Otkrijte široku ponudu traka za mjerenje šećera u krvi na Beeovita.com. Kao dio naše predanosti promicanju dobrobiti i zdravlja, nudimo vrhunske medicinske uređaje, praktične potrebe i instrumente te inovativnu medicinsku tehnologiju i dijagnostičke alate uključujući uređaje za mjerenje šećera u krvi i kombinirane uređaje zajedno s priborom. Uživajte u jednostavnosti i pogodnosti samokontrole razine šećera u krvi s našim pouzdanim trakama za mjerenje šećera u krvi, test trakama za glukozu i priborom za testiranje dijabetesa. Ponosni smo što nudimo raznoliku liniju proizvoda od krvi, uključujući trakice za mjerenje glukoze u krvi i uređaje za dijabetes dizajnirane da vam pomognu da zadržite kontrolu nad svojim zdravljem. Naši dodaci za mjerenje šećera u krvi kao što je mjerač glukoze u krvi poslužit će kao učinkovit alat u upravljanju dijabetesom. Svi naši proizvodi potječu iz Švicarske, što jamči vrhunsku kvalitetu i sigurnost. Pratite svoje zdravlje učinkovitije uz Beeovitu, poboljšavajući svoju sposobnost održavanja uravnotežene razine šećera u krvi bilo kada i bilo gdje.
Blood glucose test strips FreeStyle Lite from Abbott for determining blood glucose in diabetes.
Blood glucose test strips FreeStyle Lite from Abbott for determining blood glucose in diabetes.FreeStyle technology for easy blood collection using the world's smallest blood volume (0.3 ?L)When you measure your blood sugar, is the amount of blood obtained often insufficient at first? Is that why there are incorrect measurements? Are you wasting test strips unnecessarily? Use the intelligent FreeStyle Lite test strips from Abbott Diabetes Care: The Efficient Check makes it possible to add sufficient blood to the same test strip within 60 seconds. This gives you a blood glucose result you can trust without error messages - because FreeStyle Lite test strips you can trust.This Product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
Karakteristike Accu-Chek test traka od 50 komada VodičCertificirano u Europi CETemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/30 stupnjeva CelzijusaKoličina u pakiranje : 50 komadaTežina: 31g Dužina: 40mm Širina: 56mm Visina: 58mm Kupite Accu-Chek test trake 50 kom Vodič online iz Švicarske..
The ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr is a highly reliable and accurate blood glucose test strip for individuals who need to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels. These test strips work in conjunction with a blood glucose meter to provide a fast and accurate reading of blood glucose levels at home or on the go.
Designed for professional use, these test strips offer a number of features that make them ideal for healthcare providers and those with diabetes. The test strips are compatible with all ALPHACHECK blood glucose meters, ensuring consistent and reliable results.
One of the main advantages of the ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr is their ease of use. The strips require only a small sample of blood, and the results are available in just a few seconds. For individuals with diabetes, this can make testing their blood sugar levels more convenient and less time-consuming.
The ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr are also highly accurate. The strips are designed to detect even small variations in blood glucose levels, making them an invaluable tool for individuals with diabetes who need to continuously monitor their blood sugar levels.
The test strips are also designed to be hygienic and easy to dispose of. Once the test has been completed, the strip can be easily disposed of in a safe manner.
If you're looking for a reliable and easy-to-use blood glucose test strip, the ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr are an excellent choice. With their accuracy and ease of use, they're ideal for anyone who needs to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels.