vaginalno zdravlje
(1 Stranica)
Gynaedron regenerirajuća vaginalna krema tb 50 g
Kompendij informacija o pacijentima Gynaedron® regenerirajuća vaginalna krema Drossapharm AG Što je Gynaedron regenerirajuća vaginalna krema i kada se koristi? Što je Gynaedron® regenerirajuća vaginalna krema? Gynaedron® je regenerirajuća vaginalna krema bez hormona s 0,8% mliječne kiseline i 2% dekspantenola. Gynaedron® dostupan je u pakiranju od 7 monodoza, svaka s 5 ml regenerirajuće kreme za rodnicu, ili kao tuba od 50 g s aplikatorom. Kako djeluje Gynaedron® regenerirajuća vaginalna krema djeluje? Hormonske promjene, stres, uzimanje antibiotika ili kontraceptivi (kao što su pilule) mogu uzrokovati suhoću rodnice Uzrokujući i smanjujući broj bakterija mliječne kiseline u rodnici (vagini), što rezultira povećanjem prirodnog pH. To može dovesti do čestih bakterijskih vaginoza (mješovitih infekcija) ili gljivičnih infekcija s neugodnim mirisom. 4 učinka pridonose učinkovitosti Gynaedron® regenerirajuće kreme za rodnicu: Mliječna kiselina snižava i stabilizira pH vrijednost, čime se flora laktobacila dovodi u ravnotežu i na taj način stvara obrambeni sustav protiv bakterija i gljivica. Dekspantenol podržava strukturu i fiziološku funkciju kože i sluznice. Osim toga, dekspantenol liječi suhoću vagine svojim svojstvima vezanja vode, a time i hidratacije, te djeluje protiv svrbeža, zacjeljuje rane i regenerira. Hidro krema ima visok sadržaj vode. Time se koža u području rodnice i vanjskog genitalnog područja štiti od vlage i štiti od isušivanja i bolnih pukotina. Njegujući lipidi (masti) održavaju kožu i sluznicu rodnice gipkom i elastičnom. Koje su indikacije za Gynaedron® regenerirajući vaginalni krema?Profilaktičko (preventivno): em> Gynaedron® regenerira sluznicu rodnice i floru rodnice, povećava i snižava pH vrijednost rodnice te tako sprječava bakterijsku vaginozu (mješovita infekcija) i gljivične infekcije . Gynaedron® liječi suhoću vagine i tako ublažava peckanje, svrbež, bol i bol. Zahvaljujući hidratizirajućim svojstvima, Gynaedron® vraća vlagu vaginalnoj sluznici i održava je gipkom. Gynaedron® se može koristiti, primjerice, nakon ili tijekom terapije antibioticima, nakon plivanja, nakon spolnog odnosa, nakon menstruacije, za suha ili svrbež intimnih područja i anusa ili za njegu kože. Dodatak terapiji: Gynaedron® podržava liječenje infekcija vaginalnog soora i bakterijskih infekcija i može se koristiti naizmjenično s drugim lokalnim terapijama (kao što je intravaginalni estriol - hormonske terapije, terapije ekcema). Osim toga, Gynaedron® se može primjenjivati uz vaginalne tablete kao što je vagi-C® (vitamin C). Regenerirajuću vaginalnu kremu treba nanijeti izvana na intimno područje prije upotrebe vagi-C®, osobito ako postoje oštećenja kože i bolne pukotine. Kada ne smijete nanositi Gynaedron regenerirajuću vaginalnu kremu koristiti? U slučaju preosjetljivosti na jedan ili više sastojaka. Kada je potreban oprez pri uporabi Gynaedron regenerirajuća vaginalna krema? Ne može se isključiti ozbiljna sigurnost kondoma (snaga trganja). Nema poznatih interakcija s drugim medicinskim uređajima ili lijekovima. Može li se Gynaedron regenerirajuća vaginalna krema koristiti tijekom trudnoće ili dojenja? Zbog sastava i načina djelovanja Gynaedrona® - regenerirajuću vaginalnu kremu tijelo ne apsorbira - nema opasnosti za dijete. O upotrebi tijekom trudnoće potrebno je razgovarati s liječnikom jer nisu provedena znanstvena istraživanja. Kako