injekcija hijaluronske kiseline
(1 Stranica)
Ostenil inj lös 20 mg / 2 ml fertspr
Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr is a sterile injectable solution containing a high concentration of hyaluronic acid. This product is used to treat osteoarthritis and other joint disorders, providing long-lasting pain relief and improving joint mobility. What is Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr? Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr is a medical device designed to treat osteoarthritis and other forms of joint disorder. The product contains hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that lubricates and cushions the joints. The injectable solution is administered directly into the joint, providing pain relief and improving joint mobility. This product is particularly effective in cases where other treatments have failed to provide adequate relief. How does Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr work? As we age, our bodies produce less and less hyaluronic acid, a substance that lubricates and cushions the joints. This can lead to joint pain and stiffness, particularly in the knee and other weight-bearing joints. By injecting Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr directly into the joint, we can increase the concentration of hyaluronic acid, restoring lubrication and cushioning to the joint. This has the effect of reducing pain and inflammation, and improving joint mobility. What are the benefits of Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr? Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr has a number of benefits, including: Pain relief: The product provides long-lasting pain relief, reducing inflammation and stiffness in the joint. Improved joint mobility: By restoring natural lubrication and cushioning to the joint, Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr can improve joint mobility and flexibility. Non-invasive treatment: Unlike joint replacement surgery, Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr is a non-invasive treatment option that does not require hospitalization or a lengthy recovery period. Effective in cases where other treatments have failed: Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr is particularly effective in cases where other treatments, such as painkillers or physical therapy, have failed to provide adequate relief. Who can benefit from Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr? Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr is suitable for anyone suffering from osteoarthritis or other joint disorders, particularly those experiencing joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness. The product is also suitable for individuals who have failed to respond to other treatments, such as painkillers or physical therapy. How is Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr administered? Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr is administered by injection directly into the joint. The product is sterile and should only be administered by a qualified medical professional. The number and frequency of injections will depend on the severity of the joint disorder and the patient's response to treatment. Is Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr safe? Ostenil Inj Lös 20mg/2ml Fertspr is a safe and well-tolerated treatment option for osteoarthritis and other joint disorders. As with any medical treatment, there is a small risk of side effects, including redness, swelling, and pain at the injection site. However, these side effects are usually mild, and patients can resume normal activities immediately after the injection. ..
88.37 USD
Suplasyn 1 injekcija inj. lös 60 mg/6 ml fertspr
Suplasyn 1 injekcija - Vrhunsko rješenje za bolove u zglobovima Jeste li umorni od suočavanja s neugodom bolova u zglobovima? Suplasyn 1 shot nudi brzo i učinkovito rješenje. Ova napunjena štrcaljka s jednom injekcijom sadrži hijaluronsku kiselinu visoke kvalitete koja oponaša prirodni lubrikant u vašim zglobovima. Prednosti Suplasyn 1 injekcije: Brzo ublažavanje boli Poboljšana pokretljivost zglobova Smanjena upala Dugotrajni rezultati Kako djeluje Suplasyn 1 injekcija? Nadoknađujući hijaluronsku kiselinu u vašim zglobovima, Suplasyn osigurava bitno podmazivanje i ublažavanje, smanjujući trenje i bol. To pomaže obnoviti prirodnu funkciju vašeg zgloba i omogućuje vam slobodnije kretanje. Ne dopustite da bol u zglobovima ograniči vaše aktivnosti. Naručite Suplasyn 1 injekciju danas i osjetite razliku! Naznaka Artroza (poboljšanje reoloških svojstava sinovijalne tekućine) Doziranje Intraartikularna injekcija. Suplasyn 20 mg/2 ml i Suplasyn 1-Shot 60 mg/6 ml: za velike zglobove; Suplasyn md 7 mg/0,7 ml: za male zglobove.Suplasyn/Suplasyn md:Odrasli: 3 injekcije u wö u pravilnim razmacima. Istovremeno se može tretirati više zglobova. Mogući su ponovljeni ciklusi liječenja.Suplasyn 1-Shot:Odrasli: 1 jedna injekcija. Kontraindikacija Infekcije zglobova; akutni napadi osteoartritisa; zajednički izljev; Oštećenja kože na mjestu ubrizgavanja; Trudnoća; Dojenje..
214.72 USD
(1 Stranica)