prehrambena terapija
(1 Stranica)
Aptamil as syneo powder
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikacija Aptamil AS Syneo Indikacija Zum Diätmanagement bei schwerer Kuhmilchproteinallergie. 768031 / 15.12.2020 ..
88.22 USD
Digebiane rfx chewable tablets 20 stk
Karakteristike DIGE Biane RFx Kautabl 20 komTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stupnjeva CelzijusaKoličina u pakiranju: 20 komadaTežina: 47 g Duljina: 22 mm Širina: 74 mm Visina: 131 mm Kupite DIGE Biane RFx Kautabl 20 komada online iz Švicarske..
30.24 USD
Ensure plus liq strawberry fl 200 ml
Ensure Plus Aroma Strawberry is a high-calorie (1.5 kcal/ml), fully balanced liquid and is suitable for exclusive or supplementary nutrition. Ensure Plus sets new standards in terms of taste: Two blind tastings with a total of 202 Swiss experts were able to show that Ensure Plus is the winner in terms of smell, taste and consistency! Ensure Plus is particularly suitable for: Loss of appetite MalnutritionAnorexiaChanges in tasteIncreased energy requirementsGastroenterological diseases (Crohn's disease, celiac disease, etc.)For regeneration after a hospital stay and/or illness Add variety to your drinking: Enjoy Ensure Plus chilled or with ice cubes. Mix Ensure Plus with the food, e.g. in Birchermüesli, in a cream or in a soup.Treat yourself to Ensure Plus in small portions, distributed throughout the day, e.g. as a fruity dessert. This product is available in 7 different flavors: vanilla, chocolate, coffee, banana, forest fruit, strawberry, raspberryThe drinking food is low in lactose and gluten-free. ..
9.94 USD
Fortimel compact protein banana 4 fl 125 ml
Karakteristike Fortimel Compact protein banana 4 Fl 125 mlAnatomska terapeutska kemikalija (ATS): V06DBAktivni sastojak: V06DBTemp. skladištenja min/ max 15/25 Celzijevih stupnjevaKoličina u pakiranju: 4 mlTežina: 656g Dužina: 104mm Širina: 104mm Visina: 108 mm Kupite Fortimel Compact protein banana 4 Fl 125 ml online iz Švicarske..
30.72 USD
Fortimel compact protein erdbeere
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Fortimel Compact Protein Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei erhöhtem Energie- und Eiweissbedarf oder Eiweissmangel. 761950 / 20.07.2021 ..
30.63 USD
Fresubin 2 kcal napitak vanilija 4 bočice 200 ml
Fresubin 2 kcal napitak od vanilije: Vaša dnevna doza prehrane Tražite praktičan i ukusan način za povećanje unosa energije i proteina? Fresubin 2 kcal napitak od vanilije savršeno je rješenje. Svaka bočica od 200 ml sadrži 400 kalorija i 20 grama visokokvalitetnih proteina, neophodnih za održavanje zdravog tijela. **Zašto odabrati Fresubin 2 kcal napitak od vanilije?** Ukusna aroma vanilije Visoki sadržaj kalorija i proteina Lako probavljiv Savršeno za u pokretu Podržava opće zdravlje i dobrobit Bilo da se oporavljate od bolesti, liječite kronično stanje ili jednostavno želite poboljšati svoju prehranu, Fresubin 2 kcal napitak od vanilije odličan je izbor. Naručite svoje pakiranje od 4 boce danas i osjetite razliku!..
34.84 USD
Fresubin energy napitak erdbeere 4 fl 200 ml
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Fresubin Energy DRINK Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei Patienten mit bestehender oder drohender Mangelernährung, insbesondere bei erhöhtem Energiebedarf. 763441 / 04.11.2022 ..
32.31 USD
Fresubin protein powder neutral 40 x 11,5 g
Karakteristike Fresubin protein POWDER Neutral 40 x 11,5 gAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATS): V06DBKoličina u pakiranju: 40 gTežina: 583g Duljina: 99mm Širina: 148mm Visina: 172mm Kupite Fresubin protein POWDER Neutral 40 x 11,5 g online iz Švicarske ..
89.44 USD
Milupa ga 2-topping plv from 1 year can 500 g
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Milupa GA 2-prima Indikation Zum Diätmanagement bei Kleinkindern ab 1 Jahr und Schulkindern mit Glutarazidurie Typ I. 765390 / 19.07.2019 ..
651.97 USD
Milupa tyr 3-advanta powder od 15 god
Table of Contents Advertisement Milupa TYR 3-advanta Advertisement For diet management in adolescents aged 15 and over and adults with tyrosinemia. 765233 / 07/01/2019 ..
760.64 USD
Moduli ibd plv can 400 g
Karakteristike modula IBD PLV Ds 400 gAnatomska terapeutska kemikalija (ATS): V06DBAktivni sastojak: V06DBTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15 /25 stupnjeva CelzijusaKoličina u pakiranju : 1 gTežina: 524g Dužina: 104mm Širina: 104mm Visina: 144 mm Kupite module IBD PLV Ds 400 g online iz Švicarske..
65.04 USD
Nova source gi forte neutral smartfl 500 ml
Karakteristike Nova source GI forte Neutral SmartFl 500 mlAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATS): V06DBAktivni sastojak: V06DBtemperatura skladištenja min/ max 15/25 Celzijevih stupnjevaKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 0.00000000g Dužina: 0mm Širina: 0mm Visina: 0 mm Kupite Nova source GI forte Neutral SmartFl 500 ml online iz Švicarske..