koristiti Gynaedron regenerirajuću vaginalnu kremu? tr> Namjena Doziranje u epruveti Jednodozno doziranjeTrajanje primjene Naizmjenično s hormonom terapija3-5 ml po primjeni 2-3 puta tjedno Profilaksa bakterijske vaginoze i održavanje prirodne pH ravnoteže3-5 ml po primjeni 1 monodoza po primjeni Svaki 3. dan Simptomatsko liječenje suhoće rodnice ili manjka laktobacila 1 monodoza dnevno tijekom 7 dana A produljenje pH vrijednosti tijekom ili nakon antibiotske terapije1 monodoza dnevno tijekom 7 dana td>Njega vagine i vanjskog genitalnog područja1 monodoza dnevno Prema potrebi Gynaedron® je prikladan za dugotrajnu primjenu i može se primjenjivati svakodnevno dok simptomi ne nestanu. Vaginalna krema ne sadrži hormone, mirise i bojila. Kako koristiti Gynaedron® regenerirajuću vaginalnu kremu? Gynaedron® em> najbolje je primijeniti izravno u vaginu (rodnicu) navečer u ležećem položaju. Monodoza Monodoza odgovara jednoj aplikaciji i jednostavna je i higijenska za primjenu. Krema za rodnicu nanosi se direktno iz monodoze na sluznicu rodnice, gdje prianja. 3. Uvođenje monodoze u vaginu. 1. Protresite sadržaj protiv zatvaranja monodoze. 2. Otvorite mono utičnicu okretanjem poklopca. 4. Potpuno izbacivanje sadržaja u vaginu. Ako se koristi prema uputama, mala količina kreme ostat će u monodozi. Molimo bacite monodozu nakon upotrebe. Tuba s aplikatorom 1. Prije prve uporabe odvrnite čep tube i pritisnite otvor tube naopako kako biste otvorili membranski zatvarač. 2. Navrnite aplikator na cijev s otvorom uz lagani pritisak do donjeg kraja navoja i, ako je potrebno, otpustite klip iz brave. 3. Regenerirajuću kremu za rodnicu istisnite u aplikator do željene oznake. 4. Odvrnite aplikator iz tube i ponovno dobro zatvorite tubu. 5. U ležećem položaju umetnite napunjeni aplikator što dublje u rodnicu i klipom istisnite regenerirajuću kremu za rodnicu. 6. Nakon upotrebe, pojedine dijelove aplikatora očistite mlakom vodom. Izbjegavajte kipuću vodu kako biste izbjegli deformiranje aplikatora. S priloženim aplikatorom za višekratnu upotrebu može se nanijeti između 3 i 5 ml vaginalne kreme pojedinačno. Koje nuspojave može imati Gynaedron regenerirajuća vaginalna krema? U slučaju već postojeće vaginalne sluznice, može se pojaviti iritacija kože poput svrbeža, osobito na početku primjene ili lagano peckanje. Kako se vaginalna sluznica regenerira, ovi simptomi će nestati. Ako potraju i ne poboljšaju se, prestanite koristiti Gynaedron® i posjetite liječnika. Što još treba uzeti u obzir? Skladištenje i trajnost Gynaedron® treba čuvati na temperaturi od 5 do 25 °C i izvan dohvata djece. Nakon upotrebe, tuba mora biti dobro zatvorena kako se ne bi osušila. Navoj vijka mora biti čist. Nakon otvaranja, tuba ima rok trajanja od 12 mjeseci. Što Gynaedron regenerirajuća vaginalna krema sadrži? Voda, izopropil miristat, cetearil alkohol, gliceril stearat, PEG-20 gliceril stearat, dekspantenol (20 mg/g), propilen glikol, mliječna kiselina (8mg/g), karbomer, benzojeva kiselina, natrijev hidroksid. Gdje se može nabaviti Gynaedron regenerirajuća vaginalna krema? Koja su pakiranja dostupna? Gynaedron® Monodoza: Pakiranje od 7 monodoza, svaka s 5 ml regenerirajuće vaginalne kreme. Gynaedron® Tuba: Pakiranje s 50 g regenerirajuće vaginalne kreme uključujući aplikator. Tvrtka za distribuciju Drossapharm AG, 4002 Basel. Proizvođač Hälsa Pharma GmbH, Maria-Goeppert-Strasse 5, D-23562 Lübeck. Status informacija Rujan 2018. Objavljeno 17.5.2019. ..
