(1 Stranica)
Calogen tečnost neutral 4 fl 200 ml
Calogen liq Neutral 4 Fl 200 ml The Calogen liq Neutral 4 Fl 200 ml is a high-calorie supplement containing 4g of protein in each serving, making it an excellent source of nutrition for people who may have difficulty consuming enough nutrients through their regular diet. This liquid supplement is neutral in taste, making it easy to incorporate into a variety of meals and drinks, without altering their flavour, and can also be used to help people with swallowing difficulties. Calogen liq Neutral 4 Fl 200 ml is also gluten-free, lactose-free and suitable for vegetarians, making it an ideal nutritional supplement for individuals with specific dietary needs or restrictions. It comes in a convenient 200ml bottle, making it perfect for people on-the-go or for those who have difficulty consuming larger quantities of supplements or food. Calogen liq Neutral 4 Fl 200 ml is particularly useful for people who have experienced weight loss or are at risk of malnutrition due to a medical condition or treatment. Overall, Calogen liq Neutral 4 Fl 200 ml is an easy-to-use, versatile, and effective high-calorie supplement for people with specific dietary needs or those who require additional nutrition in their diet to maintain optimal health and wellbeing. ..
124.26 USD
Flowers crispy krušne kriške višezrnate 150 g
Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Multigrain 150g Introducing our Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Multigrain 150g that is a delicious and healthy option for your daily bread cravings. This pack consists of crispy bread slices that are made from a blend of multigrains ? wheat, corn, barley and oats ? to provide a high-fibre and protein-packed snack with every bite. Our Crispy Bread Slices are baked to perfection to provide a light and crispy texture that is perfect to be paired with your favourite toppings or enjoyed as it is. They are free from any added preservatives or artificial flavours, ensuring that you get a healthy and wholesome snack option. The Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Multigrain 150g pack is perfect for those on the go or with busy schedules, as it provides a quick and healthy snack option that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. The pack comes with an easy-to-use zip lock that ensures the freshness of the bread slices is maintained till the last slice. Features: Made from a blend of multigrains ? wheat, corn, barley and oats High-fibre and protein-packed snack Baked to perfection to provide a light and crispy texture Free from any added preservatives or artificial flavours Comes with an easy-to-use zip lock to ensure freshness Get your hands on the Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Multigrain 150g pack and enjoy a delicious and healthy snack option that is perfect for those with active lifestyles...
8.35 USD
Moltein pro 1.5 vanille
MOLTEIN PRO 1.5 Vanilla Moltein PRO je proteinima bogata, kalorična, uravnotežena hrana za piće. Moltein PRO sadrži visokokvalitetne proteine sirutke, esencijalne aminokiseline, masti, ugljikohidrate te sve vitamine i minerale. Visoka koncentracija proteina i L-leucina potiču izgradnju mišića i zajedno doprinose održavanju i razvoju mišića. Moltein PRO je hrana za posebne medicinske namjene za dijetalnu kontrolu pothranjenosti proteinima i gubitka mišićne mase (sarkopenije) uzrokovane godinama i bolešću. Svojstva - visokokalorično - visoko proteinsko (100% protein sirutke) - bez glutena - malo laktoze - s MCT i Omega-3 - bez konzervansa, bojila - vegetarijansko Priprema 1. Razriješiti prah (kratko nagnuti bočicu naopako ) 2. Napunite tekućinu do ruba naljepnice ili oznake za punjenje i čvrsto zavrnite poklopac 3. Okrenite bocu naopako i lagano je protresite 4. Pijte i uživajte Voda, mlijeko, sojin napitak ili voćni sok mogu se koristiti za pripremite ga - ovisno o vlastitom ukusu. Ukupna dnevna količina ovisi o individualnim potrebama i pojedinoj prehrambenoj terapiji. Podaci o nutritivnoj vrijednosti po obroku (34 g) Energija: 150 kcal (628 kJ) Masti: 5 g Ugljikohidrati: 5 g Proteini: 21 g L-leucin: 5 g Dopušteno prema smjernicama Švicarskog društva za kliničku prehranu (GESKES). p> Moltein PRO je proteinima bogata, kalorična, uravnotežena hrana za piće. Moltein PRO sadrži visokokvalitetne proteine sirutke, esencijalne aminokiseline, masti, ugljikohidrate kao i sve vitamine i minerale. Visoka koncentracija proteina i L-leucina potiče izgradnju mišića i zajedno pridonosi održavanju i razvoju mišića. Moltein PRO je hrana za posebne medicinske namjene za vođenje dijete u slučajevima pothranjenosti proteinima kao i u dobi -povezan s gubitkom mišića i bolešću (sarkopenija). Svojstva - visokokalorično - bogato proteinima (100% protein sirutke) - bez glutena - s niskim udjelom laktoze - s MCT-om i Omega-3 - bez konzervansa, bojila < p>- vegetarijansko Za pripremu se može koristiti voda, mlijeko, sojin napitak ili voćni sok - prema individualnom ukusu. Ukupna dnevna količina ovisi o individualnim potrebama i pojedinoj prehrambenoj terapiji. Podaci o nutritivnoj vrijednosti po porciji (34 g) Energija: 150 kcal (628 kJ) Masti: 5 g Ugljikohidrati: 5 g Proteini: 21 g L-leucin: 5 g Odobreno prema smjernice Švicarskog društva za kliničku prehranu (GESKES). ..
83.12 USD
(1 Stranica)