Čistač odvoda
(1 Stranica)
Bioligo no 16 drainoligo fl 100 ml
Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml je inovativno sredstvo za čišćenje odvoda koje proizvodi Bioligo, pouzdano ime u industriji čišćenja. Proizvod je dizajniran i formuliran za učinkovito i brzo razbijanje i otapanje organskih tvari kao što su kosa, masnoća, ulje i drugi ostaci koji začepljuju odvode i cijevi, sprječavajući protok vode i uzrokujući neugodne mirise. Sa svojom moćnom i učinkovitom formulom, Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml nevjerojatno je jednostavan za korištenje. Jednostavno ulijte preporučenu količinu u začepljeni odvod ili cijev i pustite da djeluje. U roku od nekoliko minuta, otopina će prodrijeti kroz začepljenje, otopiti ga i ostaviti vaš odvod ili cijev protočnim i čistim. Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml je ekološki prihvatljiv i biorazgradiv proizvod. Ne sadrži nikakve štetne kemikalije i ne oštećuje cijevi niti okoliš. Proizvod je siguran za korištenje na svim vrstama odvoda i cijevi, uključujući kuhinjske sudopere, kupaonske odvode i WC školjke. Bilo da imate stambeni ili poslovni prostor, Bioligo No 16 Drainoligo Fl 100 ml savršeno je za čišćenje i održavanje vaših odvoda i cijevi. Učinkovito sprječava buduće blokade i pomaže da vaš vodovodni sustav radi glatko i učinkovito. Značajke: Učinkovita i snažna formula za čišćenje odvoda Otapa organske tvari kao što su kosa, masnoća i ulje u roku od nekoliko minuta Ekološki prihvatljiv i biorazgradiv proizvod Siguran za sve vrste odvoda i cijevi Spriječava buduće blokade i održava neometani rad vodovodnih sustava ..
59.09 USD
Intenzivno sredstvo za čišćenje odvoda ekstra jako 1000 ml
Karakteristike Intensif sredstva za čišćenje odvoda extra strong 1000 mlKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 1281g Dužina: 85 mm Širina: 85 mm Visina: 244 mm Kupite Intensif sredstvo za čišćenje odvoda posebno snažno 1000 ml online iz Švicarske..
31.79 USD
Martec bio čistač odvoda fl 1 lt
Karakteristike martec Bio čistača odvoda Fl 1 ltKoličina u pakiranju: 1 ltTežina: 1100g Duljina: 60mm Širina: 120 mm Visina: 260 mm Kupite martec Bio čistač odvoda Fl 1 lt online iz Švicarske..
15.78 USD
Plumbo jet čistač odvoda 2 x 100 g
Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner 2 x 100 g Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner is a powerful and fast-acting drain cleaning solution that effectively removes stubborn blockages, such as hair, grease, and soap scum. The package contains two 100 g sachets, perfect for multiple uses. Features and Benefits: Fast-acting: Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner works quickly to break down even the toughest blockages, restoring the flow of water in your drain in no time. Pack of two: This package contains two 100 g sachets of the cleaning solution, providing you with value for your money with multiple uses. Easy to use: Simply pour the contents of one sachet down the blocked drain, followed by hot water. Leave for at least 15 minutes and then flush with cold water. Safe for all pipes: Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner is safe to use on all types of pipes, including PVC and metal, without causing any harm to the system. Prevents future blockages: Regular use of Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner can help keep your drains clear and free-flowing, preventing future blockages from occurring. Directions for Use: Remove any visible debris or water from the drain. Pour the contents of one sachet of Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner down the drain. Slowly pour hot water down the drain to activate the cleaning solution. Leave for at least 15 minutes before flushing with cold water. Repeat these steps if necessary. Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner is a powerful, easy-to-use solution that effectively removes blockages from your drain. Keep your pipes clear and free-flowing with this reliable drain cleaning solution...
