poboljšati cirkulaciju
(1 Stranica)
Sigvaris traveno a-d gr2 38-39 anthracite 1 pair
Sigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 antracit 1 parSigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 antracit 1 par su visokokvalitetne kompresijske čarape dizajnirane za pružanje učinkovite potpore i olakšanja potkoljenicama. Čarape su izrađene naprednom kompresijskom tehnologijom koja pospješuje cirkulaciju krvi, smanjuje otekline i bol te sprječava stvaranje krvnih ugrušaka u nogama.Sigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 antracit 1 par savršene su za osobe koje dulje vrijeme provode stojeći, hodajući ili sjedeći. Kompresijske čarape nude pouzdanu zaštitu od proširenih vena, edema i drugih stanja povezanih s nogama koja mogu utjecati na vaše cjelokupno blagostanje.Glavne značajke: Napredna tehnologija kompresije Pospješuje cirkulaciju krvi Smanjuje oteklinu i bol Spriječava stvaranje krvnih ugrušaka u nogama Učinkovita zaštita od proširenih vena, edema i drugih stanja povezanih s nogama Sigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 antracit 1 par izrađen je od visokokvalitetnih materijala koji su udobni i izdržljivi. Čarape imaju bešavni dizajn koji eliminira iritaciju i trenje kože, a istovremeno pruža mekano i udobno pristajanje. Moderna antracit boja daje čarapama moderan izgled koji nadopunjuje svaku odjeću.Sigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 antracit 1 par izvrsna je investicija za svakoga tko želi zdravije i udobnije noge. Čarape su jednostavne za nošenje i održavanje, a dolaze u praktičnom pakiranju od jednog para, što olakšava kupnju i korištenje. Kupite par danas i iskusite blagodati poboljšane cirkulacije i udobnosti u nogama...
59.80 USD
Ted butine lateks velike bijele kratke 1 par
Product Description: TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair The TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair is a high-quality compression garment designed to provide support and reduce swelling in the lower limbs. TED stands for Thrombo-Embolic Deterrent and is a medical-grade compression stocking typically used in hospitals and healthcare settings. This particular product is ideal for individuals who have recently undergone surgery, are bedridden, or have limited mobility due to other health conditions. The compression sleeve prevents blood from pooling in the legs and reduces the risk of blood clots and other circulatory issues. The TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair is manufactured using high-quality latex material that is durable, lightweight, and provides the perfect amount of compression without causing discomfort. The thigh-high design ensures that the garment stays in place throughout the day, even during movement. The white color of the garment complements any attire, making it easy to wear underneath clothing without being visible. The short design makes it perfect for individuals who require compression support in the thigh area and don't need the garment to extend to the feet. The latex material allows the garment to be easily washed and dried without losing its shape. The TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair is easy to wear, comfortable, and highly effective in preventing circulatory issues. It has been designed for individuals who require medical-grade compression, allowing them to go about their daily activities without any discomfort or restriction. Order your TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair today and experience the benefits of high-quality compression garments...
66.74 USD
Ted oberschenkel latexfrei m kurz 1 paar
Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar The Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar is a compression sock designed to provide support to your thighs, improve blood circulation and prevent edema. This pair of compression socks is designed to fit snugly around your thighs and is made from Latex-free materials, making it a safe and comfortable choice for individuals with latex sensitivities. The Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar is ideal for athletes and individuals who stand or sit for extended periods, as it reduces muscle fatigue and helps ease discomfort. The sock has a soft and comfortable texture, allowing for all-day wear without causing skin irritation or discomfort. Features: Designed for individuals with latex sensitivities. Provides support to your thighs. Improves blood circulation and eases discomfort. Reduces muscle fatigue. Soft and comfortable texture for all-day wear. The Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar is easy to wear, compatible with most outfits, and comes in a convenient pair to support both thighs. If you're looking for a compression sock designed to provide support, improve blood circulation, and prevent edema, the Ted Oberschenkel latexfrei M kurz 1 Paar is an excellent choice. Order your pair today...
66.74 USD
(1 Stranica)