26.40 USD
Gynaedron regenerirajući vaginalni 7 monodos 5 ml
What is Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream? Gynaedron® is a hormone-free regenerating vaginal cream with 0.8% lactic acid and 2% dexpanthenol. Gynaedron® is available in a pack of 7 monodoses, each with 5 ml of regenerating vaginal cream, or as a 50 g tube with applicator. How does Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream work? Hormonal changes, stress, taking antibiotics or contraceptives (such as the pill) can cause vaginal dryness cause and reduce the number of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina (vagina), leading to an increase in the natural pH level. This can lead to recurring bacterial vaginosis (mixed infections) or fungal infections with an unpleasant smell. 4 effects contribute to the effectiveness of Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream: Lactic acid lowers and stabilizes the pH value, thereby bringing the lactobacilli flora into balance and thus forming a defense system against bacteria and fungi. Dexpanthenol supports the structure and the physiological function of the skin and mucous membrane. In addition, dexpanthenol treats vaginal dryness with its water-binding and thus moisturizing properties and has an anti-itching, wound-healing and regenerating effect. The hydro cream has a high water content. This restores moisture to the skin in the area of ??the vagina and the outer genital area and protects it from drying out and painful cracks. Nourishing lipids (fats) keep the skin and the vaginal mucosa supple and elastic. li> What are the areas of application of Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream? Prophylactic (preventive): em> Gynaedron® regenerates the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal flora, stabilizes and lowers the vaginal pH value and thus prevents bacterial vaginosis (mixed infection) and fungal infections. Gynaedron® treats vaginal dryness and thus relieves burning, itching, soreness and pain. Thanks to its hydrating (moisturizing) properties, Gynaedron® restores moisture to the vaginal mucosa and keeps it supple. Gynaedron® can be used, for example, after or during antibiotic therapy, after swimming, after sexual intercourse, after menstruation, for dry or itchy intimate areas and anus or for skin care. Additional to therapy: Gynaedron® supports the treatment of vaginal thrush infections and bacterial infections and can be used in alternation with other local therapies (such as intravaginal estriol -Hormone therapies, eczema therapies) are used. In addition, Gynaedron® can be administered alongside vaginal tablets such as vagi-C® (vitamin C). The regenerating vaginal cream should be applied externally to the intimate area before using vagi-C®, especially if there is skin damage and painful cracks. Compendium patient information Gynaedron® Regenerating vaginal cream Drossapharm AGMedical product What is Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream and when is it used?What is Gynaedron® Regenerating Vaginal Cream? Gynaedron® is a hormone-free, regenerating vaginal cream with 0.8% lactic acid and 2% dexpanthenol. Gynaedron® is available in a pack of 7 monodoses, each with 5 ml of regenerating vaginal cream, or as a 50 g tube with applicator. How does Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream work? Hormonal changes, stress, taking antibiotics or contraceptives (such as the pill) can cause vaginal dryness cause and reduce the number of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina (vagina), leading to an increase in the natural pH level. This can lead to recurring bacterial vaginosis (mixed infections) or fungal infections with an unpleasant smell. 4 effects contribute to the effectiveness of Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream: Lactic acid lowers and stabilizes the pH value, thereby bringing the lactobacilli flora into balance and thus forming a defense system against bacteria and fungi.Dexpanthenol supports the structure and the physiological function of the skin and mucous membrane. In addition, dexpanthenol treats vaginal dryness with its water-binding and thus moisturizing properties and has an anti-itching, wound-healing and regenerating effect.The hydro cream has a high water content. This restores moisture to the skin in the area of ??the vagina and the outer genital area and protects it from drying out and painful cracks.Nourishing lipids (fats) keep the skin and the vaginal mucous membrane supple and elastic. li> What are the areas of application of Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream?Prophylactic (preventive): em> Gynaedron® regenerates the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal flora, stabilizes and lowers the vaginal pH value and thus prevents bacterial vaginosis (mixed infections) and fungal infections. Gynaedron® treats vaginal dryness and thus relieves burning, itching, soreness and pain. Thanks to its hydrating (moisturizing) properties, Gynaedron® restores moisture to the vaginal mucosa and keeps it supple. Gynaedron® can be