36.33 USD
Plumbo jet čistač odvoda wc fl 2 lt
Plumbo Jet čistač odvoda WC Fl 2 L Opis: Plumbo Jet čistač odvoda snažno je rješenje koje učinkovito čisti i odčepljuje vaše odvodne cijevi u samo nekoliko sati. Ovaj čistač odvoda posebno je dizajniran za rješavanje teških začepljenja u odvodima vašeg WC-a, sudopera i tuša, što ga čini jednim od najsvestranijih čistača odvoda na tržištu. Plumbo Jet čistač odvoda radi otapanjem svih organskih materijala i drugih ostataka koji mogu uzrokovati začepljenja u vašim cijevima. Ovo snažno sredstvo za čišćenje odvoda sastoji se od mješavine koncentriranih kemikalija koje učinkovito razbijaju sve začepljenja, dopuštajući vodi da slobodno teče kroz vaše cijevi i sprječava stvaranje neugodnih mirisa u vašem domu. Značajke: Snažna formula koja otapa teške blokade Prikladno za upotrebu u toaletima, kuhinjskim sudoperima i odvodima za tuširanje Dizajniran da spriječi nakupljanje neugodnih mirisa u vašem domu Jednostavan za korištenje, jednostavno izlijte sredstvo za čišćenje u odvod i pričekajte da učini svoju magiju Dolazi u spremniku od 2 litre, što osigurava da imate dovoljno sredstva za čišćenje čak i kod najtežih začepljenja Prednosti: Smanjuje potrebu za skupim vodoinstalaterskim uslugama Spriječava ponovnu pojavu blokada, čime vam štedi vrijeme i novac Učinkovito uklanja neugodne mirise iz vašeg doma, čineći ga ugodnijim životnim okruženjem Jednostavan za korištenje, nije potrebna posebna oprema ili obuka Brzodjelujuća formula osigurava da se vaši odvodi odčepe u roku od nekoliko sati Kako koristiti: Protresite spremnik prije upotrebe Izlijte odgovarajuću količinu u odvod Pričekajte oko sat vremena kako bi sredstvo za čišćenje dalo dovoljno vremena da otopi začepljenja Isperite odvod s puno vode kako biste bili sigurni da su svi ostaci isprani Sigurnosne upute: Izbjegavajte kontakt s kožom, očima i odjećom Čuvati izvan dohvata djece i kućnih ljubimaca Ako se proguta, odmah potražite liječničku pomoć Nemojte miješati s drugim kemikalijama ..
35.08 USD
Plumbo jet tekućina za čišćenje odvoda fl 1 lt
Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt Introducing the Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt, the ultimate solution for clearing clogged drains and restoring proper water flow. This powerful drain cleaner is specifically designed to dissolve and remove blockages caused by hair, grease, soap scum, and other stubborn materials. With its fast-acting formula and easy-to-use design, Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt provides an effective solution for any clogged drain problem. Features Powerful formula designed to dissolve and remove blockages quickly Effective against hair, grease, soap scum, and other stubborn materials Fast-acting design for immediate results Convenient 1-liter size for multiple applications Easy-to-use pour spout for precision application How to Use To use Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt, simply follow these easy steps: Shake the bottle well before use Slowly pour the recommended amount into the clogged drain Allow the product to work for 15-30 minutes Flush the drain with hot water to remove any remaining residue Safety Information When using Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt, it is important to take proper safety precautions to avoid injury or damage. Use the product in a well-ventilated area and avoid splashing or inhaling the product. Do not mix Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt with other drain cleaners, as this may result in dangerous reactions. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets. Overall, Plumbo Jet Drain Cleaner Liq Fl 1Lt is a reliable and effective solution for clearing clogged drains and restoring proper water flow. Whether you're dealing with a stubborn clog or simply want to keep your drains running smoothly, this powerful drain cleaner is the perfect choice for any homeowner or professional plumber...
