyone looking to improve their wellbeing. ..

54.60 USD

Puressentiel sinus box kapseln+roll-on

Puressentiel sinus box kapseln+roll-on

Šifra proizvoda: 7853250

PURESSENTIEL Sinus Box Kapseln+Roll-on The PURESSENTIEL Sinus Box Kapseln+Roll-on is your ultimate solution for sinus congestion and related issues. This product consists of two effective components, sinus capsules and a roll-on, each designed to provide quick relief from sinus discomfort. Sinus Capsules The sinus capsules contain a blend of 8 essential oils ranging from peppermint, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, to thyme, which is an excellent natural disinfectant. The capsules help clear the airways and reduce inflammation that causes sinus-related discomfort. They are easy to swallow and can be taken up to three times a day with or without meals. Sinus Roll-on The sinus roll-on, on the other hand, is a natural-based remedy that targets sinus discomforts with a unique roller-ball applicator. The roll-on contains four essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, niaouli and Ravintsara that work together to relieve tightness around the sinus area and improve breathing. Applying it to the temples, neck, and chest provides quick relief from congested sinuses. Benefits Clears congestion and enhances breathing Contains pure essential oils for natural healing Non-invasive and easy-to-use components Fast-acting and effective against sinus-related discomforts Free from artificial preservatives and parabens The PURESSENTIEL Sinus Box Kapseln+Roll-on is suitable for adults and children above 7 years. It is also vegan and cruelty-free, making it an ethical choice for those who care about animal welfare. If you are struggling with sinus congestion, get your hands on this fantastic product today and breathe easy. ..

30.39 USD

Sonnentor flohsamen ganz bio 90 g

Sonnentor flohsamen ganz bio 90 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7815121

Sonnentor Flohsamen ganz Bio 90 g The Sonnentor Flohsamen ganz Bio 90 g product is a high-quality, organic whole flaxseed product that has been carefully sourced and packaged to ensure maximum freshness and quality. This product is perfect for those who are looking for a natural and healthy way to improve their overall digestive health, as it is a rich source of dietary fiber and essential fatty acids. What are Flohsamen? Flohsamen, also known as psyllium husks, are a type of plant seed that are commonly used as a natural remedy for digestive issues. The seeds are rich in soluble fiber, which absorbs water in the intestine to form a gel-like substance, helping to promote regular bowel movements and reduce constipation. What makes Sonnentor Flohsamen ganz bio 90 g unique? Sonnentor Flohsamen ganz Bio 90 g is unique in that it is an entirely organic product, meaning that it is free from any harmful chemicals or additives. This ensures that you are getting the highest quality flaxseed product that is both healthy and sustainable. How to use Sonnentor Flohsamen ganz bio 90 g? This flaxseed product is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. You can add it to your morning smoothie for a healthy boost of fiber and nutrients, sprinkle it on top of your breakfast cereal or yogurt for added texture and flavor, or mix it into your favorite baked goods for a nutritious twist. However, it is highly recommended that you always drink plenty of water when consuming flaxseed products, as they can absorb large amounts of water in the intestine, potentially causing discomfort if not consumed with enough fluids. Final thoughts If you are looking for a natural and organic solution to improve your overall digestive health, then Sonnentor Flohsamen ganz Bio 90 g is the perfect product for you. Free from any harmful additives, this product is not only healthy and sustainable but also highly versatile, allowing you to incorporate it into your daily routine in a variety of ways...

9.58 USD

Weleda agaricus comp./phosphorus tropfen fl 50 ml

Weleda agaricus comp./phosphorus tropfen fl 50 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7821050


66.95 USD

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