used, for example, after or during antibiotic therapy, after swimming, after sexual intercourse, after menstruation, for dry or itchy intimate areas and anus or for skin care. Additional to therapy: Gynaedron® supports the treatment of vaginal thrush infections and bacterial infections and can be used in alternation with other local therapies (such as intravaginal estriol -Hormone therapies, eczema therapies) are used. In addition, Gynaedron® can be administered alongside vaginal tablets such as vagi-C® (vitamin C). The regenerating vaginal cream should be applied externally to the intimate area before using vagi-C®, especially if there is skin damage and painful cracks. When should Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream not be used? In the event of hypersensitivity to one or more ingredients. When is caution required when using Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream? An impairment of the safety of condoms (tearing strength) cannot be ruled out. There are no known interactions with other medical devices or drugs. Can Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding? Due to the composition and mode of action of Gynaedron® ? the regenerating vaginal cream is not absorbed by the body ? there is no risk for the child. Use during pregnancy should be discussed with a doctor, as no scientific studies have been carried out. How do you use Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream? Intended UseDosage Tube Dosage MonodoseDuration of application Alternating to hormone therapy3-5 ml per application2-3 times a weekProphylaxis of bacterial vaginosis and maintaining the natural pH balance3-5 ml per application1 monodose per applicationEvery 3rd daySymptomatic treatment of vaginal dryness or of lactobacilli deficiency1 monodose dailyfor 7 daysMaintenance of the pH value during or after antibiotic therapy1 monodose dailyfor 7 daysVagina and external care intimate area1 monodose dailyAs required Gynaedron ® is suitable for long-term use and can be applied daily until symptoms disappear. The vaginal cream is free of hormones, fragrances and dyes. How do you use Gynaedron® regenerating vaginal cream? Gynaedron® em> is best applied directly into the vagina (vagina) in the evening in a lying position. Monodose The monodose corresponds to one application and is easy and hygienic to apply. The vaginal cream is applied directly from the monodose to the mucous membrane of the vagina, where it adheres. 1. Shake the contents against the closure of the monodose. 2. Open the mono socket by turning the cap.3. Inserting the monodose into the vagina. 4. Complete expression of the contents into the vagina. If used as directed, a small amount of the cream will remain in the monodose. Please dispose of the monodose after use. Tube with applicator 1. Before first use, unscrew the cap of the tube and press the tube opening upside down to open the membrane seal. 2. Screw the applicator onto the tube with the opening applying slight pressure up to the lower end of the thread and, if necessary, release the plunger from the lock. 3. Squeeze the regenerating vaginal cream into the applicator up to the desired mark. 4. Unscrew the applicator from the tube and close the tube tightly again. 5. In the supine position, insert the filled applicator as deep as possible into the vagina and push out the regenerating vaginal cream with the plunger. 6. After use, carefully clean the individual parts of the applicator with lukewarm water. Avoid boiling water to avoid deforming the applicator. With the enclosed and reusable applicator, between 3 and 5 ml of vaginal cream can be applied individually. What side effects can Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream have? In the event of pre-existing damage to the vaginal mucosa, skin irritation such as itching or slight burning may occur, especially at the beginning of the application. As the vaginal mucosa regenerates, these symptoms will subside. If they persist and do not improve, stop using Gynaedron® and see a doctor. What else needs to be considered?Storage and shelf life Gynaedron® em> should be kept between 5 and 25 °C and out of the reach of children. After use, the tube must be closed carefully to prevent it from drying out. The screw thread must be kept clean. Once opened, the tube has a shelf life of 12 months. What does Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream contain? Aqua, Isopropyl myristate, Cetearyl alcohol, Glyceryl stearate, PEG-20 Glyceryl stearate, Dexpanthenol (20 mg/g), Propylene glycol, Lactic acid (8 mg/g), Carbomer, Benzoic acid, Sodium hydroxide. Where can you get Gynaedron Regenerating Vaginal Cream? Which packs are available? Gynaedron® Monodose: Pack of 7 monodoses, each with 5 ml of regenerating vaginal cream. Gynaedron® Tube: Pack with 50 g regenerating vaginal cream including applicator. Distribution company Drossapharm AG, 4002 Basel. Manufacturer Hälsa Pharma GmbH, Maria-Goeppert-Strasse 5, D-23562 Lübeck. Status of information September 2018. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
32.22 USD
(1 Stranica)