26.31 USD
Rohrvit drain cleaner granules blue 100g
?? Granular drain cleaner ?? Siphon cleaner ?? Only for kitchen siphons ?? Highly effective and extra-fast ?? Decomposes kitchen waste ?? Soaps up lumps of fat ?? Use with boiling hot water ?? available with specialist advice If the kitchen siphon is clogged, the highly effective ingredients of rohrvit blue drain cleaner granulate that fats are made water-soluble and food residues are decomposed. The application from the safety portion pack takes place with boiling hot water. By heating and gas development in the siphon, the siphon cleaner can loosen and thoroughly remove the stuck residues so that the water can drain off again without any problems. Even if the kitchen drain stinks, rohrvit blue does a good job. The application and safety recommendations on the packaging must be observed. Tip: The ready-to-use drain cleaner rohrvit Gel extra-strong is easier to use and cleans the siphon and the pipe thoroughly. The exposure time is at least 1 hour longer.Degradability: Contains only inorganic components that do not impair the treatment of waste water in sewage treatment plants. ..
24.38 USD
Rohrvit easy sredstvo za čišćenje odvoda fl 1000 ml
Karakteristike Rohrvit EASY sredstva za čišćenje odvoda Fl 1000 mlTemp. skladištenja min/max 15/25 stupnjeva CelzijusaKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina : 1165g Duljina: 85mm Širina: 84mm Visina: 256mm Kupite Rohrvit EASY sredstvo za čišćenje odvoda Fl 1000 ml online iz Švicarske ..
14.62 USD
Rohrvit tekućina za čišćenje odvoda spremna 10
Karakteristike Rohrvit drain cleaner liq lt ready 10Količina u pakiranju: 1 ltTežina: 0.00000000g Duljina: 0mm Širina: 0 mm Visina: 0 mm Kupite Rohrvit sredstvo za čišćenje odvoda Liq lt ready 10 online iz Švicarske..
147.97 USD
Rohrvit tekućina za čišćenje odvoda spremna do 1000 ml
Karakteristike Rohrvit tekućine za čišćenje odvoda gotove do 1000 mlKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 1264g Dužina: 85mm Širina: 85 mm Visina: 254 mm Kupite Rohrvit tekućinu za čišćenje odvoda spremnu do 1000 ml online iz Švicarske..
23.41 USD
Rorax sredstvo za čišćenje odvoda bio power gel 1000 ml
Rorax Drain Cleaner Bio Power Gel 1000 ml The Rorax Drain Cleaner Bio Power Gel 1000 ml is a powerful and effective cleaning solution that helps to keep your drain pipes clean and flowing smoothly. This high-quality cleaning product is formulated with an effective combination of natural enzymes and bacteria that work together to break down and dissolve organic waste, grease, and other stubborn clogs in your drains. Key Features Effective cleaning solution that helps to keep drain pipes clean and flowing smoothly Formulated with a powerful combination of natural enzymes and bacteria Dissolves organic waste, grease, and other stubborn clogs in your drains Easy to use - simply pour the gel down the drain and let it work for at least 30 minutes Suitable for use in all types of drain pipes including PVC, copper, and iron How to Use To use the Rorax Drain Cleaner Bio Power Gel 1000 ml, simply pour the gel down the drain and let it work for at least 30 minutes. For best results, use the drain cleaner regularly to keep your drain pipes free from clogs and flowing smoothly. Safety Information Keep out of reach of children Avoid contact with eyes and skin If swallowed, do not induce vomiting and seek medical attention immediately Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight Overall, if you're looking for a powerful and effective drain cleaner that is gentle on your pipes and the environment, the Rorax Drain Cleaner Bio Power Gel 1000 ml is definitely worth considering. With its natural enzymes and bacteria, this product is sure to keep your drains free-flowing and smelling fresh...
14.06 USD
Rorax tekućina za čišćenje odvoda fl 1000 ml
Karakteristike Rorax tekućine za čišćenje odvoda Fl 1000 mlKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 1109g Dužina: 56mm Širina: 133 mm Visina: 270 mm Kupite Rorax tekućinu za čišćenje odvoda Fl 1000 ml online iz Švicarske..
14.84 USD
Starwax the fabulous pipes earth 200 g
Karakteristike Starwax the fabulous pipes earth 200 gKoličina u pakiranju: 1 gTežina: 250g Duljina: 75mm Širina: 75 mm Visina: 140 mm Kupite Starwax fantastičnu zemlju za lule 200 g online iz Švicarske..
15.75 USD
(1 Stranica)