vruća terapija
(1 Stranica)
3m nexcare coldhot instant 150x180mm
3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150x180 mm 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150x180mm svestrano je i učinkovito rješenje za hladnu i vruću terapiju. Bez obzira trebate li smanjiti oteklinu ili ublažiti bol u mišićima, ovaj vas proizvod pokriva. Kako to radi Za terapiju hladnoće jednostavno spremite paket u zamrzivač na najmanje 2 sata. Po potrebi izvadite iz zamrzivača i nanesite na zahvaćeno područje do 20 minuta. Pakiranje će ostati hladno do 30 minuta, što omogućuje višestruko nanošenje tijekom dana. Za vruću terapiju, zagrijte pakiranje u mikrovalnoj pećnici 10 sekundi na visokoj temperaturi. Ispitajte temperaturu prije nanošenja, a zatim nanesite na zahvaćeno područje do 20 minuta. Pakiranje će ostati toplo do 30 minuta, što omogućuje višestruko nanošenje tijekom dana. Značajke i prednosti Može se koristiti i za hladnu i za toplu terapiju Pruža do 30 minuta terapije po upotrebi Lako se sprema u zamrzivač ili mikrovalnu pećnicu Za višekratnu upotrebu i pranje Mekan i fleksibilan, prilagođava se tijelu za maksimalnu udobnost Aplikacije 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150x180 mm može se koristiti za razne primjene, uključujući: Smanjenje otoka Ublažavanje bolova u mišićima ili zglobovima Ublažavanje menstrualnih grčeva Umiruje bol u artritisu Pomoć u oporavku nakon operacije Sve u svemu, 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150x180 mm izvrstan je alat za one koji osjećaju bol ili oteklinu. Bilo da se radi o svakodnevnoj uporabi ili oporavku nakon ozljede, ovaj proizvod mora imati svatko tko želi olakšanje od bolnih mišića i zglobova...
19.55 USD
3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack s/m rückengurt
3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack S/M Rückengurt The 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack S/M Rückengurt is designed to provide fast relief from pain and discomfort associated with muscle strains, sprains, arthritis, and other types of injuries. This product is a must-have for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to recover from an injury quickly. Features and Benefits Comes with a reusable therapy pack that can be used for cold or hot therapy, depending on your needs The therapy pack is made of high-quality materials that are soft, flexible, and comfortable to wear The S/M Rückengurt is designed to fit most people and is adjustable for a custom fit The therapy pack can be heated in the microwave or immersed in hot water for hot therapy, or placed in the freezer for cold therapy Provides fast relief from pain and discomfort How to Use For cold therapy, place the therapy pack in the freezer for at least 2 hours before use. For hot therapy, heat the therapy pack in the microwave or in hot water according to the instructions on the packaging. Place the therapy pack in the S/M Rückengurt and adjust the straps for a comfortable and secure fit. Apply the therapy pack to the affected area for 20 minutes at a time, and repeat as necessary. Conclusion The 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack S/M Rückengurt is an effective and versatile product that can help you recover from injuries quickly and reduce pain and discomfort. With its easy-to-use design and high-quality materials, this product is an excellent investment for anyone who wants to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle...
76.97 USD
(1 Stranica)