25.36 USD
Resource 2.0 čokolada s vlaknima 4 x 200 ml
The importance of disease-related malnutrition is often underestimated. Resource 2.0 Fiber Drink Chocolate contains a lot of energy, numerous proteins and prebiotic dietary fibers to effectively combat malnutrition.Prebiotics are special undigested dietary fibers that selectively promote the growth of our intestinal flora and thus achieve a positive health effect. Preventing the proliferation of pathogenic intestinal bacteriaReduction of the risk of infectionPromotion of the regeneration of the intestinal floraSupporting mineral absorption (e.g. calcium) Resource 2.0 Fiber Drink Chocolate helps with protein-energy malnutrition caused by loss of appetite, underweight, cachexia or chewing/swallowing problems. This product has the flavor "Chocolate". Dosage 1 - 2 Resource 2.0 Fibers Drink Chocolate per day for supplementary nutrition4 - 5 Resource 2.0 Fibers Drink Chocolate per day for exclusive nutritionThe drink also tastes best chilled. ..
41.01 USD
Resource diabet plus jagoda 4 fl 200 ml
Karakteristike Resource Diabet Plus jagoda 4 Fl 200 mlAnatomska terapeutska kemikalija (ATS): V06DBAktivni sastojak: V06DBKoličina u pakiranju: 4 mlTežina: 971g Duljina: 115mm Širina: 115mm Visina: 129mm Kupi Resource Diabet Plus jagoda 4 Fl 200 ml online iz Švicarske..
31.19 USD
Resource diabet plus vanilla 4 fl 200 ml
Karakteristike Resource Diabet Plus vanilla 4 Fl 200 mlTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stupnjeva CelzijusaKoličina u pakiranju: 4 ml Težina: 972 g Duljina: 115 mm Širina: 115 mm Visina: 129 mm Kupite Resource Diabet Plus vanilla 4 Fl 200 ml online iz Švicarske..
31.19 USD
Resource energy marelica 4 boce 200 ml
Resource Energy is a high-calorie, fiber-free drink for anyone who needs additional energy and nutrients. It is free of gluten and low in lactose and also fully balanced, which means that it is also suitable for exclusive nutrition.Resource Energy can be used when there is an increased need for energy and nutrients, e.g. in the case of consuming diseases such as tumor diseases. However, it is also suitable if there is malnutrition or a pronounced loss of appetite, or if food intake is reduced as a result of infections, anorexia and problems with chewing and swallowing.This product has the aroma "apricot". Dosage The dosage depends on the individual energy and nutrient requirements of the patient as well as the type and severity of the disease. Suitable for supplementary nutrition from the 3rd years: 1-3 portions per day.Suitable for complete nutrition from the age of 6 years: follow doctor's recommendation...
29.45 USD
Resource proteinska kava 4 x 200 ml
Resource proteinska kava 4 x 200 ml Hrana bogata proteinima s vitaminima i mineralima Značajke proizvoda? Bogat proteinima? 18,8 g proteina/bočica? 250 kcal/boca? Bez dijetalnih vlakana? Prikladno za ekskluzivnu prehranu? Bez glutena? Nizak udio laktoze Nutritivne vrijednosti na 100 ml- Energetska vrijednost: 125 kcal - Ugljikohidrati: 14 g- Proteini: 9,4 g- Masti: 3,5 g- Dijetalna vlakna: 0 g Indikacije? Povećana potreba za proteinima (npr. u slučaju dekubitusa ili otežanog cijeljenja rana)? Neposredna ili postojeća pothranjenost, osobito s poteškoćama u žvakanju i gutanju, anoreksijom i nepoželjnim gubitkom težine kao i gubitkom apetita? Ograničenje unosa tekućine (npr. kod zatajenja srca) Doziranje? Za ekskluzivnu prehranu: slijediti preporuke liječnika? Za dodatnu prehranu: 1 - 3 porcije dnevno SkladištenjeNajbolje je ohlađeno. Čuvati neotvoreno, na hladnom i suhom. Ponovno zatvorite otvorenu bocu, pohranite u hladnjak i popijte unutar 24 sata. Važne informacije? Koristiti pod liječničkim nadzorom? Prikladno za djecu od 3 godine starosti (preporučeno doziranje nakon savjetovanja s liječnikom)? Dijetetska hrana za posebne medicinske potrebe (uravnotežena prehrana) Popis sastojakaVoda; Mliječni protein; Glukozni sirup, saharoza, repičino ulje, minerali (kalijev klorid, kalijev citrat, natrijev citrat, magnezijev citrat, magnezijev oksid, željezni sulfat, cink sulfat, mangan sulfat, bakreni sulfat, natrijev fluorid, kromov klorid, natrijev molibdat, kalijev jodid, natrijev selenat), emulgator (E471), aroma, škrob, vitamini (C, E, niacin, pantotenska kiselina, B6, A, tiamin, riboflavin, folna kiselina, K, biotin, D), stabilizator (E407), boja (E150c) . Alergeni: mlijeko ..
30.20 USD
Thickenup clear plv 24 stick 1,2 g
Many older people suffer from dysphagia / swallowing disorders. The recommended basic therapy for these individuals is the thickening of beverages and food.Resource ThickenUp Clear dissolves completely in all liquids without clumping, leaving the thickened water perfectly clear. In addition, it can easily be used with a wide variety of liquids - whether warm or cold, with protein-containing drinks such as milk or with fruit juices. The constant stability of the consistency ensures that swallowing can be prevented even if the drink has been sitting around for a while. Dosage There is a uniform dosage for all liquids. For 100ml liquid you need: 1 stick for nectar-like consistency2 sticks for honey-like consistency3 sticks for pudding-like consistency..
26.18 USD
(1 Stranica)