
Kofeinska njega kose

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Kofeinska njega kose inovativan je pristup održavanju i pomlađivanju kose, posebno za žene starije od četrdeset godina. Kako razina estrogena pada s godinama, kosa često postaje fina, krhka i osjetljivija na gubitak kose. Kofein je prepoznat po svojoj sposobnosti da stimulira folikule kose, što ga čini snažnim sastojkom u proizvodima za njegu kose. Jedan od izravnih proizvoda u ovoj kategoriji je Plantur 39 kofeinski šampon (250 ml). Ovaj posebno formulirani šampon ne samo da jača finu i krhku kosu, već i pomaže u zaštiti od učinaka opadajuće razine estrogena. Njegova jedinstvena formulacija uključuje aktiviranje kofeina koji prodire u folikule kose tijekom pranja, što osnažuje i učvršćuje kosu iz korijena. Za one koji imaju obojenu ili oštećenu kosu, kaiš od kofeina Plandur 39 kofein (250 ml) nudi prilagođenu otopinu. Dijeli jednaka korisna svojstva kao i originalni šampon kofeina Plandur 39, osiguravajući da vaša kosa ostane jaka, a istovremeno se bavi specifičnim potrebama kose tretirane u boji. Ovaj šampon štiti vlasište i kosu od utjecaja hormonskih promjena, pružajući sveobuhvatno iskustvo njege kose. Oba proizvoda iskorištavaju snagu kofeina i fitoaktivnih sastojaka iz prirode do podrške zdravijoj kosi, što čini kofeinsku njegu kose bitan dio vaše svakodnevne rutine. Otkrijte prednosti njege kose prepune kofeina i vratite vitalnost vaše kose s plantur 39.
Plantur 39 caffeine shampoo traka za farbanje kose 250 ml

Plantur 39 caffeine shampoo traka za farbanje kose 250 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 3410069

A care product especially for hair over forty, which strengthens fine and brittle hair and protects against the consequences of falling estrogen levels. Properties A woman's hair roots are protected until the menopause by a high proportion of the female hormone estrogen. After that, this proportion decreases and the influence of male hormones increases. This often results in hair loss.Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Shampoo is a care product for hair over forty and especially suitable for colored and damaged hair. The activating caffeine already penetrates into the hair follicle during hair washing, which strengthens the hair. Phyto-active ingredients from nature also help the scalp to protect itself from the effects of falling estrogen levels. ..

23.21 USD

Plantur 39 kofeinski šampon 250 ml

Plantur 39 kofeinski šampon 250 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 3280974

A care product especially for hair over forty, which strengthens fine and brittle hair and protects against the consequences of falling estrogen levels. Properties A woman's hair roots are protected until the menopause by a high proportion of the female hormone estrogen. After that, this proportion decreases and the influence of male hormones increases. This often results in hair loss.Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Shampoo is a care product for hair over forty and especially suitable for fine and brittle hair. The activating caffeine already penetrates into the hair follicle during hair washing, which strengthens the hair. Phyto-active ingredients from nature also help the scalp to protect itself from the effects of falling estrogen levels. ..

23.36 USD

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